MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 251 , the footprints of history

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   Chapter 251, Footprints of History

   "Audience friends, our Houyi spacecraft is about to arrive on the moon, and we can clearly see the surface of the moon through the screen. The exciting time is coming, and we are finally going to the moon!"

   Is it time to leave or ten o'clock in the morning, it is already afternoon, and more and more people are watching the live broadcast, because Houyi has reached the moon and is slowing down, reducing the speed enough to be captured by the moon's gravity.

  The exciting time is coming. In front of the TV and in the live broadcast room, hundreds of millions of people are paying attention to this matter.

   "Family, family, we are about to reach the moon~"

   "Everyone can clearly see everything on the surface of the moon. There is no Chang'e, no moon rabbit, no sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and there is no Wu Gang who cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. There are only pits on the surface."

   "At this moment, I can't hide the excitement in my heart, we are about to land on the moon!"

  Qian Xia is very excited now. Looking at the moon outside the window, the entire field of vision has been fully occupied. The moon without an atmosphere can clearly see everything on its surface.

   "Going to the moon~ Going to the moon!"

   "I'm coming to the moon!"

   "Moon here we come!"

   "Moon here we come!"

   "Chang'e, here we come!"

   "Moon Rabbit, here we come!"

   "Fairy Chang'e, Pig Bajie is here~"

  In the live broadcast room, similar comments were also on the screen. Not only the people on Houyi, but also the more than one billion people on this side of the earth were excited.

The speed of Houyi has been decelerating for half an hour. At this moment, the speed is very slow. The slower it is, the closer it is to the moon. Then, Houyi was successfully captured by the moon's gravity and began to orbit around it. The moon orbits the moon.

   While flying around the moon, it constantly adjusts its orbit and flies around the location where it is ready to land.

  Driving and control cabins Here, astronauts and scientists began to get busy.

   "Achieving the intended track!"

   "Smoothly connected to the lunar positioning, navigation and communication system~"

   "Smoothly connected to the 'Jade Rabbit' unmanned control spacecraft~"


   All kinds of information began to gather continuously, and at the same time, it was quickly reported to the Earth Command Center. Here, a large number of scientists were also very busy.

   quickly analyzed the situation of Houyi, calculated various possibilities, and repeatedly researched and demonstrated the plan of directly landing on the moon.

   "Everything is ok, landing on the moon as planned!"

   An order was sent from the Earth Control Center to the Houyi in lunar orbit.

   "Received an order to land on the moon from the Earth Control Center!"

   "Get ready to land on the moon!"

  Jiang Peng, Meng Zilong, Liu Yuan on the spacecraft, and other scientists confirmed that they began to drive the Houyi spacecraft toward the moon.

  Under the powerful anti-gravity engine, the huge Houyi was like a feather without any weight, and floated towards the intended landing area on the moon.

  As the height continues to decrease, everything on the moon is also continuously enlarged and enlarged in the field of vision, and then in the entire field of vision, everything is occupied by the surface of the moon.

  This place is extremely desolate, without a trace of life. It seems to be a place of nothingness frozen by time. Everything is the same as it was tens of thousands of years ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago, or even millions of years ago.

  Desolate, desolate, desolate, and dead, it is not as written in the fairy tales at all. Except for the large and small gravels everywhere, there is nothing here.

  Houyi flew toward the largest lunar ocean storm ocean on the lunar surface, preparing to land here in the storm ocean area.

The so-called lunar sea does not mean that there is really an ocean on the moon. Knowing that, these areas are named seas, or lakes, bays, etc., and some are also called moon marshes.

   Later, with the advancement of science and technology, people gradually realized that these areas are actually just on the moon. The relatively low-lying areas are the vast and broad plain areas on the moon.

  There are 22 recognized lunar seas on the moon, most of which are located on the side facing the earth.

   Ocean of Storms is the largest of the Moon Seas, with a total area of ​​5 million square kilometers, which is larger than half of our country.

   At the same time, according to the results of the exploration by the 'Yue Rabbit' unmanned exploration spacecraft launched by Xinghai Technology to the moon in advance, the resources in the Ocean of Storms area are extremely rich.

   Not only contains a large amount of ilmenite, but the iron ore resources contained in lunar basalt alone exceed 100 trillion tons, and they are basically high-grade iron ore, which will definitely easily explode the iron ore resources on earth.

  In addition to iron ore, copper, aluminum, magnesium, gold, silver, manganese, etc., all kinds of resources are extremely rich, and it is definitely a natural treasure house.

   Of course, the real precious resources on the moon are rare earths and He3.

The importance of    rare earth is self-evident. It is an indispensable resource for modern electronic technology, military technology, etc., and the price is extremely expensive. The various rare elements contained in it are the necessities of modern technology.

  As a strategic resource, the reserves of rare earths on the earth are very rare. The proven reserves of the entire earth are only 210 million tons, but the rare earth resources on the moon.

  According to the reserves currently detected by Xinghai Technology, the rare earth resources reserves on the moon exceed 100 billion tons, which is hundreds of times the reserves on earth.

  He3 is the most ideal material for nuclear fusion. It can release powerful energy during nuclear fusion without causing any radiation hazards.

   is considered by scientists to be the most important and ideal energy source in future technology, but the reserves on earth are very scarce, and they are all in the vast ocean, so it is difficult to mine at all.

   But on the moon, the reserves of He3 are very amazing. One ton of He3 of the entire earth tribe has more than 1 million tons of He3 reserves on the moon, which is praised by scientists as the energy reservoir for future human navigation in the universe.

  Xinghai Technology, as a pioneer in the development of the moon, naturally has to occupy the most resource-rich and largest area on the moon first.

  The Ocean of Storms is large enough, rich in resources, and open and flat. Naturally, we should occupy it first.

  This moon is a land without owners, whoever occupies it first will belong to it.

   As Xinghai Technology began to mine resources on the moon, other people will definitely come to the moon to mine resources one after another, and they will inevitably compete for land and resources on the moon.

   Take the biggest cake first. As for how you fight in the future, it is your business, Xinghai Technology is too lazy to care.

  Houyi was getting closer and closer to the ground of the moon, and in just a few minutes, it successfully flew from space to the sky over the moon and arrived at the intended landing site.

  As Houyi gently landed on the moon, everyone couldn't help cheering, and couldn't wait to look out the window. The desolate lunar surface came into view, and there were gravels that had gone through an unknown number of years.

  There is no water on the moon, no air, and naturally no wind.

   These gravels are always in one place and never change.

   "Earth Command Center, Earth Command Center~"

   "Houyi has landed smoothly, Houyi has landed successfully!"

   "Everything works, everything works!"

   "Request instructions, request instructions!"

   "According to the plan, executing according to the plan!"

   Accompanied by electromagnetic waves propagating at the speed of light in the void, Houyi also acted quickly after receiving the order.

  The astronauts who have already put on their spacesuits are quickly checking their spacesuits and equipment, preparing to land on the moon.

  Under everyone's attention, the hatch of Houyi slowly opened.

   Astronaut Wei Wang was the first to walk out of the hatch, and then recorded by a high-definition camera, under the gaze of more than a billion people on Earth, he gently stepped on the lunar soil, and left a clear footprint on it.


  Here in the ground control command center, after seeing the footprints left by Wei Wang, everyone in the entire hall stood up excitedly, and the applause continued to sound like a tide.


  The cheers spread to every corner of the entire China in an instant, and the applause like a tide spread quickly, and it spread to every corner in a blink of an eye.

  In the classrooms of a school, the students of primary and secondary schools cheered and applauded; in the streets, people stopped one after another, looked at the pictures on the big screen, and straightened their chests proudly.

   In the live broadcast rooms, flowers and firecrackers are blaring, all kinds of gifts will bloom in the live broadcast rooms, and all kinds of congratulatory messages will flash on the screen.

  How many years, our Chinese descendants finally landed on the moon!

  Although we are not the first to land on the moon, for us, this is already a huge progress in history, a moment worthy of being written into history forever, and the beginning of the sea of ​​stars and stars for our descendants of the Yellow and Yellow Emperor!

The    Houyi also sounded like a tide of applause, everyone cheered and clapped, and all screamed excitedly, we finally landed on the moon.

   The voice of the host of the TV station became hoarse because he was too excited, and Qian Xia shouted with excitement, shouting out the excitement in her heart.

   At this moment, everyone witnessed history together and witnessed a great historical moment!

  Wei Wang landed on the surface of the moon, leaving clear footprints. At the same time, he also took out a red flag, found a position on a small hillside, and raised the red flag high, declaring that ours had come to the moon.

  When the picture was sent back to Earth, there were waves of applause and cheers. Everyone was cheering and celebrating. Fireworks and firecrackers rang through every corner of China!

  PS: Happy May Day to everyone!

   (end of this chapter)

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