MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 169 Dragon Dragon (1)

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The danger of the King's Conference is not only because the power of the slashed dragon is so powerful, but because the dragon has a large number of loyal followers.

They devoutly regard the dragon as their leader and belief. They have never given up their leaders to rescue them for thousands of years. Every round of the dragons always has their presence, appearing in the endless abyss of the evil dragon valley against these ignorant The dragon shot.

Ten thousand years ago, the confrontation between the dragon and the dozens of dragons and dragons made the Yuanyuan continent split into two. The West was the magical continent, and the dragon followers moved to the magical continent with the believers, while the oriental comprehension of the mainland was by Tu Longzun. The disciples of the disciples have left with the people, and they have prospered to the true sects of the sects.

The magical continent where the evil dragon believers are located is different from the rigorous coldness of the oriental comprehension continent. It depends on all the people or things with dark colors, and avoids or is quick to follow. The people of the magical continent admire freedom and promote powerful force and Distinguished origin.

As long as you are strong, what is the darkness in their view? The Dark Witch, the Vampire Batman, is a species that can't be seen in the eyes of the self-cultivator. It is everywhere in them. As long as it is powerful, there is nothing impossible.

If you are born orthodox and esteemed, you will be even worse. It is like a dragon in the eyes of the people of the mainland. In the eyes of the magical mainlanders, the powerful and powerful dragons will never die. The powerful dragons are your life. No one can replace dreams and beliefs, unless someone can be stronger and more honorable than him!

"Ah, Lord Dragon, please protect your devout believers. This trip will be smooth, we will set off to cultivate the mainland, guard you, and sanction those stupid guys for you!"

"Dragon Lord, you probably never thought about it, the wizard is divining you, and the Ullari goddess has new instructions. She said that you will have descendants and continue the blood of this noble dragon."

"This trip to the Church of Light and the Dark Church and the Free Church to be a jade, to serve you together, we will go to defend against the ignorant destroyer, and bring back your blood, to pray for the birth of the little master."

"Lord Lord please please protect us..."

"Lord Lord please please us!"

Located in the heart of the Magical Continent, the Bright Church and the Dark Church, as well as the three cities in the center of the Free Church, are in a state of detached dragon city.

There are a large number of anti-cutting dragons gathered here, and the strengths of the Dragon Lord are gathered here.

On the white square of marble, black is crushed. All species, whether witches, dwarves, elves, vampires, etc., are adult-type. According to the race station, they pray and bow down piously.

After a long time.

Standing in the middle, the leaders of the three churches and the leaders of this action came from the Archbishop of the Church of Light, the Archbishop of Ashok, who was solemn and solemn, and his voice spread throughout the square and even outside the city.

"The rescue of the Dragon Lord is coming soon, and the small master is born soon. I am here to swear by Ashlock, and never let the ugly destroyer's evil deforestation plan succeed!"

"Action, my fellow travellers, give our strength to the Lord!"

There was a cheering scream at the scene. "We will never let the ignorant destroyer succeed!!!!"

"Don't let... get it!"

Screams came out of the city, people coming and going stopped, and placed their right hand on the front chest, standing in the same place, looking at the direction of the center of the square in the city, looking at the words in the mouth, "Prestige Dragon Lord... ..."

The huge statue of the dragon statue is in the center of the square. The height of the faucet is straight and the sky is straight. A pair of majestic and deep giant eyes lazily overlook everyone inside and outside the city. No matter where you stand, you can see it as soon as you look up.

This huge sculpture is a painstaking work of generations of followers since the imprisonment of Lord Long Zun, and the statues carved by the lords of the Archbishops have a hint of divine power. Believers do not dare to look at their eyes. Otherwise, The mind will be affected. In severe cases, the ingenuity will become a fool, and those who bow their heads will not look up.

Before the strong red archbishop's departure, he looked up with great pressure and looked red.

In the endless abyss of the comprehension of the mainland, inside the Valley of the Dragon.

The water pool smashed a small colored water bubble. I don't know how long it took, and the black dragon trapped by the chain slowly opened its eyes.

The huge chain has been pierced by the dragon's tail and the dragon's heart. The golden dragon's blood continues to flow out and is absorbed by the chain and turned to strengthen the array.

This is a set of prisoners that are nourished by the trapped life. It is extremely vicious. The reason why the formation has not been broken and not consumed for thousands of years is because of this.

But even if the law is so overbearing and vicious, the dragon has not been eliminated. He is still feared and feared by all the dragons in this evil dragon valley.

The black dragon seems to care about the shackles of his body. He lazily opens his eyes and the dragon eye patrols around. The long, graceful and elegant dragon tail is still lazy and swinging without any obstacles even if it is trapped by the chain.

Suddenly, the tail seemed to sweep something.

Round, smooth, hard and soft, with a natural closeness from the blood.

The swaying dragon tail subconsciously paused, and the next round rolled the round to the front.

The golden giant egg with bubbles is floating in front of you, and the golden giant eggshell is popping up with a small bubble, as if breathing in the water.

Longan suddenly stays -

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes, the dragon egg?

Those who are arrogant, vanity, and ignorant, do not know how to be enterprising, aren’t they always accepting the upper bounds and enjoying the extravagant dragons?

This is the only place in the world that he has been a dragon for a long time. How can he have a dragon egg?

I feel that I have slept for too long, and I have forgotten a lot of things for a long time.

Was it sleeping for eight hundred years or two thousand years?

The grand slashing dragon in the outside world is not a thing in the dragon's eye. It is like a slap in the face of a small fight. Every year, the hunters and dragons are always going to have a big fight. The source is continuous, but this does not attract the attention of the arrogant powerful dragon.

If the loggers know that the attacks they are proud of have not had any effect on the dragon, they have been spent in the sin of the crusade at the devastating conference for thousands of years. I don’t know what they would think, even protect the dragon. I am afraid that your followers will be unbelievable.

In Longsheng, only the sleeping dragon, Long Zun, stared at the glittering egg in front of him and fell into meditation.

The familiar taste in the blood, how is it like his nephew?

When did he give birth to a nephew?

I have been asleep for too long. If I am not awakened by the annoying bubble, I will be too lazy to blink. The sleeping dragon is slowly working, like a long-lost machine, slowly and orderly awakening the past. Memory.

A hundred years ago, sleeping, sleeping a thousand years ago, 10,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago...

敖夙 敖夙 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In this war, the arrogant and powerful dragons singled out all the powers of the true world and the shameless heavens, which led to great changes in the world. In the end, there were countless deaths and injuries, and the heavens and the roads were greatly hurt. The only lucky ones who survived were lucky luck. This has skyrocketed.

Only the dragon, the smashed dragon slayer had a black hand, and he was trapped in the endless abyss by the air that was temporarily suppressed by the heavens.

The Endless Abyss is known as the Dragon Valley by the Dragons.

The dragon eye suddenly condensed, and after being imprisoned by the formation, he once summoned, bred, and bred with the heart of the dragon...

The dragons are different from other races in human reproduction. Whether they are male dragons or female dragons, if they do not have a partner, they can cultivate their own offspring, but few dragons will sacrifice their blood for the sake of reproduction.

Awkward heart blood...

The dragon's tail curled up and rolled the dragon egg in front of him. The dragon's face tempted, and clumsily touched the dragon egg, in exchange for the egg to look back happily.

The egg doesn't mind the hard and thorny scales on the dragon's face, rolling the dragon's face back and forth with relatives. It's so fast, the bubble is more diligent and a long string.

In the valley water pool, a deafening laughter suddenly appeared. With the horror of the horror, several disciples who were on the exit of the hills of the evil dragon valley bleed and vomited blood. They scared their faces and shook their voices: "Evil The dragon woke up and the dragon awake, and went to inform the head!"

Because of the presence of the law, the dragon has no effect. The disciples reacted quickly, and the blood on the mouth of the nose and eyes was wiped. They even forgot to fly, shaking their legs and running away. .

Even if they know that the dragons have been imprisoned by the array, they are still fearful.

As soon as the deforestation conference is over, the major sects have already gathered all the people to station in the city outside the valley.

Over the years, the various gates have been continually vying for resources, and they have competed with each other for their disciples. The fires are not tolerated. Even so, it is their mission to cut down the dragons. It is their mission. Therefore, the major sects put down their prejudice. Go all out.

Most of the sects left only a small number of people to guard the mountain gates, and the large forces all came to participate in the slashing conference. The disciples who went out to practice will return to the sects in advance.

There is an unwritten rule in the realm of comprehension. During the Lulong Conference, no one of any sects can attack him, and no one can hate each other.

This time, the guardian of the valley was a disciple of the five major sects. The unfortunate disciple who was hurt by the laughter of the evil dragon was the inner disciple of Taoism.

He whispered and described, "Suddenly, the sudden laughter of the dragon, the head is he is not... is it..." I don’t know what to expect, but the unfortunate disciple’s face with blood on his face is horrified. Then he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

Everyone at the scene, the head: "..."

An elder came forward to look at it and laughed and said: "The mind is damaged, you need to raise your **** for a few days."

The meaning of the words was fainted.

Everyone laughs and laughs.

But when I thought about going to the calendar of the Dragon Festival, the dragon didn't make any noise. Everyone thought it was the merit of the formation. But this time suddenly awakened in advance and made a strange laughter. What is it for?

Although the unlucky disciple is a little more timid, it is not unreasonable to say something. Is there any change in it?

After a few days, several elders decided to set off early in the Valley of the Dragon and stayed directly outside the valley. They only tried to show the dragons by means of the opening of the law.

In order to prevent any changes, the current head will send a notice to the disciples to gather the Dragon Valley!

The author has something to say: The background is private, it is the oriental comprehension + the western fantasy, and this may be an exaggerated description of the light novels.

There may be two more, and the writing is slower. I am slowly thanking the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: a? 1 decene;

Thank you for throwing out the [land mine] little angel: floating, smashing 2; Gu Weiyue, I am a book mad, cream & kitten, 喵喵, maybe tomorrow, hoe, you are sick, 宵, dream dream , He An, Yu Yu ☆, Qi Qing, a? Jiu Huan. One of the head ducks of the head family;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Transparent soy sauce is not too black 100 bottles; fish fish loves silent, 霷80 bottles; 筱筱74 bottles; Qinglian 66 bottles; Menghu 60 bottles; Mingshui, night feathers, (●––●), candy50 bottles; 47 bottles; Luo Luo 40 bottles; non-36 bottles; Iris 33 bottles; strange road, s child, alive 30 bottles; 喵喵 28 bottles; 123, 咩咩咩咩 25 bottles; small Africa, aunt soft and soft, rainying1993 , paradox, cocostar, all your unpleasant joy, halo, Sisi 20 bottles; Secretary 13 bottles; a big pig 12 bottles; stars, midsummer, 22564961, 呵呵哒 (?? w?`), yue, beat Love the fish, the yo, the fried, the scorpion, the scorpion, the scorpion fish, the fish, the love, the sorrow, the chaizq29, the moon, the moon, the medicine, the little one, Yoyoy, 佳哆哩哚, pineapple bibibiubi, overtime dog qaq, 妄, small leaves, tree ah, april, heart, all the way to smoke, Hualuo, dark star wing, picture book, yangy612, dong, 玖, red 雅季, zero Xia Yudu, rumors, Shenyan, Shiyu, Nahuana, and Jiaxi are also non-Emirates, a smile, a leaf, a fall, a love, a quiet, and a silent Big demon, my goddess is the same person, 9 bottles in red; 8 bottles of cold and ghosts; 25281286, Shishen, 6 bottles of wind blown away; no longer learning is a dog, so happy~~, cat ?, Guchuan Xionghui my husband, Qing dynasty, ♀眷纞♀, big wood, white boy, 娓篪觅瀮, susuya 吖, 喵呜 a microphone, seven tea 喵, deer 鹿 鹿鹿lu 5 bottles; 18 吖 3 bottles; fish lane cat return, 淼淼 clear light, stars deciduous, leisurely walk without confusion, Yu 淼淼, two two, 36253089, love sweets ~, Yi ouky, aunt, shield, My cookies!, I love my flash 2 bottles; shadow, northern habitat, mikatan, drunken snow, forgetful clouds, idle clouds, start?, gigigigigisela, moon condensation, maybe tomorrow, stunned, oh is wrong On the other side of the heart, the child does not speak, and started school, a few times blush, innocent, sugar cake, koi, cloud, ancient cat, tears with Qingsi San, 30968241, Ermu, plant, instant, slyviaaaaa 1 bottle of the same person as the wind;

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