MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 59 satisfy

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After sharing this exciting good news with Shen Fei, Min Yue picked up Pang Pang and danced ballet in circles around the room, Pang Pang stared blankly at the ear of the plane, with an impatient expression of "this person must be stupid".

Min Yue retrieved the photo with Xu Mai from the photo album of her mobile phone, and put it in front of her chubby face. "Look! My master! I'm going on a date with her! Date! Date! Oooohoooooo!"

When Pangpang saw the photo, his face changed instantly, and he bowed his head to the screen obsequiously.

Min Yue suspected that it might have eyes on the top of its head, otherwise how could it cleverly avoid the person next to it and only rub Xu Mai!

Should it be said that this cat has a clear distinction between love and hate, or that it eats inside and out and does not recognize its owner? Min Yue thought for a while, and suddenly realized that in a sense, Pangpang is also a rival in love!

Disgustingly shoving her rival back into the gap between the curtains, Min Yue lay on the bed, swaying her legs and feet, sending WeChat messages.

In such a short time, WeChat has exploded, and relatives and friends are rushing to exchange blessings during the New Year's Eve, and the group messages are all 99 plus.

Min Yue didn't bother to reply and concentrated on chatting with Shen Fei.

Shen Fei: 【It's a good omen to receive such a big gift during the Chinese New Year. Let me hug you for a while. 】

Min Yue knowingly asked: [Master deliberately chose to date me on Valentine's Day, is there any other meaning? 】

Shen Fei: [Obviously yes, I didn't expect that Director Xu's rank is quite high, he picked such an ambiguous day, and even picked a holy place for couples to date. 】

[You make a good mask these days, the skin is in good condition, and the makeup is natural. 】

【Want to buy new clothes? When are you free? Come find me after get off work, and I'll go shopping with you. 】

Min Yue replied: [Okay. 】

After chatting for a while, Shen Fei asked again: 【Where do you live at night? The theme hotel nearby is well decorated, you can try it. 】

Min Yue didn't know, so: [Go home. 】

Shen Fei hates iron for being weak: [Go back to what house, hurry up and take Director Xu down, in case she thinks it through and regrets it, you won't have time to cry. 】

what happened! Are my mother and my mother so unconfident in me?

Min Yue replied proudly: [No, don't worry. 】

Shen Fei: 【Last time I saw your underwear drying on the balcony...Let's not talk about Director Xu, I didn't even bother to see it. Throw it away, and I'll take you to buy new ones. 】

Min Yue wondered why Master wanted to look at my underwear, pondered for a moment, combined with the above, understood, and quickly blushed.

This is just so far, and the relationship hasn't even been confirmed yet... Cough, what, it's too fast!

Min Yue stuffed the phone under the pillow, embarrassed to continue chatting, and fantasizing about the date scene by herself, excited until the middle of the night before falling asleep.

After sleeping until after nine o'clock, Min Yue wanted to tell Jiang Hui the good news in the morning, but the master bedroom was vacant and everyone went to work.

Cleaning, tidying up the house, feeding the cat, grooming, staying up late at night with nothing to do, finally brought the two elders back.

As soon as Jiang Hui opened the door, a humanoid object rushed up and hung it around her neck.

"Mommy mommy!"

The humanoid pendant croaked, and Jiang Hui walked in with heavy steps. Min Guangyang then entered the door and locked it behind him. Seeing her like this, he asked, "Hey, what's the good thing about being so happy?"

Pangpang rushed out from the second bedroom when he heard the movement, and circled around Jiang Hui's legs, meowing non-stop.

Min Yue yelled in her ear: "Master wants to date me! Date on Valentine's Day!"

"Oh, this is a happy event, let's celebrate by opening a bottle of red wine." Min Guangyang said as he went to the restaurant cabinet to search for the treasure at the bottom of the box.

"If you want to drink yourself, don't use your daughter as a shield." Jiang Hui exposed her husband, and poured cold water on her excited daughter whose eyes were glistening. "What's the date? It's probably because she wants to go out and play, and she just wants to keep you company when you're free."

"No! I want to play. Master specially checked the strategies and brought me there, and I will show you." Min Yue rushed into the room and took out the stack of strategies, "Look, Master has marked it. "

Jiang Hui finally moved to the side of the sofa, put on reading glasses, took a look at the paper, and found that besides the printed square characters, there was also a handwritten running script with a blue and black pen in the margins of the page. Green bamboo forest.

People of the older generation pay attention to their handwriting as they are, and seeing the beautiful handwriting with this pen, they can't help feeling a little fond of the writer.

Appreciate the font first, and then look at the content.

There is a star mark next to each ride item. The more stars, the more recommended. In addition, there are notes. For example, don't wear necklaces on roller coasters, don't put things on your body, or put things in pockets with zippers, and it's best not to wear skirts.

Considering the time-consuming queuing and the schedule of performances in the park, the other party formulated a more reasonable route, taking into account the rides and performances, and strived to get the best experience in one day.

He is a very careful and thoughtful person. After reading it, Jiang Hui came to a conclusion. Looking at the frizzy girl next to her, she felt a little relieved, after all, she could take care of her.

Min Yue was eager to get approval, and immediately asked, "Is my master amazing!"

The tail on her back almost went up to the sky, so Jiang Hui didn't add to her arrogance, pretended not to care, put the stack of papers on the coffee table, turned her head and asked her husband, "Did you find the video I asked you to find yesterday?"

Min Guangyang was uncorking the red wine, panting heavily from exhaustion. "Huh... found it, want to see it now?"

"Let's watch while eating."

Min Yue took out the dumplings made last night from the refrigerator, boiled them twice in boiling water, took them out, put them on a plate, poured three saucers of vinegar, and brought them into the living room.

Min Guangyang recently learned to cast a screen. In order to show off his new technology, he deliberately cast the video on his mobile phone to the TV. The family of three gathered in front of the TV, eating dumplings and watching the interview video.

As soon as Xu Mai showed up, Jiang Hui exclaimed, "You are so beautiful!"

Min Yue praised in a hurry: "Yes, yes, my master is very good-looking. Last year, a female singer was hospitalized. She said that my master is more beautiful than all the first-line female stars she has ever seen. She is arguing for a group photo."

Jiang Hui looked at her daughter with suspicion. "Can such a good-looking person fall in love with you? Want to date you?"

Min Yue poked at the dumplings angrily, no mother would say her child was ugly.

Min Guangyang took a sip of the red wine and was in a very happy mood. The presiding officer said, "Our Min Yue is also beautiful. When we were young, we went to kindergarten, and many little boys said they would marry you when they grow up."

Min Yue was extremely embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject: "Watching TV."

A short surgical video was played in the middle of the video. Because the picture was too bloody, the TV station even coded it. The three present are all doctors, and even if they can eat by the formalin pool, they don't mind this kind of scene.

The mosaic blocked all of Xu Mai's hand movements. Min Guangyang felt very regretful, shaking his head and sighing: "The people in the TV station are too amateurish, they blurred the most essential parts."

Min Yue acted as the narrator, and described the reactions of those who watched the live broadcast of the operation in the lecture hall that day, emphasizing how gorgeous Xu Mai's hands-on skills are, and added that Xu Mai advised everyone not to pursue high-tech techniques too much, Practice the basic skills well, don't be blinded by fame and fortune, and forget your original intention.

Min Guangyang was quite emotional, and glanced at his wife: "Listen, what a good child, he has great abilities, but he is down-to-earth, and he will definitely make great achievements in the field of surgery in the future, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people like us."

Jiang Hui didn't say a word, but she looked at Min Yue suspiciously. What's so good about her daughter that she can really be admired by others?

Min Yue was eating dumplings optimistically, when she heard the phone ringing in the bedroom, she immediately put down her chopsticks and ran away.

The piano ringtone of "Sakura" is from Master!

Min Yue answered the phone quickly: "Master?"

Xu Mai's helpless voice came from the microphone: "Which building are you in? The doorman needs me to register."

"Ah?" Min Yue was stunned, "Master, where are you?"

"It's at the side door of your community." Afraid of Min Yue's misunderstanding, Xu Mai added: "Your parents' community."

"Ah! Master, you are here!" Min Yue was stunned for a few seconds to react, grabbed his coat and ran towards the entrance. "I'll come down to pick you up!"

Jiang Hui saw her rushing out as if the soles of her feet were on fire, and she was still chanting the house number, and asked loudly, "Where are you going while you're eating?"

Min Yue didn't turn her head back, she just said "my master is here", opened the door and ran away without a trace.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Jiang Hui got up and closed the wide-open entrance door.

"Is Xu Mai here?" Min Guangyang walked to the balcony, Jiang Hui followed, the two looked down together, and after a while, they saw Min Yue jumping out of the apartment building like a rabbit.

Their house is a small high-rise with two floors and two households. The entrance of the garage is in front of the building, and the driveway is next to it. Xu Mai pulled over the car and parked it. Seeing that Min Yue was already waiting in front of the building, he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

"Master!" Min Yue was wearing a white down jacket and a hat with a fringe of fur. He ran up and fluttered in the wind, and his whole body fell like a snow ball. "Why are you here? How do you know the address?"

"The circle of friends you posted last night has a position." Xu Mai explained, opened the trunk and took out the gift box. "Just passing by, come and have a look."

Min Yue refused to accept the gift box and stared at her with burning eyes. "Master is lying, and it's not going well at all."

After Chen Sitian and the others exposed Xu Mai's lie about sending him home "on the way", Min Yue secretly asked which administrative district Xu Mai lived in. Her home is on the other side of the river, and her parents' home is on this side of the river. They are in two directions, how could they just pass by.

After Xu Mai was exposed, he was not guilty, and admitted with a smile: "It's not on the way, I want to see you."

The implication is that I miss you and want to see you.

Xu Mai is an introverted person, often he can't express his inner thoughts directly, and needs the listeners to guess. But some love words, the less you say, the more tactful, but the more touching.

Did Min Yue understand Xian yet? Know? Unexpectedly, he lowered his head and blushed bit by bit.

Xu Mai walked half a step closer, bent down slightly, and looked at the person in front of her, looking into her shy and smiling eyes. "You haven't answered me yet."

"What answer?" Min Yue raised her head.

Xu Mai was very close, and the snow-white figure was reflected in the dark eyes, and Min Yue felt as if she had fallen into the soft waves in her eyes.

"Answer on a date with me." Xu Mai asked with a smile.

Min Yue blushed and nodded. "OK."

In front of acquaintances, Min Yue is as lively as a little monkey, but in front of Xu Mai, she is shy and shy like a bunny. The small face is pink and tender, lined with a white down jacket, like a peach just picked from the branch, with fresh dew and sweet fruity fragrance.

Xu Mai couldn't help but reached out and touched her blushing cheeks, then passed the gift box over and said, "This is for uncles and aunts, it's windy, you didn't bring a scarf, go back quickly."

Min Yue took it over and asked puzzledly, "Master, won't you go up and sit down?"

"The first day of the new year is inconvenient. I will visit again when I find a suitable day next time." Xu Mai grew up with his grandparents and knows a little about the details of Chinese New Year.

Min Yue didn't care about those old-fashioned taboos at all, and focused all her attention on the second half of the sentence.

Master will officially come to see my parents in the future, so... isn't that just meeting my parents?

Min Yue successfully transformed from a pink peach to a ripe red apple.

The cold winter wind crossed the wall, carrying wet moisture, blowing from the northwest. Xu Mai raised his hand to help Min Yue put on the hat, and urged her to go home: "Go back, be careful not to catch a cold."

"Goodbye, Master." Min Yue was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, like a bunch of heavy grapes, bending the vines. After twitching for a while, I added in a subtle way: "See you the day after tomorrow."

Xu Mai touched her head with a warm and warm smile. "Well, see you the day after tomorrow."

Jiang Hui stood on the balcony on the sixth floor and looked down. She saw her daughter walking back with a gift box, and Xu Mai stood there looking at her back.

She was wearing a slim dark gray wool coat, well-cut, her long hair was draped behind her back, her hands were in her pockets, and she was standing under the evergreen tree beside the driveway, with a natural, dignified and elegant temperament.

"The real person looks better than the camera, you say how she looks, she is really beautiful." Jiang Hui couldn't take her eyes away.

Min Guangyang joked: "Are you now that 'the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more she is satisfied'?"

Jiang Hui patted him gently. "Don't talk nonsense, it's not certain whether you can become a son-in-law. He is so good, can he really fall in love with our daughter?"

"Our daughter is very good."

"You are blindly optimistic, Min Yue is up to you, don't worry about anything, just be silly all day long."

While talking, the entrance door clicked, and the person in the center of the topic came back.

Min Yue happily barged in carrying the gift box, saw the two on the balcony, and slammed on the brakes. "Dad, Mom, the balcony is so cold, why are you standing there?"

The author has something to say: The famous flag of Min's parents:

Min Guangyang: My daughter will not go to someone else's household registration book.

-Will do.

Jiang Hui: I don't agree with you falling in love with Xu Mai.

—It smells so good.