MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 84 piano

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The surroundings were quiet and quiet, which was in stark contrast to the crowded crowd not far away. Wenren Yu lowered his eyes and tilted his head and said, "Go ahead first, I suddenly remembered that there are still things I haven't taken."

At such an inopportune moment, Song Xian asked, "What is it?"

Wenren Yu opened his mouth.

When Jiang Liuyi heard the question, she raised her eyebrows to hide her emotional turmoil. She said, "There is no shade on this road, and it is very sunny. Let's take that road."

As she spoke, she looked to the other side. There was another road at the corner. It was a sloping road. She usually drove there. Wen Renyu's expression returned to normal, and she nodded: "Alright."

Song Xian stood behind her without moving, Jiang Liuyi took the bottle of water in Song Xian's hand, covered it, handed it to Song Xian, and said, "I recommend Miss Wenren."

Wenren Yu looked at Song Xian and Jiang Liuyi, and smiled lightly: "Miss Jiang, please."

Jiang Liuyi heard that Yu walked a few steps to another road, turned to look at the people behind him, and shouted, "Song Xian, let's go."

Song Xian came back to his senses, tightened the bottle in his hand, and followed behind Jiang Liuyi and Wenren Yu.

Wenren Yu asked, "When did you get married?"

Jiang Liuyi was in a daze for a few seconds and said, "It's been a while."

Wenren Yu nodded: "Are you still used to Song Xian's temperament?"

Jiang Liuyi turned her head to look at Song Xian. She was not used to it. When she first got married, she felt that she was strict and orderly. After getting in touch with her more, not only did she not hate her character, but she liked her more and more.

I especially like the way she takes everything seriously.

She said lightly: "Song Xian's personality is pretty good."

Wenren Yu said: "You don't know, Song Xian just came to the teacher to learn painting, the teacher asked the assistant to take her, and the assistant was tortured by her crazy."

After she coughed, her voice was slightly hoarse, and she couldn't hear any ordinary expressions. Jiang Liuyi looked at Song Xian and pursed her lips: "What's wrong with Song Xian?"

Wenren Yu's voice came along with the wind, and she said: "At that time, Song Xian had 100,000 whys, asking every bird that stopped on a tree, and even asking when it flew away..."

She was the Song Xian I met during that time, a quiet little girl who asked a lot of weird questions in still immature words. The teacher and assistant couldn't laugh or cry, only she patiently explained.

Why did the bird fly out and land on the tree?

Because the little bird is flying and lonely, and wants to be friends with the big tree.

Why does the bird fly away?

Because it was getting dark, the little bird wanted to go home.

She coaxed Song Xian like this, coaxing a child, but soon, she couldn't answer Song Xian's questions, because Song Xian grew up faster than she imagined, even painting, she is a senior sister , but inferior to Song Xian in many aspects.

Song Xian has been independent since she was a child. Unlike ordinary children, she has a firm heart and will not cling to others. When many children ask their parents to accompany them to the playground, she has already gone out with a backpack alone. She will plan ahead wherever she wants to go. , Tell her parents again, if her parents agree, she will go, if they don't agree, she will stay at home obediently, without crying or making trouble.

Jiang Liuyi fantasized about what Song Xian would be like when she was a child a long time ago, and now Wenren Yu said it, which is similar to her imagination, but this was said from Wenren Yu's mouth, and she had never participated in it In the past, Jiang Liuyi had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

It was very sour, very astringent, very bloated, and there was a little bit of jealousy, the most inappropriate emotion, now quietly popping up, Jiang Liuyi suppressed it hard, her tongue hurt, she turned her head and asked Song Xian: "When you were young Is that all?"

Song Xian came back to his senses, hummed: "That's right."

Jiang Liuyi lowered her eyes: "Very cute."

Song Xian glanced at her inexplicably.

This is the first time I heard about her childhood and found it cute. Wouldn't ordinary people think that she was unreasonable and troublesome when she was young? Even when she thinks back now, she feels that it was very impolite for her to chase after others to ask questions.

Jiang Liuyi is really strange.

After being discussed by the two of them, Song Xian recovered a lot of his sanity, but when he looked at Wenren Yu, his eyes still couldn't help but glance at her legs. The three of them walked down the slope. Yu Bai in the distance saw the three people over there clutching their bags, and occasionally someone beside him whispered, "Hey, have you seen that Song Xian's painting?"


"I don't have either. I just looked up the name on the Internet, and there is no news at all."

"It's probably a private school, and Song Xian is Allen's niece. What information do you think you can find out?"

"I really want to see her paintings. I just heard that Yu said that she is better than her. I don't know if it's true or not."

Director Yao listened to their words, and Director Yao laughed.

These students are young, arrogant, and their hearts are higher than the sky, but this is precisely where they have the most advantage. Director Yao never interferes with the communication methods of these children, causing them to speak without scruples, and they can say whatever they want.

Hearing director Yao's laughter at this moment, they couldn't help asking: "Director, are you really stronger than Wenren Yu?"

Director Yao said: "Remember, academics vary from person to person, and there is no distinction between high and low. I did see Song Xian's painting once..."

Everyone was curious and looked sideways. Director Yao said, "It's quite amazing."

This sentence stunned everyone.

Everyone understands that, although Director Yao did not say that Song Xian is better than Wenren Yu just now, he still affirmed Song Xian with a sentence that is quite amazing. Normally, Director Yao said that this person is very good and amazing, and he almost never said it. But it was given to Song Xian, and everyone became more and more curious about her, but Director Yao kept silent and began to ask other exam questions.

Yu Bai mixed in the crowd, turned his head, and there were only three figures walking further and further away on the other side, and she suddenly had the illusion that the three people over there were not in the same world.

The sunlight stretched the figures of Jiang Liuyi and Song Xian very long, Wenren Yu looked sideways at the tall shadows of the two, and was silent for a moment.

Jiang Liuyi pushed her out of the exhibition hall, they walked out of the gate of the Academy of Fine Arts, Song Xian looked up, the Yellow Crane Tower was right in front, she said to Jiang Liuyi: "That."

Just as Jiang Liuyi was about to answer the phone rings, she said to Song Xian, "I'll answer the call, you go in first."

Song Xian nodded.

Jiang Liuyi let go of the wheelchair and took the bottle from Song Xian's hand. Song Xian looked at the empty palm and put it on the wheelchair after a few seconds. Jiang Liuyi walked aside to answer the phone.

She didn't see the name clearly, and she didn't know what the other party said. She had complicated thoughts, and she was still looking at Song Xian and Wenren Yu from the corner of her eye.

Wenren Yu tilted his head and said to Song Xian: "I accept an exclusive interview from your magazine, did the editor-in-chief say anything?"

Song Xian lowered his eyes and said calmly, "I said it."

I didn't contact her even after talking, it's still the same as before.

Wenren Yu sighed lightly and smiled lightly.

Song Xian asked, "What happened to your leg?"

Wenren Yu looked at his legs and said, "There was an accident."

Song Xian asked again: "When?"

Wenren Yu raised his eyes, looked forward, and asked firmly: "When does it matter? What if I say, before your eyes recover?"

Song Xian was silent, clutching the edge of the wheelchair, her joints tightened, she didn't pay attention to her feet, the wheelchair hit a stone and tilted a little bit, Jiang Liuyi who was at the side wanted to step forward to help when she saw Song Xian slightly bent her body and held it Wenren Yu helped her to sit up again.

Jiang Liuyi stopped behind the two of them.

On the phone, Zhao Yuebai was still asking, "Do you think I should go?"

Jiang Liuyi was absent-minded and said, "Go."

"But will it be embarrassing to go? I confessed my love to her..." Zhao Yuebai's troubled choice affected Jiang Liuyi, and she said, "Then I won't go."

"But I want to see her too."

Jiang Liuyi pursed her lips.

It was discovered that it was not Zhao Yuebai who had fallen into a dead end, but her.

Zhao Yuebai didn't get a reply for a long time, she shouted: "Liu Yi?"

Then he muttered: "Forget it, don't bother you, I'd better think about it, that's it, hang up first."

Jiang Liuyi hung up her mobile phone and stood outside, and didn't go in for a long time. It took a long time before she heard someone call: "Miss Jiang?"

She turned her head and stood still: "Director Yao."

"Why don't you go in?" Director Yao was slightly surprised, "Is there something going on here?"

"It's okay." Jiang Liuyi said, "I just answered a call."

"That's right, let's go in together." Director Yao said, Jiang Liuyi turned around: "Where are those professors?"

"Those old stubborn people, leave it to the leaders. I prefer to sit and eat and chat with you." Director Yao walked inside after speaking, and Jiang Liuyi followed.

As soon as the two of them passed the lobby, a waiter came over and asked, "Are you two?"

"We've made a reservation, Wenren Yu made it."

"So it's Miss Wenren's table, this way please."

The two entered the hall with the waiter behind them. Just halfway through, they heard a burst of music. Jiang Liuyi turned her head and saw the pianist playing the piano. Just a few steps behind the pianist, Wenren Yu was sitting there quietly. look at.

Director Yao beside him sighed softly: "It's a pity."

Jiang Liuyi turned her head and asked, "What's the pity?"

"It's a pity for Xiao Yu." Director Yao said: "In the past, this child liked to paint and play the piano. She used to say that she would stop painting and play the piano."

"I didn't expect an accident and nothing could be done."

Jiang Liuyi's complexion changed slightly, and her whole body turned cold, and Allen's words sounded in her ears: "It means that this piano is destined for you."

"Speaking of it, that's really the case. Xianxian didn't want us to give gifts for her birthday before. One year, she suddenly told me that she wanted this piano. Later, she asked if she could give it to her when she got married, explaining that this piano is the same as you. Destined..."

Are you related to her?

Jiang Liuyi is feeling cold right now, her hands and feet are icy cold, but the heat blowing on her body feels like it's chilling to the bone. She gritted her teeth in the cold, and exerted all her strength to suppress her emotions so as not to lose her composure.

She turned to Director Yao and said, "I'm sorry, can I trouble you to tell Song Xian, just now my friend asked me for something, I have to go over, and I will pick her up after Song Xian finishes eating."

Director Yao was taken aback: "Huh? You want to leave?"

Jiang Liuyi's face turned slightly pale. She managed to stay calm, but she almost couldn't stand still. She lowered her head and said, "There is something urgent, I have to go and deal with it."

Director Yao couldn't see her expression, so he had no choice but to say, "That's fine, then you have to do some work first, and I'll talk to Song Xian when I see her."

Jiang Liuyi said clearly: "It's troublesome."

After speaking, he looked at Wenren Yu's position, looked at the piano, turned his head and left.