MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 30 spend a full moon night

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"Director Xu, is this little girl really a doctor in the hospital?" The honest doorman asked abruptly without winking.

Min Yue jumped out of Xu Mai's arms, lowered her head, not daring to look at Xu Mai, and put the back of her hand on her face to cool down.

The weather was hot, and she was sweating from shame, with a few strands of hair sticking to her forehead, which looked funny.

Xu Mai stretched out his hand with a smile, helped her pick up her forehead hair, stroked it towards her ears, and then replied: "Well, this is my apprentice."

"Oh, she brought too many mooncakes, I thought they were small vendors, I misunderstood, I'm sorry." The doorman laughed honestly.

Xu Mai glanced down at the mooncakes all over the floor. The lineup was huge, and it was indeed possible to set up a stall, so he asked, "Why do you bring so many?"

Min Yue replied shyly, "I want to bring it to Master."

Xu Mai laughed, fearing that he would not be able to eat it all his life.

"Let me get it for you." Xu Mai bent down to pick up the shopping bag, and Min Yue took a few boxes that were left alone, and followed him staggeringly.

"Master, can I borrow the refrigerator from your laboratory?"

There is no refrigerator in their lounge, only one in the male doctor's room, but it is inconvenient to get in and out. Min Yue thought it would be great if it could be put in Xu Mai's laboratory, so that she could secretly hide the snowy mooncakes and only give them to the master to eat.

Min Yue, who only thinks about Master in her heart, completely forgot to share the good things her father taught her since she was a child, and turned into a cat that can hide food, secretly burying delicious food, and only giving it to important people.

"Okay, should we go now, or after get off work?"

Xu Mai was still at work, so it wasted a lot of time to come out to pick her up, and if he went to the laboratory again, he would not be in the ward for too long. In case something happens during the period and the nurse can't find her, it's time to worry.

But the delicate snowy mooncakes couldn't make it to get off work, so Min Yue said, "Master, just give me the access control card, and I'll just put the mooncakes by myself."

Xu Mai took out the card and handed it to her according to his words. "Then I'll help you carry them up first?"

"Okay, thank you Master, let's share it with everyone first."

Because it is a festival, the researchers in the experimental base are on vacation, the whole building is deserted, and there is no acquaintance on the way. Min Yue successfully hid the snowy mooncake and the most expensive box-bottom mooncake into the experiment. room.

Turning around and going back to the ward, Min Yue felt the festive atmosphere of joy and encouragement as soon as she opened the elevator door.

The girls at the nurse's station are huddling together to eat mooncakes, saying that mine tastes good, what does yours taste like, let me take a bite, feeling that the calories are really high, and they should run for a while when they go home, so as not to gain weight.

Min Yue greeted them with a smile. "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"

When the little nurse saw her, she pursed her lips and snickered. The head nurse gossiped, "Doctor Min, just now Director Xu brought up a package of mooncakes and said you are inviting everyone to eat mooncakes."


"I've been working for so many years, and it's the first time I see Director Xu in such a good mood. How did you manage to make Director Xu work for you with a smile on his face?"

"How dare I direct Master to work." Min Yue waved his hands again and again.

"Let Director Xu carry the mooncakes upstairs and distribute the mooncakes one by one. Isn't it helping you to do the work?" The head nurse pushed the girl next to him, "Do you usually dare to ask Director Xu to help you push the treatment cart?"

The little nurse fearfully said, "Don't dare."

The head nurse asked others again: "Do any of you dare?"

All the little girls trembled in unison: "I wouldn't even dare to lend us a hundred courage."

"Actually, the master is very enthusiastic. If you ask her, she will definitely be willing to help." Min Yue tried her best to help Xu Mai change her image, "Don't be afraid of my master, she just looks a little cold, but she is really nice .”

The head nurse's eyes seemed to see through everything. "How can we have such an honor, you are special."

"What's so special about me?"

Everyone said in unison: "You have a special place in Director Xu's heart!"

Min Yue was so beautiful that she was bubbling, she covered her face shyly, and ran away with small steps.

The head nurse stared at her receding figure, that figure was so sweet and girly, it felt like every time she touched the ground with her toes, a cluster of pink flowers would pop out.

It was a bit too dreamy, the head nurse shook her head, and she had an illusion. It seems that I have to watch less Korean dramas recently.

Gululu Min Yue, who was boiling with pink bubbles, ran to the duty room, stood on tiptoe and looked in through the glass window on the door. Everyone was eating moon cakes, but Xu Mai was not there.

Someone patted her on the shoulder, Min Yue turned her head and saw Chen Sitian holding a mooncake stuffed with roses in her mouth, with her mouth full of the fragrance of flowers.

"Looking for your master? It's over there."

She pointed to the balcony at the end of the corridor. "Suitors are lining up to ask her out on a date."

Min Yue was instantly unhappy, as if a bunch of villains were holding needles and jumping to poke the pink bubble in her heart.

Min Yue pouted, and the boss asked reluctantly, "Why did they invite my master?"

Chen Sitian stared at her with an expression of looking foolish. "What else can I do? Cultivate feelings! Haven't you ever chased someone before?"


Chen Sitian asked again: "Is he always being chased?"


Chen Sitian was shocked from ear to ear. "Could you have traveled from the Stone Age, right? If you don't fall in love in your good years, what are you busy with? Tell my sister."

Min Yue glanced at her. "Chasing stars." After finishing speaking, he ran to the balcony.

Chen Sitian yelled from behind: "Which star are you chasing? Is it more popular than Marie? Introduce it to me."

Redder than Marie, more beautiful than first-line actresses, and more dazzling than actresses on the red carpet in Cannes.

My star is at the end of the corridor.

Min Yue, who is eager to follow the stars, ran over like a whirlwind. From a long distance, he saw Dr. Song from the general surgery department standing side by side with Xu Mai.

Min Yue was a little jealous, Master had signed the name of a whole cowhide book for that Doctor Song! She also holds a special place in Master's heart!

Realizing that she was not the only special existence, Min Yue was very disappointed, her steps became heavy, she moved two steps hesitantly, and stopped.

A man stood at the door of the ward, holding an unlit cigarette between his fingers, looking anxiously at the balcony, as if he was waiting for them to come out so that he could go and smoke. Turning around and seeing a similarly anxious person beside him, he said, "Doctor Min also wants to go to the balcony to breathe? I suggest you go to another floor. Director Xu will take a while to come out."

Min Yue said listlessly: "Go to another floor, I'll wait here."

The man became embarrassed: "I can't go. If I go far away, I can't hear my wife calling. I have to take care of her."


The two stood silently for a while, the man felt bored, and spoke again: "Director Xu is really popular, just as soon as I came out, I saw three or four people looking for her. Doctor Zeng also came just now, when he came Full of ambition, he looked disappointed when he left. They were all rejected, and Dr. Song chatted with Director Xu the longest.

"What's the play?"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Dr. Song is interested in Director Xu. Director Xu is not an outgoing personality, but the two of them can talk for so long, at least it shows that their personalities are compatible."

Half an hour ago, he said that he would pick me up and go home, but then he chatted with other dogs from poetry to romance. Min Yue stared resentfully at the backs of the two outside the glass door, thinking, Master, look back at me, I can also accompany you to chat from poetry to romance.

The Huoshaoyun in the evening was dazzling, and the orange-red brilliance shone on Xu Mai, drawing a hazy golden edge on her figure. She turned her face sideways to talk to the people around her, her brows were soft, as beautiful as an oil painting.

Standing a little farther away, Min Yue could feel Xu Mai's charm better. She is beautiful and generous, calm and calm, which makes people admirable.

It is like a sapphire handed down from ancient times, noble and profound, with restrained brilliance.

She stood quietly in the dark, and only when illuminated by the soft moonlight would she reflect the brilliance of a six-pointed star. In just a moment, it was amazing.

Those who worship her are like fireflies chasing the moon, dotted with stars, converging into a galaxy of flowing light.

Every suitor is the backbone of each department. Compared with them, his own fluorescent light is extremely dim, submerged in the bright galaxy.

Thinking that Master might not be able to see such a small self, Min Yue was so sad that she couldn't breathe.

She was immersed in great sadness, and she didn't even notice that the two of them came back from the balcony after chatting.

"Why are you standing here?" Xu Mai asked.

Dr. Song isn't here, so he might have booked a restaurant in advance. Min Yue twitched her nose aggrievedly, and asked, "Is Master going on a date with Dr. Song?"


Xu Mai gave a negative answer, and just as Min Yue's mood brightened, she heard her say again: "I already have an appointment."

Her heart thumped, and Min Yue almost heard the sound of her heart breaking, she pursed her mouth and held back her tears. "Then master have fun, I'll go first."

Min Yue turned her face away, her body slowed down a step, and Xu Mai grabbed her wrist.

Min Yue turned around.

"Aren't you going to celebrate the festival with me?" Xu Mai looked at her quietly, and the sunset glow fell into his eyes, soft and warm.

After being watched tenderly for a long time, Min Yue slowly turned around—Master rejected other people's invitations because he wanted to celebrate the festival with me.

It's for me! !

Min Yue was so excited that she wanted to scream, but the ward area had to be quiet, so she had to hold Xu Mai's hand and jump around in place to express her excitement.

So happy that she was about to fly to the clouds, Min Yue jumped for a while, feeling uneasy, and reconfirmed: "Will Master want to date me?"

Xu Mai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well, I'm dating you."

In an instant, Min Yue felt a pair of huge wings sprouting from behind her, rushing into the sky with a swish. I was beaming and smiling all afternoon, if I didn't still have a little reservedness, I would have stood on the top of the building with a loudspeaker and shouted: "I'm going on a date with Master!"

Seeing that she was too excited, Deng Sang couldn't help reminding: "Master Mo is on duty, so it's impossible to go out with anyone tonight. You are also on duty, so we just got together for the holidays."

Chen Sitian also poured cold water: "Young people who have no experience in love, my sister will teach you. Dating refers to the kind of mourning, well-dressed, eating at a restaurant with a romantic atmosphere, watching a movie, and going home for a hug." sleep together, and greet the dawn of the next day together. Instead of wearing white coats, sitting head to head in the duty room to write medical records."

Deng Sauna took out her makeup bag and was about to put on foundation when she heard Chen Sitian teasing her, her face flushed.

The dumbfounded Qing Minyue couldn't listen at all, her head shook like a rattle. "Master is very beautiful in a white coat. We can eat mooncakes, and we can greet the morning sun in the lounge. It's just a date."

Chen Sitian was delighted to hear that, this kid doesn't understand the core of dating at all, eating and watching movies are just floating clouds, the point is what happens after you go home and close the door and turn off the lights. But this kind of thing, when she has a lover, she will naturally understand when she should understand.

"Just as long as you're happy." Chen Sitian said goodbye with a suppressed smile, and took out his cell phone to make a call. "Let's go first, go on a date with my Jia Tongtong."

As night falls, the red lanterns hanging on both sides of the road are slowly lit. The garden of the No. 1 attached courtyard is designed according to the landscape of the garden, but the surrounding buildings are all reinforced concrete, so you can’t usually see how beautiful the scenery is. Tonight, when the red lanterns are lit, the bright full moon hangs high above the head, and the artistic conception immediately comes out .

Min Yue walked through the garden carrying two boxes of mooncakes, feeling a sense of happiness that the moon was full.

Min Yue, who was taught to be willing to share since she was a child, did not eat alone in the end. She unwrapped the package, leaving only two small square tables next to the bed, and distributed the rest to the colleagues on the night shift.

It was ten o'clock in the middle of the night, just when I felt hungry, and the rounds before going to bed hadn't started yet, so I could just use this free time to fill my stomach.

Min Yue probed into the duty room, Xu Mai picked up the cup to drink water, just raised his head, and the moment their eyes met, the two laughed together.

Min Yue smiled and said, "Master, come and eat mooncakes."

"Okay." Xu Mai put down half of the medical records at hand, and followed her back to the lounge.

Rolling up the blackout curtains, Xu Mai sat on the edge of the bed, and when he raised his eyes, he could see the full moon obliquely above.

Min Yue sat on the opposite side of Deng Sang's bed, then looked out the window, but saw nothing, and muttered, "Why is the moon gone?"

Xu Mai laughed, and patted the place beside him. "Sit over here, you can't see from that direction."

Hearing this, Min Yue sat next to Xu Mai, and as expected, she could see it. She happily picked up the mooncake box, unpacked it, and revealed a snowy mooncake in the shape of a star. The outer skin of pale milk color reveals a light yellow color from the inside, and there is a curved crescent moon printed on the top. It is chubby and soft, very cute.

Min Yue offered it with both hands. "Master, I will give you a little star."

Xu Mai took it, looked at it intently for a while, pointed to the crescent moon printed on the moon cake and said, "Here is a little bright moon."

Min Yue blinked, and asked meaningfully: "Master, do you want Little Xingxing or Little Mingyue?"

Xu Mai smiled softly. "I want you."

Min Yue almost crushed the mooncake in her hand. "Master, master..."

What I want from you is too imaginative.

Min Yue's entire body was red from the tip of her ears to her neck, as if she had eaten top-quality chili peppers, as if her mouth was about to burst into flames.

Xu Mai's expression was still calm, the corners of his eyes slightly raised, and he smiled calmly.

Are you kidding me...

Min Yue shyly bit off a big mouthful of the mooncake and said inarticulately, "Master bullied me again!"

The mooncakes are filled with custard. After biting open, the sweet and milky fragrance overflows, which is so delicious.

Min Yue turned shame and anger into appetite, slapped two mooncakes into her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, she looked like a hamster hoarding food, her round eyes were black and bright, staring angrily, It looks cuter and cuter.

She ate too fast, and the corners of her mouth were stained with sporadic mooncake crumbs. Xu Mai reached out and took out a piece of paper from the tissue box, and said gently: "Do you want to join my research team?"


Xu Mai raised his hand and gently wiped the corner of Min Yue's mouth. "I need an assistant, would you like to be my assistant?"

Of course I would! One hundred willing!

Min Yue opened her mouth and wanted to agree, but then she thought about it, Master's scientific research team is full of researchers and postdoctoral fellows, and she is just an inexperienced shrimp with a poor graduation thesis, so she was worried that she would not be able to help, so she asked, "Is there any help?" What can you do for Master?"

Xu Mai explained: "The administrative position of the research institute is independent from the clinic, so I can't hire you as an assistant researcher. I am too busy and want to find someone to help with some simple things. The hospital will not offer another salary. , I personally will pay the reward privately, but not too can refuse."

Min Yue understood that she was not actually asked to do scientific research, but to help take care of the sundries as Xu Mai's personal assistant.

Of course she would be more willing! Ten thousand willing!

Being able to have close contact with Master and without the pressure of scientific research, how could there be such a good thing in the world!

Min Yue suddenly felt that what his father said was quite right, that stupid people have stupid blessings, and immediately said: "I am very willing, Master doesn't need to give me money, I will be very happy if I can help you!"

When he asked, Xu Mai didn't know what to say, and he was already mentally prepared to be rejected. Because the clinical medicine that Min Yue studied is not basic medicine, and she has not received professional scientific research training. She can't learn much in the research institute, and there is no job or salary. It is almost free labor.

She has been thinking about finding an assistant for a long time, but she has never found a suitable candidate. First of all, you must have a certain medical foundation, second, you must have sufficient spare time, third, you must be able to accept low remuneration, and last but most importantly, you must be able to get along with her. After all, she is her personal assistant, and in a sense, she is also a partner, who needs to cooperate with her to carry out the work.

The first three requirements are not too harsh. Many graduate students in the School of Medicine of F University can meet the requirements, but the other party knows through their tutors that she is the leader of the project, and they all retreat.

Min Yue's appearance was tantamount to a bright future, which turned this matter into a turning point. She is quick-witted and eager to learn, with a natural affinity, and the two get along very well and happily.

Gradually, the idea was finalized, and Xu Mai felt that what he was looking for was Min Yue, or someone like Min Yue.

But can the other party accept it? She has no confidence.

Hearing Min Yue said yes, Xu Mai was afraid that she was concerned about the relationship between superiors and subordinates, so she explained again in a slow tone: "This work may be tedious and boring, and the paper cannot sign your name..."

Xu Mai hadn't finished talking about the disadvantages when he was interrupted by Min Yue. Her eyes were burning, and she was very serious: "I don't care about those, Master, I just want to stay by your side and help you do some small things within my ability..."

After a pause, Min Yue showed a worried expression: "If I can only wipe the table and wash the beaker, will Master despise me?"

Xu Mai was startled.

Min Yue quietly grabbed the sleeve of her white coat, and looked at her with black and white eyes, like a little milk that had just been picked up, looking forward to it, but afraid of being hurt.

"If I don't do well, will Master drive me away?"

That delicate and pitiful look made her heart utterly soft, Xu Mai held her with his left hand, raised his right hand and rubbed her head, and the latter narrowed his eyes obediently.


Min Yue, who was easily satisfied, was coaxed to be happy, obediently rubbed against Xu Mai's palm, and smiled flatteringly. "Can I stay by Master's side for the rest of my life?"

Xu Mai replied with a smile: "Okay."

I hope you will always stay by my side.

The author has something to say: Marie: Who Am I? where am i Do you remember to operate on me?

Min Yue: Addicted to love, unintentional surgery...

Marie: Manager, I want to transfer hospital! This hospital abuses dogs!

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