MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 124 The reason for the demise of the gods

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Qingyangzi's face changed slightly, he didn't understand why Pei Xuanjing suddenly asked this sentence.

"Why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

Pei Xuanjing didn't answer, but asked again: "Senior, can you help the junior?"

Looking at Pei Xuanjing's gaze, Qing Yangzi shook his head without hesitation in denial: "True Martial Sect never participated in the destruction of the Shenxiao faction."

He looked at Pei Xuanjing firmly, without evading in the slightest.

Pei Xuanjing smiled and said again: "The senior can solve the confusion for the junior, why is the "Shen Xiao Jade Book" of the Shenxiao faction in the Zhenwu sect?"

Divine Night Jade Book!

Qingyangzi's complexion changed greatly: "How do you know."

This matter is a very secret thing. If it wasn't for what the teacher in charge said, he would never have imagined that the ultimate academy of the Shenxiao faction would be in the Zhenwu Sect.

The reason why the senior brother told him was that he wanted to use this to tell Pei Xuanjing as his last card, but he didn't expect that Pei Xuanjing knew about this a long time ago, so how could he not be shocked.

"Senior doesn't need to know this, just tell the junior why Shenxiao Yushu is in Zhenwu Sect?" Pei Xuanjing asked.

Qingyangzi calmed down some of his turbulent mood, his expression returned to calm, he did not answer directly, but asked: "If Laodao refuses to speak, are you going to take action against Laodao?"

Pei Xuanjing shook his head, "Senior has helped me so much, how can I be ungrateful."

No matter the reason, how could Qingyangzi take care of him, how could he attack Qingyangzi because of this.

Qing Yangzi glanced at him, finally sighed, and said, "If the old Taoist said, this Shenxiao Jade Book was sent to Taihe Mountain by Shenxiao personally, do you believe it?"

Rao is that Pei Xuanjing has made many kinds of guesses in his heart, but he never expected such an answer. This Shenxiao Jade Book was actually sent by Shenxiao himself.

What is the reason for the people of the Shenxiao faction to take the initiative to give away their treasures of the town faction?

Pei Xuanjing became more and more curious about what happened.

Pei Xuanjing added a cup of tea to Qingyangzi, "Please explain your doubts, senior."

Qingyangzi glanced at the other party angrily, but also opened his mouth to talk about the reason for what he knew.

"Just now you asked whether my Zhenwu Sect was involved in the destruction of the Shenxiao Sect. The old Taoist told you that the Zhenwuzong did not participate in the destruction of the Shenxiao Sect. In fact, this matter is not complete. To be precise, the Zhenwu Sect did not participate. The Daming court destroyed the Shenxiao faction, but Zhenwuzong did not know what the Shenxiao faction did at the time, and even participated in it."

Qing Yangzi directly threw out a shocking secret.

In the case of the Shenxiao faction, it was not only them, but also the Zhenwu Sect.

If this news spreads out, I am afraid that the entire Ming Dynasty will be surprised and set off a huge wave.

I am afraid that many major forces will turn their attention to this matter two hundred years ago. If they want to find out what happened in the first place, even Zhenwuzong will be involved.

Qingyangzi said: "So, not only did the Shenxiao faction and Zhenwuzong not have any disputes, they were still allies."

"But since that's the case, why is Shenxiao destroyed and Zhenwu still the same?" Pei Xuanjing asked.

Yes, since the two sides are allies, they plan the same thing together, but the final result is completely different.

The Shenxiao School, which had been inherited for thousands of years, was once destroyed, the mountain gate was destroyed, and the inheritance was cut off.

However, Zhenwuzong is still prosperous and has not been affected at all.

Qingyangzi said: "The reason for all this is in it, and you need to understand it yourself."

He pointed to the letterhead in Pei Xuanjing's hand, indicating that the answer was there.

Pei Xuanjing nodded slightly, then tore open the envelope and unfolded the letterhead.

After a long time, Pei Xuanjing understood all the reasons and remained silent.

In this letter, everything about the plan of the Shenxiao faction and the reasons for its destruction are revealed.

In other words, since the beginning when Jinmen Yuke developed the Shenxiao School to its peak, it has overwhelmed Buddhism and Taoism, and has always respected Shenxiao.

Moreover, because of the close relationship between Jinmen Yuke and the Daojun Emperor, he had the opportunity to browse through many ancient books that were treasured by the royal family.

One day, Jinmen Yuke got a piece of news from a handbook left over, about the secret of immortality and the idea of ​​seeking immortality.

From then on, Jinmen Yu Ke was almost obsessed with it, and after careful research, he finally let the handbook as a clue to find a series of related books, and figured out a path that could lead to longevity.

After planning for many years, just when the Jinmen Yuke was about to practice this method, the foreign race invaded and the dynasty collapsed. Not only did the Jinmen Yuke die, but even the Shenxiao sect, known as the number one sect in the world, was hit hard. Retreat without closing the mountain gate.

Time passed, and it was not until the establishment of the Ming Dynasty that the Shenxiao School completely recovered its vitality and prospered again.

But at that time, the Shenxiao faction no longer had the momentum of being the number one sect in the world at the time. Instead, the Taihe Mountain Zhenwu Sect was trusted by the royal and had a tendency to be in charge of the sect.

When Emperor Taizong of Taizu was approaching the court, Daming successively produced several powerful emperors. Even if the Shenxiao faction had the law of longevity, they had no chance to use it, and they dared not reveal it easily.

Until the battle of Tumubao, the prosperous Ming Dynasty suffered a big downfall, the royal family was swept away, and the suppression of all parties weakened.

At this time, Shenxiao sent people to Taihe Mountain to have a secret discussion with the original Zhenwuzong headmaster and Bai Xiaosheng. Finally, the two sides reached an agreement to cooperate with each other in an open and secret way to implement the longevity plan.

But no one expected that soon after the plan was implemented, it was leaked, causing the royal family to fear and suppress.

The Shenxiao faction had already made preparations in advance before it was about to be destroyed, and sent the Shenxiao Jade Book to Zhenwu Sect to hide this matter at the price of the destruction of its own sect.

In the same way, Zhenwuzong and Bai Xiaosheng promised that one day in the future, they would help the Shenxiao Sect to recover and implement the longevity plan again.

However, even if the Shenxiao faction sent the Shenxiao Jade Book to Zhenwuzong, they still left behind, hiding some real secrets in the secret realm blessed land they mastered, in order to prevent Zhenwuzong from turning over.

Therefore, if Zhenwuzong wants to really implement this plan again, it must have a person who cultivates the divine jade book to participate in this matter.

Bai Xiaosheng, as a participant in this negotiation and a witness to the agreement, also participated in this matter.

On the one hand, he kept secretly looking for the descendants who could cultivate the Shenxiao Jade Book, and on the other hand, he was looking for the descendants of the branches that the Shenxiao sect had spread out by themselves. Those were the descendants of the Shenxiao sect. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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