MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 126 Barren Mountains and Ancient Temples Meet at Night

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The rain poured, and the wind howled.

At that time, the sky was dark, and within a hundred miles, there was only a bonfire rising in a dilapidated ancient temple.

"Teacher, the meat is ready." Pang Hong handed the grilled meat to Pei Xuanjing.

Pei Xuanjing shook his head, "You eat first, don't worry about me."

Pang Hong nodded and devoured it. Obviously, this journey has also made him very hungry.

Pei Xuanjing handed over the water bag beside him, "Eat slowly, don't worry."

"Thank you teacher." Pang Hong swallowed the meat and took the water bag.


The gate of the ancient temple was pushed open, and two young men, a man and a woman, walked in.

The two people whose clothes were soaked by the rain saw the two people in the ancient temple. They were stunned for a moment. The young man clasped his fists and said, "My sister and I encountered rain on the way. If I want to take shelter from the rain, I hope it is convenient."

Pei Xuanjing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, we are not the masters of this place. The place is already in ruins, and it's just that we came earlier."

"Thank you." The young man said thank you, and dragged the girl behind him to another place in the hall.

This ancient temple is not big, with only one main hall, and an unknown statue is enshrined in the center. The cobwebs are condensed, and it seems to have been dilapidated for a long time.

The two sat down, and also found some wood to light a bonfire, using the fire to drive away the cold.

However, from time to time, the girl glanced at Pang Hong, who was feasting, and then looked at the dry food in her hand, which was obviously a little hard to swallow.

"Teacher?" Pang Hong was young, but he was very winking.

Pei Xuanjing smiled, "Give it if you want, decide for yourself."

Pang Hong nodded, and the roasted venison used a dagger to divide a part and walked over.

"If my brother and sister don't dislike it, you can use some of this."

There was an embarrassed look on the young man's face, but he looked at his sister who was staring at the meat and swallowed her saliva secretly, so he had to accept it cheekily: "Thank you little brother."

"It's okay, we can't finish it anyway, you just don't dislike it." Pang Hong smiled.

Waiting for Pang Hong to turn back, Pei Xuanjing looked at the brothers and sisters who started to eat venison without any doubt, and shook his head secretly, becoming more sure of his thoughts.

Originally, when he looked at the two of them, he felt that they were a little immature, but now that he saw the other party eating venison without any doubt, he knew that these two were definitely fledglings.

In general, when you walk in the rivers and lakes, you must have some guard against others, especially in this barren mountain and wild mountains, how can you pick up food from others at will.

Pei Xuanjing closed his eyes again, and realized the martial arts.

But not long after, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps.

The expressions of the young man and the young girl immediately changed. The young man swallowed the meat, and did not bother to wipe his hands. He straightened his back and pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Quick, go and hide."

The girl's face showed a panicked look, and she quickly drew her sword out, carefully hiding behind the thick pillar, and nervously looking at the temple gate.

"Teacher?" Pang Hong whispered.

Pei Xuanjing opened his eyes, shook his head at Pang Hong, and closed his eyes again, seemingly unmoved by this.

Seeing Pei Xuanjing sitting like a mountain, the nervousness in Pang Hong's heart was swept away.

In his eyes, the teacher is everything, as long as Pei Xuanjing is unmoved, he is not worried at all.

The young man glanced at the calm master and apprentice in surprise, but when he heard footsteps approaching, he didn't care to say anything.


The temple door was pushed open violently, and a mountain breeze came in.

Five burly men walked in, each of them carrying weapons, their steps were steady, and their bodies were well-proportioned. At first glance, they were masters of martial arts.

"Big brother, there is someone inside." The man at the head said to the big man walking at the end.

The man walked to the front in a few steps, glanced at the motionless master and apprentice Pei Xuanjing, then glanced at the nervous young man, and understood.

"Several of you, I have a sudden night rain, and I hope to avoid the rain. I hope you forgive me."

The young man glanced at the indifferent Pei Xuanjing, and had to bite the bullet and said, "It's okay, we are not the masters of this place. The place is already in ruins and no one is here, it's just that we came earlier."

He actually repeated what Pei Xuanjing said just now.

"Thank you." The man known as Big Brother clasped his fists and occupied an open space with the other three.

The girl also quietly walked out from behind the statue, leaning tightly beside her brother.

The silent hall was very quiet, only the sound of firewood burning and the heavy rain outside the temple matched.

The five big men gathered around and whispered something.

While speaking, he kept looking at the other five people in the temple with his eyes.

Suddenly the man who entered at the beginning stood up and walked directly in the direction of Pei Xuanjing.

"Little brother, my brothers have been running for a day, can you share some of your meat with us?" he said to Pang Hong.

"No, there's only so much left, the teacher hasn't eaten yet?" Pang Hong rejected his request.

The big man looked at the other party, and then looked at Pei Xuanjing: "This brother?"

"No!" Pei Xuanjing spat out two words without opening his eyes.

"Yeah!" The big man has always been used to being domineering, and being so rejected by Pei Xuanjing made it difficult for him to step down for a while, and his face was full of anger.

Seemingly feeling the other party's anger, Pei Xuanjing opened his eyes and looked at him like that.

Being watched by Pei Xuanjing's calm gaze, the big man felt as if he was being stared at by a beast, and his whole body was tensed, a chill could not help but rise behind him.

"Fourth, come back!" The big man at the head scolded loudly.

He stood up and cupped his hands to Pei Xuanjing: "This brother, I'm sorry."

After speaking, he pulled the fourth child and left.

"This person's strength is unpredictable, don't provoke right and wrong." He whispered in the fourth fourth ear.

Pei Xuanjing looked at the two of them, did not speak any more, and closed his eyes again.

Although a storm dissipated invisibly, the atmosphere in the hall was even more strange.

Especially the man called the fourth child, who glanced at Pei Xuanjing and the two from time to time.


The temple door was pushed open again, and a man and a woman walked in slowly.

Pei Xuanjing's expression turned gloomy. Obviously, the appearance of these two people was beyond expectations. Originally, based on his perception, anyone who arrived within a hundred meters of the temple would be able to predict it.

But now, he noticed the man and the woman almost when they arrived at the door.

Obviously, the strength of these two is far beyond the unexpected.

The man is about forty years old, dressed in white, elegant and elegant, as if a literati surpasses a warrior.

The woman looked in her twenties, dressed in a palace skirt and stepped on white embroidered shoes, giving her a holy and flawless temperament.

You know, it was raining heavily outside the temple, but the two walked in so neatly, it seemed that they were not affected at all.

When they saw the man and the woman come in, the expressions of the five burly men changed drastically, each of them held their weapons in their hands, and looked at them vigilantly.


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