MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 33 game

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Throughout the night, Song Xian went from not knowing how to use it to fully developing the method of use. Jiang Liuyi contributed a lot. She was also turned from being the subject of the experiment to being an experimenter, fanning the flames on Song Xian.

It wasn't until the electricity was completely gone that Jiang Liuyi threw it aside and started to attack the city.

At the beginning of the nightlife, Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi’s backlog of desires and desires were completely liberated. I don’t know when they put on the **** underwear that Song Xian left on the sofa outside. As expected, it’s better not to wear it, but the effect , is better than not wearing it, because Jiang Liuyi's movements are obviously more intense than before.

She didn't even allow Song Xian to take it off, she insisted on wearing it to sleep, and put her legs on the fabric before going to bed, feeling the silky smoothness, Song Xian pushed it a few times but failed, so she could only shout: "Jiang Liuyi."

Jiang Liuyi was bored, turned her head and hummed, and Song Xian said, "I want to change the sheets."

"Oh." She replied, but didn't move. Song Xian reached out and poked her waist: "I want to change the sheets!"

Jiang Liuyi moved, but she hugged Song Xian, and then the two rolled around on the bed. Jiang Liuyi wrapped the quilt around the two of them, and fell directly on the carpet. The operation of getting out of bed made Song Xian stunned for a few seconds She didn't even react, and finally she sat up helplessly, her skin was sore, and she didn't know if she didn't do it the night before, Jiang Liuyi was furious, she just bit her in pain to death.

Song Xian held on to the last bit of strength, and after changing the sheets, he asked Jiang Liuyi to go back to the bed. When Jiang Liuyi got up, she bumped into something. She let out a soft cry, and Song Xian turned his head. Just as he was about to ask, Jiang Liuyi was already pressing her down. I fell on the bed.

The people around her just fell asleep without the quilt covered, Song Xian put on a thin quilt for her, and prepared to sleep on her side.

A few minutes later, she frowned, she didn't know whether it was the cold weather or the temperature of the air conditioner was too low, she was a little cold, Song Xian approached Jiang Liuyi helplessly.

As soon as he got closer, he was hugged by Jiang Liuyi.

The movements were skillful and natural, and Jiang Liuyi's breath fell beside Song Xian's earlobe, itching and warming.

For the first time, Song Xian didn't resist hugging and sleeping when he was awake.

A good night's sleep.

The next day, Jiang Liuyi was woken up by the alarm clock. She turned her head to look at Song Xian. It was Song Xian's mobile phone alarm. It seemed that she was too tired last night. Song Xian, who was in a light sleep, was not woken up. She stretched out her hand and pressed the alarm. , inadvertently scanned to the screen, a picture of her.

Jiang Liuyi quietly saw that the screen of the phone automatically turned off.

The little irritability of being woken up by the alarm clock is instantly suppressed, and the mood of getting up early is really good.

Song Xian hadn't woken up yet, Jiang Liuyi got up first, made breakfast for Song Xian after washing, she didn't know much, and there were no ingredients in the refrigerator, so there were still poached eggs, heated bread, and a cup of warm milk, just cleaned up I really wanted to wake Song Xian up, but I saw the door opened, and Song Xian had already walked out.

She saw the breakfast on the dining table and looked at Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi smiled: "Morning."

Song Xian nodded slightly: "Morning."

She went to the bathroom to wash up, and when she was brushing her teeth, she heard noises outside the door, thinking that Jiang Liuyi was so diligent recently, not only did a lot of housework, but also made breakfast every day, she had to be more diligent.

After Song Xian washed up and went out, she sat across from Jiang Liuyi, drinking milk with her head down, and heard Jiang Liuyi shout: "Song Xian."

She stopped drinking milk, looked up at Jiang Liuyi, and heard her say: "Shall we visit your parents some other day?"

"My parents?" Song Xian frowned.

Seeing her move, Jiang Liuyi changed the question: "Do you and your parents have a bad relationship?"

Song Xian said, "It's okay."

She is relatively independent. She has been in a closed school since kindergarten, and her relationship with her parents is to go home for dinner on weekends. Later, she went abroad to develop in high school. The relationship with her family is not warm, but there are no conflicts.

But going to her house for dinner is still a bit troublesome.

Song Xian said: "They are not in the country now, if you want to eat, you can wait for them to return to the country."

Jiang Liuyi nodded, it's good, she can go to visit after she settles the affairs at home.

But as she ate, she felt that something was wrong.

If Song Xian has no conflicts with her family, why hasn't her family asked herself? Aren't you curious about Song Xian's marriage partner?

Jiang Liuyi raised her eyes, put down her cup and said, "Song Xian, do your parents know that you are married?"

Song Xian didn't know why, so he said calmly, "Of course I know."

Jiang Liuyi held back: "Oh."

Then why didn't you mention it once?

She frowned and asked again, "What did they say?"

Song Xian thought for a while: "They said, I'll just make my own decision."

Jiang Liuyi: ...

She understood that Song Xian's personality was definitely inherited from her parents.

Jiang Liuyi had nothing to ask. After breakfast, she had to practice for a while. Originally, she wanted Song Xian to come in and listen to the music. When she left the living room, she saw her holding the computer. Jiang Liuyi asked, "Work?"

Song Xian turned his head: "There are two more pictures to fix."

Jiang Liuyi said, "Then I'll go in."

Song Xian watched her walk into the piano room with calm eyes.

The luncheon started at 11:30, Zhao Yuebai sent a message to Jiang Liuyi at 10:30 to remind her not to forget, Jiang Liuyi changed her clothes and turned her head to look at Song Xian, she saw that she was wearing a dark blue sleeveless dress with a short hem The tail of the fish is light and agile, just like a quiet fish in the deep sea. Song Xian put on light makeup after changing her clothes. Seeing that Jiang Liuyi was not moving, she asked, "Aren't you wearing makeup?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "Help me."

She still remembers the last time she took a photo, Song Xian helped her put on makeup. He was quick and dexterous, and most importantly, he was very serious when putting on her makeup. She really liked seeing Song Xian's serious look, which gave her a different feeling.

Song Xian didn't think much about it, so he put makeup on Jiang Liuyi with the cosmetics by the dressing table. The two of them were very close, and there was light overflowing from the window. Closing his eyes and raising his head, Song Xian looked down at her thin lips, and for some reason suddenly thought of the way she smiled at him last night.

Very clean, warm smile.

Jiang Liuyi opened her eyes, seeing that Song Xian didn't move and shouted, "Song Xian?"

Song Xian came back to his senses, lowered his head and continued to put on makeup for her.

When the two arrived at Zhao's house, there were already many people there, and they could see Zhao Yuebai greeting others from a distance, Jiang Liuyi led Song Xian over, they gave gifts, Zhao Yuebai paused: "Why give two, it's like a bribe. "

Jiang Liuyi's gift was prepared a long time ago. It was only after Zhao Yuebai called that day that she found out that Song Xian had also bought it.

Although Zhao Yuebai said so, she was very happy to accept it. She said to Song Xian: "You follow Liu Yi well today, and I will come to play with you later."

Song Xian nodded: "Okay."

Elegant and generous, matched with the dress she was wearing, she attracted a lot of attention when she first came in. Many people didn't know her, and they were whispering about her, and some of them knew her in science.

"Is it Jiang Liuyi's wife? She's so pretty."

"It's no wonder that Jiang Liuyi got married in a flash, who wouldn't want to marry that?"

"I've heard that it looks similar to Yu Bai before, but there's no place like it. It's much prettier than Yu Bai."

"Yu Bai? I heard a joke. Is it Yu Bai's sister who is making trouble at his wife's company, or is it Jiang Liuyi who stood up to support his wife? Don't you know about the magazine interview? Speaking of which, Yu Bai is really shameless." Yes, it's been a few years since we broke up, and I still have the nerve to let Jiang Liuyi wait for her."

Just as Yu Bai walked over, he clenched his hands tightly when he heard these words, Qian Shen said, "Don't listen to their nonsense, they are a group of yin and yang people."

Today is Zhao Yuebai's birthday, many friends came here, some in the circle, some outside the circle, and former classmates. Several of them had a crush on Jiang Liuyi before. When Yu Bai was with Jiang Liuyi before, some people mocked her for not being worthy, so Now that I heard about this, I stepped on her vigorously.

Yu Bai took a deep breath, trying to suppress his temper.

Qian Shen squinted at the two people who were not far away, so she took a few friends to find a place to sit down, and motioned to one of them with her eyes, the man took out a card, Qian Shen said: "Play two?"

After she finished speaking, she asked her friend to get a few bottles of alcohol and spirits and put them on the table, and poured a few full glasses. When it came to playing games, everyone else became curious and gathered around. A man sat opposite Qian Shen, twenty-five or six At the age of two, he lost both of them. With a glass of wine on his head, he pushed his hands away in a daze.

When Lin Qiushui arrived, she saw a lot of people gathered around, but there was no one on the opposite side of Qian Shen, so she stood up and shouted: "Liu Yi!"

Jiang Liuyi turned her head and saw several old friends standing beside Qian Shen, who was waving at her: "Liu Yi, here!"

She frowned, and one of her friends had already come over and said to her with a smile, "This is your wife, right?"

Jiang Liuyi nodded to introduce to the two, her friend said: "Let's go, do you want to play for a while?"

Song Xian looked calm: "What are you playing?"

Her friend smiled and said, "Playing cards."

While talking, Song Xian was brought to the table by his friends, so Jiang Liuyi had no choice but to follow. Many young people gathered together, including their former classmates, friends, and many people in the circle. When they saw Jiang Liuyi coming over, they rushed Saying hello and complimenting her wife for being so pretty, Jiang Liuyi responded and heard Song Xian ask, "What are they playing?"

"Playing cards." Jiang Liuyi explained: "Compare the size."

To put it simply, it is a deck of cards, the dealer draws two cards, and then the person on the opposite side draws cards from the dealer's hand. If you draw a big card, you win, and if you draw a small card, you lose. It is a very simple rule.

Song Xian understood and nodded.

Another round was over, Qian Shen cast his eyes on Jiang Liuyi, and asked her with a smile, "Come and play two games? You married secretly and didn't notify in place, shouldn't you be punished?"

The other students looked over and yelled, "You should be punished!"

Heckling, Jiang Liuyi was held up, Lin Qiushui also came over, but was squeezed in the back, everyone gave up the middle seat, Jiang Liuyi was squeezed to that position, she didn't sit down, Qian Shen said: " Just play two games, whoever loses will have a drink, how about that?"

A mild punishment.

Jiang Liuyi sat down, and Qian Shen said, "You can be the banker, and I'll draw cards."

She said she handed a deck of cards to Jiang Liuyi, Jiang Liuyi was silent, just about to take it, a calm voice came from beside her, Song Xian asked: "Can I play?"

Jiang Liuyi turned her head, Song Xian looked at Qian Shen, and asked again: "Can I play?"

Qian Shen was taken aback for a moment, but then she realized that she was happy, gritted her teeth and said, "Of course."

I won't be able to drink you to death!

This is strong alcohol. No matter how good a drinker is, he can't last two glasses. It's embarrassing to see you get drunk later!

With wishful thinking in her heart, she saw Jiang Liuyi asking: "Do you really want to play?"

Song Xian said, "I want to try."

More people gathered around. Those who knew Qian Shen well knew that Qian Shen seldom lost in poker. Everyone stared wide-eyed, wanting to see what Song Xian would do if he lost later. Their curiosity was aroused. rise.

Jiang Liuyi stood up and made way for Song Xian to sit down. She said to Qian Shen, "I'm not very good at playing. You are the banker, and I will draw cards."

Qian Shen frowned.

Originally let Jiang Liuyi be the banker, and she would win 100% of the money, but now she is the banker, if Song Xian accidentally hits the big one, then she will lose.

But now with so many eyes watching, she gritted her teeth; "Okay."

Qian Shen took the cards back, shuffled them, and quickly drew two out of them. She looked at the cards, the ten of hearts and the eight of spades. She put the two cards on the table, and said to Song Xian: "Let's smoke it."

Song Xian lowered his head, looked calmly, and quickly drew one of the cards. Qian Shen turned the other card, the eight of spades, and Song Xian drew the ten of hearts.

She was lucky, she gritted her teeth, picked up a cup amidst the noise of the others, and drank it with her head up.

In the second round, the three of diamonds and the seven of hearts, Song Xian drew the seven of hearts.

Qian Shen took another drink.

She did not give up: "Come again!"

In the third round, two clubs and three hearts, Song Xian drew three hearts.

In the fourth round, the five of diamonds played against the eight of hearts, and Song Xian drew the eight of hearts.

fifth round...

Qian Shen raised his head and drank the glass of strong wine, Song Xian looked at her fixedly, and asked in a calm voice, "Are you still coming?"

It was obviously a pleasant voice, but at the moment it sounded like a death talisman. Qian Shen's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't hold it back, and rushed to the bathroom with her mouth covered, her back in a panic.

Song Xian watched quietly from behind.

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