MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 4

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At the beginning, Lu Chengye also believed that Zhang Hang's night blindness was just a manifestation of too fast adolescence and no nutrition at all. However, in the first half of the year, Zhang Hang ’s seat was continuously advanced by the teacher, and he finally became the first three rows to see the blackboard. Lu Chengye noticed that Zhang Hang ’s symptoms were definitely not simple night blindness.

Zhang Hang himself thinks that the high school education is worsening and myopia is deepening. However, Lu Chengye who has been looking at him finds that Zhang Hang is not only looking at things blurred, but his vision is also narrowing.

This is a gradual process. At the beginning, Lu Chengye didn't find it. Until one day when Zhang Hang was playing with him, he circled around him by himself. Zhang Hang's eyes always had to work hard to look at him to accurately capture him. At the time, Lu Chengye realized that Zhang Hang's field of vision was gradually narrowing, and what he could see was less and less.

For this reason, Lu Chengye was very anxious, seeing a child who was very kind and gentle to him, and a child with a bright future may suffer from eye diseases. He longed for someone to understand what he said, and he even met Zhao Xiaolian, who hated himself. Howling, in exchange for only Zhao Xiaolian's disgusted eyes and the occasional smashing.

Zhao Xiaolian paid too little attention to her only son, and Zhang Qiming was making money all day long. The family environment better than others was obtained through the efforts of Zhang Qiming. However, in exchange for the money, he paid to get along with his loved ones. Time, Zhang Qiming's compensation method is to give money and then money, but ignore his son's problem.

For the first final exam, Zhang Hang's English test was extremely bad. Most of the English questions are multiple-choice questions, and answer cards need to be painted, but Zhang Hang has smeared the position, resulting in only 30 points in the 120-point English test. However, neither the teacher nor the parents blamed him too much. After all, Zhang Hang's grades were there, and the mistakes of Tuka made them feel that the child was a bit sloppy, but the problem was not big, so pay more attention in the future.

After returning to school to complete the transcript, Lin Sheng laughed and pointed at Zhang Hang's nose. It was supposed to be the first grade in the examination. As a result, even the top ten of the class didn't take up his feet. It was very popular.

Ordinary people always have a vague envy and jealousy about Xueba, hoping that the school they admire can get a good grade, say it and have face, and secretly hope that Xueba can fall to the cloud and balance themselves. Although Zhang Hang's ranking is not high, the real score is the real uncrowned king. It makes the current first-grade students super embarrassed and might as well be second. It saves them being called the first place with good luck.

"Make your performance so good, make your performance good, sports are good, you can run faster than sports students in cross-country races. How can we live so well if we are so good!" Because of the slippery road in winter, a few children did not ride bikes, and It is on foot. The young man walked and jumped while walking. Lin Sheng said while stroking Zhang Hang's butt.

"Wangwangwangwangwang!" Dahei, already full of fifty pounds, rushed into the middle of the two, screaming at Lin Sheng, trying to bite his thigh.

"Ah, hey!" Lin Sheng hurriedly circled, and said to Zhang Hang with envy, "Your family, this dog is so handsome!"

A few friends on the side are also big-eyed, black, smart, and protector. The pure black and mottled hair in the whole body is even darker and brighter in the snow. It is close to the adult Labrador dog's prestige and is next to Zhang Hang. Even a few brave youngsters are also a little dazed. Especially Lin Sheng, he always felt that the dog's gaze on his thigh was not good.

Zhang Hang reached out and patted Lu Chengye's head: "Lin Sheng is playing with me. Don't be angry, it doesn't hurt."

I'm not afraid of your pain, but I'm angry at seeing you hide in Lin Sheng's legs. Obviously, the iron buddies haven't noticed that your movements have become stupid! Even yourself, your eyes are so bad that you do n’t pay attention to it. Say you wear glasses for the winter vacation. Is this a problem that glasses can solve?

Lu Chengye glared at Zhang Hang with a steel hate, ran to the dreary circle around the snowdrift on the side of the road, and hoped that Zhao Xiaolian would not be possible. Zhang Qiming would definitely take a holiday in the New Year. To find a way to let him find Zhang Hang ’s eyes at this time Something went wrong.

"Dark, go home." Zhang Hang was worried that Lu Chengye could not keep up at the intersection, and he shouted back. Lu Chengye stepped on the snow with two depressions, turned and ran for Zhang Hang. No matter what, he must not let Zhang Hang His eyes worsened.

"It's too sloppy." Zhang Qiming looked at the papers and answer cards sent down and was in a daze. "In the future, I must pay careful attention, and my father will punish you next time."

Zhang Hang nodded until his father came back late at night. "Dad, don't worry, you must take the first test next time."

Zhang Qiming nodded, the son always reassured him. Returning the examination papers to Zhang Hang, the head of the family dragged his tired body back to sleep.

Lu Chengye struggled with Zhang Hang to stay in the same room with Zhang Hang. He trot all the way back to Zhang Hang to rest, running and running back to Zhang Qiming in doubt, always thinking that this man's mood today is a bit wrong, is he too tired?

He had a sharper instinct than when he was a human being, and always felt that Zhang Qiming had just passed a dangerous breath all over his body.

Facts have proved that Lu Chengye is correct. One week later, Zhang Qiming paid Zhang Hang to help him buy cigarettes. Lu Chengye, Zhang Hang ’s follower, did not leave, but stayed at home intuitively, hiding in the corner, using his sensitivity. His hearing quietly explored the movement in the master bedroom.

Accompanied by two slaps of applause, it was Zhao Xiaolian's sound of crying and falling, and she shouted to Zhang Qiming, "What are you doing!"

"Look at yourself!" Zhang Qiming threw a stack of photos on Zhao Xiaolian's face. "Play mahjong and mahjong. Who are you playing mahjong with these days!"

Lu Chengye couldn't see the photo, but out of the man's instinct, he probably understood why Zhang Qiming was angry. In fact, he had long felt that Zhao Xiaolian was not at home, and she was not in the state every day. Sure enough, this woman who only knew how to dress up was uneasy in the room, and while Zhang Qiming was working hard to make money, she ran out and went on a hook.

Zhang Qiming, with his head full of green light, would not be so good-hearted. He would like to protect his little master from this family war.

When Lu Chengye was secretly planning, he heard the sharp female voice in the room shouting, "You actually hit me, and you're looking for someone to track me? You'll find someone to track me, Zhang Qiming, you don't respect me very much. Even if I were you Wife, you have to have your own life. If you are like this, you can simply monitor me! "

How can it seem ... to have a sense of integrity?

"I came back early on a business trip a few days ago, and went to the Mahjong Pavilion to find a surprise. Who knows that you are not there at all! Zhao Xiaolian, don't change the subject, you are still dating him, you ..."

"What is this?" Zhao Xiaolian's voice was very energetic. "You go out all day long. I have a husband like a living widow. A man can go out and mess with flowers, I can't? Zhang Qiming, don't think I don't know you When you talk about business and make money, you always ask someone to go to the night / social / meeting. You are stealing me from the back. I ’ve always been fair. When I got married, I said, “If you dare to do the first day, I dare to do it.” Once I was derailed, I dared to go out twice. Do n’t bother us both. Divorce if you have the ability, let me swallow this tone and live well! "

As soon as Zhao Xiaolian's words fell, a loud noise was heard in the bedroom. I don't know what heavy object fell to the ground, which made Lu Chengye, a sensitive person, jump a little farther away from the bedroom.

After the sound, there was no more noise in the bedroom. After a while, Zhao Xiaolian opened the door in a good manner and looked out of the mirror to see that her face was not swollen. Then she dropped the bag and left the house without knowing it was Mahjong. Still shopping or what to do.

Lu Chengye swallowed and drew next to the bedroom. He quietly looked at him, and saw Zhang Qiming holding his hair, sitting on the bed with a look of bleakness. The dressing table in the bedroom was scattered on the floor, and the cosmetics spilled.

It's rare for a man with a cuckold to be so bearish. It is clear that Zhao Xiaolian is full-time, and economic power is in Zhang Qiming's hands, but she is extremely righteous.

Suddenly Lu Chengye found that the warmth on the surface of this home was actually a mask tightly tied in front of Zhang Hang. If one day the two men could not hold their masks, his little master would be seriously injured.

He was a little worried.

Zhang Hang came back to buy cigarettes and shouted two voices in the room. Zhang Qiming came out of the bedroom to pick up the cigarettes, and went back without saying anything.

"Dad," Zhang Hang called him, "you look bad."

"It's okay," Zhang Qiming didn't look back. "I've been running too hard these days and I'm a bit tired, just sleep well."

"Where's mom?" Zhang Hang asked. "Is still here."

Zhang Qiming's back stiffened: "She is playing mahjong again."

"Oh," Zhang Hang nodded slightly. It was easy for both parents to be at home, and they thought they could have lunch together. "Dad, please advise mom, don't play mahjong, it ’s bad for you. And dad, young smokes."

After listening to his son's intimate words, Zhang Qiming finally did not hold back, turned and pulled the son into his arms and hugged: "You are good, study hard, Dad makes money for you."

Zhang Hang smiled wryly: "Dad, do n’t be too hard, you do n’t look well, it ’s not good if you get sick. It ’s okay if you do n’t have that much money, I will make money to support you later.”

Zhang Qiming patted his son on the shoulder and returned to the room with a cigarette. Zhang Hang took Dahei back to the room to write his homework. When the school assigned homework was finished, he also agreed to go out with his friends.

Zhao Xiaolian came back late and returned to the room to rest as usual. When the bedroom door was opened, a smoldering smoke came. Lu Chengye in the living room looked at the light leaking out of the door slit, a cigarette **** in one place. 2k novel reading network