MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 13

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Xiao Ren is a good person. However, living with him is not as convenient as in the original small house. On the first day, Zhang Hang realized how troublesome it is for a blind person to share a room.

Getting up in the morning, Zhang Hang took Dahei for a walk, and Xiao Ren was still sleeping. Although 16 years old Zhang Hang is much younger than 20-year-old Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren is a child from a schedule and psychological point of view. He always stays asleep until the last minute in the evening, and wakes up a minute before arriving late in the morning. Zhang Hang is used to getting up at 5 o'clock every day and taking Dahei to go for a morning run. He hasn't changed this year.

He got up quietly, and Lu Chengye didn't make a noise in order not to wake up Xiao Ren. One person and one dog quietly entered the bathroom. Lu Chengye squatted at the door like every morning in the past, waiting for Zhang Hang to wash him out. Today, however, he sent Zhang Hang to the bathroom to go to the toilet. He squatted at the door for less than five minutes. He heard a crackling noise in the bathroom. Lu Chengye rushed in, and several bottles and jars that didn't know what effect fell on On the ground, Zhang Hang couldn't find the teeth he put in well last night.

Lu Chengye glanced at the bathroom and found that Zhang Hang's dental appliances placed on the washstand last night were moved to another location by hand, and the place where the dental appliances were originally placed was put on a pile of shampoo, shower gel, facial cleanser and the like. Several glass bottles were broken. Zhang Hang was at a loss to touch, and Lu Chengye screamed "Wang" quickly, preventing Zhang Hang from touching the glass fragments on the ground with his hands.

After such a toss, Xiao Ren was awakened even if he slept again. He yawned and walked to the bathroom. He saw a messy scene and couldn't help but feel a distressed expression on his face. He yelled, "My ..."

After saying only two words, when I saw Zhang Hang's apology, I swallowed it back and said, "You are not injured?"

Zhang Hang shook his head, and the expression on his face was about to cry, saying to Xiao Ren: "I'm sorry ..."

"It's okay, you go down and walk the dog. I'll clean it up."

Knowing that he would stay only to help Zhang Hang silently take Dahei out, his mood was very low. For him, blindness in the past was just an imagination. He knew that he would not be able to see it, but he was not afraid of it because of the existence of Dahei, let alone what kind of dilemma he would have in his future life.

It's not just the simple matter of not being able to go to school and finding a job, his life will be dark and countless troubles will come to him.

He couldn't see that everything could only be replaced by hearing, smell, and touch, but when there was no sound, no smell, or even no touch, everything would become extremely scary, and the whole world was unknown to him. But now, he just moved to a good-hearted home, which caused trouble for the other party. Xiao Ren didn't care much, but Zhang Hang was very guilty.

Lu Chengye didn't think so. Zhang Hang couldn't see that inconvenient life was inevitable. He should think of these things, but still lived as usual after moving to a new environment. This is wrong. He didn't understand Xiao Ren's living habits, so he should be more vigilant. Zhang Hang couldn't see it, so he had to be his eyes and fulfill his due responsibilities, but today he failed.

"Wang"! He whispered to Zhang Hang and promised that he would be careful in the future.

For people, running can always play a role in reducing stress. When you are running, your lungs continue to breathe air and spit out, all the pain in your chest will dissipate with fatigue. When you stop to rest exhausted, the comfort after fatigue can make you temporarily forget A lot of unpleasant things.

I did n’t dare to run too fast because I could n’t see Zhang Hang, but with the guidance of Dahei, he could run for a long time, and the summer morning was very hot. When Zhang Hang stopped, he lay down like a river of sweat, but his body was Extremely comfortable.

He went to buy breakfast, took a walk with Lu Chengye and returned to his apartment. Xiao Ren had cleaned up the bathroom and continued to fall asleep. Young people sleep well. No matter how disturbed they are, they can fall asleep immediately if they touch the pillow.

Zhang Hang lightly laid the breakfast on the table under the guidance of Lu Chengye, and changed his clothes to take a bath by himself. This time, Lu Chengye could not rest assured that Zhang Hang fumbled himself in the bathroom, and he followed in. Zhang Hang slowed down, groping about the bathroom a little, and Lu Chengye stared at him tightly, and when he found that he was about to touch something, he whispered softly, and when Zhang Hang encountered his own toiletries, he would be more excited to call A few sounds.

One person and one dog will have some poor communication at the beginning, but Lu Chengye was brought by Zhang Hang from a young age, and he knew the emotions contained in his call Zhang Hang. In this brief running-in, they found that they were in perfect harmony with each other. Zhang Hang was very familiar with Lu Chengye's screams, and he could immediately detect what he wanted to say or remind himself, and this magical understanding gave Lu Chengye a feeling that he was talking instead of barking.

There is a shelf next to the shower. Zhang Hang slowly packed the shelf and put his own toiletries on it. At this time, the water temperature of the water heater was also burning to just 39 degrees. In summer, showering with water at this temperature is just right, not too cold or too hot. Zhang Hang didn't know the temperature, so he planned to slowly adjust the water temperature, while Lu Chengye ran to his feet and constantly scratched him with his claws. Zhang Hang did not understand what Lu Chengye meant at first, but later found that Dahei asked him to adjust the water temperature to hot water. The direction adjustment will scratch his left foot, and the direction of cold water will scratch his right foot. Zhang Hang set the wrench to the hottest side, and asked Lu Chengye in doubt: "It's black, it's the hottest."

"Wang!" The highest temperature is only 39 degrees, wash it!

I do n’t know what Zhang Hang heard in Lu Chengye ’s full-fledged call. In short, he released a section of cold water in the water pipe. After the water temperature became hot, he undoubtedly stood under the shower without fear of big blacks. Instruct yourself to burn yourself wrongly.

Sure enough, the water temperature was just right.

Xiao Ren's bathroom is relatively large. Lu Chengye can squat on the other side, but occasionally water splashes on his body, it will not be uncomfortable. Zhang Hang pulled the waterproof curtain when taking a bath. Taking a bath in the curtain, Lu Chengye could only hear the sound of water flow, and only saw the shadow of Zhang Hang on the curtain.

However, just before testing the water temperature, Zhang Hang had taken off his clothes, and this was the first time that Lu Chengye saw his body.

The juvenile's unopened body reveals a sense of flexibility, and good exercise habits make Zhang Hang's body good. His limbs are long and his thighs and arms are barely showing muscle contours. Except for his eyes, Zhang Hang is very healthy and optimistic Children are especially sensible.

Looking at Zhang Hang's body with satisfaction, Lu Chengye in the **** shell nodded secretly, very satisfied. Now only sixteen years old, this figure is quite good. In another two years, he will gradually guide Zhang Hang's exercise methods to make his body better and healthier.

Although he was raised by Zhang Hang, he now feels that he is raising a child, and he is very relieved.

Dahei's bright black eyes have been staring at the waterproof curtain, looking at Zhang Hang's shadow, and thinking constantly. Without knowing it himself, his eyes narrowed, his furry tail flickered unconsciously, and his ears were slightly raised.

As a human, Lu Chengye was impatient with the company and was unwilling to treat himself with some disgusting relatives, but he seemed to be a natural actor, and these emotions were not shown in front of outsiders. He is very calm, no one can see what he is thinking, and his anger and happiness will not be easily revealed.

However, as a **** Labrador, even if he can't speak, his furry face is difficult to see the expression, but some instinct habits as a dog can make his emotions reveal. For example, when you are happy, your tail will unconsciously shake, and when you are unhappy, your ears and tail will sag. Although it looks impassive, there is no need to cover yourself anymore, and you can show your mood with confidence.

Now, looking at Zhang Hang who is adapting and learning a little bit, and looking at this strong teenager, Lu Chengye is really satisfied. He can happily take his master to the streets and show off to the world. Although life is hard, but my voyage is not weak, frustrated or hopeless, he is more optimistic and stronger than anyone!

The sound of water stopped, Zhang Hang opened the waterproof curtain, one hand reached out and grabbed the prepared bath towel. The boy's slender and flexible body was exposed in front of Lu Chengye, and his hair was wet with water and docilely adhered to the side of his face. The water drops rolled down, from the not-so-obvious throat to the chest to the thigh, sketching the perfect figure of the teenager. The bath towel wipes the water droplets on the body a little, and the body becomes dry again, showing a healthy and flexible feeling again.

The **** tail wavered even more.

Ears moved, and Lu Chengye felt that he couldn't restrain his body. Regardless of the water stains on the ground, he drew his tail and ran to Zhang Hang. His eyes fell on the contoured hip bones, and he instinctively pinched Zhang Zhang's thigh.

"Big black?" Zhang Hang's hand patted him twice. "Go there, the water on my body is not dry yet. When I'm cleaned up, I'll wipe your paws."

Lu Chengye raised his head and licked his finger, sitting back to his original position, shaking his tail, instructing Zhang Hang after drying his body, half naked, a teenager with only a towel around his waist, and drying the bathroom floor.

"Woo ... Wang!" Dahei made a low voice from his throat and licked his nose with his long tongue.

He was a little thirsty, and he must have been tired of going out and whining. 2k novel reading network

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