MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 19

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Zhang Qiming bought a small high-rise in the newly built community in the market. The name on the real estate certificate is himself and Zhang Hang. In fact, he wanted to write only Zhang Hang. He bought this house for Zhang Hang, but Zhang Hang was not 18 years old and could not set up a household independently. With the help of the police at the police station, he transferred Zhang Hang's account to his own name. Zhao Xiaolian left his underage son and left, leaving him no longer eligible to raise children. In fact, they can hold Zhao Xiaolian legally responsible. It is against the law to abandon their children, but Zhang Hang does not want to do so.

Zhang Hang was hesitant about Zhang Qiming writing his name on the real estate certificate. He didn't want to increase the burden on his father. His idea was to rent a house until he could be independent. However, listening to the joyous tone of Zhang Qiming when he led him to the house, Zhang Hang swallowed it. At this stage he can't make too many guarantees, but he will definitely work hard and give his father a good return in the future. If Zhang Qiming got married and had his own child, he would be the eldest brother, he would help his father take care of his siblings, and he would provide for his father.

Of course, these words are now empty talk. In fact, whether he can stand on his own is a matter of two talks. Zhang Hang can only hide his thoughts in the bottom of his heart and secretly aspire.

The new house is very convenient, the structure is simple, there are not too many walls, with the help of Dahei, Zhang Hang quickly became familiar with the structure of the new house. When Zhang Qiming bought a house, he also chose a simple house. The less complicated decoration and furniture would not let Zhang Hang run into it.

There is a supermarket on the upper floor, and you can go shopping by taking the elevator directly. The service quality of shopping guides in the new supermarket is good. If Zhang Hang suddenly wants to buy something, there will also be shopping guides in the supermarket to help with shopping. At that time, pushing the shopping cart upstairs will not cause yourself any trouble.

As soon as luck arrives, everything is rushing.

The school for the blind opened this summer with the city's vocational high schools. The blind schools include ordinary primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and vocational high schools. There are many courses for blind employment. This is the new policy for this year. It was very difficult for blind people to learn what employment skills. Now blind schools have opened a convenient way for blind people.

At the same time, the city government issued a series of policies on the blind, one of which is that public places must not refuse to guide dogs to enter, and they must be cared for, and do not discriminate, caress, and feed, which is convenient for the majority of blind people door.

Lu Chengye has the habit of watching national and city news every day. When this regulation was promulgated, Zhang Qiming had not arranged the house yet, and they still lived in Xiao Ren's house. When Lu Chengye watched the news, Zhang Hang was led by Zhang Qiming to drop out of the original high school, and contacted the blind school, while Xiao Ren was off class and was brushing his teeth after sleeping.

Xiao Ren is no stranger to the phenomenon of a dog watching the financial channel and loves news broadcasting. Anyway, it's Hanghang's dog, being smarter can take care of Zhang Hang. Seeing how Dahei puts his head and head on Zhang Hang's side every time, he knows that he definitely doesn't have to worry about the dog being too clever to leave his owner and run away. Xiao Ren felt that he should be worried that a dog would become a human being and make him hang like that ... Well, what did he think!

Shaving his beard, he suddenly heard the dog growling in the living room. Dahei rarely screamed. It seemed that he knew from the beginning that screaming would disturb the people. Unless he was particularly angry or excited, his volume was like a normal person talking. It will not affect other people at all.

Xiao Ren did not have the tacit understanding of Zhang Hang and Dahei, and was able to hear the emotions in Dahei's cry. He thought that something had happened, and he ran out with foam on his mouth. There was still a trace of red in the foam, which was obviously scared by the **** and scratched his chin.

As soon as I entered the living room, I saw a black Labrador dancing on the floor of the living room, as if dancing. While jumping to look away from the TV, the tail shook so that the buttocks were twisted together.

Can a dancing dog ... Xiao Ren feels that the chin wound hurts a bit.

Fortunately, he knew that Dahei was not a startled dog. He followed the dog's line of sight to watch TV and just saw the tail of the news. He knew that it was a policy for the blind. He quietly returned to the bathroom to clean his face, put a band-aid on his chin, and then read the news of the city today on the Internet. In 2006, the government affairs disclosure was not as transparent as later, but as the advanced city in China, everything was ranked first. A government website has been established for people to check the latest developments.

Xiao Ren found a series of policies about blind people. After seeing that guide dogs can go in and out of public places, he immediately understood why Dahei was so excited.

It's just ... isn't it wrong, does this dog really understand the news? Will you dance when you are happy?

He feels a bit fanciful, and because it's still early, the game comrades who have only been online in the afternoon have not yet woke up. Xiao Ren decided to lie back in bed and sleep again. He probably won't have daydreaming after waking up. .

As soon as the clinker woke up, Zhang Hang had returned with lunch, and Dahei was shaking his head and dragging people to the TV to watch the rebroadcast.

Oh, his TV is a digital TV, and it has the function of storing and playing back, so Dahei turned on the saving function immediately after seeing the news, and waited for Zhang Hang to come back and play it again?

Hang Hang, your dog really needs to be refined!

Although puzzled, seeing Zhang Hang holding Dahei with a happy smile, Xiao Ren decided decisively that he was just daydreaming. Dahei is just a very ordinary guide dog. He likes his master and loves his master. , And Zhang Hang depend on each other and cannot be separated.

Let yourself think so, don't think about anything.

"Dahei, I can take you wherever I go in the future!" Zhang Hang hugged Dahei happily, and was really agitated. He always restrained and kissed Dahei's forehead directly.

"Woohoo ~~~" The **** hair screamed very loudly, and put out a long tongue and licked it on Zhang Hang's face.

"Haha, Dahei, don't make any noise, it's itchy, don't make any noise ..." Zhang Hang's happy voice at first became a little annoyed. Xiao Ren rushed out of the bedroom and was seeing Da Hei pressing Zhang Hang under him. , The claws hold Zhang Hang's shoulders, the tongue is various licks, from the face to the neck, from the neck to the collarbone, and then lick down, Xiao Ren immediately saved the hero, pulled Zhang Hang from the sofa, He dragged a towel and wiped the saliva on his face while watching Dahe vigilantly.

You can be fine, but you can't have bad ideas!

Lu Chengye was stiff, knowing that there were too many happy things recently, he was a bit forgotten. He turned his eyes, smiled in his heart, and flung at Xiao Ren directly.

"Dark black, what are you doing, don't lick, don't lick, oh you lick or bite! Help, Hang Hang help ..."

However, Zhang Hang sat very sidelessly and listened to the excitement. He heard Xiao Ren scream for help and spread his hands innocently: "Where are you Ren, I don't see where you are, what are you doing in Dahei?"

Dahei is bullying Xiao Ren, pressing him under his body, tearing off the collar of his shirt, and starting various bites. He treats Zhang Hang as a gentle lick, but treats Xiao Ren as a kind of biting and painful! Xiao Ren wanted to cry without tears, and to find someone to help the clinker Zhang Hang was dead. He let his dog bully himself. Finally, his clothes were messy with dog teeth, and he sat up drooling from the ground with all kinds of embarrassment.

"Too! There's no sense of morale! What about being a good brother?" Xiao Ren scolded Zhang Hang angrily, his eyes widened more than Tong Ling.

But he showed the sad expression to the dog. Zhang Hang couldn't see it. He touched the **** sticking to his side and said innocently: "Brother Xiao, you know, what I can't see, how to stop you, Sorry, I'm so useless ... "

After speaking, lower your head, and put your forehead on the **** forehead.

Xiao Ren: "..."

Who can show you! Who made you come up to stop! Does your dog still use human hands to pull him back in a single sentence, saying that you have n’t learned anything about Hang Hang, and how you have become a little bit rogue lately.

In other words, the appearance of crying just now is a little familiar, as if Wang Guiying was like that the other day ...

Xiao Ren embarrassedly rushed into the bathroom and took a shower, washing off his saliva. He wiped his face awkwardly, as if he had taught someone bad?

At this time, Zhang Hang was "educating" Dahei in the living room: "In the future, don't bully Ren, and don't lick your face and neck all the time, it's very itchy."

"Woohoo ~~" Lu Chengye rested his head on Zhang Hang's shoulder with satisfaction. Anyway, he and Hang Hang will live with him. Zhang Qiming only took care of the part-time job to cook Zhang Hang's house. He came twice a day, and Da Hei and Zhang Hang were together for the rest of the time.

In the future, two people will live ... Lu Chengye looked up slightly, thinking about the future, could not help but lick the next Zhang Hang's finger.

A few days later, Zhang Qiming cleaned up the house, and Xiao Ren took a vacation to help Zhang Hang move a few things to his new home. After inspecting the environment of the new home, he nodded and expressed satisfaction, quiet and clean, and convenient transportation life, suitable for Zhang Hang. But the price is not cheap, Zhang Qiming did not spend less.

Thinking about this dad, I really thought of it in place. This is very good, not only taking care of Zhang Hang so that he will not feel guilty in the future, but also allows Zhang Hang to be well taken care of. Zhang Qiming also seemed to have a rock on his heart, and his face was full of relief.

In September, the day when students started school, Zhang Hang officially dropped out of the No. 1 Middle School, and Zhang Qiming took him and Dahei to report to the School for the Blind. 2k novel reading network