MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1604 Break through the Three Thousand Worlds

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  The needle falling at the scene can be heard, and Chu Mo’s words really make many evolvers dumbfounded. What kind of monster is this, threatening to cook the real dragon and cook the phoenix? Eat it all!

  Everyone is speechless.


  The void exploded, runes pierced through the sky, and the creatures that emerged centered on Luo Tianxian were all blooming with fairy light, releasing powerful energy, sweeping the sky and the ground.

  Many of those who pay attention to this scene are trembling, their bodies and souls are trembling, and they can't help but bow their heads and want to worship.

  Because, whether it is a real dragon or a peacock, they are all unimaginable tyrannical creatures. The gathering of so many and surrounding Luo Tianxian is truly shocking.

   Normally, the appearance of a single true dragon is enough to stir up the world and turmoil the world.

What's the situation now? Five-headed real dragons emerged, and each one was made of immortal gold, with powerful and powerful bodies shining brightly, and the avenue symbols blooming around them, which was really shocking.

  There is also the singing of the nine-headed phoenix bird, the sound of which runs through the 33rd heaven, shaking people's souls.

  Nine Phoenix and Five Dragons, vaguely foreshadows the supremacy of the ninety-five years, giving people a strong sense of preconceived and powerful hints, which makes people feel that they are invincible.

  Who can not be surprised in the middle and youth generation?

  Such a creature, a single individual can control one party, order the clans to gather in such a way, and cluster one person, which is really incredible.

  In fact, with Luo Tianxian as the center, where Dao patterns arise and die, and the order is intertwined, every inch of space carries a billion-dollar avenue that meets at Luo Tianxian's feet.

  She is like an invincible incarnation, walking in that direction, all standing on a certain avenue, overlooking the changes of rules under her feet.

   Around it, the flames are beating, that is the manifestation of Tao, the appearance of tangible carriers, such as the stars and the moon, the immortality of Luo Tianxian set off, not stained with dust, and detached.

  This kind of breath and this kind of Taoist rhyme caused many old monsters to breathe in cold air. They never touched this level when they were young.

  Sure enough, Luo Tianxian's gestures, all rules emerge, all are intertwined with order, she seems to be able to wave the entire world and suppress all enemies!


  She moved, and a path spread out under her feet, like the light of a flying fairy, piercing through the void and heading straight towards Chu Feng.

  This beam of light is accompanied by light and rain. It is gorgeous and beautiful, but it is also extremely terrifying. It obliterates all the Dao patterns in front of it, and I am the only one who respects it.

  Whether it was the energy released by Chu Feng or the runes spreading out in front of him, they were all crushed by the beam.


  It looked like a Chaos Demon God was moving, and Chu Feng suddenly fell down, collapsing the void in front of him, blocking the beam of light.

  The space was chaotic, and the **** cracks spread, but after the beam was blocked, it quickly bloomed with dazzling runes again and forced it towards the opponent.

  How can people not be surprised? The weak are frightened.

  The beam of light rolled over, how many people can resist like Chu Feng? For others, there is no resistance at all, it breaks all obstacles.

  In particular, it turned out to be just a splendid road paved and displayed, carrying Luo Tianxian to the enemy.

  This scene is terrible!

  At this time, Luo Tianxian arrived, and she stepped on that beam, really like a heavenly immortal outside the territory, holy not to look directly at it, raining everywhere, shining all over the world, and descending into the world.

  She has pure white hands, pressing directly forward, everything will not be destroyed, nothing will not be broken.

  Especially, with the nine phoenixes and five dragons beside her, there is also a golden crow hanging in the air, which seems to be an eternal light source, with the resonance of peacocks and the elephant of swallowing the sky.

  This attitude, such a terrifying momentum, who can stop it? !

  Whether it’s God or the heavens, the Zhongqing generation was shocked, with cold hands and feet, how can such a Luo Tianxian be an enemy?

  With her boundless power, she seems to be able to suppress all enemies, ancient and modern.

  At this moment, Chu Feng had no choice but to explode, do everything he could to show his various powerful methods, and show his killer skills!

  A road appeared at the feet of Chu Feng, and he sublimated to the limit. Around it, it was densely packed with **** patterns, all flowers of the avenue, blooming quickly.

  To the best of his ability, the Dharma that he once practiced all evolved at the same time, and then was surging and released in an all-round way.

   Taking the road under his feet as the root, it is the vision that accompanies the breaking of the ceiling of the pollen evolution road, which belongs to the unique Taoist rhyme of the pioneers.

  At this time, his breathing method is deep and long. Between heaving and vomiting, the soul breathes with it, and the skin also breathes, and endless flowers take root in the void and surround him.

  Chu Feng actually looks very sacred, otherworldly, like an immortal who walks on the moon, and it does not touch the fireworks in the world.

  The boundless flowers are extremely brilliant, blooming in patches around him, that is the sound of the avenue, that is the pulsating note of heaven and earth, that is the whisper of the chain of order through time and space.

  One flower one magic trick, one flower one world, one flower one...the bright magical flower first blooms, and the world is amazing in an instant.

  Even though Luo Tianxian brought the nine phoenixes and five dragons, accompanied by the peacock swallowing the sky, it was also blocked by the blooming brilliance of the divine flower on the boundless avenue.

  Her bare hands, her white palms pointed downwards, as if she was going to penetrate this boundless sea of ​​flowers and break through the "magic dam" of a flower and a world!


  In the violent big collision, in the boundless sea of ​​flowers, magical skills rushed into the sky, blocking Luo Tianxian and impacting the terrifying creatures around her.

  All magical techniques are methods that Chu Feng had practiced, or scriptures that he had seen.

  For example: Lightning Fist, Big Sun Tathagata Fist, Flying Immortal Spear, Streaming Fist, Random Star Finger, Fantian Seal, Purple Qi Donglai Finger...

  More his field methods, after blooming one by one avenue flower after another, deduced the special terrain, such as Luohuangpo, Sinking Cave, Wanlingxu...

  What Chu Feng learned, let it go. When every flower of the avenue blooms, there is the sound of heaven and earth resonance, and the sound of Dao collides.

  Of course, all of these are based on his foundation. On the road on which he stands, endless spiritual particles are dancing, swaying at the end of the road, a candle that will never be extinguished, and then become a beacon, illuminating the way forward.

  Many of the evolving players who watched the battle had scalp numbness. The methods of these two people were amazing.


  It seemed that the world was cut open, the avenue was torn apart, and the runes and magic arts between the two collided together, constantly surging, blasting, and annihilating, creating a terrible wonder.

  For a time, it became the source of destruction, and the dazzling brilliance raged everywhere.

   Although the flowers of the avenue are bright and beautiful, everyone can see that Luo Tianxian is too strong. She takes the nine phoenix and five dragons around her to become more powerful, destroying the flowers and ruining them.

  No matter the nine phoenixes and five dragons, the peacock that swallows the sky, the golden crow passing by, and the winged roc, they are all creatures standing at the top of the pyramid in the legend. It is invincible to gather together like this!

  Most of the magic tricks deduced by Chu Feng were destroyed and could not be stopped.

  Only when he approaches, the Seven Treasures shines and turns into a light wheel, covering and shrouding him without the light of the catastrophe.

   "Chu Feng!" Many people couldn't help but exclaim, worrying for him.

  "This is the beginning. My background, my path, my law, and my way can support my previous experience!"

  Chu Feng roared, beside him, with a boom, a picture scroll appeared, interpreting the real world, crossing before him, blocking the path of Luo Tianxian.

  His blood and energy all over his body rushed into the sky, and his soul light was flourishing and spreading.

  He had a deep understanding when he was still at the low level of the evolution field, but at that time he was not enough to support his own way.

  Now, he has become a pathbreaker, once again picking up the old Dharma, handy, no longer a dream empty flower.

  He uses life and blood as the paper and spirit and soul power as the paint. He splashes ink to create a magnificent picture, which is like a pioneering world and interprets an invincible scene.

  The sentiment in the past has already revealed some roads that may be taken in the future. It has touched his soul and bloomed today, further writing his path.


At first, many big stars appeared beside Chu Feng, but soon they all exploded and quickly turned into billions of galaxies, the boundless universe, and through the ages, everything you think, what you think in your heart, as well as the Dharma and Dao of the purpose. Appearing in the starry sky beside him, shaking vertically and horizontally.

  The galaxies are intertwined, arranging the field, turning into a horse training, and blocking Luo Tianxian.

  And these galaxies, this universe, all tangible qualities are constructed with immortal scriptures and golden text on stone jars, and they are extremely solid.

  Chu Feng held the entire starry sky and smashed forward, as if waving the entire universe, trying to kill Luo Tianxian!

  This is using his soul light as the paint and qi and blood as the paper, evolving and opening up the world to suppress opponents.

  However, Luo Tianxian's cold voice came out, and she was still calm and dived forward.

   "It's useless, the creatures around me, which one is not the supreme creature that can break through the world, which one is not the legendary species, even if you evolve three thousand worlds, and the ink-filled universe, I will also break through!"

  This kind of self-confidence, this boundless power that can stir the heaven and the earth, makes her seem more and more superior to all beings.


  Her palm fell down, some stars shattered, and the nine phoenix and five dragons beside her smashed some brilliant galaxies.

  Chu Feng uses life and blood as his paper, and his spirit and soul power as his paint. The galaxy universe he constructed is being impacted, and some star fields are dimmed in an instant.

   "This is the terrifying method of Luo Tianxian's evolving civilization. Raising true dragons and raising fairy phoenixes are actually based on their own soul light!"

Behind   , an old fairy king sighed, revealing the terrifying aspects of that evolutionary civilization.

  The so-called real dragon, fairy phoenix, golden crow and other longevity species, these supreme species are all derived from that evolutionary civilization itself!

  Some people say that they hatched eggs of various super species, brought them with them, and fought with them.

  However, only those who really understand know how terrifying the inside story is.

  This evolutionary civilization, they are the original runes of super-species built in the soul light, and they grow up with them. The so-called supreme species are actually the evolution of their soul light!


  Destroyed and rotten, Luo Tianxian swept past with the super supreme species around him, and the cosmic scroll painted by Chu Feng seemed to be continuously collapsing, and it was about to be unable to sustain it.

  Insert a sentence, the reading app I am using recently, [app ] There are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

  However, he was still calm, standing on a big star, watching Luo Tianxian who crossed the galaxy scroll and was about to kill him.

  The blood on his body was diffused, and the soul light bloomed. For a time, the entire cosmic scroll swelled, and his body resonated with the soul light.

   Around him, one after another, tall figures appeared one after another on the big stars, surpassing the stars under their feet, like a chaotic **** and demon, coming from before the open sky and descending on those big stars.

  They met Luo Tianxian, real dragon, peacock and so on.

  Outside, many people were stunned, because, as if they had known each other, they saw many vague and familiar figures.

   "That looks like an old man?!" Jiu Dao was suspicious.

  Dog King was also a little dazed, staring at the black behemoth on a certain big star.

  Not only the two of them, but many others felt that their pupils contracted.


In the   cosmic picture scroll, a thin figure shouted on a big star: "The old man talks about being crazy about young people, holding the yellow on the left, Qingcang on the right, the golden hat Diaoqiu, Qianqijuan Pinggang!"

  Outside the world, the nine paths and one wind are messy, isn't that him? !

  And, what is he shouting? Too him... Doesn't fit his identity, how can I escape Chu Feng's picture scroll and become his thug!

  However, others were shocked.

  It was a skinny figure like a **** of open sky, roaring the world, shattering the planet under its feet, killed it, grabbed two real dragons, and broke them!

Luo Tianxian was unmoved. There were too many super-species around her. The peacock, known as the dark and ferocious bird that swallowed the Buddha, was revered as the mother of Buddha. Now it was whistling and swallowing the vast universe of stars and killing it. Chu Feng's true body.

   "Wang! The emperor is here, overlooking the world, looking across the 50th century, who is the enemy? Wang!"

  On a certain big star, a black behemoth rose up and stood upright, opened its blood basin, and pounced on the peacock that swallowed the universe.

  Outside, the black emperor is also a little messy in the wind, this grandfather' deducing its appearance? ! It suddenly looked bad, and stared at Chu Feng.


  The monstrous divine fire raged, and a golden crow ran across the starry sky in the picture scroll, burning one big star after another, destroying the life picture of Chu Feng.

  At this moment, a black figure appeared silently behind the Golden Crow, holding...a black brick, with a bang, and directly hit the back of its head.

  At this moment, many people outside were speechless, and then looked in one direction.

  The **** hand of prehistoric Li Lu, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, that kid was guilty of eating the immortal heart, dare to evolve him? Find a fight!

  On another big star, a carrion corpse emerged, and his mouth chanted: "Dig off the cycle of reincarnation, dig up the underworld, I am the Lord of darkness, and the destination of all living things needs me to save!"

  Outside, beside the dog king, the carrion heard this voice, saw this interpretation, smiled and nodded, and said: "There is a little momentum of mine."

  However, the next moment, he changed his color suddenly, trying to choke Chu Feng to death.

In the starry sky picture scroll, the carrion shouted: "Father, I will help you!" He attacked the fairy phoenixes.

Not only are the faces of Nine Dao One, Dog King, Li Ran, Carrion and others darkened, even if they are the fairy king of the heavens, the people who have been shot just now are not looking good. They have also been interpreted and appeared in the picture scroll. Block Luo Tianxian.

  "Strike through three thousand realms, let you evolve through the past and the present, and I will blast through it together!" Luo Tianxian lightly screamed, that woman was too strong, cold and pressing, and the red lines on her brows glowed.

  Some of the supreme species around her were blocked, some were killed, after all, Chu Feng was also doing his best to effectively eliminate some creatures.


   However, after that, both the galaxies and the figures evolved by Chu Feng, etc., gradually shattered and gradually disappeared.

  Luo Tianxian with the remaining supreme species is about to cross the fragmented galaxy scroll, and slam in front of Chu Feng.

  At this time, it can be seen that the starry sky of the universe is gradually dissipating, and the flowers of the previous countless avenues are also withering, turning into streamers, returning to Chu Feng's body.

  But he was still peaceful, without panic, waiting for the enemy to kill him.

  The light that returned to his body seemed to have gone through thousands of tempers, to remove the waste and save the green, and it was more brilliant, and the runes became more and more powerful.

  "His picture scroll broke open, why didn't he avoid it?" Outside, many people exclaimed, feeling he was in danger.

  Chu Feng said: "The pioneer, is to keep trying, let me sharpen my undefeated path through you, so that I will be more clear, all magical powers, all kinds of magic techniques, all mighty powers, should belong to me!"


  Chu Feng stood there, with a dazzling beam of light, waiting for Luo Tianxian to approach!

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