MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 34 give it away

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Zhao Yuebai heard about this and came over with wine, approached Jiang Liuyi, and said, "Your wife is quite amazing."

Jiang Liuyi pursed her lips and smiled, then turned her head, Song Xian came back from the bathroom, surrounded by several women, some former classmates, and some she didn't know, all praised her for being very good in the game just now.

Who doesn't know Qian Shen's strength in poker, but he didn't expect to meet Song Xian, he didn't win a game, it's too good.

Song Xian and them nodded slightly, didn't say much, and quickly walked to Jiang Liuyi, Jiang Liuyi brought her a drink, Zhao Yuebai asked: "Song Xian, do you know how to read cards?"

She smiled: "No."

"Impossible!" Zhao Yuebai said, "You definitely will, otherwise how can you win!"

Song Xian said: "Her one is a prop card."

But it is not purely a prop card, it has been changed, it is not obvious, there is a specialization in the art, and only after playing in a circle can you know the difference, ordinary people can't see it at all.

Song Xian explained: "I used to go to college and play with my friends, so I know a little bit."

Zhao Yuebai was speechless: "Do you understand a little bit!"

She patted Jiang Liuyi on the shoulder: "I found my wife is a treasure, really good." After she finished speaking, she asked: "Do you have any older sisters in your family?"

Song Xian shook his head: "No."

"It's a pity." Zhao Yue said bluntly, "Friends are fine too. Is there a friend like you?"

Jiang Liuyi beside him cleared his throat, and Zhao Yuebai smiled: "What are you coughing, I want to fall in love too!"

It's really not serious, Jiang Liuyi shook her head and said to Song Xian: "Do you want to go to the meeting?"

Lunch is buffet style, you can go to eat when you are hungry, there are several entertainment venues on the whole first floor, just now playing cards, there are three or five people sitting together and chatting about stocks, the Zhao family has a complicated relationship, so all friends are a little social.

Zhao Yuebai said: "Don't sit here, go to the garden."

Her mother took care of the back garden of her house, the scenery is not bad, usually friends like to stay there when they come over, Zhao Yuebai said: "I'll take you there."

Jiang Liuyi smiled lightly, turned to Song Xian and said, "Let's go."

Song Xian naturally didn't care, she followed Jiang Liuyi out of the living room.

Yu Bai, who was not far behind the two, clenched his hands, and someone chatted beside him: "Hey, Jiang Liuyi and her wife are pretty good. At first, I thought they were married in a flash, and there was no relationship."

"Yeah, her wife looks very nice and smart."

"Oh my god, didn't you write a love letter to Jiang Liuyi before? Are you so sure about her wife?"

"Who didn't think about other people's thoughts when they were young. What's the matter? It happened many years ago. Now they are living happily. Speaking of which, have you seen the bracelets worn by the two of them? It's a couple model."

Perhaps it was because Jiang Liuyi was not with Yu Bai, and the group of people were more or less happy, so they instinctively liked Song Xian, and Song Xianlu's hand just now was extremely beautiful, who would not like it? great people?

Yu Bai's words of praise felt extremely harsh to Yu Bai's ears.

A long time ago, Jiang Liuyi also gave her a bracelet. It was a style she liked very much, but it was difficult to buy. It was almost impossible to buy it in this city. It was out of stock online, and they had no holidays. But then one day, she Suddenly received a gift from Jiang Liuyi, Zhao Yuebai said that Jiang Liuyi ran to three cities to buy this, and it took four full days to find it, she was happy to accept it at that time, thinking that she would also buy a precious one for Jiang Liuyi Gift.

Did you buy it later?

She doesn't remember, she is just full of regret now, the Jiang Liuyi who was devoted to her in the past, was pushed away by her own hands, Yu Bai lost his voice in pain, she leaned against the wall, Qian Shen came out and saw her slumped She frowned: "What's wrong?"

Then Qian Shen saw a few classmates not far away, and she rolled her eyes: "Those people are talking again? I'll tell you Yubai, don't listen, those people are purely jealous of you!"

Yu Bai nodded slightly, Qian Shen didn't feel comfortable after vomiting, and there was still a fire burning in her heart, she asked, "Where are Jiang Liuyi and her wife?"


Yu Bai didn't intend to go there, Qian Shen had already dragged her away, the two met Lin Qiushui on the way, Lin Qiushui brought Qian Shen a cup of tea and handed it to her: "Are you all right?"

"How could it be okay." Qian Shen said depressedly, "I was about to throw up my stomach just now! I'm so sick!"

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she couldn't just make Song Xian happy like this, but also made her unhappy, Lin Qiushui saw her put down the glass and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go and find Jiang Liuyi."

Lin Qiushui grabbed her: "Don't go!"

Qian Shen turned his head: "What do you mean?"

Lin Qiushui looked at Yubai, opened his mouth, his voice softened, and advised them: "I think Liu Yi is treating her wife very well now, so don't make trouble."

"It's good? Make trouble?" Qian Shen looked at her and shook his head: "Qiu Shui, what do you mean? When Yu Bai came back, it wasn't you who persuaded her in the group to come back earlier, and said that Jiang Liuyi and her wife had no relationship, oh , her wife looks like Yu Bai, is that what you said?"

"What do you mean now? You changed your mind when Yu Bai came back?"

Lin Qiushui frowned: "At that time, I didn't know—"

"I don't know what?" Qian Shen asked, Lin Qiushui looked at Yu Bai, speechless.

At that time, she really didn't know that Jiang Liuyi had feelings for Song Xian, and she didn't know that Jiang Liuyi married with the idea of ​​living a good life with Song Xian, so she thought it was deliberately angry.

Qian Shen was impatient to listen, she shook off Lin Qiushui's hand: "Yu Bai is my best girlfriend, I will not let her be wronged, you Lin Qiushui can help her, if you don't help her, don't get involved!"

Lin Qiushui stood where she was, watching Qian Shen drag Yu Bai away, she was worried and followed.

From a distance, I saw a lot of people standing in the garden, many young people stood beside Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi, someone praised: "Jiang Liuyi, your wife was really lucky just now."

Jiang Liuyi lowered her head and smiled: "She has always been lucky."

"That's for sure." The person next to the man beat her with his arm: "Isn't it possible to marry Jiang Liuyi? Your name is Song Xian?"

Song Xian nodded, his eyes were calm, and those people chattered: "We and Jiang Liuyi's old classmate, will we go out for dinner together in the future?"

She smiled faintly: "OK."

Not putting on airs at all, casual and gentle, with calm eyes like water, it makes people very comfortable to look at, this person will have a mind of comparison, especially Jiang Liuyi's first love and wife are both excellent, they think in their hearts, although Yu Bai is good , is well-known in the art world, but his character is really not comparable to Song Xian.

Not arrogant or impetuous, calm and indifferent.

Except that he is not as successful as Yu Bai in his career, but it is not too bad.

While chatting, a person came from the crowd, Zhao Yuebai saw it from a distance, and immediately waved: "Sister!"

She was so happy that she couldn't find Bei: "Sister! When did you come back? Didn't you say you won't go back to China?"

Zhao Yueming walked over and smiled: "There is something wrong with the show, I'm going back to China if it doesn't start."

Zhao Yuebai's family relationship is simple, her parents are in business, her sister's piano learning is not as good as Jiang Liuyi's, but she is often invited to perform abroad. After some problems, she took advantage of the situation and returned home.

Usually the relationship between the two sisters is not good, Zhao Yueming is going to participate in the performance instead of birthday, Zhao Yuebai is still angry, knowing that her foreign teacher asked her to let her go, now she is happy to be back.

Other friends were also happy: "Hey, sister Yueming, it's been a long time since I heard you play the piano last time, it's Yuebai's birthday today, how about playing a song?"

Zhao Yueming smiled: "Yes."

As she spoke, she walked into a piano room in the garden. After a while, many people stood there. They were all friends and classmates of Zhao Yuebai. They were about the same age, young and energetic. Let’s all bless Yuebai together.”

"no problem!"

Everyone responded with a loud voice, Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi were standing in the crowd, Zhao Yueming saw her with sharp eyes, and waved: "Liu Yi!"

The crowd made way, Jiang Liuyi walked over and smiled, "Sister Yueming."

She introduced it to Song Xian, and Zhao Yueming said: "I heard from Yuebai that we will settle accounts with you after the end, and you won't even invite us to dinner when we get married."

After she finished speaking, she smiled at Song Xian and stretched out her hand to say hello.

Song Xian held her hand politely.

Jiang Liuyi lowered her head, and Zhao Yueming said, "Don't try to run away, come and cooperate with me."

She looked at Song Xian helplessly, Song Xian nodded and smiled, Jiang Liuyi had to sit next to Zhao Yueming, the two great pianists in China sat together, everyone was excited, the birthday singing was extremely passionate, Song Xian stood in the crowd, listening quietly .

Qian Shen and Yu Bai heard them singing birthday song when they arrived, she frowned and didn't go in.

After one song ended, everyone clamored for another one. The two improvised the most difficult piece, and they cooperated very well. When the song was over, Zhao Yueming turned his head and said, "I still remember that you didn't buy a piano before, and you came here every day to ask me to teach it." You, now you are all seniors."

Jiang Liuyi let go of her hand and said, "Sister Yueming is joking again."

When she spoke, she unconsciously glanced at Song Xian from the corner of her eye, and saw her standing not far behind and shouted at her: "Song Xian."

Song Xian walked over and heard them chatting.

Zhao Yuebai said: "Hey Liu Yi, do you still remember your first piano? It's my sister's."

At that time, Jiang Liuyi couldn't afford it, and Zhao Yuebai replaced it with a new piano. She just got a new piano later in college. She nodded: "I remember, I have to thank Sister Yueming."

If it wasn't for them, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to insist on playing the piano.

Zhao Yueming closed the cover of the piano with a smile, and she said, "You're welcome, but this time I met the teacher and tried to buy the piano from him but failed, sorry."

Jiang Liu relied on Zhao Yueming to buy it. In fact, she didn't have any hope. When her friend heard them say this, she was surprised: "What kind of piano is there, and Liu Yi can't buy it?"

"What else can there be?" Qian Shen stood up with a high-pitched voice: "Isn't it the one played by Jiang Liuyi."

Everyone looked down, and those who didn't know how to do it couldn't see the difference. Qian Shen pulled the corner of his mouth: "This one is..."

"It's the A2 series of my teacher Allen's senior. It's a limited edition. There are less than 50 pianos in the world, all of which are treasures. The teacher has a few more. Originally, Liu Yi's birthday is coming soon. I want to buy one as a gift. Liu Yi's." Zhao Yueming explained softly.

Everyone understood after hearing this. Although they don't know piano, they still understand limited editions and collections. One of them said: "I remembered that the A2 series is priceless now, and I paid special attention to it for a while. "

Zhao Yueming nodded.

Although Jiang Liuyi regretted and didn't say much, Song Xian stood beside her, lowered her head and asked, "Do you like this one?"

Her voice was calm, but very penetrating, so that everyone present could hear it clearly. The surroundings were silent, and Qian Shen sneered, "Why, you can't even buy Jiang Liuyi, but you can?"

Song Xian didn't even look at her, but asked Jiang Liuyi: "Do you like this one?"

Jiang Liu Yiding stared at her, nodded: "I like it very much."

Otherwise, Zhao Yueming would not have asked Zhao Yueming to help.

Song Xian said: "Understood, then I'll give you this one for your birthday."

Everyone present hissed and gasped. Qian Shen was stopped by Yu Bai when he was about to speak. Jiang Liuyi was stunned for a long time before he could react. It was Zhao Yueming who broke the stiff atmosphere: "Okay, I can help too." Talk to the teacher."

"No need." Song Xian's voice was still quiet, very soothing. She took the mobile phone from her bag and lowered her hair to send a message. After a while, she said to Jiang Liuyi: "Okay."

Jiang Liuyi still didn't come to his senses, and no one at the scene came back to his senses. Suddenly, someone looked down at the phone, looked up, and said in astonishment, "Mr. Allen posted on Moments."

Zhao Yueming immediately took out her mobile phone from her bag, and for some reason, her heartbeat suddenly increased a lot, and her palms were sweating nervously. In the complicated eyes of everyone's surprise and astonishment, she saw Teacher Allen's circle of friends: "Girls don't stay in college." , I will ask my wife for a birthday gift, what else can I do, give it!"

The accompanying picture is the A2 series, the one that Jiang Liuyi just played.

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