MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 72 Lucky

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It was rush hour, and the First Affiliated Hospital was full of medical staff preparing to go home. Some walked alone, looking down at their mobile phones from time to time, and some walked in small groups, laughing and chatting.

When Min Yue and Dr. Song appeared together, everyone was quiet.

The current girlfriend and the former suitor actually walked side by side! The calm before the storm, the war of the century is about to begin!

Everyone had gossip expressions waiting to see a good show, but the two who were on the cusp were not affected. Dr. Song asked politely, "What kind of food does Dr. Min want to eat? Light or spicy?"

"I can do it, you decide." Min Yue responded politely.

"Then let's try the newly opened western food restaurant. It is said that the snowflake steak is not bad, and it is in a nearby shopping mall."

"it is good."

Although it was nearby, but there were three traffic light intersections, Dr. Song drove out of the parking lot and picked up Min Yue. There was no words all the way, until the sizzling steak was brought to the table, and Min Yue raised the knife and fork to cut the meat, and finally heard the person on the other side say: "How did Dr. Min feel about having surgery with Director Xu for the first time?"

When the tip of the knife touched the meat, the pulp of the finger was pressed hard, and a cut was easily made. The meat juice inside overflowed, and a bay of light red blood flowed on the white porcelain plate. Looking at this scene, Min Yue couldn't help recalling the first time she saw Xu Mai open her chest and split her bones. At that time, she was still a novice, she didn't know anything, so she could only stand by and watch.

"I'm very nervous." Min Yue said, "I'm afraid I won't do well, and my hands are shaking when I sew the skin."

I was so nervous that I even forgot the steps of brushing my hands, and I didn't even know how to wipe my hands with a towel. I was so stupid, no wonder I was laughed at by the itinerant nurse. Mentioning black history, Min Yue couldn't help laughing, and looked up at the person opposite: "You should be much better than me, right?"

Dr. Song pulled his long hair back, tied it loosely, and shook his head when he heard the sound: "During the regular training, the first department I went to was the Department of Cardiac Surgery, and the first operation I experienced was Director Xu's neonatal pulmonary stenosis. How small a three-month-old baby's heart should be, in fact, I couldn't even see where the pulmonary artery was at that time."

"The baby had a narrow infundibulum, so he couldn't do the intervention, so he had to open the chest. The baby was lying on the operating table, not much bigger than a cat. The students present were very worried. What should I do? Did it work?" Song Song The doctor fell into the memory, and the expression on his face changed accordingly. At first, he was full of worry, then gradually became clear, and finally full of admiration. "Director Xu has done it."

Dr. Song looked at Min Yue and said, "She was still the attending physician at that time, and she was already able to perform neonatal congenital heart surgery. This is your professional field, and you understand how difficult it is."

"I understand." Min Yue nodded.

"Since then, I can't control myself not to see her. She is different from others, and she shines." Dr. Song's eyes are full of longing, "Have you heard about the origin of her nickname? "

"Master became famous in the first battle? I know."

Although the other party knew about it, Dr. Song told it again, like a little fan girl, who praised how powerful her hero was to everyone. "There was an operation in general surgery that day, and I was there. The man who made trouble at the doctor went crazy, and no one dared to stop him. The one who was beaten was my direct junior brother, but I was too cowardly to help him."

"It was Director Xu who rushed out of the operating room to save him and said he would protect him." Dr. Song's voice trembled, as if he was the one who was redeemed. She sipped her saliva to relieve her emotions, and smiled: "No wonder there must be a plot where heroes save the beauty in idol dramas, it's really touching."

Min Yue could understand her very well, because after hearing Chen Sitian's story, she also wished to be like a fanatical fan, holding Xu Mai's hand and screaming on the roof, telling the world how great her master is.

"I have been secretly liking her all these years. Although everyone may have found out, I have never confessed to her, nor have I ever harassed her. Because she has always regarded me as a colleague, I am not in her heart, I know." Dr. Song's expression was gloomy Going down, the voice is low and low, drowned out by the background music of the restaurant.

"Later I heard that she planned to go on a blind date. I thought I finally had the opportunity to pursue her openly and compete with you..." The finger holding the water glass exerted a little force, and a circle of white appeared on the edge of the nail, just like her pale heart.

"I'm willing to bet, I won't affect you, I just want to say..." Dr. Song was silent for a while, and when he spoke again, the corners of his eyes were slightly red, and tears appeared. "It is lucky enough to meet her and fall in love with her."

Her relationship started quietly, and ended in a flat manner today.

She will never regret those years of wishful thinking. The time when she loved Xu Mai will be the most tender and beautiful memory in her life.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it." Dr. Song covered her face with tears streaming down her face. She had never lost her composure in public before. Trying to control her choking, she asked in a low voice, "Can I go first?"

She was crying so sadly that Min Yue had no way to comfort her, so she could only help her with her coat and bag and send her to the restaurant door.

Dr. Song hid behind the light gray scarf, sobbing weakly: "I'm sorry, I asked you to eat, but I left first. The bill has been settled, Dr. Min, go back quickly, or the food will be cold."

"It's okay." Min Yue sent her to the car, worried that she was not in good condition and driving would be dangerous, so she stood by the car door and told her, "Drive slowly, be careful on the road."

Dr. Song reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth and waved goodbye. Min Yue stood where she was, watching her go away, merge into the driveway, and disappear into the traffic.

Min Yue didn't move, as if frozen, she kept looking in the direction where Doctor Song disappeared, and after a long time, she sighed and looked away.

All along, she thought that she was the one who liked Xu Mai the most. Others just admired her beauty or her medical skills, but she was the only one who loved every aspect of her sincerely.

But tonight, I suddenly realized that maybe other people don't like me less than me, but I'm just a little more lucky than them.

The soothing and melodious piano sound came from her pocket, Min Yue took out her mobile phone and pressed the call button: "Master."

"Where are you?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was hoarse and his nose was sour. Min Yue coughed to adjust her mood, and reported the address.

"Wait for me, I'll pick you up."

Afraid of remembering Dr. Song's sad expression at the end, Min Yue hung up the phone and didn't go back to the restaurant. Instead, she went to the beverage shop next to her and ordered a cup of milk tea with standard sugar. Hulu took a big breath, and the high concentration of sweetness flowed into his stomach, and he felt alive.

Min Yue stood under a tree by the side of the road, drinking milk tea and waiting for Xu Mai, and when the drink was drained, Xu Mai's car also appeared in sight.

Throwing the empty plastic cup into the trash can, Min Yue climbed into the passenger seat, fastened the seat belt, looked up, and saw Xu Mai looking at herself hesitantly. "What's wrong with Master?"

"Deng Sang and the others said that Dr. Song came to see you." Xu Mai said softly, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Well, she left first after eating." Min Yue said concisely, and did not intend to elaborate on what the two of them talked about.

If she didn't say anything, Xu Mai could probably guess. Remembering the extremely low voice on the phone just now, Xu Mai reached out and touched the top of her head. "If similar things happen in the future, they can be handed over to me."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid, they can't take Master away." Min Yue let her caress obediently, and even took the initiative to put her hand in her palm, her eyes were burning and she was very serious. "However, I have to like Master more."

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Xu Mai turned sideways and looked at her quietly.

Min Yue took her hand, lowered her head shyly, and played with her fingers. "I just want to... give Master more love."

Master was loved by so many people with all his heart before, but now I am the only one, so I must love him twice as much to make up for the gap.

Xu Mai raised his hand and held her fingertips. "It's enough for me to have your love, just yours."

Min Yue was slightly startled, she didn't say anything, but Xu Mai knew everything. She was afraid that she would think wildly, so she deliberately explained that I don't care about other people's likes, I only care about the unique love you give.

Min Yue's heart was so soft that she didn't care about the traffic outside the window, so she took the initiative to lean over and kissed Xu Mai's face quickly.

The kiss was very hard, and there was a popping sound, Min Yue blushed, retracted to the passenger, and pointed to the traffic light in the distance to change the topic: "The light is green! Go, go!"

The car was parked on the side road, unaffected by the signal lights, knowing that she was shy, Xu Mai didn't reveal it, and obediently put down the handbrake and drove into the main road.

After driving to Min Yue's community, Xu Mai suddenly said: "I have prepared a gift for you."

Min Yue reached out to pick it up, and when she didn't see her take it out for him for a long time, she poked her head into the back seat. "Where is it hidden? The trunk?"

"I'll find out the day after tomorrow."

"Master is so mysterious, he deliberately whetted my appetite." Min Yue pouted dissatisfiedly, Xu Mai leaned forward and kissed her, the latter softened into a puddle of water, shrinking her neck cowardly to pretend to be a little white dove.

To actually shut me up in this way... Hey, Master has learned badly.