MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 64 Jealousy

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Since the beginning of love, Shen Fei has never been alone in festivals, either with her lover, or with a girl she just met but intends to develop. It is indeed a little uncomfortable to be alone after returning home tonight.

But if you stay, you have to spend the night with a wolf, and the style of painting doesn't seem right. Shen Fei looked at Chen Sitian hesitantly, and the latter immediately swore, "Don't worry, I won't touch you."

After a pause, he added with a smile: "You are welcome to touch me."

Shen Fei pulled out her hand, opened a safe distance, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't touch you either."

"What's wrong?" Chen Sitian scratched his head and said, "Look at my ugly face, devil-like figure, and pure and sweet temperament..."

Shen Fei still reluctantly listened to the first few sentences, but when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help frowning and interrupted her: "Won't your conscience hurt?"

Chen Sitian laughed: "Pure and sweet is really too much, no matter how I look at it, I am the all-powerful Yujie, so to change the about Queen Shen's personal lover?"

Seeing her running the train with her mouth full again, Shen Fei turned off the light, got into bed, and made a clear gesture that I'm going to sleep and you don't want to make noise.

The room was pitch black, only the light in the bathroom was still on, and a little light came through the crack in the door.

The sound insulation effect here is good, the room is very quiet, the weak wind from the central air conditioner is not noisy, on the contrary, it has the hypnotic effect of white noise.

In the silence, Shen Fei heard the person in the next bed make an extremely bold guess: "You don't want to have anything to do with me, maybe it's actually like Xiao Mingyue, right?"

Chen Sitian felt that his idea was quite reasonable, childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and work in the same hospital, it is not impossible for them to fall in love with each other for a long time. And she didn't realize that she had different thoughts about Fa Xiao at first, but when she realized it was too late, the other party fell in love with Xu Mai.

She is proud and does not allow herself to intervene; she is gentle and forces herself to send blessings as a good friend; she is dejected and unable to start a new relationship with others.

What a sadomasochistic love affair, Chen Sitian was almost moved to tears, and was about to raise his hand to wipe the wet corners of his eyes, when suddenly an unknown object flew towards him and hit him on the head with a bang.

Chen Sitian was hit so hard that his eyes were staring, his head was buzzing, he groped to find the murder weapon, he pressed it, oh, it was a pillow.

Chen Sitian hugged the pillow and shouted aggrievedly: "Murder your own husband!"

Shen Fei was so angry that she threw another pillow over in the air: "I see that you are not sober, so help you sober up!"

His eyes adapted to the darkness, and he saw a black shadow flying towards him in a blur. Chen Sitian bent over to dodge it nimbly, and the pillow passed her and slammed on the wardrobe door behind the bed, making a heavy muffled sound.

"Are you really angry?" Chen Sitian didn't dare to joke anymore, put away his playful smile, and asked seriously: "Then why? I sent it to your bed for nothing, but you don't want it."

"I'm not Liu Xiahui, but I'm not scumbag enough to eat everything." Shen Fei's voice was muffled, "You gave me the first time, you'll regret it..."

Chen Sitian was very surprised: "No way, your skills are so poor?!"

Shen Fei threw off the quilt and jumped out of the bed, rushed to the next door, pressed the man who was talking nonsense and turned black and white on the bed and beat him. Chen Sitian turned his body sideways and hit the pillow on his back a few times, but he didn't feel any pain, but laughed out loud.

The embarrassed Queen Shen is so cute, what should I do, I like it so much!

After laughing enough, Chen Sitian calmed down slowly, and said in a serious tone: "I don't regret it, I will give you everything I have, and I will never regret it."

Shen Fei was silent for a while, and asked, "What do you like about me?"

In the past, she would have blurted out "I like your good looks", but tonight she didn't dare to talk nonsense, it would be a disaster if Queen Shen got **** off.

So she quietly recalled, from the first time she met Shen Fei in front of the heart surgery lounge, to when she finally added to her WeChat account, but she refused to answer it, to when she broke up with herself because of Tongtong.

Why do you like it? I don't know, I can't tell, but anyway, I love watching her, and the more I watch her, the more I like her. I want to talk to her, even if she always hates herself. I want to stay with her, although she always dislikes things and doesn't like to play with herself.

When I was chasing a girl before, my mouth was very sweet, and I used to talk about love one after another. They also like to ask, what do you like about me, and how did you answer back then?

Chen Sitian struggled to think, but the memory seemed to be emptied and overwritten with new files, the past memories were all deleted, and what was extremely clear in his mind was Shen Fei's face.

Proud, powerful, charming, glamorous. Every look makes my heart beat.

There is no reason, liking is liking, my body and soul tell me so, it likes you.

So Chen Sitian said realistically, "It's the answer from my heart."

Shen Fei was quiet for a moment: "It's really nasty."

Then he asked again: "Did you cheat girls into bed like this before?"

Chen Sitian, who was misunderstood, seemed very wronged: "I mean it, hey, I really want to show you my heart."

"I'm from the heart, and I don't do things outside the heart." Shen Fei returned to her own bed, lay down, and said lightly, "But I have received your wish, good night."

After knowing each other for more than half a year, this was the first time she said good night to herself. Chen Sitian was flattered and stunned. When he realized it, he heard the even breathing sound of the bed next door.

Shen Fei had already fallen asleep.

Chen Sitian sneaked into the bed lightly, lay on his side facing her, and closed his eyes contentedly.

Sweet dreams, my queen.

At 6:30 the next day, the two were woken up by a phone call. Chen Sitian stretched out his arms from under the quilt, picked up the receiver, and gave a hoarse feed.

The lady at the front desk said in a sweet tone: "Hello, there is a lady who said that you ordered clothes and asked her to deliver them. May I ask her to come up?"

Chen Sitian's mind was full of confusion: "Ah? What clothes?"

"I called, let her come up." Shen Fei heard the content and said from the side.

"Then let her come up." Chen Sitian relayed.

"The store manager is here to deliver the clothes." Shen Fei got up and got out of bed, stretched her waist long, and asked as she walked towards the door: "Are you going to work today?"

Chen Sitian didn't sleep well, and crawled out of bed dizzily, following her like a duck learning to walk. "Come on, what about you?"

"Same." Shen Fei turned the lock on the door, opened the door, and waited for the store manager to come up.

Chen Sitian hugged her from behind, put his chin on her shoulder, and sighed contentedly: "It's so good to see you when I wake up."

Shen Fei's body froze, but she didn't push her away. The chest of the person behind is soft, and the feeling of leaning on it is not bad.

Shen Fei was hugged by her, and the two stood at the door waiting for the store manager.

Soon, the muffled sound of high heels stepping on the carpet came from far and near, and a tall and beautiful woman appeared in the corridor pulling a suitcase.

The other party saw Shen Fei and greeted with a smile: "Miss Shen got up so early today."

"Well, I have to work, I can't help it." Shen Fei took the suitcase from her hand, "Charge it to my account, and go to the store to pay after get off work."

The other party said politely: "Okay, just come back when you have time, don't worry. I'll go first, goodbye."

Before leaving, the woman smiled at Chen Sitian and nodded.

After closing the door, Shen Fei pulled the box and walked in. Chen Sitian let go of his arms and followed behind, saying sourly: "The store manager has a very close relationship with you, and he knows your work and rest."

Shen Fei looked back at her strangely.

Chen Sitian continued: "She gave you clothes early in the morning without even complaining. She is familiar with the road. Does she often do this kind of thing?"

Shen Fei flattened the box, opened it, took out the clothes inside and spread it on the bed.

Chen Sitian stood at the end of the bed with his arms folded, with an unhappy expression on his face: "She wasn't surprised to see me hugging you at all, is it because it's commonplace?"

Shen Fei sorted out the clothes of the two of them according to the size, and stuffed Chen Sitian's pile into her arms.

Looking down, Chen Sitian saw that there were everything from underwear to jackets, from scarves to high socks, and the sizes were all suitable. Open it and see that all the labels have been cut off.

I don't know if it's the habit of rich people to keep a low profile and not reveal their wealth.

Although I don't know the brand, but based on the tailoring and feel, I know that the price is not cheap. Chen Sitian frowned and hugged the clothes and said, "Don't think you can get rid of me with new clothes. I'm asking you."

Chen Sitian doesn't like this kind of self. She hates her partner who breaks the casserole and researches her ex-girlfriend, how many ex-girlfriends she has, how far she has developed, whether she likes them or me, she is very petty.

But when she saw that store manager's expression was so natural, she immediately thought that she must have given clothes to Shen Fei and her then date in the past. I couldn't suppress my anger.

Come on, just be a narrow-minded woman for once, I have to ask clearly, Chen Sitian thought angrily.

"Jealous?" Shen Fei looked at her through the box, "But you are so jealous for no reason, who are you to me?"

Chen Sitian threw away his clothes, stepped over, hugged Shen Fei into his arms, and said with a bit of declaration: "I like you, of course I have reason to be jealous."

"Quick trick, how many times have you lived outside before? How many people hold you like me?"

Shen Fei pursed her lips and remained silent. Chen Sitian was so anxious that he stretched out his hand to scratch the itchy flesh on her waist and underarms, saying plausibly, "Should I recruit, will I recruit?"

Shen Fei was afraid of tickles, so she immediately bent over laughing, tears came out of her laughter, and twisted her body in a disorderly way to avoid it. "Don't make trouble, I said that's it."

Chen Sitian put his arms around her waist and stared straight at her. There was a smile on the latter's face that didn't fade away in time: "I really wanted to bring someone home, but no one came that far with me."

She didn't answer directly, but in fact, Chen Sitian didn't really want to hear the answer. What good does it do me to know how many people my sweetheart has had intimate relationships with?

She just felt uncomfortable and became mad with jealousy, and Shen Fei showed weakness, so let it be.

Chen Sitian poked his head forward, put his nose against the tip of Shen Fei's nose, and said softly: "They dare not, because they are afraid that I will tear them apart. Don't stay in a hotel in the future, I will go home with you."

Shen Fei provocatively said, "Follow me home to meet my parents?"

Chen Sitian kissed her rosy lips. "Take me there quickly, I want to be hired."

Shen Fei laughed: "Nonsense again."

The author has something to say: I didn't expect to write a whole chapter of deputy CP...

There will be another chapter in the afternoon, returning to the master-apprentice plot line.

Read The Duke's Passion