MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 572 first seen 3

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Quickly returned to the team, the camp was still deserted, several mercenaries holding swords, leaning against the carriage and screaming. The smoky blue smoke gradually faded and tilted slightly with the wind.

Angrid took a light footstep and walked in front of the oxc car assigned to himself, and drove the car into it. Lying sideways on the side of Freila. He squinted and listened quietly in the dark.

Subtle footsteps were heard from outside the car, and soon faded away.

Anglia leaned against the inside of the car and thought about all the information he got today.

"If the ancestors of light are really the backstage of the church, then you must not act rashly and expose yourself. Even if the ancestors of light were defeated or sealed at the beginning, the power is greatly reduced. But even the remaining strength is not necessarily that I can Counterbalance."

Angley recalled the old and dazzling dragon that he had seen at the beginning. Now, in retrospect, the strength level of the old dragon is estimated to be the same as himself. It is equivalent to a natural disaster lord who is not assisted by the power of nightmares. It is much stronger than the eye-catching Dragon King. It is estimated that this is also the key reason why it can survive for so long.

From this point of view, in ancient times, the wizards were the most prosperous of the three tribes. The chaotic dragons were only one of them, and the dazzling dragons under their branches had such a strong presence. Not to mention the most powerful humanoid wizard race at the time. The same level, even stronger ones are definitely not in the minority.

Such a horrible force was actually defeated by the ancestors of the light, and finally forced to pull back a game.

The eyes of Angris were dark in the dark. "In this way, the level of the ancestors of light is definitely more than Xifan. Even more powerful than the general Xifan." Xifan realm is only a realm of his own qualitative transformation level, a name of his own. The scope of the source of the source.

But in fact the existence of this realm above. What is the difference between them is not what he can know.

Sitting in the darkness, Angley’s eyes looked a little cautious.

Hey! ! Hey! !

There was a burst of fluorescent owls coming from outside.

The sky gradually turned from black to gray, and some squeaky bird screams gradually came in. It was close to the early morning and the forest was quickly buzzing.

Angrily suddenly swept his eyes around Freila, pretending to close his eyes and sleep.

Freila quietly opened his eyes and found himself in close proximity to Angri. The whole person leaned on him, suddenly red face, lightly and gently let go, then carefully put on a gray short-sleeved shirt and trousers, combed and combed a long blond hair, this Only carefully climbed past the compartment.

She licked her little **** and was about to climb to the curtain. Suddenly remembered something, carefully climbed back, and put the Angile on the side of the wooden box saw the cross sword quietly picked up. At the same time, my eyes fixed on Ang Li's eyes, and a pair of feared that he suddenly woke up.

The length of the saw sword is still a little long in the narrow compartment, and it is placed next to Anglia. Freila strongly pays attention not to the ‘sleeping’ Anglia. Take a sword and carefully withdraw it from Angri.

Slow. Slow.

For more than ten seconds, Furuila finally took out the saw sword completely, and the little face was already slightly agitated, and she was very tired. One hand raised a five or six pounds of saw sword, and her forehead also oozes tiny sweat.

After getting the sword. Freila took out a red booklet from her small box and broke into the jacket. I also felt that the little **** climbed to the curtain.


Suddenly a hand hit her ass.

Freila is in a stalemate. I don’t dare to move. Trembling and looking back, Sleeping Angley was licking his mouth, just turned over, and the big hand sent a slap in the face, just hit her little ass.

"Damn wretched uncle!! I will repay you for lunch!! I haven't tried the flesh sauce yet, I definitely have a good taste!" Freila whispered softly, feeling the warm touch of the buttocks. The whole body was scared and sweated.

Slowly moving forward, slowly slide the big hand on the **** down, land on the calf, and then transfer to the floor of the compartment.

Freila was relieved. The action accelerates to climb out of the compartment and pull off the dirty gray cloth curtain.

Sitting in the driving position, she took out her red fur deer boots from the fixed wooden box on the right side and quickly put it on.

Carrying the saw sword briskly off the car and heading towards the dark woods nearby.

"Disgusting! Damn! Feces and bugs are ten times more noble than you!! Waiting for me to become a peerless sword, one day I will be you as a pig!! Pig head!" Freila thought of the situation, and suddenly did not fight Come here.

As she walked, she slashed the surrounding bushes with a saw sword. In the snoring, green grass clippings and branches were cut and scattered.

"Poor my heroic legendary epic cross sword... The wicked Andre actually took all my treasures with the despicable means of food and accommodation fees!!!" She cursed the wicked uncle as much as possible. For a long time, I finally thought about it, but I still couldn’t find more vicious words to describe Andre. "Pig head Andre!" She nodded and repeated it very unresolved. "Pig head!"

In the carriage, Anglia couldn't help it anymore, propping up his body and laughing. Looking out from the gap of the window, I just saw Furuila’s hand still licking his ass.

"This little guy... very fun. I usually have a clever and sensible look in front of me..."

Shaking his head, Angliel sat up on his knees and began to continue his daily attempts at the door of the microcosm.

Outside the window, the sound of the escorts of the escorts was gradually heard.

I sat all the way to Freila's breathless back, and had breakfast together. The team just happened to be on the road again. The bones of the bones were rolled into small stones from time to time, and the whole body beat.

Anglia was bored leaning on the carriage, and he was wearing an old yellow thin book novel. Freila is on the side of the twigs, and seems to be still learning the sword in the morning.

"Little Rila, did the clothes wash?"


"Is the old cow fed?"

"Hey, it’s the bust of the caravan Wade. It’s a copper coin."

Angley looked up and glanced at her.

"Isn't the car still rubbed? Are you still washing my shoes?"

Freila has a stiff face.

"I am not letting you live in white and travel with me." Angley squinted. "Go. Remember to use bakelite brushes, be forced!"

Freila took a breath and stared at Angley without a trace. The eyes were obviously saying that you were dead.. Dead! ! She growled in her heart. Lunch does not give you enough seasonings, I am with your surname! !

"Well, let's go, it's hard." Angrid smiled and patted the little guy's shoulder. "Remember not to be lazy. Let me go out."

He turned over and drove the oxcart to follow the team, and turned back to see that Freila honestly began to wash the shoes and the carriage. This is satisfied with the rush to the front team.

"Swords that exercise those postures all day long will hurt the body.... Relax your muscles." He grabbed the front compartment and grabbed the car and followed the wooden frame.

The car was followed by two worn-out mercenaries, chewing something while walking, a lazy look.

Angliel took the initiative to get together.

"Two, know where Helia is now?"

One of the mercenaries glanced at him: "Helia? That guy seems to be sick. What are you looking for?"

Angliel popped a silver coin in his hand and flew it to the person.

The mercenary suddenly showed a smile on his face. "I will take you there. The guy is not very sick now, and he is lying in the back compartment and resting."

He did not say anything. Going back with Angri, and crossing the carriage that Angliel bought, the two quickly came to the end of the team, all in a series of cow pull boards.

Several sick men and women were lying on a few dirty black boards. One by one pale and weak.

The mercenary will not be near when he comes here. "You go by yourself, this place is carefully infected. These people are infected with epidemics, it is difficult to heal." He looked like a disgusting expression and hurried back.

There was a sizzle on the wooden board behind the team, the leftmost outer side, a car board. Lying down is the lonely middle-aged mercenary last night.

This person looks sallow and is different from other people's conditions. Lying on the wooden board, no sound. The body trembled with the car from time to time, and nothing happened.

Angliel walked over and jumped into the oxcart and sat next to the man.

"Young people, I see you are not very ill... I have a medicine to treat the disease here, do you want to come?" He smiled at the middle-aged man with two eyes. "I think you obviously have a strange thing last night, and you will have a serious illness."

The man's face was shocked, and he showed a stunned look. "How do you know?" He met a monster woman who did not know it last night. He said that he did not abide by his promises, betray his betrayal, and he would only flee, and all kinds of crimes would come over. Now his brain is still dizzy. It’s ok.

If the masked woman suddenly appeared, he estimated that it was hard to save now.

Thinking of this, Hylia carefully looked at the man in front of him.

His face is young, he is still mature and handsome, his eyes are dark and deep, and he is obviously a man with rich experience. His white skin is almost the same as those of the nobles who rarely work. Obviously, he is very good. Just the chin with a black mustache, with a smile on his face. Gives a feeling of extreme stagnation.

The gray long trousers on the body are not like poor people at all. In particular, a long dark red hair, tied into a bundle, shiny and shiny.

Anglia smiled twice. "Of course I know." He lay down on his side. Lower the voice. "I also know that you were saved by a masked woman last night. Otherwise it is estimated that you are lying in the woods now, right?"

There was a storm in her heart, and she couldn't help but prop up her body slightly. "Who are you?? know who I am?" After he lost his memory, he met people who once said that he knew him. Some looked at him and always looked sad, and some just I can't wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood. When I see someone, I will rush to come and kill.

After waking up from a dirty hill, he often encountered this kind of thing. The same was true last night. The girl who suddenly appeared said a few words, and took the dagger to prepare him. Like the people in front, he used the same method as the wizard.

"There is such a person with amnesia..." Angrid smiled and looked up at the sky.

The blue sky is like a large piece of blue jade, and there is a shredded white cloud on the edge. The warm but not dazzling sun hangs on the horizon, sprinkling a soft pale golden sunlight.

A breeze blew over, full of grass and a touch of wildflowers.

"I don't just know that you have lost your memory. I also know that you were definitely not an ordinary person before." He waited for Hailia to speak, and then followed, "But I don't know who you are. I just think you are this." People are very interesting."

Anglia turned his head and looked at the plank on the right side, lying on top of a thin gray man.

The man was pale, his eyes were deep, and he was weak and sick. His right hand is still holding a black short stick, as if holding the most precious things in the world.

The man immediately noticed the sight of Angri, and turned his face to the face, and the green scorpion was slightly stunned.

"Do you know me?" The green-eyed man’s voice was very low. Like many days without drinking water, the scorpion dried up.

Both Anglia and Helia were attracted to the voice of this person.

Helia is looking at the man, feeling very familiar, but how can he not remember who he is, just a little bit of pain in the temple to think.

Angrid simply felt that this person was not simple, but did not expect that when the person's eyes looked over, he felt a sense of transparency as if he was seen through his level of power.

Read The Duke's Passion