MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 83 embarrassed

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haven't seen you for a long time.

Song Xian saw Wenren Yu sitting in a wheelchair lost his mind for a moment, Wenren Yu smiled lightly, coughed a few times, her voice was hoarse, and she said, "This is Miss Jiang, right?"

Jiang Liuyi was startled when she heard her slightly hoarse voice, and then her tense body relaxed. She knew she shouldn't think so, but she really didn't want to face someone with the same voice as herself.

Still the person Song Xian likes.

Now hearing her hoarse voice, Jiang Liuyi nodded slightly: "Hello, is this Miss Wenren?"

"It's me." Wenren Yu was generous and calm, Jiang Liuyi felt that he was from the same school as Master Song Xian, and his quiet appearance was really similar.

She turned her head to look at Song Xian, Song Xian just stared at Wenren Yu, his eyes fell on those legs, he was absent-minded for a moment, suppressed his emotions and asked, "What's wrong with your legs?"

Wen Renyu said: "Let's talk about it later, shall we have lunch later?"

Song Xian clenched the hands curled up by his side, looking slightly pale. Seeing this, Jiang Liuyi put his arms around her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and said to Wenren Yu, "Yes."

Director Yao behind Wenren Yu Tong said, "Auntie, where are we having lunch?"

Director Yao said to Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi: "The Yellow Crane Tower outside the Academy of Fine Arts."

Jiang Liuyi turned to look at Song Xian, and asked her: "Going?"

Before Song Xian's eyes moved away from Wenren Yu's lap, her face turned pale, her voice tightened, and she said, "Go."

Jiang Liuyi was afraid that she would lose her composure, so she said: "Then don't bother the two of you, Song Xian and I will go to the side to rest for a while."

Director Yao nodded: "Please go ahead."

The colleagues around looked at them with curious eyes, especially at Song Xian, and occasionally whispered: "Is it really Wenren Yu?"

"But what happened to her leg?"

"Wenren Yu greeted Song Xian just now?"

"Didn't you say that Song Xian just came with Jiang Liuyi?"

"Hey, I just asked. Do you know who Song Xian is? Allen's niece!"

"Allen? The Allen of the Piano King? Damn! I remember he has a younger brother in his family who is a real estate tycoon..."

Everyone was a little startled, the way they looked at Song Xian was suddenly different from before, and some were eager to talk to Song Xian.

Yu Bai's face turned pale with anger. She thought Wenren Yu and Director Yao were going to greet Jiang Liuyi, but she didn't expect to talk to Song Xian. How did Song Xian know Wenren Yu?

She is not the only one who has this strange idea, someone has already asked her, and Wenren Yu smiled: "My sister who grew up together."

Jiang Liuyi looked at Song Xian when she heard these words, and found that her expression had returned to calm, but her face was still slightly pale. She said, "Song Xian, do you want to continue watching?"

Song Xian shook his head gently, and left the painting hall with Jiang Liuyi under the eyes of everyone.

Wenren Yu was surrounded by people.

Although she is only a special invitation today, she represents Bai Ye, and even those old professors who came late gave her a bit of a face, not to mention that Director Yao accompanied her all the way and personally pushed the wheelchair behind her. It can be seen.

It's an art festival, but it's actually a "discussion" with peers, nothing more than those comments, but those who can come here are not ordinary people, with obvious advantages. Wenren Yu rarely talks when accompanied by her illness, so go to There are not many people who ask her opinion, but there are quite a lot of colleagues standing beside her.

Yu Bai stood beside her all the time, listening to the old professors commenting on each painting. Of course, it is not the opinion of the whole family, so there will be disputes. Sub-painting."

Wenren Yu turned her head, and Yu Bai was standing beside her, wearing a light white dress, her hair was rolled up, her face was pretty, her temperament was obvious, and she was quiet, she nodded, and behind her Director Yao said: "This is Yu Bai, I The one who told you about the art exhibition earlier is very talented."

She had heard a little about Yu Bai's works, which were said by Bai Ye.

Very talented, very similar to Song Xian's paintings, the use of color is very similar, but Yu Bai is conservative and not bold enough, but it is very good for her to have such a development at a young age.

Wenren Yu has never seen Yu Bai's works, and Director Yao pushed her to a picture, a landscape painting, and she turned her head: "Did you draw this?"

His voice was slightly hoarse, he coughed twice after speaking, and there was faint fatigue between his brows, as if troubled by illness, adding to his weakness, Yu Bai nodded: "I drew it."

Wenren Yu hummed lightly, and began to look at the painting seriously. At first glance, the mountains towered like clouds, but the shadows of the trees were clear and the leaves were very layered. The composition was also very ingenious, and the charm was in place. It is too conservative, the mountain is not majestic enough, and it lacks majestic momentum. Although the tree shadows are clear, the gaps are still too large and small, not enough aura, and not natural enough. Director Yao asked Wenren Yu after reading this painting: "You How do you feel?"

Those old professors also came here from the last wave of controversy, and they expressed their opinion: "This painting is not bad."

"Well, this is okay, is it called Yu Bai?"

"But this color, I think there is still a breakthrough."

"What's wrong with the color? This color is just right!"

"The color is obviously too conservative, not atmospheric enough, and here, unnatural."

Yu Bai listened to the discussion of several old professors, and her heart fluttered. In fact, she knew her problem. Color was the biggest problem. It wasn’t enough to conflict, and the visual effect was a bit poor. She was already trying to correct this problem, but she couldn’t. Change it at once.

Wenren Yu nodded after listening to the words of the old professors: "I also think what Professor Qian said is right, the colors are not bright enough."

The colors of landscape paintings are slightly different from others, and if you are not careful, they will be dusty. Yu Bai obviously avoided this problem, but the colors are not layered enough, which can be regarded as a minor problem.

Yu Bai was relieved when she heard the words, she said, "What about other aspects?"

Wenren Yu said: "Other aspects are pretty good. What the professors just said is very reasonable. You can gather everyone's opinions for more reference."

Yu Bai nodded: "Thank you, Ms. Wenren, I wonder if I can ask you to give me some pointers in the future?"

Wen Renyu said: "It's not about giving advice, we just communicate with each other. I heard that you are also a teacher's student?"

Yu Bai pursed his lips and smiled under the envious eyes of everyone: "Well, Teacher Bai has taught me for two years."

"Then we are in the same school." Wenren Yu said softly, "However, if you want to make a breakthrough in landscape painting, I can recommend someone to you."

Yu Bai was startled: "Who is it?"

The others pricked up their ears one after another, and couldn't help but turn their bodies sideways, for fear of missing the name. They were all guessing which **** it was, and heard Wenren Yu say in a slightly hoarse voice, "Song Xian."

"You just met." Wenren Yu said, "Her landscape painting is better than mine."

"Isn't she? Isn't she an illustration for a magazine?"

"You don't inquire about people who draw illustrations and their backgrounds."

"No way! Above Wenren Yu, this is so awesome! Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Yu Bai's expression froze, her face was pale, she pinched the hem of her clothes, and asked in disbelief, "Song Xian?"

"Yes." Wenren Yu said, "She..."

She paused in the middle of the speech, and now she couldn't figure out what Song Xian meant, so it was better not to interfere too much, she changed her words: "There is a chance, if you have the opportunity to communicate with her, I believe that you will definitely understand the color aspect. There is a breakthrough."

Communicating with her, will there be a breakthrough?

Wenren Yu's words were like slapping her face fiercely! Yu Bai froze on the spot, the others wanted to inquire, Wenren Yu coughed several times suddenly, his face flushed, Director Yao said, "I'll push you to the side to rest."

Wenren Yu said: "Auntie, you and the professors go shopping again, I will go out by myself."

"But you..."

Wenren Yu said: "It doesn't matter."

Director Yao had no choice but to nod slightly. The wheelchair was electric. Wenren Yu controlled it out of the painting hall. The sun outside was warm and warm. There are two people sitting.

Jiang Liuyi handed Song Xian a bottle of water, and thoughtfully opened the lid for her. Song Xian held it in his palm and didn't drink it. Jiang Liuyi said, "Do you still want to go in?"

Song Xian shook his head lightly: "I won't go in."

The sun was shining on her face, her complexion became fairer, almost transparent, and there were slight red marks on her beautiful swan neck. Jiang Liuyi helped Song Xian pull up her collar, smoothed her hair, and asked, "What about your sister's legs?" things, don't you know?"

After Jiang Liuyi finished speaking, she remembered where she had seen Wenren Yu.

In the park that I went to with Song Xian, Wenren Yu was the one who was painting there at the time. No wonder she always felt familiar, especially the eyebrows. At that time, Wenren Yu was wearing a mask, so she only saw the eyebrows.

Song Xian shook his head and said, "I don't know."

At least when she left there, she didn't know that Wenren Yu's leg was injured. Jiang Liuyi had mixed feelings, and she said, "I'll ask later, don't think too much about it."

As soon as the words fell, a slightly hoarse voice came from behind: "Song Xian, Miss Jiang."

Song Xian turned his head and saw Wenren Yu sitting alone in a wheelchair, slowly coming over, Jiang Liuyi's face changed slightly, she followed Song Xian to get up, and glanced at Song Xian's expression from the corner of his eye.

Wenren Yu went to the two of them and said: "The air here is really good, and the environment is also very good. It's no wonder that you refused to go back after coming here. The teacher even said it several times."

When it came to Bai Ye, Song Xian clenched the bottle tightly, and there was little guilt on her calm face. Bai Ye has cultivated her and Wenren Yu since she was a child, not in the hope that they will be more successful in the future, but in the future. The industry and art are passed down from generation to generation. He gave everything he learned to her and Wenren Yu. He was about to graduate, but she left.

Song Xian bowed his head: "I'm sorry teacher."

"The teacher didn't contact you just because he was afraid of hearing what you said." After Wenren Yu finished speaking, there was noise behind him. The colleagues who were there just now were about to go to the No. Said: "Let's go, let's go to the hotel first, and my aunt will be here in a while."

As she spoke, she manipulated the wheelchair and walked towards the entrance of the exhibition hall, followed by Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi didn't speak all the time, and stayed by Song Xian's side silently.

Wenren Yu stopped when she reached a staircase, she couldn't make it through, she looked a little embarrassed, she held on to the edge of the wheelchair, and sighed softly in her heart, originally she came back this time to tell Song Xian that she is doing well now, so that Song Xian can let go of the past , Unexpectedly, I was stumped by a staircase.

So embarrassed.

Wen Renyu grasped the hand on the edge of the wheelchair, the knuckles turned white with force, and Song Xian, who followed closely, also grasped the mineral water bottle in his hand. The water in the bottle had already overflowed and wet Song Xian's clothes, but Song Xian didn't realize it.