MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 3

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Zhang Hang raised a particularly clever black Labrador dog, which spread throughout the city's No. 1 Middle School after school began.

In fact, Zhang Hang itself is not a person who likes to show off, and even if it is a big blow, it is impossible for the teachers and students of the school to believe how smart this dog is, because hearing is never better than seeing.

Since the beginning of the first year of high school, students are going to start self-study last night. Before Zhang Hang's junior high school, only on the eve of the middle school entrance examination, the school occasionally arranged students to make up for self-study in the evening. At that time, because the children were small, there were fewer people studying in the evening. In high school, everyone was studying by themselves. There were not so many vehicles on the streets in 2005. Most of the students in No.1 Middle School rode bicycles to school. One day Zhang Hang came back with a blue and purple knee, and the rims were distorted. When I walked away from my classmates, I hit a lamppost.

According to Zhang Hang himself, his eyes were suddenly blurred at that time, he couldn't see what was in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and hit the pillar. When Zhang Qiming was not at home when something happened, Zhao Xiaolian listened and ran to ask her friend, and concluded that Zhang Hang must have worked too hard to learn about myopia, so he put some money into Zhang Hang and sent him to wear glasses. .

After Zhang Hang went to the optometry the next day, he found that he did have 100 degrees of mild myopia, so he was equipped with glasses. When Zhang Qiming came back, he heard that his son could not help but sigh. My child was studying too hard and his eyes were broken. But there is no way. There are more and more children with myopia in modern society. There are still three or four Baidu myopia in elementary school. This is a common phenomenon.

Everyone didn't take it seriously, but Lu Chengye knew that Zhang Hang had slight night blindness, plus myopia was not good. When Zhang Hang went to study again last night, Lu Chengye was very uneasy. While Zhang Qiming had a dinner in the evening, Zhao Xiaolian did a mask job in the house, ran out secretly, and ran all the way to the city's first middle school.

At this time, Lu Chengye was six months old and weighed more than 20 kilograms. He ran to the school avoiding the car all the way, squatting at the gate of the school and waiting for Zhang Hang to study by himself, so as to accompany him home, so that no one would hit the pillar again.

Lu Chengye wore a collar around his neck, with Zhang Hangjia's phone number and address on it, in case someone lost the dog and could pick it up. It was a domestic dog. The uncle at the school gate saw that Lu Chengye had planned to bring him in and called his family. The culinary dog ​​was so smart that he couldn't even touch him.

Finally, until the next self-study, students successively stepped out of the school gate, and Lu Chengye stood at the gate of the school like a town beast, and waited for Zhang Hang to blink out. The uncle was afraid that he would bite into the student suddenly and dared to seize him. Lu Chengye didn't want to resist when he was afraid of chaos. He just refused to let the uncle in the duty room drag him away, so that he could force himself to stay in front of the school.

Sixteen-seven-year-old students are all good. Seeing such a beautiful black dog standing at the door can't help but surround him. Since Lu Chengye has grown up, he has become more and more beautiful, and the students dare to surround him and give pointers. Do not dare to come forward and touch it.

However, Lu Chengye was gradually surrounded by students. He could not see if Zhang Hang was coming out of the school gate. He was anxious to miss him, and could not help but struggled, and called "wangwang", hoping that Zhang Hang could hear.

He did not dare to approach the fierce students, but the uncle also called the school security officer, and someone would soon catch him. Fortunately, Zhang Hang also walked out of the school with a few students.

"Big black?" Zhang Hang rubbed his eyes. In the darkness, he looked more and more strenuously. He could barely recognize his own dog through the outline and familiar voice.

Lu Chengye immediately jumped over with a bear. Although Zhang Hang couldn't see it clearly, one man and one dog cooperated tacitly. He was proficient in squatting down. Lu Chengye put his two front paws on his shoulders and buried his face on his neck. He froze his neck.

"Zhang Hang, your dog?" The classmate stared at the aura-like dog with wide eyes. "Willn't it come to pick you up?"

"Probably ..." Zhang Hang was also a little puzzled. Did Dahei miss him too much? After all, he has always been very sticky. After starting school, he has been together for a short time and has not seen each other for a long time. Every time he comes back from school, Dahei is very excited. But ... it's not like finding a school, and the distance between school and home is so big, Dahei has never been here!

"Dahei, are you here to pick me up?" Zhang Hang asked in confusion.

"Wang!" I'm worried about you. I need to add vitamins and trace elements well, so I don't have to worry about it as soon as I can cure night blindness. Lu Chengye screamed with vigour.

"It seems that I'm really here to pick you up!" The student was surprised. "Can't I bite, can I touch it?"

"Dahei doesn't bite." Zhang Hang was a little bit happy and he couldn't help but touch Dahei's neck.

Such an energetic dog caused traffic congestion on the school gate. When the security officer came together, everyone was scattered, leaving only Zhang Hang and Lu Chengye. The security officer shook his head and said, "Do not bring dogs to school tomorrow, what if you bite someone!"

Zhang Hang repeatedly nodded and rode on a bicycle. Lu Chengye followed closely. He was not the only puppy with only 11 kilos of physical strength two and a half months ago. Now he can run a long distance with Zhang Hang!

"Wang!" Seeing that there was a stone in front of him, Zhang Hang rode over without avoiding it. Lu Chengye called out quickly, Zhang Hang stopped and looked at him, only to see the stone in the shadow.

"Dahei is so smart!" Zhang Hang said in surprise, could not help but get out of the car and hugged Lu Chengye.

"Wang!" Lu Chengye screamed anxiously, juvenile, this is not a problem of Satoshi's cleverness. Your night blindness is very serious. Generally, night blindness can be clearly seen under the street light, but Zhang Hang is very difficult to see, and he should go to the hospital quickly what!

It is a pity that the dog can't speak any more clever people. Zhang Hang naturally didn't understand what he meant. He rode on the car and walked. Lu Chengye protected Enron home all the way.

Lu Chengye was very worried about Zhang Hang's eyes, hoping that Zhao Xiaolian or Zhang Qiming could find out what was wrong with him. But the second-floor building and the car are not in vain. Zhang Qiming is very busy. He often returns to Zhang Hang to go to bed before returning. Zhao Xiaolian only cares about masks, maintenance and yoga every night. He rarely cares about Zhang Hang. For a moment, no one at home noticed his night blindness. After all, Zhang Hang himself is just a high school student. He is usually in good health. It is a kind of cold and fever. He just drinks hot water and sleeps, even if he is treated, because there are no obstacles to seeing things in the daytime and bright lights. I suspect that my eyes have a problem, only if my near-sighted glasses are not properly matched, and my vision is a little blurred at night.

In addition, there are street lights along the way from school to home, and Zhang Hang's night blindness does not seem to be invisible all the time, that is, occasionally there is a blur, the symptoms are not particularly obvious, and Zhang Hang doesn't think about it.

Only Lu Chengye found that Zhang Hang often got tripped up in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to touch his glasses when he turned on the table lamp. This was not a problem that the light was not enough to see the objects in the dark, but he sometimes could not see clearly. However, he just called "Wang Wang" to Zhao Xiaolian and Zhang Qiming. Once, Zhao Xiaolian was annoyed by him and threw his high heels to beat him. Fortunately, Lu Chengye was quick and hid.

No way, all he could do was take Zhang Hang to study next night, but after being watched on the first day, Zhang Hang was not allowed to go. After running secretly the next day, Zhang Hang tied him at home.

But how can a rope hold Lu Chengye? He decisively opened the rope and ran to school again. But this time he learned cleverly, instead of waiting directly at the gate of the school, but hiding in the shadow next to the doorpost while a dark night, a black Labrador dog hides in the shadow while dark, really anyone is looking for No. Only occasionally passing lights swept through, and you could see a pair of bright eyes reflecting the bright light in the night.

This time after school, Zhang Hang searched at the gate of the school. He didn't find big black. He rode on the bicycle with satisfaction and just left. He heard a low "Wang" and his dog appeared at his feet again.

Zhang Hang: "..."

He looked at Lu Chengye with a bit of hatred, but Lu Chengye stepped in, shook his tail, and tapped his face a few times on his thigh. Zhang Hang couldn't bear it. As soon as he remembered that no one was walking with Dahei after school every day, he was locked up at home all day, waiting for him to look home, and Zhang Hang's heart softened.

"Your dog is here to pick you up again." It's just three things, the classmates have already seen it.

"Hush ......" Zhang Hang quickly ride a bike, "your voice down, or have to be the duty room uncle scolded."

"Rest assured." A few good friends whispered and laughed, looking at Lu Chengye enviously, such a good and clever dog, they also want to raise one.

"Hey, you dog, take it out on the weekends, how handsome!" Lin Sheng raised Zhang Hang on his shoulder. It happened that there was a puddle in front of him. Zhang Hang rode in and splashed a splash. .

"Wangwangwangwangwang!" Lu Chengye called to Lin Sheng a bit fiercely. The boys were not afraid, but laughed: "This dog really protects the Lord!"

Zhang Hang dangerously rode across the puddle, turned around and patted Dahei's head: "It's okay, playing around."

Lu Chengye threatened "Woohoo" twice with Lin Sheng. It was not clear what Zhang Hang was watching at night, could he not be so noisy!

Unfortunately, no one can understand him, and a few boys are careless. It has been two or three months since the start of school, and everyone went home together at night, and none of them found Zhang Hang's vision problems. The most important thing is that because everyone rides bicycles all the way, other people often ride into the ditch or hit the pillars, Zhang Hang feels that he occasionally hits the pillars.

Lu Chengye glared at a few children with an iron hate, and sadly found that Zhang Hang had no consciousness, and had to assume the role of a messenger. He secretly ran to the school every night to pick up people. Over time, Zhang Hang no longer Stop him, and the uncle in the duty room gradually opened his eyes and closed his eyes after being attacked by Lu Chengye.

In this way, Zhang Hang spent the first semester safely under the **** of Lu Chengye. 2k novel reading network

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