MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 250 , reaching the moon

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   Chapter 250, Reaching the Moon

In the    starry universe, the 'Houyi' is sailing at a terrifying speed of 120 times the speed of sound at this moment.

However, even at such a terrifying speed, in the vast universe, it is still like stepping on a small point. No matter you look at it from any direction, it seems to be still in the void of the universe. Only the regularly flashing lights on the spaceship tell you that it is not a dead thing.

   "The universe is so vast!"

   "We Earthlings still have a long way to go."

  Liu Yuan fell into boundless thinking while looking at the scenery outside the window.

   This time, Liu Yuan himself did not need to come here at all, because astronauts, scientists, and engineers were busy in every aspect, and he was just an idler here.

   And there is a lot of risk. If something goes wrong with Houyi, I can't imagine the consequences.

   But Liu Yuan insisted on coming, and went to the moon with Houyi.

   For nothing else, but to experience the vastness of the starry universe.

  In the inheritance of seeds, the seeds always tell Liu Yuan the vastness of the universe, the vastness of the universe, but on the earth, Liu Yuan has no personal experience and feelings, you can't imagine the vastness of the universe at all.

Only when you are really in the void of the universe will you have a concept of the vastness of the universe, just like at this moment, when the Houyi is flying between the earth and the moon at 120 times the speed of sound, you can even Yu Du feels that it is suspended in the void universe, and you cannot feel any changes.

  Only when you look at the moon every half an hour will you find that the moon is getting bigger and bigger, and then looking back at the earth behind you, it gradually becomes smaller and emits dazzling fluorescence.

  The astronauts, scientists, and engineers on the spacecraft are already sleeping and resting. After arriving on the moon, they will be greeted by busy work.

   So they must hurry up and sleep well for more than an hour now, so that they can maintain their strong energy when they get to the moon.

   In a weightless environment, sleeping is not an easy and relaxing thing. People who enter space for the first time often find it difficult to fall asleep quickly because they are not adapted to this environment.

   However, the astronauts, scientists and engineers who went to the moon this time have all undergone some training in advance, and they have been able to fall asleep quickly.

   Some of the astronauts, scientists and engineers will stay on the moon to carry out resource exploration, scientific experiments, construction of the Moon Palace base, etc. Until a month later, Xinghai Technology will send another group of people to replace them.

   In the future, Xinghai Technology intends to have at least one spacecraft going to the moon every month to replace the personnel who stay on the moon while sending supplies to the base.

  The gravity of the moon is much smaller than that of the earth. Long-term exposure to such an environment will have many adverse effects on the human body. The most important one is bone loss, which can easily lead to paralysis after returning to the earth.

Therefore, astronauts in space have to do a lot of physical training every day to maintain the calcium content in the bones and maintain the strength of the muscles, so that they will not lose calcium and muscle atrophy after returning to the earth. become paralyzed.

  The gravity of the moon is too small, although the impact on the human body is not as great as in space, but it will also have a huge impact.

   In addition to the moon base, in addition to the oxygen in the base, you need to wear a space suit when you go out, which will have a great impact on your life and work.

   Furthermore, being far away from the earth, away from your relatives and friends, away from the life of the earth, after a long time, people will easily become irritable and restless.

  The astronauts in the space station have been in the space station for too long. Over time, the negative emotions of people have been accumulating, and eventually the astronauts who are very cultivated have become grumpy and quarreled in the space station.

   This is caused by some negative emotions and special substances secreted by the creature itself towards unfamiliar and unfamiliar environments.

  Because long-term exposure to a lonely, cramped, unfamiliar, and unsuitable environment will make people feel uneasy, the accumulation of such emotions will eventually lead to problems.

   This category and some related diseases are called space syndrome.

  Many times, astronauts have been in space for a long time. After returning to the ground, they will experience dizziness, vomiting, pale face, cold sweats, motion sickness, seasickness, airsickness, secretion disorders and many other symptoms.

   These are all related to the space syndrome, so we must regularly let everyone return to the ground, return to the familiar environment, and gradually recover.

   "If we conduct real interstellar voyages and interstellar colonies in the future, I am afraid that gravity technology will need to be researched."

   "Without gravity technology, people will go crazy if they work and live in a weightless environment for a long time."

   Liu Yuan's thoughts suddenly went very far, thinking of interstellar voyages and interstellar immigration in the future.

   On the other side, in the cabin where many news media reporters are.

   Naturally, none of these reporters could fall asleep. They were all doing live broadcasts and broadcasts. Qian Xia was chatting non-stop with the fans in her live broadcast room.

   "You can see that at the same position, the moon has become very large, and now you can clearly see what the moon shows. You can take a look."

  Qian Xia pointed the live camera in the direction of the moon. In the field of vision, the outline of the moon became larger and clearer, and the naked eye could already see some moon seas on the surface of the moon.

   "Look at the earth again. The earth has also become smaller by a large circle. It is estimated that in another hour, when it is about to reach the moon, the earth will be even smaller."

   "Family, I should be the most distant anchor in history."

  Qian Xia quickly moved the camera to the direction of the earth. The earth in the camera is much smaller. The blue planet is like a pearl in the universe, emitting a dazzling light.

   "The host has been delayed now, it seems that it is really far away from us~"

   "The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second. Judging from the current delay, it is estimated that the position of the descendant is already in the middle distance between the earth and the moon?"

   "I'll go, God upstairs, can this be calculated?"

   "Uh, actually, I was watching TV while watching the live broadcast room. The host on TV said it."


   "I didn't expect to look back at the earth from space, the earth is so beautiful, the starry sky and the universe, this may be the real start of our human race."

"I feel that the starry sky is actually very boring. No matter which direction you look at it, it looks the same. If you sail in the universe for a long time, it must be boring, or our earth is interesting and colorful. "

   "So the living planet is precious!"

   "I don't know when we Earth people can really start colonizing the interstellar age?"

"In terms of the current speed of Houyi, it is already the fastest spacecraft, but its speed is only 1/7,000th of the speed of light. If it travels to the nearest Centaur galaxy at such a speed, it will probably take 30,000 years or so."

   "We may need to start from the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors before it is possible to reach the nearest Centaur galaxy."

   "It takes 30,000 years to reach the Centaur galaxy? The Houyi is now 120 times the speed of sound."

"The Centaurus galaxy is 4 or 3 light-years away from our solar system. A light-year is a unit of length, not a unit of time. It means the distance that light travels in one year. Even light has to travel for 4 or 3 years. I don't know what I calculated. Not right."

   "So, we humans will never be able to get out of the solar system?"

   "That's not the case. Who knows whether the technology of super-light flight will be researched in the future, or such as warp engine, wormhole technology, space shuttle technology and the like."


  The live broadcast room was very lively, and the Emperor Science also took the opportunity to share with you the vastness of the universe, making many scientific and technological terms appear in the field of vision of many people for the first time.

  Time is passing slowly, and Houyi is getting closer and closer to the moon.

   Soon nearly two hours will pass.


  The alarm in the Houyi will automatically sound to wake up the sleeping astronauts, scientists, and engineers. This is a program that is automatically set in advance.

   Liu Yuan, who was studying in the seed space with his eyes closed, also woke up and looked straight ahead. The huge moon had come into view, and he could clearly see the pitted surface of the moon.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, the spacecraft will soon enter a state of deceleration. Please return to your seats immediately, fasten your seat belts, and the spacecraft will begin to decelerate in five minutes."

   Soon, with the sound of the broadcast, people in the cabins returned to their seats one after another, quickly fastened the safety zone, and lay on the airline seats.

  The astronauts, scientists, and engineers on the spacecraft began to become excited one by one, because they were about to reach the moon, and they were about to land on the moon, becoming the first Chinese people to land on the moon.

   After five minutes of flying, the anti-gravity engine and aero-engine on the spaceship started again. With the vibration, the speed of the spaceship began to decrease continuously. Everyone just felt that the whole person was rushing forward.

Fortunately, the whole process of deceleration was long enough, and the pressure generated was not great, everyone could adapt, and everyone's attention was already on the moon at this moment, looking at the moon as if it was close at hand, every time Everyone started to get excited.

   finally arrived at the moon!

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion