MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 31 behave in a spoiled manner

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The night was getting darker and darker, and a full moon hung quietly in the deep night sky.

The two of them ate the honey-wrapped mooncakes, and their lips and teeth were full of sweet fragrance. Min Yue took out a box of green tea from the closet, soaked it in water and drank it to relieve the tiredness.

Xu Mai leaned against the head of the bed, looking out the window. The window glass reflected the white light of the indoor LED lights, which was a bit dazzling, Xu Mai squinted subconsciously.

Seeing her uncomfortable posture, Min Yue asked, "Master, do you want to turn off the light? That way you can see more clearly."

"it is good."

After getting the approval, Min Yue went to the door and tapped the switch, the light went out, and the room suddenly fell into darkness. The moonlight outside the window quietly spilled in and fell on the small square table, covering a piece of bright white.

Facing the light source, Min Yue walked back to the bed in the dark, sat down next to Xu Mai, and followed him to look out the window.

The mid-autumn moon looks like a disc made of jade, the moonlight is as cold as water, scattered with dark spots.

Min Yue said softly: "When I was a child, I heard stories and thought Chang'e lived on the moon. When I saw those shadows, I thought it was the palace where she lived. I foolishly wondered if she would be lonely if she lived in such a big house alone. .After reading books and reading popular science articles, I realized that it was the moon sea.”

Xu Mai listened very carefully. "Moonsea?"

"Although it's called a sea, it actually doesn't have a drop of water. It's a flat and low-lying plain, accounting for a quarter of the moon's surface area, and most of it is distributed on the side facing the earth."

It’s rare that Xu Mai didn’t know something, and Min Yue explained in detail: “In the beginning, people didn’t know enough about the moon, thinking that the dark part was the sea, and the bright part was the land. Later, when they could observe clearly with a telescope, they broke the old cognition. But I'm used to calling it that."

Xu Mai responded softly: "The name Yuehai sounds nice."

"Master's name is also very nice, 'Xianhui pulses and waters', very artistic, is it because of this poem?"

Xu Mai's expression became a little sad. "It's because 'Mai Mai tenderness is not self-sustaining'."

I haven't heard of it... Min Xueza couldn't answer.

Xu Mai was silent for a while, and added another sentence: "It's the words of Cai Shen in the Song Dynasty. My father wrote this sentence in his love letter to my mother."

This was the first time Xu Mai brought up her parents on her own initiative, but Min Yue remembered that she said last time that she had no family members, and she didn't know if her parents were still alive, so she didn't dare to talk rashly.

After a long silence, Xu Mai picked up the glass and took a sip of green tea. The tea was clear and the moonlight was clear. There was a layer of water in her eyes. Behind her calm expression, deep emotions were hidden.

The hand holding the teacup was cold and white by the moonlight, and Min Yue involuntarily reached out to cover it, trying to pass on some heat to her.

Min Yue said, "Master, if..."

The door of the rest room was knocked three times, and someone shouted outside the door: "Is Director Xu there?"

Xu Mai withdrew his hand and got up to open the door.

A family member of the patient stood outside the door, holding a plate of washed grapes in his hand. "You have to be on duty during the holidays. Director Xu, you have worked hard. My son's father bought too many grapes. If you don't mind, you can try it. It's very sweet."

"no need."

"It's nothing valuable, just a bunch of grapes."

After some pushback, Xu Mai finally accepted.

After closing the door and turning on the light, the bright overhead light made Min Yue close her eyes. Opening it again, I saw Xu Mai standing in front of him, looking down at himself.

"What did you want to say just now?"

Xu Mai's expression returned to his usual indifference, the emotions in his eyes that were so fragile that they would shatter at the touch of a moment ago did not leave a single trace, as if he had misjudged his vision.

Min Yue shook his head. "nothing."

If Master feels lonely... can I be Master's family?

How can you admit that you have a weak side when you are so calm and self-disciplined? Even though she confessed that she sometimes felt lonely, wouldn't it be too presumptuous and too presumptuous for her to abruptly say that she wanted to be her family member?

I am still very small, not qualified enough. If one day I am strong enough to catch up to Master, then I will ask this question with confidence.

After eleven o'clock before going to bed, the doctor on the night shift started the last round of the day.

When Min Yue pushed open the door of the single ward, Marie was looking for angles to take selfies, preparing to upload them on Weibo to report her safety to fans after finishing the revision.

As soon as she saw Xu Mai walking in, Marie turned into a star-chasing girl in an instant, dancing and saying: "Director Xu! You know, I said on Weibo that the doctor in charge of me is a peerless beauty, and fans clamored to send photos to them to see the truth .”

She clasped her hands together and made a prayer: "Can Director Xu take a photo with me? Just one photo, please."

Xu Mai picked up the nursing records and looked through them. "Wait until you leave the hospital."

"Okay, okay." Marie put away her phone, propped her chin, and stared at Xu Mai intently. "It's a pity that Director Xu is on duty today. How many people are heartbroken because they can't get an appointment with you."

Min Yue hilariously said, I'm on a date with Master.

Xu Mai didn't respond to her joke, but instead asked: "The plan is to arrange for you to have an operation the day after tomorrow. When will your relatives arrive?"

"Actually, I didn't tell my family...they are far away, and their health is not very good. I don't want them to come all the way to take care of me." Marie was a little nervous, "Director Xu, you ask this because you want to hide Am I telling them the truth? Am I actually terminally ill?"

The assistant rolled his eyes aside. "Sister, you should watch less Korean dramas, how can it be so bloody?"

Marie shoves her. "I have a heart problem, heart! It's serious!"

Xu Mai watched them quarreling coldly, and said without seriousness: "No matter how big or small an operation is, there are risks. The purpose of the pre-operative conversation is to let you understand the possible dangers. If the family members are not around, I can also talk to you personally. "

"Talk! Talk!" Marie brushed her hair and winked. "In addition to surgery, you can also talk about love."

The assistant looked at the sky speechlessly: "It's hopeless, the heart is healed, and the **** has committed another crime."

After leaving Marie's place, the two went to the SICU, and then transferred to the general ward. It was almost midnight before finishing the rounds and returning to the lounge.

Their room was converted from a utility room without a bathroom. After Xu Mai and Chen Sitian came, they relocated the bathroom door in the male doctor's lounge, leading directly to the corridor and turning it into a public bathroom.

The capacity of the electric water heater is relatively large, but there are many people, and the hot water runs out after washing, and those who go late can only take a cold shower.

Min Yue imitated Kong Rong and asked Xu Mai to wash up first. "Master, go wash it first, I'll practice tying the knot later."

Min Yue took out the thread from the pocket of her white coat, put the water glass in front of her, and tied a knot on the handle. This is a habit she developed when she was in school. When it came to the exam week, she would review the knowledge with her eyes on the textbook, keep moving her hands, use both left and right brains, and practice against the clock.

She picked up this method recently, and tied a knot on the handle of the cup while drinking water. After a few days, there are already dozens of ropes on the top.

Xu Mai took a look and asked, "I'm going to open your chest for bypass surgery on a 9-bed patient. How are you doing?"

Min Yue replied: "It's okay, but the dermis of the pig's trotters is a bit thin, and the muscles are too strong, so the hand feel is not particularly right."

"I'll get you something."

Xu Mai opened the door and went out. After a few minutes, he came back holding a foam board.

Min Yue hurriedly removed her water glass, took the foam board, and put it on the desk behind the door.

Xu Mai took out the box of hydrocolloid applicators, tore open the package, removed the protective film on the back, pasted it on the board, and then unwrapped the sterilization package to reveal the surgical instruments inside. "Try it."

Min Yue didn't know why, so she picked up the needle-holding forceps suspiciously, picked up the blade, inserted it into the handle, and assembled the scalpel.

Xu Mai tapped the patch with his fingertips, signaling Min Yue to cut down.

Cut to foam board? Isn't it a waste of blades?

Min Yue thought it was strange, but she still changed the way of writing, and obediently raised her hand to cut. The moment the blade touched the applicator, Min Yue's eyes lit up.

It feels right!

Min Yue was overjoyed: "Master, Master! That's the feeling!"

The toughness of the applicator and the foam board is not 100% the same as that of the dermis and muscle tissue, but it is much similar to pork with skin.

Xu Mai smiled, and asked again: "Last time I taught you how to tie knots on tofu?"

Min Yue shyly said: "It's not very good... I always spoil the tofu."

"Then teach you something else."

The grapes sent by the patient's family members are placed on the small square table by the window, and there is no time to eat them. Xu Mai pulled out one, took the scalpel from Min Yue, and made a cut on it, then threaded the needle, replaced with needle-holding forceps and toothed forceps, cooperated with his left and right hands, and within half a minute, the cut was cut. The skins of the grapes are sewn up.

After she cut the thread, Min Yue picked up the grapes and examined them carefully against the light.

Xu Mai's figure-eight stitches are neat and even, like a row of beautiful bows. And when it was sewn just now, the grapes hardly moved at all.

To be able to play so many tricks with needle and thread, and to play so handily, the master's skills are too superb. Min Yue refreshed the worship value again.

Xu Mai encouraged: "Try it."

Min Yue was very aware of her own level, so she shook her head repeatedly. "It's better... Master will laugh at me."

"Practice more and you'll be fine." Xu Mai said a few more words of encouragement, packed up the toiletries, and went to take a shower first.

After she left, Min Yue started to move around, and quietly went to grab the grapes, but she couldn't control the strength, and directly tore the skin, which saved the need for an incision.

Following Xu Mai's example, she tried to sew up the skin of the grape. The tweezers in her left hand pinched the skin, and as soon as the needle was inserted in her right hand, the grape rolled away smoothly and hit her foot with a plop.

Min Yue was aggrieved and stared at the grape skin left on the tweezers. She knew that her skills were poor, but she didn't expect to be so bad. It was so embarrassing. Fortunately, the master didn't see it.

Min Yue, who was hit by the soul crit, picked up the disobedient grapes and threw them into the trash can, ate a dozen of them in one go as if to vent her anger, and went to the sink to brush her teeth with a full belch.

After Xu Mai came back, let her take a bath instead. Worried about not having enough hot water, she washed quickly and came out in less than ten minutes.

Xu Mai was blowing her hair, and when she saw the water droplets falling from the tip of her hair, she stopped and handed the hair dryer to her. "Use it first."

Min Yue didn't answer, she put her wet head into Xu Mai's arms, and said coquettishly, "Master, blow it for me."

"Then you sit down."

She was just joking, but Xu Mai was serious.

Min Yue sat on the edge of the bed with her shoulders pressed, feeling very uneasy. She asked Master to help bring up the mooncakes, but the nurses said she was bold, and if they knew that she ordered Master to blow her hair, she might be said to have eaten the heart of a bear.

Besides, Master's hands holding a scalpel are more noble than Blue Diamond, so how could he recklessly clean up his own weeds?

Min Yue pressed Xu Mai's hand in a panic: "Master, I was wrong, I shouldn't tease you, I'd better blow my hair myself."

Xu Mai didn't have any strength in his hands, so he let Min Yue **** the hair dryer. The latter tried to shrink his body, his eyes were timid, evasive, and his expression was exactly the same as that of the little milk Wang who did something wrong and was afraid of being scolded. If you hit her on the head punitively, in the next second, she will twist her body and get into your arms, trembling with her little milk voice, begging you for mercy.

Xu Mai imagined it for a while, and didn't have the heart to knock. He stretched out his hand and hooked the tip of her nose, and said with a smile, "It's really weird."

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