MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 573 Shopping

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On the open day, the amusement park on this day is almost boiling, and the excitement is more exaggerated than the Spring Festival celebration after the last 2nd Spring Festival Gala. The dead houses from all over the country and even around the world gathered here, coupled with the deliberate creation of Zhou Wei and the merchants, suddenly turned this open day into a two-dimensional carnival, attracting more people to come.

Although the sisters of os are also very cute, they often appear in any exhibition, and there are always countless idiotic photographers. However, there were exceptions to this event. Although there were many long guns and short guns, they basically hurriedly took a few photos and hurried away. With a genuine look, these os sisters are not so attractive.

The main square is already full of people, and Zhou Wei did not expect to come to so many foreigners, saying that all languages ​​are available. The original batch of employees who can speak English or other foreign languages ​​is now a left-hander. Fortunately, holographic employees are proficient in various languages. They have taken the initiative to resolve the crisis and completely conquered everyone in popular languages.

Your sister, this thing also comes with a global language system? If this is the case, can you take it as a translation machine, and you don’t have to travel all over the world?

Zhou Wei did not know that the original holographic staff still had this ability, stupidly watching holographic employees skillfully picking up various languages, which saved a lot of money. The extent to which Yuzi can do holographic holography has always been, and it is not accurate. I have to explore it a little bit.

Like this translation system, if it can be used on the real girlfriend system, it is a perfect portable translation, a must-have for traveling. They can play and have practical use value. I hope that people in the abyss can hurry up and put these technologies together.

These two-dimensional aristocrats do not know how many years of living in this world. It is too normal to know foreign languages. Even if they are from abroad, it is naturally easy. Therefore, Zhou Yu did not have any accidents. He just took the millet and the small road from the back door of the employee passage to escape the queue and went straight into the building.

There are pairs of people in the building, all kinds of cartoon characters. Actually, some people dressed as an anime character, and then brought into the role to play there, at first glance, it seems like the couple in the anime appeared in the building.

What a spectacular sight.

Whether it is a otaku or a fan, at this moment, I am obsessed with the character character that is completely reproduced by the almost real holographic idol. After all, the ones that came specifically today are basically familiar with animation, so what kind of personality each character is, they are also very clear about what the role should be. The holographic idol of the Chaos Building has absolutely reached the ninth and ninety-nine reappearance of the original character.

All of a sudden, playing idols, or being teased by idols, the entire second floor and above is filled with a sour smell of love. Of course, there are also alternatives. Some m-type people look for a mate to be a companion. As a result, they are all kinds of poisonous tongues along the way. I don’t know if they are holographic idols.

The curiosity and indulgence of these people is about the same as the Xiaomi Trail. It is estimated that it will not be able to slow down for a few days. However, Xiaomi and Xiaolu are pulling their faces at the moment, because it is late, Xiaomu Pear and Peach Blossom are the only idols, and they have already been preempted.

In this way, the two sisters can only take a look at Zhou Yu casually.

In the coffee shop, quietly and holographic idols, ktv, and holographic idols, in the game hall, and holographic idols play games happily. A chaotic building seems to have become a marriage and love agency, specifically for those who love.

Unfortunately, this is always an illusion. After an hour has elapsed, no matter how good the talks are, these holographic idols will leave very politely, and if they want to stay, they will only be able to renew. However, the way they leave is different, and it gives the employer a face.

For example, some girls are rushing to say that the threshold is up, or that the family is looking for it. In short, it will not be a formula to express the taste of business. I have to say that the class that the stray cat Hank gave them is still very effective, and the students of the Idol Academy are more sophisticated. After all, what they learn in school is how to face all kinds of customers.

After the renewal is successful, you can continue to talk about love games. If you have no money in your pocket, you can only say goodbye to your goddess or male god. This model, it seems to be very similar to the rental girlfriend boyfriend, but the object limit is 2 yuan.

Although these people can't warm their beds, they can't provide special services, but they can talk and steadily tie the heart of the dead house. Basically everyone is very satisfied with this hour's service.

Rich people can spend the whole day with them. If they don't have money, they should only have a meeting with their girlfriends. If you have a card, then the holographic idol will recognize you. When you come back next time, you will take the initiative. You say hello, it’s like a lover meeting.

Such a service can be described as thoughtful.

The 3rd dimension is very satisfactory, and the 2nd dimension is the same. The first batch of people who came here are basically aristocrats. They can meet face-to-face with three-dimensional human beings. It can be said that they have fulfilled their dreams for many years. The charges for 100-money coins are not high in this hour. They are fully affordable. Start.

The third dimension has Zhou Wei, and the second dimension is Hank. These two are profiteers in the profiteers. They actually take money at both ends, and they still have peace of mind, and the money is also very happy.

This hacker is simply too comfortable.

The only cost that is needed is probably to give the school idols. There are too many orders for 3 yuan. In order to meet the demand, the school idols can only be used together. When necessary, the idol colleges in other cities will also divide some of the task lists, which are friendly cities, and they are still chaotic. This requirement is still to be met.

Zhou Yu took Xiaomi's path and looked at the dissatisfaction of the two faces. I knew that the two were still awkward for not talking with Xiaomu Peach, and there was no way to take them to see a holographic movie.

This whole series of movies and screen movies is a little different. It is like a drama directly in the live performance. This is the troupe that Zhou Yu has invited from all over the country. The performances are all the local dramas. The fees are not low.

If you want to buy a small gift for the two, make sure to bring them to play next time, or after the store closes at night, this is to dispel their anger and slowly enjoy the fun in the holographic building.

Hey, the position of the boss and the staff seems to be a bit misplaced.

Read The Duke's Passion