MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 80] size is amazing, aunt is rescued (two more)

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The meditation took a deep breath and glanced at the picture of the red-faced red-faced hair. The sleeves were blocked, and they thought they were harsh. In fact, they breathed and said: "You are not allowed to look at these things again."

"Why?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

Although the meditation knew from the beginning that she was a dragon, she always looked at her as a tribe. He forgot that she was a dragon. The idea of ​​the dragon is different from the human race, such as this kind of thing. In her eyes, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

I figured out the key, the meditation did not take the doctrine of the Terran to her on the line, and after calming down the emotions, she said to her: "There is nothing to look at, there is nothing to be curious about, when you grow up. Yes, it’s all coming."

Qiao Weiwei glared at her head: "I have not grown up yet?"

After the meditation and the words stopped, I nodded and said, "I grew up, but..."

"But you just don't like me, I know!" Qiao Weiwei sat up in his arms, pushed him away, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Meditation sighed helplessly, subconsciously said: "I don't like you..."

"Do you like me?" Qiao Weiwei turned and looked at him with a watery scorpion.

After a meditation, I realized that I had said something. He cleared his throat, a serious saying: "...not the kind you like."

The silent blue mirror suddenly shook, and a small line of words emerged: it is more intense than you think; with pictures: love, love and love.

The meditation glanced at it, a cockroach, almost planted from the bed!

"Hey? What does it say?" Qiao Weiwei is illiterate.

The throat of the meditation slipped a bit, and the look calmly said: "It said it was tired and wanted to rest."

Qiao Weiwei sighed: "Why is there so much care?"

The blue sky mirror has emerged with a line of words: because I like you; with pictures: love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love...

Qiao Weiwei got a big scorpion: "Wow, take care!"

The blue mirror continues to find death: that is the love of the king!

I am so angry that I can’t wait to smash this mirror!

He thought so, and he did the same. He looked at the mirror coldly, and there was a thunder in his palm.

The blue mirror is honest.

Seeing that the things in the mirror disappeared, Qiao Weiwei’s eyes were awkward: “Hey? No?”

"It may be broken." The meditation took the mirror, threw it, and threw it into the corner of the bed.

Qiao Weiwei went to find: "What should I do? I haven't learned yet."

A woman said to a man that she wants to learn that thing is a happy thing, which man can stand it?

The god-in-law personally felt that he had swam on the edge of the beast, but he endured it hard. He took another deep breath and took her little body back: "Without learning, that kind of thing is born. ”

Qiao Weiwei raised an eyebrow: "Oh, when can we do it?"

The meditation quietly took a wet pillow and blocked his lower abdomen, especially in a serious way: "In the Terran, the kind of thing is to be done after the marriage, the cave room can be done in the night."

"Oh." Qiao Weiwei seems to understand and understand, his eyes fell on him. "Why are you taking my pillow? What are you hiding?"

Said, she took the pillow over.

The meditation was almost bounced, violently turned back, and escaped out of the house.

Qiao Weiwei had a small mouth and a pair of hands with an amazing size: "I still said that I didn't hide, I saw it, so big."


On the other hand, Haikongzi and others successfully sneaked into the town demon tower. It should not have been so smooth, but tonight the world was in chaos. The snow mountain saint and the Beihai Shenjun fought, and half of the gods were smashed. The demon towers and the gods were transferred more than half, and the remaining one was led by the sea arranging man.

Haikongzi and Hu Sihai, Zhuanghan avoided the sight of the patrol gods, and quietly entered the room of the Yunfu Ergongzi. This is also thanks to the Snow Mountain saint. If she did not inform the specific location of the second son, they were afraid I didn't come to the door so quickly.

When they sneaked into the house, they saw a rusty iron bed, with their backs on their backs, and a man with a snake tail lying on their side.

This should be the younger brother of Yunfu Shenjun.

Men should have heard their movements, but did not react at all, as if they were asleep.

It can be repaired by several people, of course, he is still awake.

The brawny and the Hu Sihai face each other.

Haikongzi stepped forward: "Two sons, several of us are in the order of the Yunjun gods, come to save you out, this is the token that God gave me, please ask the second son."

The man did not move.

Haikongzi took another step forward and handed Yu Pei directly to the place where his tentacles could touch.

The man caught Yu Pei, but he did not know how to read it. He asked coldly: "Is he back?"

When the second son opened his mouth, it was not a big brother, but a "he". Haikongzi snorted a little and politely replied: "If you return to the second son, God will return."

"Let's go." The man sat up and turned and revealed the face that was similar to Yunfu Shenjun with five or six points.

This time, Haikongzi determined that he did not admit the wrong person.

It’s just that the reaction of the second son is not the same as that in his own imagination. It seems to be too cold.

I can think of the bitterness of his eating in these years. It is strange that Haikongzi thinks that he is elated.

Haikongzi knew that the power of the gods in his body had been drained. He wanted to restore him, but he found that his body had a ban: "Two sons, I am shallow and can't lift the prohibition in your body, but I think there must be a way for the great man of God. I will let you back and go back."

"Yeah." Yunxiao nodded lightly.

Haikongzi gave the brawny a gesture, and the strong man stepped forward and turned the cloud back to his back.

Hu Sihai plunged his head out of the door and slammed it with vigilance, sure that no one came over and carefully walked out.

After he went out, Haikongzi and the brave man carrying the clouds also left the house.

The town demon towers were not many guards, and they were all led by their companions. They went all the way out of the tower and went very smoothly. When they went east for ten miles, they completely broke out the sphere of influence of the town demon tower, when they fled. It is much easier.

However, what is unspeakable is that when a few people are about to finish the ten miles, they will collide with a group of gods who have returned to the other palaces of the North Sea.

This is really terrible. Their big troops still stay in the guards of the town demon tower. They only have three people left, and one of them is carrying the Yunfu Ergong.

Haikongzi said to the strong man: "You take the two sons first, and I and Hu Sihai stop them!"

The brawny said with fear: "I, I, I... I don't know the way!"

Hu Sihai patted his head: "Say you stupid, are you really stupid? Go all the way to the east, don't look back, it will be dark!"

"East...east..." The strong man carried the Yunfu Ergong, and quickly went west.

Hu Sihai squats: "The nerd! That's the West! The East is here!"

The brawny was busy and turned to the east.

Haikongzi and Hu Sihai both broke through in the past, and the realm is not under this group of gods. However, the other people are more powerful, and they are not able to cope with them.

Shortly after the two sides played against each other, a **** guard broke through the blockade of Haikongzi and Hu Sihai and chased the direction of the disappearance of the strong man.

The body of the strong man is the most burly of the dozens and twenty people, but the courage is the smallest. Not to mention the fight, he can't even trample on an ant.

The gods defended their eyes and chased them up, waving the whip in their hands, and screaming at the feet of the brawny.

The strong man was stumbled, and the Yunfu Ergong on his back fell out.

"Two sons!" The strong man rushed to catch, but one step later, Yunfu Ergong flew straight out of the hillside and fell into a forest of tens of meters away.

When the gods saw the clouds falling, they immediately gave up the strong man, and flew in the depths, and flew down Maolin.

Haikongzi and Hu Sihai rushed over at the fastest speed, only to find that the second son had been lost by the strong man.

Hu Sihai gave him a fist: "How do you do things?! Let you see the individual, how do you still lose people? Isn't it a god? Your cultivation is above him, he and you Grab people, you killed him!"

The brawny hugged his arm: "Hey..."

Haikongzi advised: "Forget it, don't blame the big man. What kind of temper he doesn't understand, let him kill, too embarrassing him."

Hu Sihai did not fight one thing: "You **** even people don't dare to kill, how was it still locked into the cliff?"

The strong man cried even more miserable.

Haikongzi glanced at Hu Sihai, his eyes dignified: "Nobody wants to happen like this. He has the strength to teach people. Instead of looking for the second son, we will act separately and be strong with me."

The three flew down Maolin.

Seen from the hillside, Maolin was covered in a cloud, and when it was close, it was discovered that these smoldering white smoke was simply a poisonous suffocation. With their cultivation now, there is no fear of suffocating poison. However, the suffocation is too strong, not only blocks the line of sight of everyone, but also hides the breath of the second son.

Hu Sihai was anxious: "How do you find this?"

Haikongzi said calmly: "We can't find it, the gods are the same, the second son is safe, but I don't have much to say. Let's act now, I hope God can stand on our side this time."

The three men acted separately, and Hu Sihai first went. After the sea body disappeared into the suffocation, the sea emptiness went all the way to the east.

The brawny fight is not a good hand, but it has a pair of eagle-like eyes.

It wasn’t long before Haikongzi and him walked, and he grabbed the cuffs of Haikongzi: “Look, tail!”

Haikongzi looked in the direction of his fingers, and he saw a cyan tail that emerged from the big tree: "It’s like a two son."

"Two public..." The strong man opened his mouth and shouted, and was stunned by the sea.

The sea emptiness lowered the volume: "Don't bring the gods."

The brawny suddenly realized.

Haikongzi let go of his hand and walked toward the tail of the snake.

I know that as soon as he approached, the snake tail swayed away.

He whispered: "Two sons, it is me, sea emptiness!"

The owner of the snake tail seemed to have heard his words and swung faster.

Haikongzi did not dare to make too much noise. He could only chase it up silently, and he saw that he would catch up. The snake tail broke into a grass.

When he also passed through the grass, he found that there was no shadow on the ground.

The strong man followed his sweat and sweated: "How? Did you find the second son?"

Haikongzi shook his head solemnly.

"You look at the sea! Isn't that the second son?" The strong man pointed in a different direction. He saw a lush sycamore tree. The clothes of the cloud were all scratched by the branches, and they sat there pale. The cyan snake tail is flat and flat.

"Well, it’s the way to go, how can you blink your eyes..." The sea emptiness looked at the direction in which the snake tail disappeared, and the scorpion passed a trace of doubt.

On the other side, the strong man has already ran under the tree, and he has supported the weak and weak cloud: "The sea is empty, you are coming over, the second son seems to be hurt!"

Haikongzi finally glanced at the grass, shaking his head in a strange way, and walked toward the clouds and the brawny.

Yunxiao was not hurt seriously, but he was inhaled with toxic suffocation and some were dizzy and weak.

Haikongzi put him on the back of the strong man and left Maolin with the brawny.

After the three people left, after the grass, the body of the Tianlingen girl emerged from beginning to end. Although it was only a stealth technique, it also exhausted her little demon.

She looked down at the tail in the grass and her eyes were red.

She raised her hand and wiped the tears that flew out of her eyes. Then she held a bunch of freshly picked medicines, as if nothing had happened. She swayed the snake tail and looked calmly back to the cave.

On the dry grass of the cave, there is a stunned Ganoderma lucidum.

She opened the fruit and fed the flesh into the mouth of Lingzhi.

------Off topic ------

At the end of the month, the dragon is a thousand o (∩_∩) o