MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 81] Brothers meet

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At the time of the day, the three men of the sea emptiness returned to the secret with a drowsy cloud.

The water of the mystery has been retired, and the things that have been washed away by the floods have been restored under the spells of the meditation.

If Yunxiao sleeps for a whole day, it will not wake up until near dusk.

She dreamed that there was a lot of water in the house. When she woke up, she thought that she was wetting the bed, and she touched her throat, and it was dry, and she let go of her heart.

Later, when she wore clothes, she went to the next door to find the dragon. I knew that I had just crossed the threshold and touched a group of three people carrying the clouds.

In the end is my own brother, even if I have seen it for so many years, the shape of the body has also changed, and Yunxiao still recognizes Yunxiao at a glance.

She grabbed the brawny's arm and looked at the man who was kneeling on the back of the strong man. Apricot eyes glanced: "Auntie?"

Yunxiao fell asleep and could not respond to her.

Haikongzi turned and greeted her politely: "Miss Yun."

Yunxiao said excitedly: "This is my second brother!"

Haikongzi smiled and said: "Yes, Miss Yun, he is the second son of Yunfu, your second brother."

If Yunxiao took an unbelievable step back, she looked up and down the cloud. She knew that the body of Yunxiao was so, and she saw that the huge snake tail would not be strange and scared. On the contrary, she was very friendly, but The cloud in her memory is not so tall, it is a ten-year-old boy.

Compared with how the aunt was rescued, Yun Yun’s more surprise is how he grew up so big: “Is the rice so delicious? Auntie is so big? After that, it’s really my brother. It!"

Haikongzi was teased by her childless words: "The second son is older, it was originally your brother."

Yunxiao Ruowei said: "What is your brother who is only one year old?"

But when she was younger than her, she was taller than her. When she was seven or eight years old, Yunxiao was already a ten-year-old child. She was not convinced, and she was screaming, but now she is holding twelve The old body, the aunt has been taller than the big brother, which is too unfair!

When I thought of it, Yunxiao frowned. "Why don't you wake up? Is he injured?"

Haikongzi said: "The young lady doesn't have to worry. The second son is only slightly injured. I am afraid that he is uncomfortable. I gave him a curse of the gods. He slept and soon woke up."

If the sky is a little bit stunned, the little white hand touches the thin cheeks of the cloud and says with a distressed heart: "Auntie must have suffered a lot."

Haikongzi looked at the cloud brows even if he had never stretched his brows in his sleep. He said that a pampered son had fallen to the place of the town demon tower. Naturally, he had to suffer from it. I don’t know how he had come over these years. He heard that Many of the sons who entered the town demon tower were driven crazy by the jailer and the demon.

Haikongzi let Zhuyi pick up a new house and put the cloud on the soft bed.

Yunxiao if you come in.

If Yunxiao is similar to the age of Yunxiao, the two are growing up. If Yunxiao has more than one time, why should he have this brother, and he will really be separated. If Yunxiao finds himself, he misses him especially.

Perhaps in her mind, the long brother is like a father, and Yunxiao is the real hand and foot that grows up with himself.

If Yunxiao moved a small stool, sat in front of the bed, holding the hand of Yunxiao and quietly guarding him.

Soon, the meditation came over.

If you don’t turn your head, "Big Brother?"

The meditation went forward, patted the small shoulders of the clouds, explored his hands, and stroked the forehead of Yunxiao.

The face of Yunxiao has a pathological paleness. Although the skeleton is large, he can't stand the body without two or two flesh. The robe is empty and he looks distressed for a while.

Hu Sihai and the strong man have already retired, and Haikongzi stayed in the house. When he saw the meditation, he first paid a respectful ceremony. Then he told the process of saving the cloud to tell the meditation and said to the meditation: "... In the second son, there is a ban on people, and it is necessary to lift the ban to restore his cultivation."

The meditation explored with the power of the gods: "This ban is somewhat weird. Although it limits his cultivation, he also protects his dantian. In these years, he can smash the poisonous claws of those demons, and the prohibition in his body. It also has a little relationship."

The sea emptiness suddenly realized: "The original reason is that the person who set the ban on the second son is not trying to set the second son to die, but to protect the second son?"

The meditation said: "Maybe I want to kill him, but it is wrong to help him, this prohibits me from solving."

Haikongzi was surprised: "Is it even impossible to solve even God?"

"Will the aunt be in trouble?" Yun Yun asked if worried.

Meditation said gently: "Big brother will not let the aunt accident."

Yunxiao nodded: "Big brother said that to do it, the older brother said that he would not let the aunt accident, then the aunt would not have something!"

The eyes of the sea emptiness turned around in the clouds, and the words stopped.

The meditation will mean something to the sky: "You will accompany the aunt first, let me go out."

"Yeah." If the cloud is obedient, it should be down.

The meditation went to the study with the sea.

"What?" asked the correct color.

Haikongzidao had no doubts on the road: "When the second son fell into the suffocating forest today, I went to seek together with Hu Sihai and Da Zhuang. On the way to find someone, I saw two sons. ”

Mindful brows: "Two sons? Do you suspect someone pretending to be an aunt?"

Haikongzi meditated and took a breath: "I actually... I am not sure if the person is a second son. I only saw a blue snake tail. I obviously saw it into the grass, but when I was drilling However, in the opposite direction, I found the second son. From the distance and the state of the second son, it is unlikely that the second son will move from the grass to the sycamore tree in a short period of time, so I said, I saw it. Two two sons."

Meditation and meditation: "I understand what you mean, you want to ask me, Yunfu has no other exiled people secretly sneak back to the middle domain, as far as I know, even if there is, it is impossible to become you see Although Yunfu is behind the emperor, but only the aunt who really awakened the blood of the emperor, I and Ruoer did not inherit the essence of the emperor."

Haikongzi looked at the epiphany: "So, it’s my eyes, maybe it’s just a snake demon."

"And maybe..." The meditation suddenly thought of something, and the eyebrows were just a glimpse.

Haikongzi looked at him unidentified.

The meditation helped some confused heads: "It seems to have thought of something, but suddenly it is gone."

Haikongzi said: "The gods are too hard to work out. I haven’t had a rest in these days. I will take care of the second son, and I will try my way."

Meditation shook his head: "No, let me go to the ban, you go out and inquire about the news of the North Sea gods and saints."

"Yes." After the sea emptiness was down, he immediately took a few powerful men and went to the direction of the Snow Mountain Deep Palace.

Going to the house of the cloud.

Yunxiao has already woken up, earlier than expected.

He was seated by Yunxiao and leaned on the bed.

If Yunxiao took a bottle of ointment that he did not know where to take it, lick it with his fingertips and smear the scratch on his back and arm.

Yunxiao looked at her fixedly, her eyes tender and gentle.

"Do you hurt? If you hurt, you will call it out, do you know?" Yun Yun screamed as he rubbed it.

Yunxiao smiled slightly: "On your strength, it is almost like tickle, where will it hurt?"

Yunxiao Ruowei said: "I feel that my strength is small? My cultivation can grow a lot, and in a few years I can become a god! You can't beat me!"

"Is it?" Yunxiao smiled.

If Yunxiao took another small ointment and put it on his arm: "Don't believe it!"

Yunxiao explored the jagged hand, and pinched her face unceremoniously.

Yunxiao screamed if it hurts: "Oh, it hurts and hurts!"

Yunxiao smiled more and more eyebrows.

"Auntie." The meditation stepped in and came in.

The cloud slammed his hand and the smile faded.

After he stayed, Yun Yun was able to liberate his little face, grabbed his cheeks and smacked him with a sigh of relief: "Good intentions are not good, don't give you medicine!" ”

After all, put the ointment on the bedside table and ran out with anger!

Her little child was temperament, and her meditation did not stop her. She went to the bed and sat on the small stool that Yunyun had moved.

"Auntie." He called him.

In stark contrast to the cloud, the attitude of Yunxiao is very cold: "Don't call me aunt, you don't deserve it."

The meditation said: "I know that you have suffered a lot in these years, because I have not guarded the gods and seals, so that the people who have the heart will steal it and frame the entire Yunfu. You will have all of today. It’s because of me, but you believe me, I didn’t steal the king’s seal.”

The cloud passed over the face, as if you didn't want to see the person in front of you: "You certainly didn't steal it."

Mind: "You have enough reason to blame me, it doesn't matter."

Yunxiao said: "Of course it doesn't matter, Yunfu will end this end, all thanks to you."

He looked at him eccentrically, and I don’t know why. He was somewhat unpredictable. Auntie believed that he was innocent. Why did he say that Yunfu was hurt by him? Is it because he failed to protect the gods?

It is true that he is hard to blame.

But he is also a victim, he does not want to be like this.

Yunfu is his home. He wants to guard the entire Yunfu more than the guardian **** Wangyin.

Meditation: "Before my mother, let me take care of you and my children."

Yunxiao sneered: "Mother? It’s weird, you still remember her."

The meditation looked at him: "Why should I not remember?"

The cloud snorted and dismissed him.

The attitude of Yunxiao makes some of the hearts of the meditation not taste. I can think of the bitterness of the clouds in these years. I still feel distressed by the meditation. I am reluctant to blame him: "I have been away for too long, and indeed many things are not remembered, but 爹And mother, you and Ruo, I will not forget."

"Then you can remember how the gods of the gods are not seen?" Yun asked.

Meditation: "Auntie, you are a bit strange, not that I stole, how can I remember?"

The cloud smiled and said: "I am tired, I want to rest, let's go."

Meditation feels that Yunxiao knows something he doesn't know, such as the truth of the year, and the fall of the king's seal.

The meditation language said with a strong heart: "Auntie, now only God King can confirm the innocence of me and the whole Yunfu, if you know something..."

Yunxiao taunted and said: "I know what? Are you willing to hand over the gods?"

This is what I said! Like the king of God printed on his hand!

Meditation thought, I think the aunt should not mean this: "Are you afraid that after I found the king of God, I would not go to God's heaven, and swallow it?"

Yunxiao sat up straight and looked at the meditation. He said in a word: "No, I am afraid of you..."

Halfway through the words, the sea emptiness came back in a hurry: "God!"

The meditation looked to the side of the cloud, the cloud was interrupted, and then there was no interest in saying it, pulling the bedding, wrapped it on the body, lying down against the meditation.

The meditation sighed helplessly.

The sea emptiness came in sweaty.

The meditation looked at him and said, "How come so fast? Have you already heard the news of the North Sea gods and saints?"

Haikongzi said: "The whole godland has been spread all over, and the notices have been posted. The saints have violated the rules of the palace and have been deprived of the position of the saint. They have been destroyed for 20,000 years and are now accepting in the Snow Mountain Palace. Eleven rewards."

The thunderbolt is not a joke. The holy woman may not have won half of the thunder in the heyday. Today, only the flesh is left. This is clearly the life of the saint.

There is no surprise in the heart of the meditation: "What about the North Sea God?"

Haikongzi hesitated and said: "The Beihai Shenjun is the dear brother of Shenzun, and Shenzun does not claim that the adulteress's adulterer is him..."

I am correcting the color: "Don't be vomiting, just say what you want to say."

Haikongzi said with a heart and a sullen look: "Now, the whole gods think that the **** who tarnished the innocence of the saint is you, and God respect has already rewarded you, who can kill you, who will next God Jun."

------Off topic ------

At the beginning of the month, I would like to ask everyone for a monthly ticket and a small partner who has voted for a monthly pass. Don't forget to bring a red envelope~

Read The Duke's Passion