MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 62 kiss everywhere

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There are only a few ferris wheels in pure glass warehouses in the world, and the one in this theme park is undoubtedly one of them. The glass cabin does not obstruct the line of sight, and you can enjoy the scenery in 360 degrees, but it also has disadvantages, and it is not very private.

Standing on the ground, you may not be able to see clearly what the people in the high Ferris wheel are doing, but Min Yue can see clearly when she is in it. Looking around, the couples in the glass warehouse are all kissing, which is indeed a holy place for kissing.

Min Yue looked away shyly, picking at the glass and pretending not to see anything.

After sitting quietly for a circle, the two got off the Ferris wheel hand in hand, and night finally fell. The landscape lights in the park are lit up one by one. There is a flowing light and shadow floating in the distance, getting closer and closer with the rhythm of the music. The staff came first and set up a cordon on both sides of the main road. The tourists gathered like tadpoles, shoulder to shoulder, densely packed.

The night cruise begins.

The cheerful music is getting louder and louder, and the leading phalanx is approaching. The beautiful girls in luminous clothes are waving their wings, like night butterflies fluttering, followed by colorful floats, dressed as flower fairies. Girls waved fairy wands to warmly greet tourists.

Everyone was very excited, holding up their mobile phones to record, and swaying their bodies slightly to the beat of the music. Min Yue was caught between the crowd, his sight was blocked by rows of dark heads, and he stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck to look hard.

Xu Mai kept holding Min Yue's hand to prevent the crowd from squeezing them apart. Seeing that she was struggling to see, he stood back half a step and motioned her to stand in front of him.

Min Yue squeezed sideways and stood in Xu Mai's arms, only then did she see the float passing by, and let out a delayed "Wow".

People and floats of different shapes passed by one after another, and the joyful atmosphere was wave after wave. When the giant rose float appeared at the finale, the atmosphere of the whole park was pushed to a climax.

With a clear whistle, a light gold and light purple firework exploded in the night sky above, attracting everyone's attention. Afterwards, continuous fireworks rose into the sky, blooming brilliant light and shadow on the pure black dome.

The cordon on the roadside has been dismantled, and the gathered crowd gradually dispersed, standing, sitting or strolling, and everyone is free to enjoy the romance of the moment.

Xu Mai and Min Yue walked to the fountain holding hands, and the fiery trees and silver flowers were reflected in the water, like a pool of Milky Way scattered, sparkling with sparkling stars.

Min Yue looked up at the people around her, the emotion in her eyes was hot and intense, as hot as the flames boiling in her heart.

Just now in the Ferris wheel, she was extremely shy, now the night is dark, and people around can't see her clearly, so Min Yue has the courage. With bright eyes and full of expectation, she whispered, "Master...I want to kiss you."

Xu Mai stood there quietly, smiling lightly: "Okay."

Xu Mai was a few centimeters taller than her, and Min Yue stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck, and leaned forward. The tip of the nose is close to the tip of the nose, breathing close at hand, Min Yue raised her eyes timidly, facing Xu Mai's warm and smiling eyes, the courage she mustered was like a punctured balloon, and it was lost in a puff.

Her heart was beating so fast that it was about to fly out of her chest, Min Yue took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to adjust her heart rate. Xu Mai looked at her quietly, his eyes seemed to say, are you still kissing?

Min Yue covered her chest with one hand, raised her other hand in the air, and made a gesture of waiting. "Master, wait a minute, I'm a little out of breath, let me take it easy."

She was wearing the white down jacket that day, and the fluff on the hat swayed gently in the night wind.

"It's windy." Xu Mai reached out to help her put on the hat, bent down, stared at her slightly pursed lips and said, "I'm a little cold."

Then he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips quickly, and said with satisfaction: "This way it won't be cold."

The hat was very wide, covering Min Yue's entire face inside, the fireworks flickered on and off, and her glowing red profile was faintly visible in the light and shadow.

The sleeve was grabbed by her, and the little apprentice said in a soft voice, shyly and timidly: "It's too fast, it doesn't count... kiss again, okay?"

Xu Mai smiled and said, "Okay."

Because of her shyness, she hung her head very low. From Xu Mai's perspective, she could only see the top of her hat, and her whole body was one piece, like glutinous rice cakes rolled in a circle in the snow.

Xu Mai held both sides of the brim of the hat, turned his face sideways, found those moist lips in the dark, and pressed them gently. Min Yue's eyelashes trembled suddenly, and the hand holding Xu Mai's sleeve suddenly tightened.

Above the fountain, thousands of feet of fireworks rise into the sky together, depicting the most brilliant brilliance tonight in the sky.

Under the fireworks, pairs of couples rubbed each other's ears and temples, leaving the happiest memories in their festival.

The beauty of fireworks is only for a moment, but for lovers, this second of being in love is eternity.

It was approaching eleven o'clock, Xu Mai sent Min Yue back to the community and parked in the garage. After saying goodbye, Min Yue unfastened her seat belt, jumped out of the car, and instead of going to the entrance of the building, walked around the front of the car and walked to the driver's seat.

Xu Mai pressed down on the car window, and before he could ask what was wrong, Min Yue leaned into the car with his upper body and kissed him unexpectedly. The slightly cool lips were imprinted on the face, and the touch was vivid. Xu Mai was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to touch it.

Min Yue was very proud, like a fox who stole the chicken, smiling until he lost his eyes. "Master good night."

She waved her hand, turned around and ran away bouncing, turned around again when she entered the door of the building, and blew a few kisses in the air.

Xu Mai couldn't help laughing, her little apprentice made rapid progress, she was too shy to kiss her just now, but now she dares to tease her.

Min Yue rushed home like a rocket, sat down, took out her cell phone and made a call. It took a long time for the other party to connect, and Min Yue shouted happily: "Mom! Mom! I'm with Master!"

Jiang Hui's voice sounded like she was awakened from sleep: "Oh, I see."

Min Yue was surprised: "You are so cold!"

Jiang Hui yawned and said, "Anyway, you will be dumped soon."

Min Yue immediately retorted: "No, no, no! Master won't get rid of me!"

"I have no confidence in you." Jiang Hui was too sleepy, too lazy to tell her too much, and hung up after a few perfunctory words.

Min Yue was so excited that she wanted to share the good news with the whole world. With the last bit of rationality left, she waved a small fork and kept poking her, jumping and shouting, keep a low profile! Keep a low profile, dear!

Reason successfully restrained Min Yue's urge to post on Weibo. The latter thought about it and decided to just tell Shen Fei for the time being. After all, she has been acting as her off-site think tank, and now that she has a good result, she should be informed.

Min Yue dialed the phone, but no one answered the first time, was cut off the second time, and got connected only the third time, the other party let out a loud hello, and the voice was obviously not Shen Fei.

Min Yue looked at the screen strangely, there was no mistake.

"Little Mingyue, late at night on Valentine's Day, why don't you just kiss me and me with Master Mo and keep calling?" The other party spoke.

Only then did Min Yue realize who it was. "Senior Sister? Why are you holding Feifei's cell phone, where is she?"

"You're staying with me, okay, good boy, go to bed, adults are going to get down to business, bye." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Min Yue was a little confused, how could the two of them be together?

Valentine's Day isn't friendly to singles, except in bars. Needless to say, all the drunkards here tonight are not interested in drinking, some are for one night of fun, some are trying their luck to meet new girls, all in all, this is a dating party full of hormones.

The men and women here are all dressed up to be glamorous, trying to impress others, first being attracted to the outside, and then intending to continue to develop and understand the inside. It is popular, the heating is sufficient, the DJ is powerful, the lighting is dazzling enough, and the atmosphere continues to be hot.

Many girls wore miniskirts with bare legs. After three glasses of wine and two glasses of wine, their bodies gradually became hot, and they took off their coats to reveal their navel-baring outfits.

Compared with them, Shen Fei dressed a lot tonight, but the thin woolen skirt was very close-fitting, and she couldn't hide her good figure. As soon as Chen Sitian entered the door, he saw her in the crowd. She was sitting in a booth with her long legs slanted on the ground. There was a girl sitting on the left and right, and they got very close when talking and laughing, touching her face, waist, and shoulders from time to time. , Seeing that she was furious.

Walking over in stride, seeing Shen Fei taking out her mobile phone from her small bag, she thought she was going to call other girls to play, so she grabbed it and hung up without saying a word. Soon the phone vibrated again, and when he looked angrily, he realized it was Min Yue.

After Chen Sitian answered the phone, he respectfully returned it with both hands. Shen Fei took back the phone, stared at her with drunken eyes, and said in a helpless tone, "It's such a beautiful night, if you don't go hunting, what time are you wasting with me?"

Chen Sitian sat down on his own, looked at Shen Fei and said, "I don't like sex, I'm afraid you will."

The other two girls on the same stage immediately understood that the Lord had come. So I said a few words of courtesy, found an excuse to leave, and went elsewhere to find potential development targets.

Shen Fei beckoned to the waiter and refills a glass of whiskey for herself. The waiter wrote it down, and asked Chen Sitian what he needed. The latter waved his hand and said, "I don't want to drink. I'll take this beauty home later."

Shen Fei sneered, and took a sip of her wine. "The people who go home tonight are all losers who can't catch up with their girls. Go back by yourself, I won't accompany you."

Chen Sitian didn't feel annoyed when he was bullied, he wiped his hands with a wet towel and started eating snacks. Shen Fei looked at it for a while, and felt dry for her, so she said: "Hey, let's order a drink, it will be included in the minimum consumption, and you don't need to pay."

"I have a name." Chen Sitian sat closer, leaned into her ear, and said in an ambiguous tone: "Call Sister Tian and listen."

Shen Fei turned her head away, wiped her ears with a tissue in disgust, and stuffed it into her coat pocket. Raising his chin, he looked down at her from top to bottom: "You call Sister Fei first."

Shen Fei put on heavy makeup tonight, and the wine red light came over, blending with her lip color. Because of the alcohol, the corners of his eyes were full of charm, his fierce aura was weakened, and he was tainted with a strong femininity.

Like a precious cat, standing on the antique furniture, staring at you proudly.

Chen Sitian liked her expression the most, as if she was being teased by cat's paws. She smiled and said, "It's not enough to call me Sister Fei, you are my queen."

Shen Fei thinks that she is invincible in love, this is the first time she meets such a difficult person, she can handle both soft and hard, always smiling, she can't leave even with a boom. It doesn't matter if she can't just blow away, the key is that she waits for the opportunity at any time, rushes forward and pushes herself down.

Like a big wolfhound.

At a loss for what to do, Shen Fei looked away, took a sip of her wine, and looked at the lively dance floor.

Under the dim light, men and women use dancing as an excuse to try to cross a safe distance, make tentative physical contact, and **** for hugs. Hooking shoulders and backs at the beginning is the lowest level. Pushing and pulling masters play with heartbeat, pay attention to involuntary emotion, and care about the success of the game.

Among the crowd dancing wildly, two people kissed each other not long after dancing. Shen Fei sneered, and shook her head contemptuously. When they turned around half a circle, the girl's face was facing her, and Shen Fei's smile froze.

That person was Tongtong, and the one who kissed her passionately was a certain male doctor from the First Affiliated Hospital. I met Tongtong a few times when I was pursuing Tongtong before, and it was familiar, but I didn't know him.

Chen Sitian followed her gaze and understood what happened, so he got up and changed his seat to block her gaze.

Shen Fei looked away, her face was a little ugly, and she drank the remaining half glass of wine in a muffled voice.

Chen Sitian said: "That's the deputy director of Shenwai. She's married. I haven't known her for a while. When I chased...cough, I pretended to chase Tongtong. During that time, the man was negotiating for a divorce. I don't know if we have divorced now." .”

Shen Fei sneered and said, "You don't need to tell me these things, I'm not interested."

Chen Sitian stopped talking.

Shen Fei ordered a few more glasses of wine and drank them without saying a word. Chen Sitian couldn't stand it anymore, and stretched out his hand to stop him: "It's easy to get drunk when you're bored, I'll accompany you."

Hearing what she said, Shen Fei stopped drinking. She pushed all the wine glasses in front of Chen Sitian, folded her arms and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't get drunk. Do you want to drink? I'll give you all."

It is impossible to get rid of sorrows while drunk, Shen Fei has never been sad in her life. I was really shocked when I saw that scene just now, but after calming down, I was not very sad, but more angry, angry at being deceived.

Chen Sitian looked at the high-grade foreign wine and shuddered: "How can I send you home after I finish drinking?"

Shen Fei put one hand on her shoulder, leaned closer and lowered her head, the smell of alcohol lingered on the tip of her nose. "Shh, I told you not to go home tonight."

With rose-like lips dangling in front of his eyes, Chen Sitian resisted the urge to hold her in his arms and kiss her, clenched his back molars and said, "Okay, let's go crazy with you tonight."

Chen Sitian's drinking capacity was worse than Shen Fei's, and he drank so fast that he became dizzy after a few glasses of wine. She leaned on the sofa to sober up, her drunken eyes were blurred, she saw a woman approaching and sat down next to Shen Fei.

Not knowing what the man said to her, Shen Fei raised her eyebrows and smiled weakly. "Stay with me overnight? Yes, but please show the medical examination report first, especially the test report for syphilis, hepatitis B, and AIDS."

The other party got up angrily and left.

Shen Fei laughed triumphantly, she was in a bad mood today, but if she made others feel bad, she could feel better.

She knows that she looks outstanding, and she has booked a deck with high consumption. Many girls will know that this is a big fish and come over to try to catch it. But she made up her mind to be a devil, and took all the gorgeous girls away in a vicious way.

When she had had enough fun, her anger almost subsided, and she was about to leave, so she grabbed Chen Sitian who was lying on the sofa. "Hey, wake up, the venue has changed."

Chen Sitian suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed her wrist, and pulled it down suddenly. The latter fell on his back on the sofa, and Chen Sitian immediately turned over and held her down.

Shen Fei pushed her, and Chen Sitian held her hand, pressed it on top of her head, leaned over and said, "I have the physical examination report, and also the test sheets for syphilis, hepatitis B, and AIDS. You can find them on the LIS system."

Shen Fei sensed something was wrong, frowned and said, "Don't make trouble, get up quickly."

Chen Sitian turned a deaf ear and lowered his head little by little. "I'm going to kiss you, if you don't like it, just run away."