MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1602 Grind the world

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Chu Feng's life level jumped, and he was already a Hunyuan-level powerhouse at this time. It can be said that he showed the strongest posture, but he still encountered such a big enemy.

Luo Tianxian is beyond everyone's imagination, shocking everyone!

She points to the brokenness of the sky and the collapse of the earth. The symbols of the avenue are like stars, lining the void, which can strangle all souls.

If it hadn't been for Chu Feng to push the ultimate fist to an unpredictable level, this duel would be most dangerous, and he would be overwhelmed by the infinite brilliant Dao pattern.


The loud explosion came out, deafening, it was the tearing of rules, the breaking of order, and the devastating atmosphere between the two swept the sky and the ground.

With Chu Feng and Luo Tianxian as the center, around the two, large black cracks a few feet wide spread out from the void, some went straight to the sky, and some fell into the center of the earth.


Luo Tianxian slapped once again, killing the words from the mouth of a stunning woman, actually shocking the world.

Beside her, the murderous aura rushed into the sky, and the tangible evil aura condensed into a huge fairy sword after another, running through the sky and the ground!

The sky was pierced, the sky was pierced, and the thick sword energy of the mountains and mountains, like mountains and oceans, moved together, and slashed towards Chu Feng.

In these scenes, this kind of mammoth momentum can break the starry sky, and can cut the gods and demons of the heavens. It is too amazing. The brilliant light illuminates the dark area and also illuminates the entire vast land.

And these thick sword lights are just the self-condensation of murderous aura from her body? It is not the main attack technique this time.

The real killer move is naturally the seal she is using seriously.


This time, she pointed down the hand of the sky? Lifted the hand of the earth? This was originally an invincible seal? Now there is a change, causing the world to change.

The sky is falling and the earth is uplifting.

What is even more terrifying is? Endless Dao patterns falling down? Pouring from the sky to the earth.

This woman is too strong. With both hands stroked at the same time, the inexplicable evolution of the avenue? Condensation of heaven and earth? Squeezing Chu Feng into it!

The sky and the earth have turned into two grinding discs? Want to crush Chu Feng into blood!


There are endless runes from Chu Feng? Its indestructible scriptures linger around? It condenses with its blood? It interprets Dao Wen on its own.

The sword light in the sky, the fairy sword that was thicker than the mountain, were all obliterated by the Dao pattern on his body surface.


The fairy sword light exploded, the immortal Dao pattern vibrated, the heavens and the earth were full of divine light? Terrible energy permeated everywhere? The earth was sinking? The void collapsed, just like the end of the world.

Of course, the most terrifying thing was Luo Tianxian's seal.

At this time, the people outside the field really saw that in that battlefield, the sky and the earth were smelted by her at the same time, rapidly condensed, and turned into two grinding discs, squeezing Chu Feng's living space.

"Luo Tianxian is too powerful, explaining the supreme seal of the Buddhist family, combining the seal of the Taoist clan, and then blending into the seal of the earth to evolve such a thaumaturgy."

Even the true immortal of God couldn't help sighing and spoke highly of it.

"In this way, she has practiced the legendary secret method of Tiandi Millpan, which is truly incredible."

Even if some old monsters are envious, because some scriptures and some legendary ancient methods can't be practiced by you at a higher level of evolution.

All kinds of magical powers, infinite ways, and also pay attention to predestined conditions. It takes various opportunities to realize the end.

Chu Feng was squeezed into the middle by the two grinding discs, making everyone who cares about him panic.

Because, people have seen that the woman is too terrifying, even this legendary invincible secret has been practiced, it is really difficult to fight.

"Heaven and earth millstones are claimed to be able to wipe out the common people, crush the avenue, and the creatures are trapped in them and cannot escape the catastrophe." A Taoist from God said.

Even people like him were secretly surprised, and didn't know that Luo Tianxian had practiced this kind of natural skill earlier.

"Can he stop it?!" The people in Yang Jian made a cold sweat for Chu Feng, feeling deeply horrified.

It can be seen that the void is blurring, disintegrating, being crushed by the two grinding discs, and Chu Feng's living space is getting smaller and smaller, and it is about to be touched by the two grinding discs.

Luo Tianxian stood in the sky, his long dress was hunting and hunting, and the blue silk was flying, looking extremely beautiful, like a soaring female fairy, beautiful and graceful.

However, her fighting spirit was so terrifying, she whispered: "Hey!"

She pressed down with one hand and raised her other hand, the two hands were joined together, and then the palms turned!

At the same time, the two huge heaven and earth grinding discs joined her crystal palms together, and began to slowly rotate, crushing Chu Feng into blood mud, grinding the appearance and spirit.

Chu Feng burst into a dazzling beam of light, and the immortal scriptures revolved on their own. He stood in the air, actually supporting two grinding discs with his flesh.

He was as clear as the mountain, and said: "There is no way without thought, no time and no space, but the body will last forever, let you have a thousand magical powers, all kinds of wonderful ways, I cross with my body, and break the ancient and modern methods with one punch!"


His fist prints are full of golden characters, spreading to all parts of the body. It is the text on the stone jar, which he has understood and deduced the strongest secret technique.

At the same time, he used an indestructible body to resist the grinding disc, and his right leg was like a sword and whip, emitting a dazzling light, and he pulled out and swept towards the so-called invincible grinding disc.


Sparks splashed all over, and a huge noise was emitted, almost shaking the soul light of many people on the two battlefields.

The two grinding discs pressed against Chu Feng and touched behind his body. He couldn't go any further and was resisted by him.


The void is shattering, the order of heaven and earth is breaking, and the rules are collapsing. Everything is because of the mighty power of the two millstones. There is nothing unbreakable and can be ground.

However, Chu Feng's physical body was actually blocked, and he resisted, without turning into blood!

This scene stunned everyone, and brought the shock to the Qing Dynasty no less than a landslide and tsunami-like earthquake.

"Even this kind of invincibility technique can be resisted with a physical body?!"

Many people can't believe their eyes.

"Who can kill my body and destroy my body? Nor is God Daozi!" Chu Feng shouted, his hair fluttered, and his whole body was shrouded in a magical light.

He has confidence. When he walked the time of reincarnation, he had even seen the rough stone grinding disc that crushed all souls in the dead city of Guangming. Is he still afraid of the two grinding discs that are spurred by the secret method in front of him?

Outside his body, the immortal scriptures spread, and the golden symbols on the stone jars were also flashing and intertwined to form a strong light curtain of body protection, making his Taoism immortal, strong and immortal.

His fist marks are even more dazzling, extremely terrifying, covered by the overlapping of two kinds of patterns, more and more bright!


At this moment, Chu Feng waved his fist mark and smashed it on the crushed grinding disc, trying to punch it through and shatter it.

With a bang, the sky and the earth trembled, and the entire sky seemed to fall down, the entire land was about to be destroyed, landslides fell, and time and space were chaotic.

On the battlefields of the two worlds, many people stood unsteadily and almost fell to the ground, because the sky and the earth were shaking, the sky was collapsing, and there were more regular breaks, creating a world-destroying scene.

Are these two really creatures at the Hunyuan level? Why is it so terrible? The evolutionary at the same level, many powerful abilities are deeply afraid, if they go up, it is estimated that they will be instantly killed by those two, slapped into blood!

when! when! when!

In the sky, Chu Feng kept swinging his fists, brilliantly dazzling, and his whole person was covered with immortal Dao patterns and golden symbols from head to toe. He carried immortality, releasing immortal energy, and the surrounding divine particles boiled, Dao ancestor material It is also faintly pervading, and the scene is amazing.

Tiandi Mupan was trembling by him, leaving his area, and flying out by him.

The legendary invincibility technique, the two grinding discs deduced into violent shaking!

The place where Chu Feng stands, the space is stretched, and the light will last forever. His whole body is gorgeous, and the previously squeezed space continues to expand, opening up a fresh world.

Chu Feng roared, his black hair was scattered, his eyes were like lightning, he seemed to be breaking the world! Its flesh is immortal, its blood is like a sea, its splendid fist prints are invincible, and it shakes the sky and the earth. It wants to penetrate all obstacles and create a bright universe!

This was a great collision of the strongest forces in the Hunyuan Domain, which shook the vast world.

One of the two is God's Daozi, and the other is Chu Mo of Yang Jian. They represent two extreme combat powers. Without any fancy tricks, they move real fire when they come up, which is directly head-on.

when! when!

Chu Feng was like a madman, his blood and energy soared, surging like an ocean, and his entire body was covered with dense Dao patterns, pushing his strength to the highest level.

Vaguely, under his feet, a broken circuit appeared, accompanied by an endless "spirit", like a candlelight illuminating the darkness.

This is the unique sight of the Trailblazer. He walks on an inexplicable road, and he has a sense of heaven and earth, and it is reflected like this for him.


Chu Feng's fist imprints erupted with unparalleled brilliance, as if blasting through the dark world, breaking the barren ancient era, and doing things to open up the sky.

The millstone was unstable and shook violently, and he was tumbling up vigorously, and there was a clicking sound, and a millstone cracked.

Luo Tianxian in the sky shook slightly and stepped back.

However, she quickly stabilized, and an astonishing beam of fairy runes shot from her deep beautiful eyes. Her two hands suddenly separated first, and then slapped together.

In this process, the grinding discs of heaven and earth are also separated first, one sinks into the sky, and the other escapes into the depths of the earth.

Then, as Luo Tianxian's two hands suddenly patted together, the two terrifying grinding discs were also unified in an instant!


This is like a disaster!

The two grinding discs are unified, and the force of crushing is too terrible. The world wailes and trembles, almost no order exists, and the rules collapse.

The spectators all had their ears buzzing, and their blood was churning. Many people even had bleeding from the corners of their mouths and were injured by the violent fluctuations of the unstable road.

"Chu Feng!" some people shouted.

Those two millstones, engraved with incomprehensible runes, directly slam into everything. Will Chu Feng, who is between them, have a good end?

"Have you been killed?"

"It should be turned into blood!"

The Qing Dynasty in God whispered, and his face was pale.

Even if they were outside the battlefield, they all felt scared after the battle, Luo Tianxian was too powerful to be too outrageous, this was driving the road to kill the opponent.

Those two millstones look like tangible carriers of the avenue no matter how they look, who can resist?

"No, there is a gap between the millstones!" someone cried out strangely.

And, at this moment, with a bang, a devastating aura exploded, revealing a figure between the millstones, Chu Feng did not turn into blood mud, and he actually opened the millstone!

Moreover, the heaven and the earth seemed to be overturned, and the two grinding discs shook violently and then turned over.

In the end, the positions of the two millstones had changed. Instead of one being on the previous one, they were on the left and right sides of Chu Feng.

He opened his hands, his palms sprayed with bright lines, and in constant shaking, he could see that with his hands as the center, the grinding disc was densely packed with cracks.

"His hand... actually looks like a grinding disc!" Many people were surprised.

Chu Feng used his own method. He had used this secret technique at the beginning, combining various fist prints and combining the runes on the stone jar to perform the Moshiquan, with his hands like grinding plates.

At the beginning, when he used it for the first time, he blasted and killed the core lineage inheritor of the Wu lunatic line.

Today, seeing Luo Tianxian repeatedly using Heaven and Earth to suppress him, Chu Feng also began to perform this method.

The scene is astonishing. There are two small grinding discs in the big grinding disc, fighting against each other and crushing each other.

Obviously, these are two extremely opposing powers. All the sources of Chu Feng's power are in the body, grinding the world with his hands!

Luo Tianxian urged Dao Fa, smelted the outer avenue, and condensed it into two heaven and earth millstones. Standing high in the air, she controlled the avenue carrier to attack Chu Feng.

"All the mighty powers belong to me!" Chu Feng shouted.

All his power and the origin of all Dao patterns are in himself!

Luo Tianxian's eyes were deep, and the red mark on her eyebrows was shining brightly. She was the extreme opposite of Chu Feng, driving the road.


The two are diametrically opposed, and all the power rushes to the millstone and collides together.


There was a huge sound, and finally there was a clicking sound. The two big grinding discs of heaven and earth were torn apart under the shaking of Chu Feng's hands, and then exploded violently.

Luo Tianxian staggered backwards, receiving a violent impact for the first time, but she was not injured, and even the avenue carrier, Tiandi Millpan, was destroyed by Chu Feng, she was not involved.

Normally, most people must be backlashed.

But she was unharmed, the whole body was immortal, and her fighting spirit was not diminished, but she became stronger.

At this moment, Chu Feng's aura also climbed to the most terrifying position, as if a great demon king was born, he broke out of the millpan space, and chased after Luo Tianxian.


The world was penetrated by his trajectory, making a terrible roar.

Chu Feng resembled a human-shaped lightning, approaching Luo Tianxian, blasting and killing him, his whole person was a weapon, his body crossed the sky and destroyed all the catastrophes.

At this time, Luo Tianxian's body was enveloped by the unfathomable Dao rune, shining brightly, she protected her body with a secret method, urging the unworldly power, and actively facing the Chu Feng.

In an instant, the two collided one after another, and Chu Feng's physical body contained boundless power, opening and closing, moving horizontally between the world and the earth, constantly bombarding his opponents.

Luo Tianxian drove the unfathomable avenue, enveloped the Taoist body, urging the secret method, like a galaxy pouring, and the magic skills swept out one after another, striking Chu Feng at close range.

Everyone straightened their eyes, the two of them were too strong, and the speed was fast enough to guard against the sky.

They continued to collide and confront each other, like two lightning bolts entangled together, hitting from the sky to the outside world for a while, and hitting the earth at the same time for a while.

This is the real peak showdown!

Chu Feng hasn't encountered such an opponent yet. He is now a great accomplishment, breaking through the ceiling of pollen evolution and trying to open his own way.

It can be said that any opener is unique and invincible in the same realm!

It can be clearly seen that the heavens and the earth are shining for him, and there is a road that truly emerges under his feet, carrying him, this is the ultimate Tao fruit.

It is in this kind of situation that he is in the strongest state, and there are still enemies!

In fact, the people of God were even more surprised than Chu Feng.

Who is Luo Tianxian? Undefeated in the same realm, in the vastness of God, the dozens of Daozi ahead of her have higher realms than her.

Otherwise, once her evolutionary level rises, she will probably be invincible, able to push all the Taoists!

Under this circumstance, she actually encountered a great enemy in the lower realm, how could she not shock other evolving gods?

No one thought that the Son of God would have an enemy in the lower realm!


In the fierce confrontation, Chu Feng's clothes were all torn, and then he was beaten into ashes. This woman who resembled the reincarnation of a heavenly immortal was too powerful.

However, Luo Tianxian also didn't gain the upper hand, being pushed closer by the powerful Chu Feng, bombarding her all the way, the terrible fist marks almost drowned her.


The heaven and the earth are cracking, and the void explodes.

Luo Tianxian's famous phoenix feather battle clothes were all smashed, revealing the white and crystal shoulders, it was really Chu Feng's fist was too hard and too terrifying.


As if opening the world, every confrontation between the two brought countless lights of order to bloom, splitting the boundless world.

In the dazzling light, as the battle clothes shattered, Luo Tianxian frowned for the first time. She was attacked to this point. Her left shoulder was completely exposed, part of the battle clothes exploded, and the white lotus arms were exposed, even Yingying. The small waist in a grip was looming.

As for her battle skirt, it had already turned into fly ash, and the armor inside was badly damaged.

Chu Feng cast his head and hair, and from the eyes of God's Middle Qing Dynasty, he became more and more like a great demon king, chasing after the heavenly fairy of the Peerless Qingcheng to attack and kill.

If this continues, the Phoenix Yu suit on Luo Tianxian will definitely be completely destroyed.

The Qing Dynasty in the heavens is quite worried, and will not predict the outcome first, but if Fenghua Peerless De Luo Tianxian is beaten to the full bare of the ice muscles and bones, it is also very bad.

"Kill, hit her naked!" Ouyang Toad's saliva splashed all over, and in a moment of excitement, he did not control his mouth and directly shouted what was in his heart.

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