MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 63 vassal

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Chen Sitian lowered his head and kissed the hair next to Shen Fei's ear, his heart turned cold, but she still avoided it.

Supporting the sofa with one hand, he sat up dejectedly, with his eyes closed, feeling his chin being pinched. Opening her eyes, she saw Shen Fei staring down at herself with a smile on her lips.

"This kind of thing has always been my initiative, and this time is no exception."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, she lifted Chen Sitian's chin with her index finger, making her raise her head slightly, and then kissed her without hesitation. Chen Sitian was stunned for half a second, and when he came to his senses, he subconsciously raised his hand to hug the waist of the person in front of him, but Shen Fei grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the back of the sofa.

Chen Sitian tried to struggle, but was pressed even harder. Shen Fei's kiss was the same as her beautiful appearance, extremely aggressive, wrapping the prey tightly like a snake, not giving the other party the slightest possibility of escape.

The drunken brain was already dull, but being kissed non-stop by Shen Fei's thick and sticky kisses, Chen Sitian gradually felt that his head was lacking in oxygen, and opened his eyes slightly.

Shen Fei squinted her eyes, her expression was intoxicated and blurred, the ends of her eyes were dark red and her eyeliner was raised, she was so beautiful that it made one's heart palpitate.

His heart beat so fast that he could hardly breathe, Chen Sitian turned his face away a little, took a few short breaths, and was soon kissed by Shen Fei again.

In order to prevent her from escaping, Shen Fei opened his palm, and stretched his thumb and index finger into a straight line, firmly gripping her mandible, like a falcon holding down its pouch with its sharp claws.

Chen Sitian curled the corners of her lips, her queen became even more charming when she was strong. If you can't resist, it's better to obey and be her servant willingly.

The people in the booths around quickly noticed the movement here. Seeing the two beauties kissing passionately, they whistled to make trouble. The lighting engineer turned on the spotlight, and the people on the dance floor stopped dancing. They clapped their hands and applauded everywhere.

Chen Sitian didn't have a habit of showing others, and when he realized that he was being watched, he immediately regained the initiative, hugged Shen Fei by the waist to prevent her from moving, and pulled her into his arms.

Many people held up their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, and the flash lights were dazzling. Chen Sitian narrowed his eyes in displeasure, stood up holding Shen Fei, and pulled up his coat to cover her face.

The stamina of the foreign wine gradually picked up, Shen Fei was a little drunk, her arms hung around her neck weakly, her steps were sloppy. Chen Sitian protected her, passed through the crowd of onlookers, and walked out of the bar.

Both of them drank alcohol, and neither of them could drive, so they simply left the car in the parking lot and took a taxi.

He put Shen Fei into the back seat first, and then Chen Sitian sat in again, letting her pillow his lap.

The driver routinely asked: "Beauty, where are you going?"

Shen Fei half-opened her drunken eyes and looked at the roof of the car in a daze. Chen Sitian leaned over and whispered in her ear, "To your house or to my house?"

Shen Fei stretched out one index finger, shook it in the air, and said stubbornly: "I won't go home tonight."

Chen Sitian laughed dumbly, he was so drunk, he was still thinking about who would go home and who would be the loser. All right, if you don't go home, you can only go to the hotel.

Chen Sitian reported the name of a nearby hotel, and the taxi turned around and drove towards the destination.

When Chen Sitian went on a tourist or business trip by himself, he usually stayed in a standard room for two or three hundred and one nights, but this time with Queen Shen present, he had to raise the standard.

At the entrance of the five-star hotel, luxury cars are lined up, and the green taxis are particularly unusual. The doorman is very professional and does not pick up people by car. He warmly greets him and asks if he needs help. Chen Sitian waved his hand, what a joke, how could it be possible for someone to touch a hair of her queen.

He took out his ID card, and found her ID card from Shen Fei's small shoulder bag that couldn't fit anything except her mobile phone, and showed it to the front desk.

Chen Sitian asked, "Are there any standard rooms?"

Front desk lady: "Yes, how many rooms do you need?"

Chen Sitian: "You can say no."

The front desk lady showed a professional smile: "Indeed there are."

"Okay." Chen Sitian gritted his teeth in regret, and said with a fake smile: "Then book a room."

After opening the room, Chen Sitian half-supported and half-carried Shen Fei into the elevator, went upstairs, opened the door, turned on the light, and put her on the inner bed.

The room was very warm. Chen Sitian was sweating from exhaustion, so he took off his coat and threw it on his own bed. Seeing that Shen Fei's face was flushed and sweaty, he helped her take off the coat as well.

It was also a coat, but Shen Fei's felt much better than her own. Chen Sitian looked through it, but didn't see the label, so she wondered if she had cut it off.

What does her scent look like...

A strange thought suddenly popped up in his mind, Chen Sitian put his nose close to Shen Fei's coat, sniffed it, choked so hard that he sneezed, and immediately took it away.

In the bar just now, the place was full of smog, and I didn't notice anything wrong. Now that I'm in a place with clean air, I immediately feel like a walking rotten egg. On the coat, hair, and face, there is a strong smell of second-hand smoke and alcohol.

Chen Sitian fell into a cleanliness obsession, and asked the room service to take away the coat for dry cleaning, and after thinking about it, kept Shen Fei's. It is said that the bigger the clothes, the more they can't help washing, and they will be ruined once washed. Chen Sitian was not sure whether her clothes could be dry-cleaned, so he simply didn't wash them, so as not to do bad things with good intentions.

Hanging her expensive coat in the closet, and taking out a set of nightgowns, Chen Sitian went to take a shower, then called the waiter again, and sent the stinky clothes that had been changed to be washed.

After closing the door, she turned around and looked up to see Shen Fei sitting up, staring at herself in a daze.

Chen Sitian picked up a bottle of purified water, unscrewed it, and walked to the bedside. "Are you awake? Are you thirsty? Drink some water."

Shen Fei took it and took two sips, her eyes were fixed on the open neckline of the bathrobe, and a groove could be seen faintly.

Just after taking a hot bath, the alcohol level in his blood was not low, and he was burning hot. Chen Sitian didn't tie his belt properly, and the bathrobe was only loosely wrapped around his body.

After Shen Fei finished drinking, she put the remaining half bottle of water on the bedside table, and said in a low voice, "You're gone."

"Ah?" Chen Sitian lowered his head to check, smiled nonchalantly, deliberately pulled the neckline further, and said without any seriousness: "It's okay, I'd like to show you."

Shen Fei pulled up the corners of her mouth and smiled, but didn't answer.

"Would you like to wash it too? There are makeup remover wipes in the bathroom cabinet. I tried it, and it's not bad." After Chen Sitian finished speaking, he added curiously: "What brand are these clothes, can they be dry-cleaned? I was afraid that it would be ruined by washing it for you, so I didn’t dare to send it for washing.”

Shen Fei took off the ring and bracelet, took off the diamond-encrusted earrings, casually put them on the bedside table, and said indifferently: "You don't need to wash it, just throw it away."

Chen Sitian was dumbfounded: "Then what are you going to wear tomorrow? You can't walk naked, right?"

"Ask the store manager to bring me a new set tomorrow morning. She knows my size." Shen Fei said it very casually, as if she was saying that she would go downstairs to buy pancakes tomorrow. I like to add two eggs, the boss Know.

Chen Sitian was stunned, and then chose to shut up. The world of rich people is beyond the imagination of ordinary citizens.

Shen Fei went into the bathroom to take a shower, while Chen Sitian was bored, watching TV for a while, his brain hurt from the noise, so he turned off his Weibo. Once logged in, the system displayed thousands of new messages. She rarely reads the comment area, because she can't finish reading it. She ignored it and only read the private message when she was in a good mood.

Tonight, she is in a good mood.

Swiping down with the fingertips, I saw a lot of private messages from fans wishing her a happy Valentine's Day, and some people asked her how she celebrated the festival today, and some people cried about breaking up with their lovers and asked her how to get out. Advertisement invitations are mixed in, and if you are not careful, you will miss it Look.

As a big V with 5 million fans, the price for her to post an advertisement is not cheap, but she doesn't accept all advertisements, she will choose carefully. According to her own words, I am a medical worker after all, a holy angel in white, and I cannot make money from black hearts.

She was carefully studying the merchant's private messages, wondering how much the product's real function was what the other party claimed, when the bathroom door opened, Shen Fei came out, and she hurriedly returned the Weibo lock screen phone.

Seeing her covering up in a hurry, Shen Fei smiled and said: "How about chatting with Sister Qing? You don't need to avoid me, I don't mind."

Chen Sitian sat on the edge of the bed with his hands behind his back, looking at her with a half-smile. "My love sister is right in front of me."

When Shen Fei approached, she stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around his waist. "But I hope you don't mind if I do chat with other women."

Shen Fei looked down at her and smiled, but didn't answer.

After removing the makeup, Shen Fei's original appearance was revealed, without that arrogant aggressiveness, only pure beauty remained. Like pearls and jade, every frown and smile makes people's hearts agitate.

Chen Sitian raised his head, stretched out his hand to hook her neck, pulled it down, enfolded her soft lips, and bit her lightly. Shen Fei opened her lips cooperatively, stuck out the tip of her tongue, and hooked the other party.

Chen Sitian clasped her waist and brought her into his arms, while Shen Fei held her shoulders and pressed her onto the bed.

After the two flipped around a few times, Chen Sitian lay on the bottom, panting slightly and calling for a timeout. "Wait, you want to be up there?"

Shen Fei raised the corners of her lips, and while untiing her loosely tied clothes, she said, "I said at the beginning that I'm the same kind as you. Why? Don't you want to?"

Chen Sitian wrinkled his face in pain, hesitated for a while, then suddenly relaxed, lay down, and said righteously: "If you don't want to, come on."

Shen Fei bent down, pinched her chin with her hands, and looked deeply into her eyes. "So generous, you are willing to sacrifice yourself?"

Chen Sitian smiled lightly: "I sacrificed myself, you have to be responsible to me, don't you? First trick you."

Shen Fei's eyes darkened, she lowered her head to enclose her earlobe, and traced the outline with the tip of her tongue, which made Chen Sitian gasp even more.

Putting her lips against the ear of the person below her, Shen Fei said in a low voice, "You dare to give it, but I dare not take it."

After speaking, he turned over and got out of bed, and sat back on his own bed.

Chen Sitian stared blankly at the ceiling for a while, then got up and looked across. "What dare not?"

Shen Fei didn't answer, she lowered her hair and texted on WeChat, then put away her phone. "The store manager will deliver the clothes later, and I asked her to bring you a set as well."

"Isn't it tomorrow morning?" Chen Sitian was surprised.

Shen Fei smiled. "Sober up, let's go home."

Okay why do you want to go home all of a sudden? Chen Sitian was in a hurry, and said aggressively, "Didn't you say that people who go home on Valentine's Day are all losers?"

Shen Fei seemed to lose her energy all of a sudden, and said softly, "Then I will."

"You're not." Chen Sitian stretched out his arms and took her hand, putting it in his palm, his eyes burning. "I like you."

After a pause of two seconds, he added: "Sincerely."

Shen Fei was silent for a while, then said, "Thank you."

"Don't leave, the room rate for this night is quite expensive, worth one-third of my salary." Seeing her relaxed attitude, Chen Sitian joked to persuade her to stay.

Shen Fei said, "How much? I'll transfer the money to you."

Talking that she really opened Alipay and wanted to transfer money to her, Chen Sitian quickly stopped: "No, no, you bought me a drink, and I will pay for the room."

For ordinary working-class people, the price of a five-star hotel is indeed unbearable, but Chen Sitian is not an ordinary office worker, she is a big V, and the room rate will be settled after just one advertisement, and there is still money left to invite beauties to share with her the next day. for lunch.

Chen Sitian smiled flatteringly: "It's all an excuse, but I actually want to stay with you for one night."

Shen Fei glanced at her, but did not continue to insist. She had ridden in Chen Sitian's ride, which was a luxury off-road vehicle, expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary salarymen, so she always believed that Chen Sitian was more than just an attending physician.

As for where her other income comes from, if the other party doesn't tell, Shen Fei doesn't ask, after all, everyone has secrets.

Chen Sitian held her hand and squeezed it gently, with a sincere and sincere expression. "Stay here, let me spend a festival with you."

The author has something to say: It's so interesting to watch two love masters (two gongs) you tease me and I tease you! 233333

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