MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 12

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The film police know the residents in the film, even if they can't say that they are completely aware of them, at least some of the troublesome foreign and dangerous people are still paying attention. Zhao Xiaolian moved to this film since the divorce, and they got to know the newly moved in households. Adding Zhang Jianguo's wife to the trouble some time ago, the police station also has a record there. So when several old policemen came back, as soon as Zhang Hang said his name, they roughly understood the situation, and at the same time he groaned about Zhang Hang's experience.

It ’s okay for this child to just run away with his mother. At least his father can give him support directly, but now he is blind and sick. Everyone ca n’t take care of it.

"What now?" Xiao Ren asked the captain in a low voice, and he was really distressed watching the child.

"Contact his father first, although it was awarded to the mother, but the child will definitely be distressed and brought back to raise him." The captain's words are also reasonable, but unfortunately they do n’t know Zhang Hang ’s life. If they really contact Zhang Qiming, I'm afraid it will be more embarrassing.

Although their voices are very low, how can they conceal Zhang Hang and Lu Chengye who are quite sensitive in hearing. Zhang Hang clenched his trousers, his knuckles were a little white, but Lu Chengye ran to bite the telephone line to prevent Xiao Ren from making a call.

"Ah, hey!" Xiao Ren rushed to grab the phone with Lu Chengye. "Don't bite, don't bite. This is public property. If you bite it, you must pay it!"

Lu Chengye didn't bite hard, so he bit the telephone line in his mouth and stopped them from calling.

"Your dog ..." Xiao Ren wanted to grab the telephone line in the past, but Lu Chengye's pretentious look made him a little dazed. Even if the police had been trained well, he would be bitten if he wrestled with such a big dog. It was a glorious injury to arrest the criminals and it was bitten by a dog for a telephone line. It was really ...

"Big black." Zhang Hang called Lu Chengye lightly, and Lu Chengye squatted next to Zhang Hang with the telephone line. "Don't make a noise, return the telephone line to others."

Talking, he touched Lu Chengye's mouth, and slowly dragged the telephone line. Lu Chengye opened his mouth obediently, let Zhang Hang take the telephone line away, and licked Zhang Hang's palm with his mouth, itching.

"Sorry," Zhang Hang turned to Xiao Ren following his voice. "Dahei probably ... didn't want you to call my dad. Our relationship was not good. He ... was unlikely to raise me."

He said such sad words, but his tone was light and his expression was so calm. Not disheartened, but a kind of strength after acceptance.

"But you ..." Xiao Ren took the telephone line, feeling a little sad. As police officers, they can see a lot of sad things every day, but it's the first time they have seen a child as strong as Zhang Hang. There was no resentment against irresponsible parents in his tone, and no reprimand for fate. He just accepted everything that happened to him calmly, and treated his parents with tolerance, without letting his heart be in the slightest hatred. .

Such clean eyes are invisible.

"Actually, I shouldn't be here today," Zhang Hang said apologetically. "I don't have a place to live now. If I don't have blindness, I can quickly find a house to live in. But now I can't see it, it is more troublesome to find a house. Standing on the street worrying, Dahei brought me here. "

"No, no, it should be difficult to find us!" Xiao Ren poured a glass of water for Zhang Hang, "I can help you find a house, but will you be like this in the future? Do not go to school and take care of you, you It's only 16 years old, it's too difficult. You still have to contact your parents, at least until you can stand on your own and have enough viability. "

Xiao Ren's words let Zhang Hang feel a warm current. He smiled and touched Dahei's head and said, "I still have Dahei, and he can help me. In addition, I am already learning Braille by myself, and I plan to find time to go The China Federation of Disabled Persons would probably receive some subsidies. I will slowly learn some skills to find a job. There will always be a way. "

Zhang Hang's remarks shocked the police at the entire police station. They have seen all kinds of people and seen various kinds of misery, but few Zhang Hang are so optimistic and upright. Complain not sorrow, and plan your life very well.

The captain, unlike Xiao Ren who just worked and was a little emotional, sat very reasonably next to Zhang Hang and advised: "Perhaps you have a bad relationship with your father, and you have a plan for your own life plan, but you have not yet In adulthood, many things cannot be decided and we need a guardian. As a police officer, we are still obliged to contact your family. If we cannot reach your mother, we will contact your father. "

Zhang Hang bit his lip and didn't speak. His relationship with Zhang Qiming is difficult to tell. In fact, Zhang Qiming is willing to bear the maintenance costs. He has been very grateful to him. He also hopes that his adoptive father can find a wife who truly treats him and has his own children in the future. Now, he really doesn't want to bother Zhang Qiming any more, and he doesn't want to tell them these secret things in front of people.

He shook his head: "I don't want to bother him, I really can."

"Otherwise ..." Xiao Ren tilted his head and thought, "In fact, I want to say that my house is a waste of two bedrooms and one living room. The rent is still very expensive. I am actually looking for a roommate to help me pay the rent. , Really! "

In the eyes of the young policeman, he felt distressed and admired for the teenager. He was willing to reach out and help the child, but was shot by the realistic captain.

"Don't make a mess, this is not a matter of his renting a house. It involves parents abandoning their children and must contact their families!"

"But I'm not a child," Zhang Hang argued arguably, "I'm sixteen years old and I can take on my own life. Even if I go out to work, it's not child labor."

"Wang Wang"! Lu Chengye screamed calmly beside him, saying that I could also help Hang Hang.

The captain is gone, glanced at Xiao Ren, and sighed: "So, if you are willing, Xiao Ren, first take him to live for two days, and then help him rent a house. Then contact the Disabled Federation and take him to disability Proceed to receive the subsidy. Zhang Hang, do n’t be capricious, your mother is not responsible for leaving, we must contact your father. At the very least, he should let him give you your mother's support directly, you understand? "

Zhang Hang nodded cleverly, and the result was already the best. For the time being, there was a place for him, and some people helped him find a house to spend the most difficult time. As for Zhang Qiming ... it should be a contact.

In this way, Xiao Ren brought Zhang Hang to his home that night. The home was really as he said. The two bedrooms and one living room were very spacious, but the bachelor's place ...

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Hang was smoked back two steps, and Lu Chengye couldn't bear to sneeze hard. Xiao Ren scratched his head and laughed twice: "Hey, hey, you stay outside for a while, I'll clean up the room right away, right away! "

After speaking, enter the room quickly, and shut Zhang Hang and Dahei out of the door, so that they will not be poisoned by the smell.

Zhang Hang smiled lightly, squatting down and Dahei whispered, and said in a low voice, "Dahee, have we met good people?"

"Wang." Good or bad, he would at least not lie to a blind person for tens of thousands of dollars as a policeman, it is better than just finding someone on the road.

"Dahei is really smart, knowing that he took me to the police station. I really thought that we were going to live in the ATM's cabin tonight."

"Wang!" You are looking for a good place to stay. This is not good. What to do if you are robbed in the evening. Lu Chengye has some headaches. Why is this child so optimistic and naive? We must believe that there are bad people in the world! But ... it's okay, at least his voyage will not be so sad, he can face the future bravely, and he will help him.

One person, one dog, and one donkey talked wrongly for a while, Xiao Ren opened the door and invited them in.

This time, an outdated cologne smelled, and Lu Chengye started sneezing again.

Xiao Ren's expression was almost crying, Dahei, can you keep tearing down my desk!

Zhang Hang tried to resist the urge to pinch his nose, and Dahei walked into the door and entered into his room under the leadership of Xiao Ren.

Looking at Lu Chengye's advanced housing, although it is a bit messy, it can at least get rid of it. So before Xiao Ren was able to lead the way, he "wangwang" two times, leading Zhang Hang around the room, let him touch it by hand, here is the table, here is the bed, here is the wall. He led Zhang Hang around the walkable ground. Zhang Hang roughly understood the indoor environment, rubbed his black head, and thanked Xiao Ren.

"It's okay," Xiao Ren scratched his head. "Actually, it doesn't matter if you live here all the time. I need a roommate anyway. This house is for rent at home. In fact, it's very expensive. My salary is not enough to pay the rent, hehe ... "

"Wang." Xiao Ren is good, so consider it.

In fact, having an enthusiastic and upright roommate is good for Zhang Hang. After all, he needs someone to take care of him. No matter how clever Lu Chengye is, he can't take Zhang Hang to buy clothes. As a dog, he can't do many things.

Zhang Hang didn't answer. He was also thinking about this problem. For one thing, he didn't want to bother others. For another, it was really difficult for him to be alone.

Finally, he decided to be selfish and live for a few days before talking.

Seeing Zhang Hang's meaning to be shaken, Xiao Ren said happily: "So, at lunch you and I eat in the box, I will make it for you at night ..."

Glanced at the instant noodle box on the ground, kicked the box decisively, and said, "I invite you to dinner at night."

Zhang Hang smiled wryly. 2k novel reading network

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