MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 574 Question of the little mouse

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The little mouse also ran to join in the fun, and now he is already in high school. Unconsciously, the little mice in the past have also become big mice, but they are still very close to the fishermen, always running from time to time. Sometimes it's a help, sometimes it's a little game to play.

The holographic building opened and he came with his girlfriend. Just because there is a sister, he can't point to a holographic girlfriend, but to accompany his girlfriend to watch those fresh holographic games. When the holographic troupe performed, he stopped.

In front of this scene, is it like a deja vu?

The little mouse tried hard to remember, and finally remembered when he was still in elementary school. That night, the fisherman said that he would give them a graduation surprise, and then took everyone to see an amazing troupe performance. That magical night is still one of the most beautiful dreams in the heart of a little mouse.

Unexpectedly, this dream actually reappeared.

Although the name of the troupe is not the same, this kind of performance, as well as the holographic image of the living dragon, is clearly the dragon venom that he saw that night.

At this time, Zhou Yu came with Xiaomi and the path. The two sisters were attracted to the novel when they saw this novel performance. They slowly watched with the girlfriend of the little mouse, while the little mouse was depressed. After all, I said, "Fishing brother, you can lie to us badly. You have already had this gadget a few years ago?"

Zhou Yu smiled and laughed. He did get a zero troupe, but it was just a flash in the pan, and now it is really owned. Cooperation with the 2nd dimension, showing their wonderful performance to the 3rd dimension, this is also an alternative contact. Of course, the scope is only in this chaotic building. If the 3rd dimension really finds the existence of the 2nd dimension, in the spirit of the perseverance of those scientists, it will not be retired without clearing the 2nd dimension investigation.

Especially the existence of free people, since there are people in this reality who can communicate two dimensions, and there are still more than thirteen, then there must be ways to establish a relationship.

For the two dimensions, this is not necessarily a good thing. Starlight and corruption are for this reason and do not like the existence of free people. Fortunately, the free people of the past have not said their own experiences, and Zhou Yu does not have this tendency.

The topic goes far and goes back to reality. The little mouse recalled his childhood there, and then look at the current sci-fi holographic building. Finally, he asked the fisherman a question that has been hidden in his mind: "Fishing brother, in fact, you said that there is a small country in Luhua Village. In fact, it is not a literary modification but a truth, right?"

Zhou Yu lived, and this is true, but no one ever thought it was a truth. This is a seemingly awkward little mouse, actually the first person to doubt.

“Why do you want to ask?”

"I used to think about it. I used to think it was strange. You used to play in the village with some invisible people. Others said that your spirit is a bit problematic, but I don't feel like it. Later I saw the fisherman. The "The Secret of Luhua Village", my mind turned into it all at once, I think everything you said is true. Now, when you see this troupe, everything is very reasonable."

Then, the little mouse pointed to the holographic idols and said: "And they, their performance is like a smart person? Fisherman, in fact, they are people we can not see before, then fisher brother you used some methods Let them appear in front of us, right?"

The terrible little mouse, actually guessed the facts, but Zhou Yu can not pat his head and tell all the truth. Not to mention the question of believing or not, just the ban on the eternal demise of the predecessors, so that Zhou Yu did not dare to spill the truth.

"Little mice, you think they are real people, then they are real people. If you think they are fake, then they are fake. Is it true or false, what is the difference? Look at them, isn't it very fun to talk?" ”

Zhou Yu’s vagueness made the little mouse a little disappointing, but it quickly recovered. Yes, even if there is a small country in the village, it is also the secret of the fisherman. There is no need to let too many people know. Anyway, the fisherman is a good person. This is beyond doubt.

"Fishing brother, after I graduated from college, can I come to the amusement park to work? I want to learn the director with Ling Daoran, and then shoot a lot of movies."

This is a small mouse to play a small dream, but also a little watered by Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu is naturally happy to see. Especially the small mouse has more than 8 home power, officially become a flash gold family, and the special is the director, is definitely a good seed.

Of course, the little mouse is not trying to get an animated film. His understanding of animation is also a level of hobby, not a practitioner. But live-action movies are also good. There are similar entertainment projects in the amusement park. It is normal to get a director group.

"Well, the big director of the future, I am waiting to see the movie you gave me."

Since the opening of the small cinema, Zhou Yu has given the film to the little mice. If one day the real mouse becomes a film presenter and Zhou Yu becomes an audience, this is a very interesting picture.

The two men were nonsense on one side, while the three women clapped their hands to give a clever performance to the troupe. They also turned around and asked for some snacks.

The two brothers are relatively bitter and ran away.


One day, Zhou Yu can be tired enough, even more tired than a match against the elite demon. Xiaomi and the path are satisfied, and the things with big bags and small bags are returned to the house, and I don’t know where the two people come from such a big shopping addiction.

However, the evening was not over. After Zhou Hao finished the turnover today, he ran excitedly for a long time, nothing more than the industry is more than the gold industry, it is simply diamond-level. If the fisherman wants to expand the scale one day, he only needs one mouth, and some funds are willing to invest.

After that, Uncle Shu went to get drunk. It is already a well-informed uncle who is so rude that the prospect of the holographic building is tempting. Don't say that the country's richest man is to challenge the world's richest man. It is not impossible to have a lifetime.

Unfortunately, these things are not the pursuit of Zhou Yu.

After Uncle Wu left, he thought that the ears would be quiet. I didn’t expect Hank to come in and see the timing and income of the holographic building.

Since there are so many shops open, according to the rules of 2 dimensions, the corresponding 2nd-order stores will naturally be produced. These are the incomes of Luhua City, especially those who are in the pits. If you don't need expensive, they still feel the price drop.

Oh, it’s a sleepless night.

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