MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 73 excitation

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What will be the gift?

Min Yue thought about it all night, and tried to formulate the next day, pointing to all the objects in front of her eyes, and asked persistently:

"Master, look at today's millet porridge, does it look like the concealer you gave me?"

"Master, take a look at this biscuit. It's about the same shape as the powder cake box you gave me, right?"

"Master, the radish in the cafeteria today is red heart! It is so red that it looks good, is it close to the lipstick number you want to give me?"

Xu Mai was always smiling, not revealing a word.

Min Yue racked her brains to come up with dozens of questions, and kept asking until the afternoon, exhausted, she peeled a piece of fruit candy and threw it into her mouth to replenish the sugar.

While eating, she had a flash of inspiration, and Min Yue leaned close to her ear, covered her mouth with one hand, and asked expectantly and nervously: "Is the diamond ring Master is going to give me brighter than this candy?"

Xu Mai laughed, and patted the chair next to him: "It seems that you are very curious today, sit down, I will test you a few questions."

Min Yue's face changed in a second, and she frowned bitterly, carelessly, when it comes to asking questions, who can compare to her master.

Xu Mai first asked about the pathological differences of the four types of atrial septal defect, and Min Yue answered it smoothly, and then asked her what are the differences in the repair methods of each type of atrial septal defect, and Min Yue talked eloquently about the secundum type, supracavity type He also stumbled out, and when it was his turn to talk about the shape of the cavity, Min Yue got stuck.

Xu Mai tapped the tabletop with his fingertips, and urged: "With some abnormal connections of pulmonary veins, how should I sew it?"

Infracavity type is a relatively rare type of atrial septal defect. Min Yue didn't remember clearly, so he said vaguely: "Sew large defects directly, and expand first and then suture small defects?"

She didn't have the confidence herself, so she quietly looked at Xu Mai after speaking, waiting for the other party to tell her right or wrong.

Xu Mai did not respond directly, but reminded: "The lower cavity type is often seen in the scimitar syndrome, think again."

Min Yue thought for a few seconds before reacting: "Oh, if there is a possibility of pulmonary vein obstruction, then a patch should be used instead of direct stitches."

Xu Mai nodded, seemed quite satisfied, paused, and continued to ask the next question.

Chen Sitian at the next table quietly sent Deng Sang a wechat message: [Master Mo's style of painting in love is different from ours, so positive, look at you and me, only eat, go shopping and watch movies, what a difference! 】

Deng Sang hid behind the computer and replied to her: [No, my boyfriend will teach me how to hack, I am now a diamond! 】

Chen Sitian, who was still in bronze: 【Excuse me. 】

After being questioned for an entire hour, Min Yue's answers became more and more guilty, and in the end she couldn't even make it up. I successfully forgot about the gift, turned on the computer when I got home, went to the thesis website, and typed in the questions that I didn't answer in the afternoon.

Master's questions are so deep and difficult, I still don't understand a lot, huh.

After studying hard all night, Min Yue felt that her soul had been sublimated, and she could write a thesis on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of atrial septal defect.

Brushing her hands confidently, she entered the operating room and put on the surgical gown with the help of the itinerant nurse. Min Yue habitually touched the protective glasses, but found nothing.

"Where's the glasses?" Min Yue turned to ask the nurse.

The instrument nurse took out a pair of glasses from the sterile bag and handed them over. Min Yue caught them in confusion: "What are you doing for my master's glasses..."

The mirror legs were turned over, and a line of small characters came into view, carved horizontally and vertically, clearly and clearly, it was the word "Min Yue".

"It's mine! These glasses are mine!" Min Yue was so excited that he couldn't control the volume and shouted out all of a sudden.

The anesthesiologist poked his head out from behind the monitor and said with a smile, "Calm down young man, this is just a pair of glasses, and there will be a full set of equipment with your name engraved on it in the future, so work hard."

"The thing with the name engraved on it?" Min Yue didn't know why.

The instrument nurse found that she had never seen the world, so she kindly opened the sterile cloth to reveal the knives, scissors, hook, and tweezers covered under it, and showed it to her.

The shape of the equipment is slightly different from the ones she usually sees. Min Yue took a few steps closer and saw clearly that there are two words engraved on each equipment—Xu Mai.

This is the master's exclusive equipment.

Whether it is glasses or cold knife, whether it is public or private, there is no difference in function, the only difference is that the name is engraved, which is a recognition of the doctor's ability, indicating that he is good enough and qualified to own it alone A set of equipment.

The nurse explained: "Director Xu seldom uses this set, and usually only takes it out for major operations. The total thoracoabdominal aortic replacement was not used last time, but this time he specifically asked me to take it out, probably today's Does the surgery have any special significance?"

The roving nurse added: "Speaking of which, Dr. Min's glasses need to be engraved, and Director Xu specifically told me to do so."

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly behind the masks. significance? Director Xu wants to coax his girlfriend, that's the meaning.

Min Yue was overwhelmed with emotion. It turned out that the mysterious gift that Master refused to reveal was this.

Touching her name on the temples with her fingertips over and over again, Min Yue suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment being recognized, but was more moved. She understood Xu Mai's good intentions, and knew that she was silently motivating herself to keep improving in this way.

Min Yue's heart was swollen, full, happy, and full of fighting spirit. Her lover is the sweetest in the world; her master is the best in the world.

The sensor door of the operating room opened automatically, and Xu Mai strode in. Taking advantage of the gap between wearing surgical clothes, he turned his head to look at her with gentle eyes: "Did the glasses see it?"

"En!" Min Yue nodded vigorously, "Thank you, Master!"

Xu Mai lowered her head slightly and asked the nurse to help her put on her glasses, then raised her head, her gaze became sharp and serious. "At 9:30, the ASD repair operation under full thoracoscopic surgery will start. Min Yue, establish extracorporeal circulation."

"Yes, Master."

The patient was supine, and the right side was raised by 20°. Min Yue made an incision in his right groin, catheterized the femoral artery and vein, and established peripheral cardiopulmonary bypass.

After that, Min Yue stepped aside, Xu Mai stood at the chief surgeon's position, and made two operation holes and a thoracoscopic entrance on the patient's chest wall. After Min Yue adjusted his field of vision, Xu Mai checked the chest cavity for adhesions, then cut the pericardium and suspended it, and started extracorporeal circulation.

The superior and inferior vena cava were blocked, and the right atrium was cut open to detect the type and size of the defect, and repaired with polyester sheets. When the last stitch is sewn, inject physiological saline into the left atrium, inflate the lung and deflate it, and tie the knot tightly.

Xu Mai gave up his position, and Min Yue took over the subsequent work. The right atrium was sutured, the blockage was opened, cardiopulmonary bypass was stopped, all kinds of cannula were pulled out, bleeding was stopped, the femoral arteriovenous incision was sutured, all physiological indications of the patient were observed to be normal, and the operation was successfully completed.

Min Yue reluctantly took off her glasses, put them on the instrument table, and followed Xu Mai out of the operating room. Unbuttoning the mask and throwing it into the dirty clothes bucket together with the surgical gown, Min Yue finally felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

Xu Mai was washing his hands, and turned to look at her: "Are you nervous?"

"Of course, but I'm not as nervous as when I was the second assistant for the first time, because this time the master didn't say what I did wrong, it means I did everything right." Min Yue cheerfully rubbed his hands under the water, asking for credit and asking for rewards : "Master, did I perform particularly well today?"

"Well, but there is still room for improvement." Xu Mai said lightly.

Min Yue didn't get any great praise, and she was still smiling. She looked at Xu Mai with a firm expression and a down-to-earth tone: "I will keep improving, Master, don't worry."

Xu Mai pinched the little apprentice's face. "I know."

You are brought out by me, and I have been by your side, watching your unremitting dedication and bit by bit progress. I know you better than anyone, even yourself.

So I know that you will never disappoint me.

Read The Duke's Passion