MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 125 Edict the throne, immortal?

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When Shenxiao Jade Book fell into the hands of Zhenwuzong, their first reaction was naturally to arrange for their own disciples to practice. After all, their own disciples were more credible than outsiders.

But I don't know why, they have trained many people, but they have not really been able to successfully cultivate Shenxiao Yushu.

It seems that this Divine Heaven Jade Book has restrictions, and they are allowed to try anything, but there is still no way.

At this moment, Pei Xuanjing appeared in their field of vision, and after comprehensive consideration, they found that Pei Xuanjing was the most suitable one.

Of course, Pei Xuanjing was not the first to appear, nor did they know if it was the last. They wanted to win over Pei Xuanjing and let Pei Xuanjing participate in this plan.

This is an attempt. If the other party cannot successfully cultivate, then they will naturally be abandoned without hesitation.

However, if Pei Xuanjing had proved his strength at that time, they wouldn't mind having a strong person join their plan.

It seems that, in any case, it is a profitable business for them, and they only need to pay a little price to gain a lot.

"Controlling the throne, intercepting luck, conferring the throne of God, mastering authority, and immortality. It really is a big plan!" Pei Xuanjing sighed softly.

At this moment, he finally knew the reason for the demise of the Shenxiao faction, and understood the so-called longevity plan.

At the beginning, the information obtained by the Jinmen Yuke from the manuscripts and the classics, figured out a way to live long, and that's it.

Control the throne to intercept the luck of the empire, and then seal the gods from this, and then refine and make some gods, you will master the authority of heaven and earth, unite with heaven and earth, and you will be able to see for a long time.

This is simply digging the foundations of the Daming Empire. If they are allowed to do this, even if the Daming Empire will not be destroyed, they will completely become their resources and become their vassals.

This is unacceptable to the royal family and the entire court.

In the emperor's view, the world belongs to him, and even if he wants to do this, it should be done by the emperor, not by the gods.

Pei Xuanjing looked at Qingyangzi curiously and asked, "Could it be that Zhenwuzong hasn't given up on this plan yet?"

Qingyangzi laughed dumbly, and asked, "Who is willing to give up the chance of longevity?"

Pei Xuanjing asked again: "Since this plan can persuade the True Martial Sect, it must not be empty talk, there must be some left evidence, otherwise you won't agree easily, right?"

"That's right!" Since Qingyangzi has decided to make these things clear, he naturally won't hide anything. "Just when the Dynasty Building was about to collapse, the Jinmen Yuke made an attempt. They took advantage of the last luck of the Dynasty. In the end, a **** was really sealed, and that **** survived until the Shenxiao faction was destroyed."

"A living god? So, there really is a realm above the first-rank!" Pei Xuanjing's calm face finally moved at this moment.

He never imagined that there really is a **** in this world, and it has been more than a thousand years since the era of Jinmen Yuke to the destruction of the Shenxiao faction.

A rank 1 warrior can only live for four Jiazi, and a thousand years has far exceeded the lifespan of a rank 1 warrior, how could he not be shocked!

This shows that the first-grade realm is not the end!

Qingyangzi nodded, and then shook his head: "That god, but he only has a long life, but he has not surpassed the power of a first-rank martial artist, and is also limited. So it is not a breakthrough to the first-rank realm,"

"Huh?" Pei Xuanjing heard Qingyangzi continue: "According to the teachers and brothers in charge, the first-rank realm is indeed not the end of cultivation, but no one can break through, even that enshrined **** seems to be suffering from something. The shackles are generally imprisoned."

Heaven and earth are limited, lack of spiritual energy?

Pei Xuanjing quickly reacted to a lot of news in his mind.

"Now, I have finished talking about the things that should be said. You should give me a clear answer. When can you go to Taihe Mountain." Qingyangzi said.

He has already said everything he knows and has shown his sincerity. If Pei Xuanjing has anything else he wants to know, then he can only wait for the other party to go to the sect to ask the teacher in charge, he doesn't know anyway.

Pei Xuanjing replied, "Give me half a year, and I will definitely go to Taihe Mountain after half a year."

This is the time he has planned for a long time. After waiting for half a year, after he has refined all the exercises in his hand, he should be able to obtain enough Dao Yun to start two life simulations.

After two life simulations, his strength must be greatly improved, so that he has more self-protection power to cope with the next situation.

"Half a year?" Qingyangzi pondered for a moment, then agreed: "Okay, then half a year later, I will wait for you at Taihe Mountain."

Half a year is neither long nor short, and with such a long period of time, you can also take advantage of the situation to calm down the storm caused by the other party, and then it may be a better time.

Now that things have been done, Qing Yangzi will naturally not stay here any more.

After all, both his identity and Pei Xuanjing's identity are somewhat sensitive. Once it is leaked, it will definitely attract the attention of many people, and even cause many people to have unnecessary associations.

After sending Qing Yangzi away, Pei Xuanjing unfolded the letter again, watched it carefully several times, and finally turned it into ashes by candlelight without hesitation.

The above things are really too important and must not be spread out, otherwise it will cause an uproar.

After doing all this, Pei Xuanjing fell into thought again.

I have to say that he received too much news today and was too surprised, which made it almost impossible for him to calm down.

Zhenwuzong is a black and white, and it turned out to be an ally of the Shenxiao faction.

With this, many of his original doubts can be basically explained at this moment.

Because of the help of the simulator, Pei Xuanjing can obtain a lot of special information. Although it is not so detailed, it is enough to give him a certain direction and let him make judgments.

So with this premise, under the combination of two and two, he can naturally judge whether the news that Qing Yangzi gave him is true or not, and whether he is deceiving himself.

And that longevity plan made Pei Xuanjing have to sigh that there are many smart people, and that Jinmen Yuke was able to expand the Shenxiao faction, and it really is not a person who has a false name.

Isn't this method of conferring the throne of God the same as conferring a god?

The Way of the Immortals among the Five Immortals is almost the same as this method.

Perhaps, it was based on this foundation that Jinmen Yuke deduced this method.

"It seems that if you want to know more, you have to go to Zhenwuzong and his party. You even have to explore the secret realm of the Shenxiao Sect to get more clues." He thought to himself.

After staying in the inn for a few days, and waiting for the movement in the city to track down and search for him gradually subsided, Pei Xuanjing took Pang Hong to leave again.

His destination this time was the old mountain gate of the Shenxiao faction. He always felt that he should go there, maybe he could get some different harvests there.

Because Pang Hong was by his side, Pei Xuanjing also paid some attention. After all, he was not afraid of being hunted by those people, but Pang Hong was easily targeted by those people.

However, Pei Xuanjing did not expect that soon after he left Hejian Mansion, he would be approached by someone. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!