MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 60 family

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"We are watching..." Min Guangyang was halfway through speaking, but was pushed by Jiang Hui, so he had to swallow the word "son-in-law" back to his stomach, and changed his words: "Look at the scenery."

"Look at the scenery?" Min Yue turned his head strangely. In winter, the community is full of dead branches and leaves. What scenery is there to see, I don't understand.

But she quickly skipped this topic, that is not important, what is important is what is on hand. Min Yue held up the gift box high and said, "This is a gift from my master."

When Min Guangyang saw the tea leaves, he beamed and said, "That's really nice, really sensible, let me have a look."

He took the packaging bag and looked inside. There were two cans of green tea and one can of black tea. He took it out and looked at it carefully, and said in surprise, "This tea is not cheap, at least 800 yuan a catty."

Min Guangyang is a family-oriented person. He didn't hand in his salary card, but he is not willing to spend money on himself. Apart from paying the mortgage and living expenses, he saves the rest of his income, or lets Jiang Hui use his card to go out and spend. Receiving the precious tea this time was like realizing some expensive dream. I was very satisfied and couldn't hide my smile.

He looked at Jiang Hui provocatively, meaning, my son-in-law bought me a very expensive gift, what did she give you, is it better than mine?

Min Yue was also very curious about what the master gave him, so the three of them huddled together and looked at the remaining gift bags. Jiang Hui opened the first bag, which was a box of ginseng, continued to open it, and took out a can of pearl powder and a box of eggs.

There is an old man in his 70s at home. During the Chinese New Year, Jiang Hui will also send some supplements, so he knows the market price better. Taking a closer look, what Xu Mai sent were all mid-to-high-end products, and he had an idea of ​​the total price.

It's more than Min Yue's monthly salary.

People in ancient times said that courtesy is less important than affection, but modern people are the opposite. The higher the price, the more they value each other. Jiang Hui kept her face on the surface, but secretly added a little bit of support to Xu Mai in her heart. This child is indeed there, and she didn't give away gimmicks and inflated prices of health care products. The things she gave seemed inconspicuous, but they were actually the most practical.

Of course, the price is not cheap, but if the person receiving the gift doesn't know the goods, they won't appreciate her intentions.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that Xu Mai's personality is really good, he gives silently, and doesn't care whether others can see it.

Compared with others, the daughter-in-law who is anxiously waiting for praise seems too unstable and cares too much about other people's evaluation. Min Yue's eyes lit up, and the expression on her face was capitalized and bold, "Is my master really awesome, do you really like the gift she gave me?"

Jiang Hui pretended not to see, and instead led the army: "I didn't even eat, I ran downstairs, I didn't get together, I just rushed up like this, if I really get together, I won't be manipulated to death, let you If you go east, you dare not go west."

Min Yue thought to herself, now that she tells me to go east, I don't dare to go west, that's the master, and the master's order is hard to break.

Seeing that she was not enlightened, Jiang Hui pointed out bluntly: "Girls should be reserved and don't be too proactive."

After speaking, I first realized what was wrong, and the other party was also a girl, so who should take the initiative.

Before she could come up with a suitable answer, she heard Min Yue say, "Compared to the nurses in the hospital, I'm already very reserved."

"The nurse is chasing her too?" Jiang Hui was very surprised. Are young people nowadays so brave.

Min Guangyang couldn't wait to try the new tea, so he walked to the living room with the green tea pot in his arms, and said as he walked, "Xu Mai is a promising young man with good ability, good appearance, and good temperament. It's normal to be popular."

Jiang Hui was silent, suddenly feeling a sense of crisis.

Before falling asleep, Min Yue lay on her back on the bed, crossing her legs and playing with her mobile phone. There was a sudden knock on the bedroom door, Min Yue slipped his hand and hit the phone straight on his nose.

Jiang Hui opened the door and came in, and saw Min Yue frowning and covering her nose. "What's wrong? The expression is so painful."

Min Yue pinched the bridge of her nose, but fortunately, it didn't collapse.

Their family respects personal privacy more, Jiang Hui rarely enters her room, there must be something wrong if she comes in the middle of the night. Min Yue sat up and looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

Jiang Hui sat down by the bed, hesitated for a moment, and tried to figure out what to say: "What about you and Xu Mai...can her family accept it?"

Min Yue rubbed the hem of her pajamas, her voice was a little low: "Master's family is gone, only herself."

Jiang Hui raised her eyebrows in surprise, Xu Mai was so young, she would never have thought that her family members were no longer alive, so she asked, "Did her parents suffer from any illness?"

Min Yue shook his head. "I don't know. Master didn't tell me, so I dare not ask."

"Where's uncle and aunt?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard Master mention it."

Is it an orphan? It's not like that either. Jiang Hui was puzzled, and after thinking about it for a while, she felt that Xu Mai was very pitiful, such a child carved out of ice, but with such a bleak life experience.

When most people encounter such a huge family change, it may be difficult to get out of it, and they will be depressed for the rest of their lives. But she could hardly see the psychological shadow, and she did such a good job. I don't know if she is strong, or if she is too **** herself, forcing herself to overcome the pain.

Just imagining Min Yue suffering so much pain makes my heart ache. I don't know how the child survived these years, and whether anyone loves her.

Thinking of the New Year's Eve, when every house is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the whole family is reunited, she is alone, and she travels all the way to give New Year's gifts, which is so sensible that it makes people uncomfortable.

Jiang Hui was heartbroken and didn't dare to think about it any further. She sighed and said, "There are still a few catties of dumplings in the refrigerator. Take them with you when you leave tomorrow. When they are cooked, bring them to the hospital for Xu Mai to taste."

It was getting late, and Jiang Hui was going back to her room to sleep after finishing her speech. When the door closed, Min Yue couldn't wait to report the good news, and happily sent Xu Mai a WeChat message:

【Master, Master, my parents really like the gift you gave me! They also asked me to bring you dumplings from home. There are three delicacies fillings and pork and corn fillings. The fillings are made by my mother. They are delicious! 】

Xu Mai didn't know what he was busy with, so he didn't reply for a while, Min Yue fell asleep waiting, and woke up the next day to see that she replied after two o'clock in the morning.

【it is good. 】

With just such a word, Min Yue is so beautiful, imagining the scene where the master eats the meal cooked by her mother, and suddenly has a feeling of being approved by her parents.

Hehehe, it feels like a family that eats the same pot.

Previously when the holidays were over, Min Yue had to stay at home until the last moment before she would leave, but this time she was ready to return home, and went out after dinner to take the subway back to her community. The next morning, I got up half an hour earlier, put the boiled dumplings and soup into an insulated bucket, and happily carried it to work.

Deng Sang yawned and stepped into the cafeteria door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xu Mai and Min Yue sitting face to face eating together, and they ate their own meals. He quickly took a photo and sent it to Chen Sitian.

The other party replied to her with an emoticon package made of Min Yue's photo, with the words "Will Xiao Mingyue make it public today?".

Deng Sang: [Wait and see. 】

As the core members of the gossip team, they are keenly aware that after the Chinese New Year, the relationship between Xu Mai and Min Yue has improved by leaps and bounds. in love. Without interviewing the parties involved, they directly decided that the two must be together, and the rest is when it will be made public.

Xu Mai hasn't gone to work for a long time, and after going to work, he is in a good mood every day. Chen Sitian hasn't used the sunny baby emoji pack for a long time, and instead started to use Min Yue's will it be public today emoji pack every day.

From the fourth day of junior high school to Valentine's Day, Chen Sitian and Deng Sang immediately met each other's eyes when they were absent during the morning meeting—the fateful day has arrived!

In the community three subway stations away from the First Affiliated Hospital, Min Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had an itchy nose and couldn't help sneezing.

Xu Mai looked at her worriedly. "Did you catch a cold?"

Today, all the activities are outdoors, and the cold wind is needed. If Xu Mai feels that he has a cold and cancels the date, it will be miserable. Min Yue immediately explained: "No, maybe someone is speaking ill of me behind my back."

Xu Mai smiled, turned up the heating temperature by two degrees, started it slowly, and headed towards the theme park.

It was past eight o'clock, the sky was not yet bright, and the clouds were a little gray, but the opening time of the park was nine o'clock in the morning. I was afraid that if I went late, I would have to queue up to enter the park, which would delay the time, so the two set off early in the morning.

Like a kindergartener going on a spring outing, Min Yue danced happily and hummed in the passenger seat.

"Did Master have breakfast? I made some, do you want to try it?" She took out a fresh-keeping box from her backpack, opened the lid, and the fragrance wafted out, it was the fragrance of mayonnaise mixed with cucumber.

There were no ingredients at home, so Min Yue took out all the potatoes and ham in the refrigerator, served with cucumbers and carrots, made a potato salad, sandwiched bread slices, cut into bite-sized triangles, simple, delicious and convenient Eat in the car.

Xu Mai glanced while holding the steering wheel. "quite pretty."

She was driving and her hands were empty, Min Yue thought for a while, then reached out to feed her shyly, the latter stared ahead, opened his mouth to bite off the toast from her fingertips, it was very natural, as if he had done this action hundreds of thousands of times all over.

The heart pounded like a drum, but the experience of feeding Xu Mai was novel and wonderful. Min Yue fed her one piece after another fascinated.

Min Yue held the empty box and stared dumbfounded: "Master...don't you feel supported?"

Xu Mai said lightly: "It's pretty strong."

"Master doesn't have to eat it all." Min Yue couldn't laugh or cry.

Xu Mai looked back at her with a smile on his lips. "I can eat whatever you cook."

Min Yue felt sweet in her heart, and after a while she suddenly remembered: "I'm still hungry, woo woo woo."

So he stopped temporarily on the way, and Xu Mai bought ham and egg burger and soy milk at the fast food restaurant to compensate the hungry little apprentice.

Min Yue took a sip of the soy milk, suddenly became playful, and made a disappointed expression on purpose: "It's not sweet enough."

Xu Mai said: "Shall I ask for a bag of candy?"

Min Yue winked: "If Master lets me kiss, it will be sweet enough."

Xu Mai's hand on the seat belt stopped instantly, and his ears blushed silently.

The author has something to say: I will update another chapter this afternoon, Valentine's Day Dating Album, hehehe!

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