MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 7 cooperate

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Jiang Liuyi sat next to Song Xian, and everyone took their seats. Lin Qiushui greeted the waiter to serve red wine. She was neatly dressed in a small suit. She was Jiang Liuyi's boss in the company, so it was impossible for Jiang Liuyi to really shame her.

"Red wine is okay?" Lin Qiushui said: "Tomorrow is the weekend, everything is fine, everyone have fun tonight?"

Zhao Yuebai looked at Jiang Liuyi, then at Song Xian, and said, "It's the first time you're having dinner with us, be reserved and don't make too much noise."

"What's the trouble!" A friend said dissatisfied, "I haven't seen you in a few months, why are you still like this, Zhao Yuebai?"

Zhao Yuebai responded dissatisfied: "What's wrong with me?"

That friend straightened her hair: "Grinding."

Zhao Yuebai was not happy, Lin Qiushui held them down: "What are you doing! Today is Yu Bai's welcome banquet, please be quiet."

Yu Bai's reception banquet?

Song Xian looked sideways at Jiang Liuyi when he heard these words, and for a moment he didn't understand why she brought him here for this meal.

Is it because he is afraid that Yu Bai will not be able to control himself, and will he restrain himself with her by his side?

Song Xian shook his head lightly, and heard Lin Qiushui ask: "Can I drink red wine?"

Before she could speak, Jiang Liuyi said, "She's driving and doesn't drink."

Song Xian continued to remain silent.

Seeing her protecting Song Xian so much, Yu Bai said sullenly, "Qiu Shui, pour me a glass."

Lin Qiushui nodded: "Okay."

Song Xian didn't drink, Jiang Liuyi bought her a bottle of milk, the girl sitting next to Yu Bai smiled: "I still drink milk when I'm old, can't I drink enough when I go back at night?"

They are all old acquaintances, it's okay to talk about dirty jokes, but Song Xian is not very familiar with them after all.

Zhao Yuebai looked over and said, "You are really flirtatious, are you jealous of others having sex?"

The girl looked at Zhao Yuebai, giggling: "Yeah, I'm just jealous, you said Yiyi is too happy, this love, marriage is in front of us, and now **** life can be enjoyed in front of us."

She asked Song Xian: "Is it fun to do it with Yiyi?"

A few people can't listen anymore. This Xiaoshen is Yu Bai's best friend. Ever since she found out that Jiang Liuyi was married, she has said that she has no conscience and a heartless person. She said that Yu Bai waited for her for a few years, but she turned around and ran away with others, so her mind was twisted. Seeing Song Xian, he couldn't help but criticize.

"Xiao Shen!"


"Very cool."

The simple three words inserted into a group of voices, like a muffled thunder, caught the others off guard, and they all froze in place with cracked expressions, then looked at Song Xian and blinked.

Song Xian didn't know why, so he explained: "It's very cool, our **** life is very harmonious, and Jiang Liuyi's skills are not bad..."

Jiang Liuyi covered her mouth and leaned close to her ear: "It goes without saying."

Song Xian nodded and smiled at everyone.

Yu Bai clenched the cup tightly, his nails dug into his palm, leaving a series of hideous marks, baring his teeth and claws, piercing his heart.

Her face sank, she took a deep breath, just about to stand up and leave when Xiao Shen grabbed her and sat on a chair.

Whispered: "I can't tell that we Yiyi are so powerful, then we were with Yu Bai before..."

I didn't say much about the rest of the words, the meaning is very clear, it's great for you now, and it was the same for us in vain before.

Isn't it just irritating people? Who still can't?

She didn't know that Yu Bai's face became even paler when he said this sentence.

When she and Jiang Liuyi were in love, they didn't cross the line, and they even rarely kissed. I read a sentence in a book before, love is restraint. Once Jiang Liuyi wanted to kiss her, she asked Jiang Liuyi if she could do it Restraint, Jiang Liuyi undoubtedly loves her, since then, the two have been holding hands, kissing cheeks, and made an appointment that they will be crazy when they get married.

She likes the way Jiang Liuyi restrains herself, and thinks that is the way she loves her.

And it's best not to get it.

If she had known that one day she would break up, she...

Yu Bai bowed his head to hide his depression. Lin Qiushui, who had been trying to smooth things over, was a little confused when he heard this, and Xiaoshen was too disrespectful to Jiang Liuyi. He just said that in front of his wife. Although they didn't marry because of love, but Any fool can see how much Song Xian likes Jiang Liuyi.

Isn't this just causing trouble for Song Xian?

Several people looked at Song Xian, thinking they saw her aggrieved, but Song Xian still looked calm and indifferent, as if Xiao Shen's words had no effect on her at all.

Zhao Yuebai couldn't help but said: "Song Xian, don't mind, Yu Bai and Yiyi had a good time before, but they have separated long ago!"

I really don't know what the situation is, it's so embarrassing that people want to dig a few miles.

Song Xian looked at her and nodded: "It's okay."

Zhao Yuebai tugged at Jiang Liuyi's cuff, leaned into her ear and said, "Great! Look at your wife, she has a lot of style! I've given you enough face."

Who would dare to let the ex-girlfriend and the current one have a table together!

Jiang Liuyi turned her head to look at Song Xian, and wanted to ask her if she wanted to go back first, but Lin Qiushui said, "Okay! You said that we only get together two or three times a year, and Yu Bai has been abroad for the past few years. It's not peaceful, is it?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xiaoshen: "Apologize to Song Xian."

Xiao Shen held his mouth shut.

Yu Bai took the initiative to hold up the cup, held it in front of Song Xian, and said, "Xiao Shen is young and straightforward, I will apologize for her."

Song Xian picked up the milk, clinked glasses with her, and drank a little politely.

Yu Bai raised his head and took a drink.

After a few seconds, she poured another glass and said to Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi, "I toast you two, happy wedding."

When Song Xian got up, she bumped her hand against the edge of the table, causing the cup to shake. Jiang Liuyi quickly helped her hold the cup, and asked, "Are you okay, does it hurt?"

Song Xian shook his head: "It's okay."

After toasting, Yu Bai gritted his teeth and sat down abruptly, his heart aching.

In the past, Jiang Liuyi would treat her like this, caring for her carefully, even if she said it didn't hurt, Jiang Liuyi would gently rub the place where she was bumped under the table.

Yu Bai didn't have the courage to bow her head, she didn't dare to look, if Jiang Liuyi did the same to others.

Before returning to China, her confidence was being crushed little by little. Xiaoshen held her hands and ears, and whispered, "Baibai, don't think about it, she is doing it on purpose now to let you see it and make you angry."

Yu Bai raised his head to look at Jiang Liuyi, feeling that she was so strange for a moment.

Holding the cup, Lin Qiushui asked, "Bai Bai, did you gain a lot from going abroad this time? I heard that you were personally guided by Teacher Bai?"

Yu Bai took a deep breath, calmed down, raised his head, and said confidently and generously, "It's just a little guidance, not a guide."

Lin Qiushui said: "Don't be modest, who else among us doesn't know, by the way, you invited Mr. Bai to participate in that art exhibition?"

Xiao Shen interjected: "Yes, Teacher Bai was invited to participate, and Teacher Bai said that he would come over when he is free."

Song Xian shook his hands when he heard this, and the cup touched the corner of the table, making a clear and crisp sound. Xiao Shen looked over and said proudly, "I heard that Song Xian also studied illustration?"

"Then do you know Teacher Bai Ye?"

Is there anyone who doesn't know Teacher Bai Ye? Mr. Zhang He's apprentice enjoys a high reputation in the academic world. Anyone who studies painting has dreamed of being taught by Bai Ye. For the last art exhibition, students from all over the world rushed to him, and the final ticket price was hard to come by.

Song Xian said lightly: "I know."

Xiaoshen said: "Who doesn't know, but it's useless for us to know. Maybe the only ones present here have met Teacher Bai Ye for nothing."

Lin Qiushui asked: "I heard that the most expensive auction of Mr. Bai's painting exhibition last time was a painting by his apprentice Shaniya, more than 40 million?"

Another friend replied: "Originally Mr. Chi should have bid the highest price, 80 million, but Mr. Chi did not sell, and most of Mr. Bai's works are exhibited, so his apprentice bid the highest price."

Xiaoshen said to everyone: "Shaniya, Master Bai's closed disciples must be different, but we are not bad at Bai Bai. Have you seen Bai Bai's new work? Teacher Bai said that he is somewhat similar to Shaniya."

Although Shaniya is Bai Ye's apprentice, her painting style is changeable and her colors are bold, which is completely different from other apprentices' styles. It is this unique style that makes her paintings stand out, and her works have attracted 40 million photographs high price.

Back then, Bai Ye's famous works only cost 30 million yuan.

Yu Bai said: "Xiao Shen is talking nonsense again, how can I compare with Shaniya, her works are so natural that people can't match them."

Zhao Yuebai nodded: "I also heard that Shaniya is a closed disciple. The industry has a very high evaluation of her, and her talent is extremely high. Even Teacher Bai said that he couldn't compare to her when he was young."

Song Xianhang clenched her hands tightly under the dining table, her whole body tensed up, her muscles ached, and her face was expressionless. While they were still discussing Shaniya's works, she turned her head and whispered to Jiang Liuyi: "I'll go visit Toilet."

Jiang Liuyi turned her head: "Shall I go with you?"

Song Xian said, "No need."

Jiang Liuyi watched her leave the box, and as soon as she left, Zhao Yuebai asked, "Hey, Yiyi, where is your wife?"

Xiao Shen said, "Are you embarrassed?"

Another friend asked, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Xiao Shen shrugged: "The grades are different. She doesn't understand what we're chatting with, and she can't get in the middle of the conversation. So, for this marriage, you have to find a good match, someone with a sensitive personality. After listening to a few words, you may think we are mocking them. No knowledge."

Jiang Liuyi stood up with a jerk! The pretty face was full of displeasure, she couldn't bear it and shouted: "Qian Shen!"

Qian Shen looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Lin Qiushui hurriedly grabbed Jiang Liuyi, and said to Qian Shen, "Shut up!"

She is older than the few people present, and everyone regards her as an older sister in their hearts, so Qian Shen is upset and holds back, Zhao Yuebai got up and said: "Okay, is it just to watch you quarrel? If it is for quarrel , don't call me at the next party."

Jiang Liuyi picked up her bag and said, "I'm leaving first, don't call me for future dinners."

After she finished speaking, she ignored Lin Qiushui's push and wanted to leave, Yu Bai anxiously shouted: "Yiyi."

When Yu Bai was in a hurry, his eyes would turn red and his voice would choke.

Jiang Liuyi paused, gripping the edge of the bag tightly. In the past, whenever Yu Bai called her, she would soften her heart. No matter what mistakes Yu Bai made, she would forgive him unconditionally.

However, that was a long, long time ago, when Yu Bai abandoned her, these habits, memories, and Yu Bai were cut off from her life.

Jiang Liuyi didn't say anything, just left with her bag.

Yu Bai stood where she was, unable to believe that Jiang Liuyi had left just like that. She clutched the tablecloth with both hands, bit her lip, and Qian Shen beside her pushed her: "Bai Bai, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and chase after me!"

Gritting his teeth, Yu Bai trotted out of the box on his high heels. He didn't see Jiang Liuyi, but Song Xian who had just come out of the bathroom.

Song Xian had just walked two steps and received a call from Jiang Liuyi, telling her to go straight down instead of going back to the box. She was about to go to the elevator when she heard someone calling from behind: "Song Xian?"

Turning his head, Song Xian greeted, "Yu Bai?"

She asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Yu Bai calmed down, took a deep breath, and tried her best to be as elegant and generous as possible. She raised her hand to brush her hair, revealing her beautiful neck. The earrings shone under the light, making her delicate and bright. She said, "It's nothing, I want to help Xiao Shen I apologize to you, she was too much just now, don't take her words to heart."

Song Xian didn't care much, and said calmly: "It's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

Yu Bai glanced at her: "Don't mind the relationship between Liu Yi and me, we have been together for several years."

Song Xian replied to her: "I know, I won't mind."

Is it really so generous?

Yu Bai felt more and more confused, she said: "I don't know if Liu Yi told you about my cooperation with her in the future."

Can I continue to bear it? Can you tolerate them being alone?

Song Xianneng, she just said calmly.

Yu Bai stared at her fixedly, thinking that he had seen through her pretended strength, so she couldn't help asking: "Do you have nothing to say to me?"

talk? What words?

Song Xian looked at her, thought for a few seconds and smiled, and said sincerely: "I hope you have a happy cooperation."

Yu Bai was blocked in one breath, and his face suddenly became very ugly!

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