MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1741 Deep war in the world

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The exotic battlefield that suddenly appeared in the sky was just a flash in the pan, but its magnificent but horrible madness was already deeply imprinted on Constance’s mind. She still kept her look up, even though the sky had been re-opened by the clouds. Shrouded, the twisted space and time that burned in the flames and thunder still seemed to be printed in her retina.

Finally, she took back her gaze and looked at it a bit, but found that the ordinary soldiers around were still doing their own things. No one was staring at the sky, and no one was scared or confused. It seems that they did not hear the loud noise just now, nor did they see the scene that appeared after the sky cracked.

Other people can't see the scene just now?

Constance instantly understood and looked down at Leia, who was now squinting with a slight panic.

"What was that?" Constance couldn't help but ask, "The sky..."

"It's an illusion." Lia looked up in a moment and said seriously.

Constance blinked: "But I do see..."

"It's an illusion." Leah squinted and tried to make herself serious.

Constance: "..."

"Well, it's not an illusion," Lia thought for a moment, or gave up the idea of ​​using the gods to distort reality. "What you just saw is what is happening on another layer of the world."

"Sure enough..." Constance frowned, and suddenly he had a lot of thoughts in his mind. "I know... I have seen that space, although I have only seen it from afar, but I know there is Gore. Gong Abyss... But the Gorgon abyss in my memory does not have such a battlefield..."

Leah looked at the armband that had been thrown on the ground in a hurry, and the armband passed a shimmer in her gaze, then she picked it up and put it on her arm. This time, the sky had nothing. The vision appeared: "I didn't want you to know too much in advance... because Hao Ren is worried that your will will be shaken and affect the last battle. After all... you may be the last inheritor who has the ability to end the annihilation cycle. Your battle will be the last hope of the world."

Constance is very clever. In fact, even if she is not smart, the experience and experience accumulated by relying on countless reincarnations is enough to make her have enough wisdom. She sighed softly: "So... Hao Ren, they should Just in the abyss of Gorgon? What I just saw should be them... What is it? Is there another battlefield in parallel in this world?"

"As you said, the inheritors have experienced countless cycles, and each cycle will cause some of the memory to be stripped, so you naturally won't know the existence of another battlefield... there is not just the abyss of Gorgon, but the back of the world. "Lia shook her head. "Come on, I will tell you the truth in detail."


"The guardian corps of the second tier of the warships at all levels were seriously damaged, retreating and repairing, and the third echelon entered the artillery position!"

"The drone group has released the pulse cloud, confirming that the enemy fleet's activity is reduced and the spear is ignited into the standby state!"

"Detecting a high-energy response, the whole ship is ready for impact resistance 3, 2, 1, and the impact arrives!"

A violent sway came from under the foot, and a large white flash appeared on the screen from the external monitor. The shield of the giant turtle rock was fluctuating under the impact of a high-energy beam, but soon It has restored stability.

Hao Ren stabilized the seat and looked at the pictures sent back from the investigation probes and asked: "Nolan, report the damage."

“The shield was not broken down, and the ship was damaged slightly,” Nolan’s voice came from the bridge broadcast. “In addition, this space-time structure is still expanding, and the existing detection probes are no longer able to meet the surveillance. The speed of the space-time structure of demand exceeds the speed of patch replenishment and deployment."

"It is normal, we can't scan the entire space-time structure," Hao Ren said. This piece of time-space structure is reorganized after numerous times of annihilation and rebirth. It contains every end of the world. After the debris and obsession of the universe, our probes can scan a battlefield, but it is impossible to scan every sacred field in the whole world."

Vivienne looked at the large holographic projection in the center of the bridge, and the brow wrinkled slightly: "Some things that are different from the Gorgon battleship have emerged."

At the edge of the chaotic battlefield, time and space have already appeared in an extremely chaotic state. Large and large clouds of sea have been shredded in the roar of artillery, and numerous criss-crossed dark stripes float in midair to form a weird and terrifying structure like a cobweb. Among the dark stripes, you can see the flickering old stars and the chaotic shadows that are gradually rising.

The phantoms gradually condensed out of the entity and finally showed their original appearance: it was a huge starship like a inverted pyramid. Each starship was inlaid with massive crystals and rune arrays around the starship. You can see countless floating turrets and minarets of unknown use.

These newly emerged illusions of the past began to change rapidly after they became condensed into solids. Their silver-white armor was almost covered by darkness in an instant, and a large number of mutated hypertrophic tentacles spread from the hull, making it fearful in the sky. The posture is creeping and extending, and with the opening of the starship armor, countless transitional carrier-based aircraft and heavy-duty transitional missiles also emerged as if the bee colony defending the hive, rushing to the guardian fleet throughout the battlefield and those armed Man-machine.

There is always no emotional tactical aid ai to start broadcasting again: "Detected unknown units in the current time and space to materialize the confirmation of hostility, is developing a basic combat plan for the enemy program has been issued, heavy drones 1st to 195th brigade into the interception position, wide The domain type transition jammer is deployed."

"It is another remnant of the era that has become materialized," Hao Ren said, pressing his hand on the console. He said, "This is the rule of this parallel battlefield. As long as the order is not extinguished, the power of madness will continue. Awakening the remnants of one era after another and sending them to the battlefield. This space-time structure is also extended for the same reason. As long as we persist here, there will be more powerful old days closer to ancient times. Civilization has emerged. We are only beginning to deal with the low-tech armed satellites of Khersonga, but these are now... obviously more powerful than the Gorgon Starship."

Lily suddenly widened her eyes: "Isn't that going to be harder? Who is going to die?!"

"There is a maximum difficulty," Hao Ren grinned. "At most, it will only be to the ancestors."

Lily thought about it and almost picked it up from the chair: "You said that the ancestor civilization might be able to fight more than the Guardian Legion!"

"So our mission on this battlefield is to insist on sticking to as many waves as possible, until Constance completes the epoch," Hao Ren said quietly. "And as she keeps approaching the capital, she is close. In the final battlefield, our enemies in this space and time will appear at a faster speed and evolve two parallel battlefields to interfere with each other. One of them will accelerate when one advances, and the other will also turn sharply when one defeats. And once the two battlefields fall at the same time, it is the complete collapse of the order world, and the time for the era to restart."

"There have been countless times of annihilation and reincarnation, and the era has changed. It was caused by the complete collapse of the two battlefields, right?" Vivian said. "And since this civilization completely lost its deep defense in the world, They are equal to losing the opportunity to turn over under normal circumstances, no matter how hard they struggle, it is impossible to achieve a real victory."

"So the examiner is doing this," Hao Ren smiled. "This civilization has potential, resilience, courage and conviction. They just miss a chance. Now let us give them this opportunity."

The voice of his voice just fell, and Lia’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind: “Hao Ren, I found something here.”

"what happened?"

"Constance saw the sight of your side but only she and I saw it."

“Ah?” Hao Ren was shocked. “How is this happening? What happened?”

"It seems that thousands of years ago, my violent divine power divided Lah Ryan into two, and it was not just a world rift left in this world," Leah’s voice sounded a bit helpless. "We found some 'artifacts' near the Imperial Capital, my personal belongings that were left from the Temple of Creation."

Leah’s voice didn’t just sound in Hao Ren’s mind, so at this time, the three people on the bridge were all facing each other.

"My divine power has reshaped the world, and in the process it will inevitably leave some traces, but I did not expect these traces to be strong enough to be materialized," Lia said. "I have been in contact with Constance at the same time." Things, the result is inadvertently opened the boundaries of the world's surface and deep layers for a short time, the principle of which should be caused by the resonance of the divine power through time and space. In short, Constance has witnessed your battlefield, I told her everything."

Hao Ren indulged for a moment: "So... what reaction did she have?"

"She decided to continue to go to the emperor, as planned before, to end all the battles of the era. I think she did not waver."

"...that is about her personal truth, you told her? She also did not waver?"

"No. This makes me very surprised."

"So... very good," Hao Ren sighed softly. "She has chosen the way she wants to go, let her go. Leah, you gave me the data when you activated the power of resonance. I have a plan here."

"Okay. I will give you the ‘things’ we found. I probably guess what you are doing, but be careful, the power of God is not so easy to control.”

"Don't worry, at least at this stage, I have more books than you read."


Lia’s spiritual strength was separated from Hao Ren’s mind, and at the same time, a brilliance emerged on the console of the bridge. When the light dissipated, a small armband appeared in front of Hao Ren.

While this armband was transmitted to the "deep battlefield", Hao Ren felt that this time and space seemed to have a weak "offset". This feeling is extremely difficult to describe. It surpasses human senses and thinking, Hao Ren I feel that if I didn’t let him say it, it was just the moment. He felt that the whole time and space outside the giant turtle rock was suddenly turned into nothingness. Everything except the guardian fleet and the drone army on the battlefield. Lost the entity, and in the next moment, this feeling disappeared.

Even the feeling of this moment made him convinced of one thing: his guess is correct.

The magical shock wave that divided Lach Ryan into two thousand years ago... The aftermath has not disappeared.

Its power can also play a residual heat.

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