MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 573 first seen 4

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"Young people...." The green-eyed man’s voice was hoarse and looked at Angrid with a gaze. "You can see exactly what my eyes can see...."

Angrid did not answer this inexplicable discourse. He felt that his eyes were indeed powerful and inexplicable. But this force was not on the offensive and defensive, as if it was a group of no lethality, but it was extremely large. The fog is all compressed in these eyes.

He swept his eyes behind Helia, the man who lost his memory was still in confusion and struggle, no longer paying attention to the movement here.

Retracting the line of sight, Angliel noticed the black short stick that the green-eyed man held tightly in his hand. Only the length of the arm was short, the **** were so thick side by side, the black surface was full of scratches, and the bonfire stick almost.

I don't know how, Angley has an extremely dangerous feeling about this stick. Unlike the feeling of the stick, this green-eyed man is even weaker than the average child, as if he could die at any time, or if the wind is a little bigger, he can fall.

"You are very strange..." Angrid smiled, his eyes flashed a hint of blue, and the scanned human body image showed that the person was in a state of dying and could die anytime and anywhere. "I feel that you may be dying, but I think you will live for a long time."

"Young people, ignore him. This guy is a madman. When he is crazy, he dances and shouts." An old woman on the wooden board whispered.

Another young man who is farther away also said: "He was still crazy last night, his head hit the board and fell down. Almost died. Fortunately, I hugged him with several brothers, otherwise the head They are all smashed."

Angliel smiled. Did not answer, rolled over and jumped off the cart. "Well, I went ahead. My car is the far right of the last third quarter."

Heliah came back and looked at Anglia's figure, and Zhang mouth wanted to keep him, but still did not say anything.

The green-eyed man was lying back again, still holding the short black stick in his hand. "You can't beat me..." He whispered, his short black stick on his face. Slowly filled more cracks.

The men's green eyes slowly rotate the green vortex, and the vortex is extremely concealed. It is not close enough to be discovered.

His forehead began to ooze fine sweat, and his face became paler. "No one can beat me....No one!!" He seems to be jealous, and he seems to be steadfast in his beliefs. The hand holding the black stick is getting tighter.

Anglia, who had already gone far, suddenly turned back and stared at the green-eyed man. There was a hint of dignity in the eyes.


After Anglia returned to the carriage, the next day, the team encountered another private team. Heliah inexplicably proposed to leave the caravan, and she did not know when the more beautiful man appeared. Surprisingly, the green-eyed man followed Hailia to leave the caravan. I don't know what means to use, but the leader of the private team agreed to join him.

Angrid faintly felt that both the green-eyed man and the ‘girly’ who came behind came to Hailia.

He vaguely felt that Helia is likely to be a key figure, and the blood of the ancestor of Shanghai is inexplicably attractive to him. He also brought Freila. Followed by the private team.

Hang the previously purchased cattle cart directly at the end of the team and slowly follow them. Ignore the destination at all.

After five days...

"Why are we following them?"

Sitting in front of the oxcart, Xiao Furui asked. She wanted to make Angley a few days ago and put a few boiled bolognese in the potato soup for lunch. Unfortunately, Angrid suddenly wanted to eat her bowl of Tangwei excuses and exchanged their potato soup.

Freila had a green face at the time, and she did not dare to sip her own bowl of potato soup. She could only take the dry muffins until they finished eating, and found the opportunity to fall.

Recalling this incident, Freila’s heart rose inexplicably. How does Angley, who sees the corner of his eye, not look good?

Angliel sat on her side with a whip in her hand and leaned against the frame. He sighed lazily when he heard the question of Freila.

"I was the first time I saw that a man was more beautiful than a woman, so I decided to follow the guy for a while."

"Don't you say you want to go to Baixuecheng?" Freila widened his eyes.

"I suddenly decided to go to the city of Truffles. It would be better." Angley did not change his face.

"You guy..." Freila closed his mouth silently, looking up and looking forward.

The front of a large white silver side of the car, through the window can be vaguely seen inside.

The middle-aged man named Hiliya sat side by side with the man who was more beautiful than the woman, and placed a variety of dishes, fruit bowls and cakes in front of him. In the middle table, a golden roasted goose was placed.

Opposite the dining table, sitting in a graceful and courteous black lady, beautiful and full of maternal face, black long hair high up, wearing a silver ring on his forehead.

The lady smiled and said something to her, and from time to time, she gracefully and softly forked a piece of cake and sent it to the entrance. This indecent act of talking at the meal did not affect her elegance.

Freila looked at the food on the table and swallowed it unconsciously.

"I really want to eat...."

"Work hard, save a lot of money and have a hearty lunch sooner or later," Angrid said with a smile. He ignored the white eyes that Freila had thrown over, and his eyes moved to the right side of the team, close to a thin horse in the woods.

The horse is thin and black, looks weak and weak, and the person riding on the horse is the green smoke man, a gray dress, the same pale face, the whole person swaying with the progress of the flattering, it seems It will fall at any time.

"This person hides the strength..." Anglia flashed a guess in his heart. "No, it shouldn't be hiding strength." His eyes stopped on the black short stick in the hands of the green-eyed man.

"It should be that the short stick has a problem...." Angrid can feel the terror power contained in that short stick. Just like an abyss without a bottom hole, the dark power inside can't be seen at all. Even if he is now recovering his strength. Looking at the short stick, as with the endless black ocean, I couldn’t see it.

"The original strength of this person is not strong, but his soul seems to be extremely tough, and it is relatively resistant to the short stick all the time." Angley guessed, "Is the mortal who holds the artifact?"

Angliel felt that this green-eyed man seemed to be very clear about how to control the short stick. But the soul of itself is too weak, so it is caught in a tug of war.

In the tug-of-war, the man’s soul itself began to slowly turn black, from light blue to lacquer black.

After observing for a while, Anglia was about to withdraw his sight. Suddenly he snorted. Looking to the depths of the right jungle.

Between the shimmering golden sunlight, a group of people wore black cloaks and red leather pants, holding a silver curving knife and approaching the team quietly. The number is about ten people.

Their gaze is concentrated on the green-eyed man on the back of the thin horse.

"Ember, I finally found you again." The man in the black cloak who was walking in front of him opened his mouth, and the voice was actually a sharp woman voice. "This time I will never let you escape again!"

The voice just fell, in the eyes of all the black cloaks. At the same time, a light silver crescent shines. They speeded up and all rushed toward the green-eyed man.

The green-eyed man raised his short stick and was about to meet the enemy. Suddenly he lowered his head and violently coughed, and his mouth actually overflowed with blood. The whole body is a glimpse. Awkwardly fell down from the horseback and curled up with a painful expression.

The skinny horse was frightened. Suddenly snorted.


"Rogues! Kill them!"

The guards of the team found the outsiders who raided. In the sound of the knife, more than a dozen red leather armor guards were divided into two, half to meet the enemy and half to protect the team.

The guards and the black cloak quickly fought together, and the slammed weapons collided, these trainings were as good as the army's guards, and they were constantly repelled by the thieves.

The red leather armor was completely vulnerable under the silver-white scimitar. Like thin paper. All the guards have been evacuated towards the team.

"I am coming!!" In the largest compartment, the deceased mercenary, Hailia, jumped out of the carriage and rushed over with a silver-gray knife.

He was like a silver fish, dexterously avoiding a few scimitars that had been cut, and his body turned and slashed the throats of two thieves. He was about to continue to kill other thieves and was immediately stopped by a black scimitar. . It was the thief leader who had a strange voice.

The two men bent each other and ran around each other. Whether it is a **** or a thief, they consciously avoided two people. One of the thieves did not pay attention to the dodge, and the thief’s leader couldn’t catch it. He cut off half of his head.

Anglia was sitting in the oxcart, with a scared expression on his face, and the beautiful man who had sneaked his eyes and got off the same car. With the strength that the man showed up that night, it was more than enough to kill these thieves. There was no sign of hands-on, just standing on one side and sneer watching.

Fortunately, he was not seen by this person that night.

what! !

A thief screamed and was smashed and slammed into the wheel of Anglia. Turning over, the man's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, with a blood knife on his scimitar. "Damn!!" He whispered, and suddenly saw Freila and Angrily sitting in the driving position of the cart.

"Dead!" He slashed to Freila.

"Uncle, don't be afraid! I will protect you!" Freila didn't know when to carry the saw sword, his face was pale and trembling, but his body was in front of Ange.


The thief's machete was cut off and fell into the wooden frame of the carriage. He did not take it down for a while.

Freila had just been stiff and had not had time to react. Now she was shocked by this shock. She suddenly felt the spirit and took the saw sword and desperately stooped forward.

"Ah!!" She screamed and closed her eyes, and she stabbed the thief with a sword.


The saw blade stabbed on the thief's chest and was slipped open by the close-fitting red leather armor.

Freila felt different, and when she saw this scene, she suddenly stopped. Suddenly, the thief's scimitar was smashed down. A bang was cut at the front of the saw sword.

The saw sword was swayed by the reaction force, and the hilt actually turned around the thief's forehead. Hey!

The thief turned his eyes and fell back.

Freila’s eyes were sluggish and she did not figure out what was going on.

"Thank you!!" Anglia held her hands on her shoulders and touched her face. "Thanks to your little Rilla, or I may die here today! Thank you for saving me!"

Freila took a look at the thieves on the ground and looked at the saw sword in his hand.

"Is the hero's soul blessing me?" She muttered, practicing sword skills for so long, just too nervous, nothing was used. Instead, the enemy himself fainted himself.


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