MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 168 School bully (end + outside)

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The author has something to say: Replace before 4 o'clock in the afternoon, mistakenly buy baby message red envelope

Can this be a fake?

Nie Sheng saw it in the court, and listened to it, listening to what the emperor said, can he still have a vacation?

On the same day, Nie Shengguang was the one who had spent many years practicing to maintain the demise. After the dynasty, many of his colleagues congratulated him, saying that congratulations to the great man, the Queen had a little emperor, it was a great congratulation!

These people are both happy and sour, and they want to be the daughter of their own daughter. How is Nie Sheng so lucky?

There is an outstanding eldest son who has been studying with the emperor since childhood. He is not used by the emperor to trust him. His little daughter is married to the palace. When he is a queen, he is still pregnant with dragons!

The emperor has a child with a difficult disease. If it is not the only child of the emperor, he is not lucky, who is lucky?

According to the current posture, as long as the Queen's Empress does not make any mistakes, the day that the Emperor did not abandon it, he can at least prosper for a hundred years!

Who did not imagine that the future Chu Jun had his own blood, and when he went down to the DPRK, he said that he congratulated him and poked him a few eyes. On these two days, Nie Sheng sneezed and estimated that these people are screaming at the back. .

With the affirmation of her husband, Mrs. Nie is as happy as a child. The woman’s family always thinks deeper. The men in the world are thin, even if it is a well-recognized man Nie Sheng. When he was young, there was a period of glory. It’s only when I have a good time with her.

What is the emperor of the Lord of the World?

Her niece is in the deep palace, accompanied by the king like a tiger, even if everyone listens to people every day how the emperor loves the emperor, Mrs. Nie can not help but worry.

Now that Boa has a child, even if the relationship with the emperor becomes weaker in the future, he can have a reliance for the rest of his life, and then talk about the ugly point. In the future, the emperor will fall apart. As long as Boer lives longer than the emperor, her child inherits. The throne is over, and you will be able to enjoy it for the rest of your life.

Mrs. Nie: "No, I have to hand in a discount to go back, go to the palace to see Boa, and teach her what to pay attention to when she is pregnant. When I was pregnant with the first child, it was not easy. I could toss the dead, Boa physique. Not as good as me."

What Nie Yu is thinking, she doesn't know, she doesn't feel like she is pregnant every day. The most unstable March has passed. I have recently eaten it. The only thing I can't cope with is the lively and active group in the school. Mission people.

Since I knew that she had children, the corps did not stop. Seeing that Tianer had to hold a small face and stared at her abdomen, asked when the baby came out of the duck? Is the baby coming out like us? Can I take the sugar I like to eat for my baby? I even asked how the baby came from?

Nie Wei:...

In the corner of the corner, the thin, gloomy squad snorted, "naive."

Suiyuan has always been an invisible tyrant in the school. Up to now, there are many scorpions screaming at him. He is always sitting in the back seat in a lonely way. No one is too lazy to take care of himself. He has a few younger brothers running errands. , is the big brother in the group!

With this snoring, the gangs were unhappy and unhappy, but they did not dare to rush to the question of who was childish.

Nie Wei saw him and remembered that he had promised to find a master earlier. Presumably, his unreasonable mother-in-law would not help him to worry about this. He gave him a lot of money, and he would not be happy.

Yan Yuan is about to sleep on the table, and a shadow falls on the table. He looks up...

"褚远, do you still remember our previous agreement?"

In the end, it was a young and old squad. Nie Wei clearly saw a glimmer of light in his gloomy and dull eyes.

Although he did not say a word, the urging intention in his eyes was very obvious. Nie Xiao smiled and said: "General Tang Shao returned to Beijing. I think there will be free time recently. I will ask people if I have time to accept the apprentice. ”

Yan Yuan seems to be careless about everything. In fact, his mind is very delicate. He is keen to note that Mr. is saying that there is no time, not willing or not.

This kind of gentle gentleness, his straight mouth slightly loosened the upturn, and when he looked up, there was more light in his eyes.

"Remember, get." He spoke with a sense of long-term non-speaking, with a strange tone of personal characteristics, Nie Zhen once again remembered the young **** of war in the dream, powerful and cold.

She groaned and went back to the temptation to touch him on his head. He thought that this hand touched the future war god. Nie Hao suddenly smiled. This is a hand with gold, male master, and male. The Lord has let this hand pass the "dross".

After Shanxi’s incident, Nie Hao came back. Just after a short break, he asked his mother to scream for the future scorpion/little niece to play the collar.

"By the way, look at the fun and bring back, the things in the palace are fine, but in the end it is not as fun as folk."

"I still want to dry up? Your sister's children are not only the children of the emperor, but also the only grandchildren of the third generation of your family. You want to be a grandmother!"

It’s so hard to see my own mother, Nie Mo has been silent for a while, and smiles and appeases: “I don’t worry, Boa is just six months old, and I’m still born early.”

"It’s not too early, I will go into the palace half a month later, and send these things to the palace one by one. After my baby grandson is born, I want to play what I want to play, play a throw. One is OK!"

Nie Wei:...

After Nie Haogang finished the class and dealt with the problems of the group, he saw a thin and tall figure at the entrance of the school. The man was dressed in Tsing Yi, the temperament was as warm as jade, and Nie’s eyes lit up. "Big brother!"

The palace man next to him almost scared the empress of the empress, and quickly helped her, "the goddess, the goddess, you can't run!"

Hearing this unabashed voice of relying on relatives, Nie Yan turned his head and unconsciously raised his lips. He opened his lips and said, "It is me."

The palace people let Nie Wei give up, she stood in front of the big brother, leaning her head, the water is light, the microwave is smashing, "Big brother, can be counted back, will send you out, this went out for a long time The emperor is not something."

"Who isn't it?" The low-magnetic male voice came from the top of the head behind him. Nie was stiff and slowly raised his head, and he smiled at the man's eyes.

Then look at the big brother opposite, she did not feel angry at her big brother, "Brother!"

The position of Nie Wei Station is clearly visible to see the people behind her, but there is no sound to remind, Nie Wei shouted and changed his mouth: "It is not a thing to say that the big brother!"

He agreed to nod. "Boa is right, big brother is not something, hypocrisy, blackmail!"

Nie Wei:...

Nie Yu stayed in the palace for meals, and after using the meal, he handed a small box to Nie, "Mrs."

Nie Wei opened it and saw it all worn by children. The workmanship was exquisite. There was no such thing as a good thing. Nie Wei saw that she was interested in rummaging and said: "Mother said that I would send it first, and she would like to return. I went to the palace half a month to see her little grandson."

Nie Hao nodded and said that her mother is such a personality, do not look gentle and virtuous, but in fact, doing things is hot, no one can stop what to do, since there is a style of generals.

Looking at each other one by one, Nie Yi closed the lid and asked her brother, "Big brother, all sent by the mother, you just be a errand?"

The implication is that you are the big brother, and he doesn’t have a point when he is a prostitute.

Nie Wei took out a piece of white jade with excellent color and warmth from his arms. "This is the occasional warm jade carving, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, and is given to Xiaoer."

I watched the two brothers and sisters talk, and they robbed the words without the traces. They took the warm jade into their arms and smiled and said: "Thank you, big brother!"

Nie Wei:...

Nie Hao sat in a chat in the afternoon without a class, chatted and thought about a group that was determined to be a general.

"Is the big brother and cousin coming back together?"

"Can that big brother help me to send a letter to my cousin? I said that I have a good seed in my hand and regard him as an example. I always want to be a general on the battlefield like my cousin, and ask my cousin to see if I can accept it. Is he a disciple?"


A white robe cold man frowned, "Who?"

"Yu Yuan, Gong Gong Wang Fu Erzi, studying in Bao'er School, Boa said that the child is very talented, so I recommend it to you."

Tang Shao fell a word and surrounded the black group. "She said that Tang Shaozhen should not."

Nie took it, "You haven't let go yet?"


Nie Hao just came out of the palace, Nie Wei let the cockroaches stop, he circled her waist, put his hand on the slightly raised abdomen and gently rubbed it, "Boa..."

"What kind of things did the mother-in-law prepare for you?"

"The emperor doesn't like boys?"

Silently, "Sudden hope is a little princess..."

Nie Wei was pregnant and had some body heat and was not allowed to be hot. In the summer, he took a anger. She opened his hand and said why? "Is it true that the emperor really likes her daughter, does she like her son?"

The man was pulled open, his arms were empty, and his voice was a bit boring. He said: "I only know the bunch of rabbits in your school. If you have a boy, you will definitely not be a fuel-efficient scorpion. Noisy you, occupying the territory..."

Nie Wei:...

After the goods, the name will be called the big vinegar tank, what is the emperor, what villains are not the focus!

The next day, Tang Shao sent someone to Prince Gong’s Mansion.

The Tang family, who came from behind, was accompanied by Tang Shao, who was the captain of the guard team around Tang Shao. This shows that Tang Shao valued the matter.

"My son, the son of the empress, will accept the second son of the noble house, and this morning will be sent down to pick up the second son."

There was a trace of misunderstanding on the face of Christine’s pro-King’s habitual face. “Does the general of Tang want to take away as a disciple?”

He nodded. "I heard that it was the Queen's Empress to Zhang Luo. The Queen's Empress is the cousin of our family. When she opens her mouth, our son will help me."

Prince Gong Shizi said: "Is this... will you be too tired of General Tang?"

"My family is far from being a weapon, and General Tang has won the emperor's grace. I must be busy every day..."

The voice of the hoarse boy behind him came in, "I am going."

"I am pleased to ask Mr., I have nothing to do with you!" He walked across the side of Gong Shiwang's body with a blank expression, and walked to the man in the outfit, seriously: "I am ready, let's go."

The pro-guard captain was seen by this scene. How could this father and son be so strange? ? Ordinary people want to worship them. General Tang can not find a way for the teacher. Even if he listens to the generals of the **** of war, he can be happy for a long time.

Gong Gongwang Shizi even shirked away from it, and the second son of Gong Gongshi’s son was also a gesture of not treating him as a father.

The pro-guard captain followed the battlefield of his own son, and he had a little bit of eyesight. The child had a loneliness at a young age, and the sharpness between the eyebrows made him even more secretly nod.

Only this time, he took it out. This boy is too sharp and extreme. If such a person is not guilty of this, he will have a way out of the army!

He looked up and down the skin, his body was a little thin, and the lower part was unstable. His eyes moved to the small bag on his shoulder. He smiled and asked, "Are you planning to live longer?"

He looked no apologetically and nodded. He didn't plan to come back. After he learned, he went to the battlefield with General Tang and never needed to come back.

This thought of the captain did not know, only when he went to the general to learn to live for a while, after all, martial arts will not get up every day, it will be up to the horse, and the Prince’s Palace is far away, and it is naturally inconvenient to go back and forth. .

Gong Gongwang Shizi looked back and watched the Tang family's family take the little boy away. The farther and farther away, the small back is thin, but his back is straight and straight, his footsteps are firm, he step by step, he has never looked back, and he has never been to him. The father said goodbye.

Suddenly there was a feeling of unclearness in his heart, as if he had lost something. He finally opened his mouth and still did not call him.

After the grooming of Wang Shizi, he had just finished dressing, he heard the report saying: "Shi Zi, the second son is taken away!"

She strangely raised her eyebrows and inserted flowers in the bronze mirror. She said carelessly: "Who took it?"

"People sent by General Tang Shao of the General of the Township State, I heard that it is necessary to accept the second son as a disciple!" Xiaoxi is a little happy, and their second son can actually let General Tang take it as an apprentice, and he will certainly be able to Become a great general like General Tang!

Xiaoyan was young and knew how to bend around. He was just happy for his two sons. Gong Gongwang Shizi was not happy. She frowned. "So big, why didn't anyone inform the world?"

"What, leave your luggage and leave?" The female screamed. "I still didn't have a mother. No one told me, would you let him go?"

Seeing Gong Gong’s face is not very good-looking. She converges a few points and says: “Your father and son have made such a decision. Why did you return when you came back? What can General Tang teach him to teach him to kill? Or teach him how to dance with a knife?"

"Since the ancient battlefield, I have put my head on my waist. It’s still small. How do you agree with him to learn this kind of thing?"

"The Queen Empress is also, she does not feel bad, I still feel bad!"

"You shut up! Can you arrange the Queen's maiden? You believe that Tang Shao has released a slogan. You don't need half a day to go to the military office to queue up from the generals to the city gate!"

"The Tang family has a family of military martial arts. It has its own unique martial arts art of war. It is easy to teach outsiders. It is a good thing to go far. If you call this world, you can hear what you should say in your mouth... You are good at it! ”

Gong Gongwang Shizi was somewhat unwilling, and he still had something to say when he opened his mouth. His face was dark and scary. "I don't usually care about your far-sighted things. Now I am going out to put out a kind mother and get out of this world!"


When Tang Shaoping lived in the generals of the town, he did not have much time. He usually practiced soldiers and was used to practicing swords every morning. He moved to Zhuangzi on the outskirts alone.

The captain of the pro-guard took a horse and stepped on the horse's back. He smiled at the thin group: "Come up!"

"Don't you? Still, can't you?"

I saw the boy standing under the tall horse and hanging his head to silence.

His small head is the height of the horse's stomach. This horse is a huge thing for the six-year-old squad. The captain of the guard thinks he will give up and is planning to reach out and hold him up...

I saw the thin group suddenly raised his head, stepped back a few steps, and then kicked a leg, like a small cannon, rushing like a horse, a foot on the saddle, limbs and kneeling on the horse, hands and feet flexible climb Get up and sit behind him.

The tall and sturdy horse made the little man shake slightly, and the back foot stepped back two steps. The horse snorted a little.

The captain of the pro-guard stunned and suddenly smiled twice and turned to look at him. "Good job!"

"Drive!" The captain of the pro-guard smirked a reins and the horse ran quickly.

Yan Yuan pinched the clothes behind him, and the rapid wind blew on his face. His eyes were bright but he seemed to be alive again, his mouth curled up. 2k novel reading network

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy