MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 18

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Zhang Qiming was soon aware of the arrival of Wang Guiying. He came to Zhang Hang with an apologetic expression, and looked exhausted. He finally understood that it was just a wishful thinking to take Zhang Hang back. Except for him, his family no longer loved the child and no longer expected his arrival. If Zhang Hang did go back, he would only suffer greater harm.

"Dad, I'm not cheating with you," Zhang Hang said to Zhang Qiming seriously, and there was a **** squatting honestly around him. "I am really confident that I can live well. Recently I have been learning Braille by myself , Know a lot of words. In the future, I will learn some life skills and find a good job. "

Zhang Qiming sighed deeply and finally had to step back in front of reality.

"At least let me raise you up until you can find a job on your own, okay?" When he said this, he even had a little pleading. How unfortunate, he wanted to take care of a person, but also asked the other party to give him the opportunity to take care of him. At this time, Zhang Qiming regretted it. If Zhang Hang was found, he would calm down and keep a low profile. Instead of telling others about it, it would be better to secretly take a gene sample to test it. After calming down, he will not do a series of things that he regrets, let alone make the child lonely and helpless.

No, Hang Hang is not alone. Zhang Qiming looked responsibly at Zhang Hang and touched Dahei's ears affectionately. He remembered that when he went to fight Zhang Hang himself, he was bitten by Dahee. One is injury, the other is guardian ... from the moment he started, he has no right to love this child anymore.

"Dad," Zhang Hang said, holding Zhang Qiming's hand. "In my heart, you will always be your father, your best father."

This sentence affirmed Zhang Qiming's words and was willing to be taken care of by him.

This child, forgive him. He didn't care about the original thing, or the evil words of his mother. In the end, he forgave him. Zhang Qiming hugged Zhang Hang with tears in his eyes. He patted Zhang Hang's shoulder and said, "My son, most from childhood to the best, and the best from now on!"

Zhang Hang smiled comfortably. Regardless of the past, Zhang Qiming will always be his father. That is the fact that he has been in love for more than a decade.

Knowing that it was inconvenient for Zhang Hang to live in Xiao Ren's house, Zhang Qiming started searching for a house behind his parents. He planned to buy Zhang Hang a small-sized house with simple structure and suitable for the blind. The house prices that opened in 2006 are not expensive. Zhang Qiming is not short of money and can fully afford it.

"Let your dad not buy a house," Xiao Ren reluctantly patted Zhang Hang's shoulder after knowing this. "How good it is to live with me. I still have someone waiting for me when I go home and hide a little daughter-in-law from home It ’s like, how good ... Oh, Dahei, do n’t bite your ears! I told you that you have become more and more presumptuous recently. Then I will buy a new guide dog for Hang Hang and eat your stewed dog meat. Dog stew is the best! "

It's you who are more wanton! How dare you say we are your wife? Lu Chengye bite Xiao Ren's ear, but he didn't work hard and didn't bite the person, it just hurts. He now controls the body very well. Between reason and instinct, under his repression and control, reason will always prevail.

Zhang Hang couldn't laugh. He embraced Dahei with his voice, and put his fingers into his mouth, and he just opened Dahe's mouth so that he no longer tortured Xiao Ren's ears. The slender fingers rested on the **** tongue. Lu Chengye blinked and licked Zhang Hang's entire hand. Then he put the **** in his mouth and bit them gently. It didn't hurt, and the teeth fell on the fingertips. There was a tickling sensation. After Zhang Hang couldn't see it, his touch was more sensitive than before. He was licked and bitten by Dahei. The feeling of crispness came. He patted Dahei's face with his other hand and dropped it into the dog's mouth. Freed his hand and wiped it with a tissue.

Xiao Ren rubbed his ears and whispered to Zhang Hang, "Hang Hang, have you noticed that Dahei has become more and more sophisticated recently? I told you that I have seen the police dogs we have, and they are brought by someone It ’s very clever. Most of the words can be understood. It ’s so terrible. Then I think it ’s the smartest dog in the world. But when I saw Dahei, to be honest, all the police dogs were Dahei. No dregs left, this dog is too smart! You know when I went home yesterday, he stepped on the remote control under his feet, and he really watched the financial channel seriously, and I could n’t understand what it said! "

Lu Chengye's body was stiff, and his ears that were raised because of Zhang Hang's fingers were pulled down instantly, and his swaying tail also dropped, sandwiched between the two hind legs, and walked silently to Zhang Hang like a head wolf. Around, a pair of eyes stared at Xiao Ren alertly. Xiao Ren's character is careless, and Lu Chengye has never been prepared for him. However, from the day Wang Guiying came, Xiao Ren was not a simple-minded person with a well-developed limbs. He was so meticulous that he shouldn't pay attention to the places he shouldn't pay attention to, but he didn't miss any of the details that should be noticed. Power and analysis, and beast-like intuition, are a terrible person, and the future is limitless.

"You see, he's looking at me now." Xiao Ren made a look of fear, but his eyes did not leave Dahei for a moment, his face was in doubt.

Zhang Hang calmly smoothed the **** erected hair and said softly, "I have heard many stories of spiritual animals since childhood. Although the legend may be fabricated, it may not be out of the blue. Dahei is just better than ordinary dogs. Be a little smarter. In ancient times, it can become a mysterious legend. "

His gentle voice smoothed the anxiety in Lu Chengye's heart. Dahei lay meekly beside Zhang Hang's feet, and his chin rested on Zhang Hang's feet. He lay on his feet quietly, as docile as an old sheep. In the past, dogs raised by friends mostly liked their shoes and feet. They always held them up. Lu Chengye thought that the dog was too heavy. His friend's stinky feet were still licked and licked. Now he understands why .

This is the taste of the owner, the taste of the home, the taste that makes dogs obsessed with peace of mind. It doesn't matter if there is a little smell, as long as it has the taste of the owner.

Of course, his feet didn't stink and he was pure.

Xiao Ren stared at Dahei for a while, seeing this refined dog lying on the side of Zhang Hang so calmly, he kept his doubts in his heart.

What do you think about so much, even if it is really refined, it is estimated that Dahei will only become a person who takes better care of Hanghang. And ... he just thinks more, Dahei is just smart.

Seeing that Xiao Ren's vision disappeared, Lu Chengye rested his head on Zhang Hang's calf, raised his ears, and swept from time to time. It's still summer vacation, it's hot in summer, Zhang Hang is wearing cropped pants, his calf is bare, his fluffy head is sticking to his leg, and that ear is still scratching his leg, itching.

"Dahei, don't make trouble, itch." Zhang Hang grabbed Dahei's ears and was bitten by his fingertips, and he didn't give them back in his mouth.

Zhang Hang raised his hand to release his fingers from the dog's mouth, while Dahei raised his head with his movements, and finally the entire dog's hind legs stood up, as if Zhang Hang was pinched with **** Up the same.

Dahei's rogue look made Zhang Hang couldn't help but smile. He stretched out his other hand to grab Dahe's neck, rubbed it **** the hair twice, put his head on Dahe's neck, and closed it quietly. Close your eyes.

Xiao Ren: "..."

With such a strong sense of light bulbs, Hang Hang, you should quickly take your dog out of the two-person world!

Oh, one person, one dog world ... 2k novel reading network