MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 8 turn off the lights

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When Song Xian arrived at the garage, Jiang Liuyi was standing beside the car, her head lowered, her face tensed, and her whole body was full of depression. It seemed that she had just had an argument with someone, and she was extremely displeased. Liu Yi had some troubles with those friends.

Friends always help relatives but don’t help. She and Yu Bai are friends for many years and strangers who have only met twice. Besides, Yu Bai and Jiang Liuyi have had such a relationship, so Song Xian can understand the thoughts of those friends, which is extreme. But she didn't care, Song Xian walked up to Jiang Liuyi and asked, "Is the dinner over?"

Jiang Liuyi turned her head, and Song Xian was standing half a meter away, a position she could reach with her arms stretched out. The lights in the garage were not very bright, the light and shadow were mottled, intertwined with light and dark, some light fell on the side of Song Xian's face, adding blur to it. A little calm.

Song Xian was very calm, just now at the dinner table, she was also quiet after being targeted by Qian Shen, Zhao Yuebai said: "I found the treasure, she loves you badly, how can I bear it so much."

Suddenly, Jiang Liuyi felt distressed, she said to Song Xian: "There is no one here."

Song Xian frowned: "What?"

Jiang Liuyi said: "There is no one here, so you can scold whoever you want."

Song Xian: ...

She didn't want to scold anyone, she just felt that Jiang Liuyi was baffled.

Jiang Liuyi thought she was embarrassed to scold her friend, so she took the initiative to say, "I know they went too far today."

Song Xian understood, she nodded: "It's okay."

Jiang Liuyi felt even more uncomfortable hearing this: "Don't hold back."

Song Xian glanced at her suspiciously.

Jiang Liuyi said: "You can also scold me, sorry, I didn't know that today is Yu Bai's welcome banquet."

If she knew, she wouldn't come here, let alone bring Song Xian here.

Song Xian nodded slightly, as long as it wasn't intentional, she looked up at Jiang Liuyi and said, "Don't think too much, those are all your friends, let's go home."

She seldom comforts others, and her tone is not soft, but it sounds like a warm current to Jiang Liuyi, warming her body instantly.

Jiang Liu Yiding looked at Song Xian, thinking that what Zhao Yuebai said was right, Song Xian really loved her badly, just now Qian Shen was so targeted, she endured it for herself, now no one scolded her, just because those are her friends .

Jiang Liuyi's tense pretty face was a little moved. When Song Xian was about to drive, she suddenly reached out and hugged her tightly.

Song Xian paused, turned her head sideways, and Jiang Liuyi breathed around her earlobe, numb and numb.

The two hugged each other quietly. A few seconds later, Jiang Liuyi tilted his head, his eyes intertwined, and his breathing got closer and closer. Song Xian suddenly said, "Go home."

The surroundings were instantly shattered, and Jiang Liuyi came back to her senses. She almost kissed Song Xian just now under the influence of alcohol.

Song Xian doesn't like to have too close contact outside, Jiang Liuyi thinks, it should be shy.

Song Xian, who was so shy, suddenly looked a little cute. Jiang Liuyi stood up straight, pushed Song Xian's bangs aside, and kissed her on the forehead.

Song Xian raised his eyes, his brows were knit together, his expression was astonished.

The physical entanglement between the two of them has always been hot and intense, and Song Xian was not used to kissing her forehead so suddenly for no reason.

Is it because of the apology at the dinner table just now?

Song Xian suddenly understood.

Reluctantly accept it.

After Jiang Liuyi got into the car, she leaned on the seat and turned her head to watch the scenery flash by outside the window. Song Xian did not drive fast, but was very steady. She had a personality similar to hers, and she did things safely.

It was not the first time for Jiang Liuyi to ride in Song Xian's car. A few days after she got married, she came back from out of town and asked Song Xian to pick her up. It was Song Xian's car. Thinking back, it was still a working day, and Song Xian asked for leave to pick her up.

Friends say that Song Xian and Yu Bai are very similar, but in fact they are not alike at all. Yu Bai likes to be hugged and coaxed her all the time, and can be troubled for a long time when she is a little unhappy. She has always been regarded as a princess in the circle of friends.

Song Xian is different, she is quieter, she doesn't talk much, she does a lot of things, and she doesn't take the initiative to say it, she is more reassuring.

Jiang Liuyi turned her head to look at Song Xian, the light outside the window occasionally jumped in, Song Xian's side face had clear lines, and Jiang Liuyi suddenly wanted to reach out and touch her face.

Did you drink too much? will be cranky.

Jiang Liuyi was distracted by two beeps and the phone vibrated, she picked up the phone, and someone in the WeChat group liked her.

Lin Qiushui: @江柳伊, Yiyi, don't be angry, we scolded Xiaoshen just after you left.

Zhao Yuebai: @江柳伊, I testify that she was scolded and cried just now.

Qian Shen: @江柳伊, sorry.

Jiang Liuyi: @Qian Shen, you have nothing to say sorry to me, you should say sorry to my wife.

There was a moment of silence in the group.

There was no sound.

Yu Bai clenched his phone tightly and bit his lip, Qian Shen couldn't hold back and suddenly asked, "What does Jiang Liuyi mean?"

Then he growled in disbelief: "Do you want me to apologize to her wife?"

"She's dreaming!"

Qian Shen, like Yu Bai, was arrogant and indulgent since he was a child, especially Qian Shen, who has money in his family, so he loves lawlessly.

Lin Qiushui looked at Qian Shen: "You went too far today."

Qian Shen has always gone her own way. Lin Qiushui's company couldn't be opened back then, and she entrusted her parents to help her now. So this company has her shares and is considered half the boss.

Jiang Liuyi treats her like this?

Qian Shen sneered: "Excessive? Didn't Jiang Liu Yien take revenge? When she wanted to learn music back then, her parents refused to agree. It was our friends who found reasons to help her every day. Later, they were fined for two months during the summer vacation. You forgot?"

Another friend said: "That's right, she was kicked out of the house back then, without our help, how could she have the achievements she has now."

Zhao Yuebai couldn't listen any more, she stood up for a while: "Don't put gold on your face! Just ask what you did today? Are you embarrassed to say it? Liu Yi brought his wife here, and you just kept going instead of sneering." To match Yu Bai?"

"Yes, Yu Bai is amazing now, awesome, and more promising than her wife, but he is legal! If Jiang Liuyi and Yu Bai are together, I will be the first to look down on Jiang Liuyi!"

She raised her voice at the end and was extremely angry. Qian Shen looked at her and said, "Zhao Yuebai, are you arguing for her wife? Don't you just fall in love with her wife? You are a serious coquettish fox! Why don't you take it easy? "

Zhao Yuebai got angry, his eyes were reddish, he walked in front of Qian Shen and wanted to pull her hair, Qian Shen was startled by her aggressive appearance, it was Yu Bai who grabbed Zhao Yuebai first, Lin Qiushui scolded: "Enough!"

"Have you had enough trouble?" Lin Qiushui said unhappily: "Yuebai is right, we went too far today."

"You Qian Shen still want to talk to Jiang Liuyi, so just apologize to her wife honestly!"

Qian Shen's face was sullen, and his eyes were full of anger.

Not to be outdone, Lin Qiushui looked back, and said, "As for the matter of the company back then, in good conscience, the benefits brought by Liu Yi in the past few years have already been enough, and Qian Shen, don't hold on to that, Liu Yi. The reason why she returned to China for development is unknown to others, and we don’t know. Is she a white-eyed wolf? Over the years, many companies poached her away and charged high prices. Has she ever wavered? Isn’t it because we helped her at the beginning, and she was grateful! As for her and Yu Bai..."

Yu Bai sat quietly, his eyes were red all around, Lin Qiushui couldn't say anything harsh, so he softened his tone: "Yu Bai has just come back, so I'd better get busy with the art exhibition first, and Liu Yi, let's wait and see what happens."

Wait and see? What do people watch when they are all married? change what? Don't you just want to get involved?

Seeing that they were protecting Yu Bai until now, Zhao Yuebai couldn't resist kicking the chair away, Qian Shen wanted to curse, but was held down by Lin Qiushui, Zhao Yuebai walked past them with a cold face.

Qian Shen's voice behind him was sharp and piercing: "Is she crazy?"

Zhao Yuebai walked out of the hotel, and suddenly felt that it was worthless to speak for Qian Shen in the group just now. This group of friends is no longer what they just met. Time and money have corrupted them.

Now they only make Zhao Yuebai feel that they are beyond recognition.

Zhao Yuebai is in a gloomy mood, Yu Bai is back, who is not happy, at the beginning Yu Bai was the little princess they held in their arms, and she couldn't bear to blame her for making mistakes, Zhao Yuebai admitted that just after Yu Bai came back, she also thought about whether to make a match, what about now?

She took out her mobile phone, and after thinking about it, she would send Jiang Liuyi a message: "Say sorry to your wife for me."

After all, she also had muddled thoughts.

Seeing the news, Jiang Liuyi frowned, and Song Xian beside him said, "Get out of the car."

She came back to her senses, put away her phone, the alcohol was playing its role, and she lost her footing just as she got out of the car, Song Xian frowned: "Don't move."

Jiang Liu Yizhen stayed still obediently, standing by the car door, Song Xian walked up to her after locking the car, and put his arms around her waist naturally, the two were about the same height, and they were close together, Jiang Liuyi turned his head and the tip of his nose brushed against Song Xian. Jealousy cheeks, hair scraping the corners of the eyes, itchy.

Song Xian said calmly, "I'll go out and buy sober medicine when I get home."

Jiang Liuyi said: "No, I'm not very drunk."

Song Xian didn't insist.

After arriving home, she helped Jiang Liuyi change her shoes, took off her coat and hung it on the rack, and helped Jiang Liuyi into the room. The sheets and bed covers were new and smelled of laundry detergent. Putting Liu Yi on the bed, she also lay on her back on the quilt, panting lightly. Although Jiang Liuyi was not heavy, it took a lot of effort to get down the road.

Jiang Liuyi turned her head to look at Song Xian's slightly closed eyes, as if she was resting, she called out in a strange way: "Song Xian."

Song Xian opened his eyes, turned his head, and met Jiang Liuyi's slightly drunken eyes.

Those eyes were brighter than usual, her fair face was dyed red, and Jiang Liuyi's facial features were deeper, so when she was silent, she would give people the illusion that she was not close, sharp and indifferent, but it was especially obvious when she was emotional.

Seeing her approaching suddenly, Song Xian's eyes met, Jiang Liuyi turned sideways, propped his elbow, and wrapped his other hand around Song Xian's waist, his eyes were hot and burning.

The temperature of that hand is enough to burn people, touching it through a layer of cloth.

Still holding the pipa half-hidden.

There is an urge to tear everything apart.

Jiang Liuyi noticed the change in Song Xian's eyes and moved closer. The crystal lamp was still on, and her eyes were intertwined. Song Xian, listen to her say in a suppressed voice: "Turn off the lights."

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