MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 252 , Build the Moon Palace Base

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   Chapter 252, Building Moon Palace Base

  As Wei Wang was the first to get out of Houyi and land on the moon, other astronauts also began to get out of Houyi one after another, and some jumped out directly.

   On the moon, walking in a bulky space suit is actually very slow. The most comfortable and simple way is to jump and walk.

  Because the gravity on the moon is only one-sixth that of the earth, even if a person jumps lightly, he must beat the earth and can jump farther and higher.

   There are also astronauts who have started to drive one after another of lunar engineering vehicles. Each lunar engineering vehicle is a special engineering vehicle from Xinghai Technology.

Even on the moon without air, it can still work very well, and the cockpit of the lunar engineering rover is still a mobile life capsule. If you encounter a promotion situation, you can quickly run to the nearest lunar engineering rover and open the corresponding The life-saving system can quickly obtain oxygen.

  Various engineering vehicles and lunar rovers continued to drive out of Houyi, some temporarily parked aside, while others quickly drove towards the four directions and began to explore the surrounding world.

   At the same time, a small private anti-gravity aircraft quickly lifted off from the Houyi, and began to cruise around to see if there were any dangerous places.

   The reason why Xinghai Technology has the confidence to build a large lunar base on the moon, and even to mine resources on the moon, is because it already has this possibility and feasibility.

   Half a century ago, when humans first landed on the moon, the mass of all the objects on the moon at that time may not have weighed as much as a current engineering vehicle.

It is impossible to say anything about mining resources on the moon or building a lunar base, because the technology cannot be achieved, and the cost is simply unacceptable. Even if the most expensive resources are mined, the cost will be too high at that time to look up. .

  It is different now. With anti-gravity technology, Houyi can bring 100,000 tons of supplies when it comes to the moon, and it can also carry 100,000 tons of supplies when it returns to Earth.

   This time, when I came to the moon, the materials and things I carried were enough to easily build a lunar base, and I could bring a large amount of lunar minerals back to Earth.

   That's the power of anti-gravity technology, it's true interstellar technology.

  The previous traditional rocket technology, it is impossible to achieve all this.

On the   Houyi, scientists and engineers were also busy quickly, everyone put on space suits, and the next is the busiest time.

   They need to build the Moon Palace base as soon as possible, and at the same time conduct resource exploration on the moon, look for resource-rich areas, and look for gold, rare earth, silver, copper and other minerals with high value content.

After all, Xinghai Technology is a private enterprise. Although it is not for profit, it still has to make money. development of.

   Also, only if Xinghai Technology makes enough money to mine resources on the moon, then other people will follow suit, and the interstellar mining industry can really develop.

  Interstellar mining industry, which can also be considered a huge industry.

   is different from the simple and extensive mining on the planet, and there is not much technical content.

  Interstellar mining can be regarded as a real technical activity.

Taking moon mining as an example, you first need to build a base on the moon, which will definitely cost a lot of money. Just building a subsistence system is enough for you. Second, you need to build a moon factory, right? The mined minerals are smelted, and it is impossible to say that the ore and soil of the moon are directly brought back to the earth for extraction.

   In addition, mining on the moon must be mechanized on a large scale. You can't expect people to wear space suits to mine for you. This requires the purchase of special lunar engineering vehicles, lunar rovers, and so on.

   In addition, in terms of energy, the moon is no better than the earth. You must be equipped with a large amount of solar power to obtain energy, which is the cheapest. This can also drive the development of the solar industry.

   In general, moon mining is not easy, it can drive the development of many industries and technologies, which also means that there must be enough profit and value, otherwise everyone will not invest money in it.

   I saw scientists put on space suits and drove lunar rovers to all directions, exploring for resources everywhere.

   As for the engineers, their main task is to build the Moon Palace base.

   With the continuous opening of engineers one after another, the hatches of the Houyi were constantly opened, and a large amount of materials used for the construction of the Moon Palace Base were transported out.

  The temperature of the lunar surface varies greatly. It can reach more than 120 degrees during the day and nearly minus 200 degrees at night. Such a huge temperature difference is a huge test for the lunar base.

   must fully take into account the huge temperature difference on the lunar surface, otherwise it will be very easy for things to happen,

   For this reason, the materials used by scientists to build lunar bases are specially made.

  All materials except modular design, easy to assemble quickly, each piece of wall material is designed with special structure and special materials.

Ordinary steel will become very brittle when it reaches minus tens of degrees. Once it reaches the ultra-low temperature environment of minus 200 degrees, its internal molecular activity will be greatly reduced and become more relaxed, resulting in an internal stress. This stress once Exceeding the limits of thermal expansion and contraction, the internal structure will shatter, causing the metal strength to be disintegrated.

  In the cold Arctic and Antarctic regions, ordinary steel will shatter with a single tap. This is the principle.

  The temperature of the moon is lower at night, and without the protection of the atmosphere, the temperature difference on the surface of the moon is too large.

   Therefore, special alloy materials must be used, which can withstand this ultra-low temperature environment and can adapt to great changes in the environment.

  At the same time, in terms of design, the interior should be designed with vacuum, because there are three ways of heat transfer, heat convection, heat radiation, and heat conduction, and the vacuum environment has a very good heat insulation method.

  Construction vehicles are constantly busy, carrying out a large amount of materials.

   At the same time, a large lunar engineering vehicle began to level the land in the area selected by the scientists.

  The lunar surface that was originally desolate, barren, and dead for a long time, suddenly appeared dozens of various lunar engineering vehicles busy.

  The forklift will produce the lunar soil that has been sealed for millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, and a large piece of flat land appears on the originally desolate moon.

   Then there were machines for piling and foundation, which quickly drilled deep foundation holes, and then an engineering vehicle inserted a specially designed weighing column into it, forming a weighing structure.

   Then another construction vehicle transported the front and front walls. Under the control of the robotic arm, these walls were quickly spliced ​​together like building blocks.

   All of this has been done on earth through a lot of exercises and experiments, and each step is assisted by a computer-aided system, and each material is also numbered.

  Each engineer also has a division of labor, and works in full accordance with the pre-numbered program in the calculation. The whole process seems to be very busy, but it is orderly and strictly in accordance with the order.

   In less than an hour, a house appeared on the surface of the moon, and it was expanding rapidly. Everything was like my game of splicing blocks.

  Standardized and modular design, coupled with the help of flexible robotic arms, of course, it is more important because this time, Xinghai Technology has applied biological virtual technology to it.

  Engineers don't even need to control these construction machines with their hands, they can directly control them with virtual machines, and they can control them with their minds, and they can achieve refined control.

  Liu Yuan has not been in a hurry to go out, but watched the busy scene in front of him on the Houyi.

   To build a long-term base on the moon without atmosphere, there are too many factors to consider, such as the huge temperature difference between day and night, radiation from the universe, life support system, energy system, air system, etc. There are too many factors to consider.

  If any detail is not considered carefully, or if it is not done enough, it may lead to the failure of the entire base, and it may also leave a huge security risk.

   So this is a very big test of technology.

But fortunately, these are nothing to the current technology. The real hardest thing is how to transport a large amount of materials to the moon. This problem has been solved. scientists and engineers.

   "Maybe you should go out and see things like the lunar rover that Armstrong left behind, and look at the flag that Pretty Fruit left behind."

   "These should be good collectibles, but if you don't know if you bring them back, will they be yelled at to take them back."

   Liu Yuan, who felt a little bored, suddenly had the idea of ​​getting some collectibles in his mind.

  Thinking of this, Liu Yuan immediately put on his space suit, and then came to the news media reporter, ready to call his old classmate Qian Xia to see an old object left half a century ago.

Here in the cabin where the news media reporters are located, these news media reporters have long been unable to hold back, and they are all clamoring to put on space suits and go to the moon to play, walk around, and carry out some related activities. reported.

Especially Katerina, Rogersky and Bassoon, they are in contact with the earth at this moment, and they are extremely demanding to go to the surface of the moon, leave a footprint, and then light up their flags What.

  PS: There is another chapter at night~

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion