MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1603 Real man Chu Feng

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Countless people cast their eyes on Ouyang Feng. Among them, there are not only the genius of God, but also the saint of God, and the Taoist God, all of whom hate him incomparably.

In addition, even the true fairy was attracted, and even the ancient fairy king glanced at him.

Are you kidding me? God's undefeated creatures, might be the first Daoist Luo Tianxian in the future, will be beaten to death? What are you thinking about!

Ouyang Toad was hairy and kept swallowing, so many eyes locked on him, making him immediately quiet, and never dared to slobber anymore.

Others are jealous, but some creatures don’t care. It’s the king of dogs, saying: "What you say makes sense. I love to listen. Let me talk about it. Back then, I like to accept saints of religions, Daozi, etc. as pets. It's nothing to get naked."

Ouyang Feng shrank his neck when he heard it, and wanted to say, your second grandpa's! You big-mouthed dog, what are you talking about? I don't mean that at all. Don't give me any more hatred.

"Heh! How dare you say that the saints, Daozi, etc. are accepted as favorites?!" The creatures with God couldn't help but sneered there.

"Why, dissatisfied? But you are such a thing, I don't like it!" Dog Emperor barked his big teeth.

Everyone is speechless, this dog is so terrible, but ordinary people really can't afford it.


"Wang!" The Emperor Dog sprayed him with a drooping face, and the spit star splashed out 800 meters away.

This distance made Ouyang Fengdu's eyes straight.


In the sky, an astonishing battle continues.

The two people turned into two beams of light, entangled together, fought fiercely, and constantly collided, and one after another terrifying energy mushroom cloud bloomed in the void.

It can be seen that large black cracks spread one after another, and the sky is like a spider web, with cracks everywhere.

The two attacked vertically and horizontally? After a while, they hit the surface, crashed into a tens of thousands of meters high mountain, and then rushed into the chaos to fight fiercely.

Between them? Magic skills emerge endlessly? Runes shine like stars, illuminating the sky and the ground.

At this time, Chu Feng felt more and more as he watched the indestructible scriptures? The golden symbols on the stone jar were compared with each other, and his heart was greatly moved.

Although in the middle of the war? But if he is trapped in some special wonderful territory? Something cannot be extricated.

In front of his eyes? The immortal scripture seems to come alive? This is the scripture that truly develops the body's own power? Let his flesh and blood activity continue to increase.

And the golden text on the stone jar is also mysterious? Reflected in his heart, surfaced on his body surface, intertwined into complex Dao patterns.

Through these two scriptures, Chu Feng vaguely saw the doors in his body, some of them opened? The golden magma-like energy continued to flow outward.

And some are half-closed? Doctrines and threads? Accompanied by part of the golden energy river? Slowly overflow.

Chu Feng's heart trembled, and with the help of two scriptures, coupled with the Pirate Breathing Method? He actually observed part of the real situation of the door in the body.

This is a bit against the heavens. With this scripture, he can actually locate the door in his body, and, as the scripture moves, it is actually shaking those doors and making the gap bigger.

There is no doubt that with the accumulation of time, the door in Chu Feng's body is destined to be gradually opened.

How could Chu Feng not be shocked?

In this case, he will be very active and open the door to various changes in the whole process.

Chu Feng's introspection of the secret door like this is of great benefit to him, making him even want to try to concentrate but break the door.

There is no doubt that when facing the enemy of Luo Tianxian this level, such a momentary insight and feeling distracted him.


His shoulder was hit by a bright sword light shot by the opponent, splashing a large amount of blood, bright red with brilliant Dao patterns.

"Chu Feng!" Many people exclaimed, this is too dangerous.

At the moment, Luo Tianxian sent out hundreds of sword lights one after another, communicating the sky and the earth, accompanied by thunder light, accompanied by sword light, Chu Feng was cut with a sword.

After the blessings of the immortal scriptures, and also comprehended the Taoist Zhenteng’s secrets of the Great Dao, Chu Feng’s physical body was incredibly tough. If it weren’t for this, only this sword would be enough to kill a constant-level creature, even a Taoist End of hatred!

"These skills are far from good!" Luo Tianxian said, her face was beautiful, and her head was full of blue silks. She seemed very disappointed.

She really felt that if Chu Feng were only at this level, it would not be enough to push her to the limit, and could not sharpen her certain invincible natural skill.

Her words were understood by the Qing Dynasty in the heavens as Chu Feng was about to lose, and it was not enough to be an enemy of Luo Tianxian.

"A real man, I hate others for saying no, I am Chu Ultimate, now the warm-up is over!" Chu Feng's voice was low, and he was no longer distracted.

However, he was still watching the door inside his body, trying to pry open a special door completely.

"Then you come!" Luo Tianxian stood in the air, slender, with an astonishing curve wrapped in the damaged inner armor. Her beautiful eyes were deep, and the brows were marked with red Dao patterns, extremely cold and gorgeous.

She signaled Chu Feng to launch the most powerful means to attack him.


When Chu Feng focused on a particular "door" in his body, his speed suddenly increased, suddenly rising to a shocking level.

The body was like lightning, tearing the void through the sky and the earth, and immediately arrived in front of Luo Tianxian. Chu Feng's fist marks were as brilliant as the sun, surpassing people's understanding, and blasted forward at speed.

At this moment, he understood that the door really had something to do with speed. When he was inwardly looking, he found that he had learned some lightning-like runes.

Now, it has been confirmed that it can increase speed!

"What? That is Dacheng's lightning fist. At this age, he can actually understand this fist mark?!"

Some people marveled.

Chu Feng was as fast as lightning, crossing the void with his body, distorting the time and space, and even the fragments of time emerged, lingering around it.

However, people didn't know that this was not Lightning Fist at all, it was just the result of Chu Feng's own speed increasing to the limit.

It was caused by him temporarily abandoning other doors and focusing on pushing that door with all his strength. It is about speed!

Chu Feng's body was faint, as if being broken down by time, and as if attached to lightning, almost inconceivable, his fist marks hit Luo Tianxian one after another.


It was not a lightning fist, but the effect was the same, quickly shocking the world, hitting Luo Tianxian's exposed white shoulders, and suddenly making it red and swollen.


With another punch, Chu Feng's fist marks almost hit her heart through Luo Tianxian's crossed arms.

After hundreds of fists, the divine light bloomed, and the void was gorgeous, and six of Chu Feng's fist marks hit Luo Tianxian's body.

This suddenly stunned a group of people. In what situation, why did Chu Mo's speed increase to such a terrifying level, and even the fragments of time began to haunt him?

Many people are horrified, and they ask themselves that they can't avoid it.

Even the other Daozi of God had their pupils contracted, secretly afraid of the speed, because even Luo Tianxian hadn't avoided all of them.

"Are you a man? The strength is too weak!" Luo Tianxian said. She was cold and barely speaks much, but now she speaks one after another, and she is ridiculing Chu Feng, quite arrogant.

Some real gods realized that Luo Tianxian deliberately squeezed her opponents, trying to make Chu Mo crazy and use the most powerful means to sharpen her own heavenly power.

The old monster of God felt that Luo Tianxian was too adventurous to stimulate his opponent. If Chu Mo became angry and burned with her jade, it would be bad.

Sure enough, Chu Feng's face turned black immediately, in front of all the strong men in the sky and the earth, what are you talking about me? Master Chu, I really want to beat you to death as Ouyang Toad said today!

He also wanted to use his opponents to sharpen himself. After all, he had just comprehended the Immortal Sutra and needed to fight to adapt, so some methods had not been used yet.

Now he couldn't bear it anymore, with a booming sound behind him, a brilliant light wheel appeared, as if it suddenly illuminated the ancient and modern future.

The enhanced version of the Seven Treasure Magic Technique was deduced by him, and the further magic technique was revealed by him. The light wheel was enveloped, and he immediately made him invulnerable!


Chu Feng Hengkong, first approached Luo Tianxian with lightning speed, slammed in front of her, and punched out one after another.

At the same time, he began to pay attention to another special door in his body. He had a hunch that it represented the "door" of power.

With a bang, the moment he succeeded and touched Luo Tianxian's body, he concentrated his strength to shake the power gate.


Luo Tianxian did not avoid the fist marks. At first, she felt that the fist marks were still not strong enough to threaten her.

However, the next moment, her face changed and her pupils shrank, because she felt a real death threat, and that kind of power could definitely break her through.


In the first time, she turned her heavenly power, and her body was filled with endless runes. This time it was not only for body protection, but something rushed out of the runes.

Even so, it was still a little late. She had already hit her fist and was hit by Chu Feng's bright fist marks in her abdomen.

For a moment, Luo Tianxian's body trembled violently. After being hit by the bare snowy white waist in the broken armor, she seemed to be breaking her body. She leaned back and formed an exaggerated arc. It is hard to imagine that a human body is actually Can be flexible to this degree.

She leaned back, and was about to be pulled like a bow and snapped. The upper and lower parts of Xuebai Xiaoman's waist were almost completely folded together.


On her slender, snow-white waist, the originally broken armor was completely exploded, and it was shattered by Chu Feng's punch, revealing a large white crystal luster.

The green silk was flying, Luo Tianxian's beautiful face was full of surprise, and a trace of pain, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his body flew out of the battlefield.

However, how could Chu Feng give up the opportunity to attack, how could there be any feelings of pity for Xiangxiyu now, and he was about to hit his opponent naked.

There are fragments of time under his feet, supporting him to travel at extreme speed. When he touches Luo Tianxian's body, time temporarily disappears, and the gap opened by the power gate becomes larger, blasting terrifying energy!


When Luo Tianxian flew upside down, he hit one after another, fractured his shoulder, and his beautiful cheek was rubbed by the fist wind. The upper body was also hit with a punch, and his armor exploded.

Her amazing curves and the exposed part of her snow-white body, but at this time, more things rushed out of her body, some formed runes, some were transformed, guarding her graceful body, and those watching the battle could not see it. .

Chu Feng was moved, and finally knew why this woman could bear his heavy fist without breaking her body, with mysterious runes blooming in her body, turning into a creature?

Fengming nine days!

At this moment, Luo Tianxian rushed out of nine phoenixes with bright and brilliant wings, and there were five real dragons. The dragon's voice moved for nine days, and the atmosphere of terror filled the sky, crushing the sky.

Nine phoenixes and five dragons surround her, and each one is blooming with divine beauty, setting off her in the center, as if the stars are holding the moon.

More than that, under Luo Tianxian's feet, a golden winged big Peng emerged, roaring, trying to tear the 33rd heaven.

In addition, there are golden crows hanging in the air around her, white peacocks spreading their wings, one is like the source of light that lasts forever, and the other is like the dark peacock Buddha who swallowed the Buddha, looking down on the world!

what's going on?

Many people were dumbfounded and felt a powerful breath that undulated like a vast ocean, connected together, it was simply desperate.

Those creatures are all of the strongest sequence, extremely powerful, and guarding one person-Luo Tianxian.

Chu Feng's pupils contracted. He did fly the armor of his opponent. His body was crystal clear, exposing a large area of ​​whiteness. However, the opponent did not suffer serious damage, and the runes bloomed on his body, showing so many powerful creatures. This is how it works. Of heaven? !

In the rune, under the brilliant light, Luo Tianxian put on a layer of silver armor again, green silk fluttering, on the beautiful face, a little red mark on the eyebrows glowed, the whole person's aura was growing stronger, she was watching Chu Feng, More and more powerful.

"I hope you don't let me down, do your best and attack me with all your strength!" Luo Tianxian said.

This kind of expression, this kind of powerful self-confidence, really infected the generation of God, making people believe that she is invincible, and now she still hopes that the stronger the enemy, the better, to sharpen the power of heaven.

Chu Feng said, "It looks so delicious. A real man wants to roast real dragons and cook phoenixes today! But eating them will not mean eating you, right?"

For an instant, Luo Tianxian, who had a cold temperament and looked like Fairy Guanghan, turned a little dark. What kind of weird man is this?

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