MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 574 chaos 1

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Before waiting for Freila to react, he was slammed by Angri, pulled into the carriage, and avoided a broken knife that flew over.

"Be careful!" Angley patted the little guy's face and made him awake.

boom! !

There was a sudden explosion outside the car, and it seemed that something exploded. The glaring red flare came in from the window and dyed the entire car in red.

In the dense green forest, a group of golden red flames exploded, forming a golden red flame, which seemed to spread in all directions like water, hitting the trees of the team, causing a series of vibrations.

The fleet cars and livestock were all launched a few meters away.

Anglia's oxcart slammed into a shock, shifting to the left for more than three meters, leaving black rubbing marks on the ground.

In the center of the Golden Red Explosion, the head of the black cloak was only standing in the lower half of the body, and the head of the leader remained on the ground.

"Embo, you can't escape, you can't escape." He also made a sharp woman's voice in half of his mouth, and the grievances made people shudder.


Heliah stepped on her half of her head. I couldn’t get back and looked back at the black lady behind me.

The lady is slowly withdrawing her right hand, and her left hand is still holding a small white ball with a delicate golden pattern on it. Seeing that Hailia’s eyes moved, the lady smiled.

"This is the high-quality holy light bomb sold by the church. It is very powerful. For things like witchcraft creatures and ghost monsters, it is very lethal and does not hurt the living and general things."

"It's really powerful." Heliah looked at the white ball, and now she still has a lingering fear. Just a moment ago, a ball suddenly flew behind and exploded. In the golden flame of witchcraft, he thought he was sure to die. He didn’t expect to be shaken for a while, and he was safe and sound.

The lady was about to continue to speak, and suddenly there was a faint sound of footsteps in the jungle.

Anglia also looked out of the window from the window. "The church man?" His brow wrinkled. I didn't expect the church people to come so fast. He obviously got rid of these people for a long time, but now he has been caught up again.

Freila had bright eyes in his arms, and seemed to be reminiscing about the moment just now. Between life and death, she seemed to be scared.

Deep in the green forest, a group of silver-white armor figures are approaching quickly. When these people saw a messy battlefield, they were also a little knight who took the lead and took the lead. The icy gaze swept the crowd and finally landed on Helia.

"Found, signal!" She whispered to the deputy, one by one, and slammed out the wide sword at the waist, and the edge of the silver blade slowly lit up the subtle white light.

The pace of the female knight is heavy and powerful, without hesitation, it is still slow, and the back is getting faster and faster. He waved a few broad swords in his hands and rushed toward Hailia.

"Heterodox!! Die!"

The horsewoman actually rushed directly to Hailia.

Helia is also silent. When he saw the face of the female knight, he sighed and turned and ran. The white ‘girl’ followed him with ease and there was no sign of a little hands-on.

"Mrs. Diana, I will have a chance to see you again in the future!" Hailia shouted loudly far away. The figure and the horsewoman and the group of people chased and fled, and soon fell into the jungle.

The remaining red leather armor and the thief's body. The lady in black is frowning and standing in the same place does not know what she is thinking. Looking at the direction in which Helia left, he had not recovered his sight for a long time.

Some alive escorts began to pack up the bodies of their comrades. Most of their faces are numb and calm, and such things are obviously not happening occasionally.

Angliel drilled out of the cart of the oxcart, looked at the black lady, and gently pumped a black cow and a whip.

Promise that the **** leader he followed the team is returning with the black lady.

Anglia was too lazy to say hello, and quickly ran out of the sugar cane cart and ran towards the forest in the other direction.

In the snoring, the gray-white ox car quickly slammed into the other side of the forest and gradually disappeared into the corner.

Anglia rushed the oxcart, his eyes flashed a blue light spot, and the slight adjustment of the oxcart route, silently circled around, and rushed toward the direction of Hailia and others.

The black-haired lady's team behind him could not see anyone, and the green-eyed man who caused the dispute was not seen.

The front and rear are lush jungles, and the golden light is cut into pieces and flows on the carriages, on Anglia's clothes. There was a strange scream from the top of the head.

"Where are we going?" Freila drilled a small head from the carriage. She held the saw cross sword in her arms.

"Just find a place to live for a lifetime." Angley replied casually.

"Ah?" Freila had a small face.

Angrid turned her face back. "You really believe it. We are now the wanted criminals of the church. Seeing that the church knights don't hurry and stay and look for death? In short, they can't follow the original route. They have to find a place to hide."

"Oh," Freila thinks that she still has a wanted name, and her bright, bright eyes are dim. She wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeves, and the color-changing cream applied to her face was also wiped out.

The birthmark of the forehead has been grayed out from black, and it will obviously not take long to completely disappear.

"So where do we find a place to stay temporarily?" she asked.

Anglia did not answer, reaching for a finger.

Freila looked forward in the direction he pointed.

In front of the lush woods, a white snow-covered mountain with a gray point stands quietly, and the mountains are surrounded by a faint white mist.

The snow-capped mountains reflect some dazzling snow, and the fresy is not open.

"Good high."

Angliel smiled and licked her head. "Check out our food and see how long it can be on the top. Right, you have to count this old cow."


Friila retracted her head and got into the carriage.

Angrid also slowly closed his eyes and continued to explore the entrance to the world every day.

There have been many studies over this long period of time, and there have been some changes in the dark entrances of the microcosm. The darkness of the entrance gradually brightens with the wave curve and gradually recovers.

Angley summed up the laws of these changes and found that during different periods of change, the interference and rejection of the outside world are also different.

Now he is trying to analyze the trajectory and mode of the interfering force field when the interference at the entrance is the weakest, and find a way to crack it, and deepen the spiritual test.

Force field analysis is the most difficult, and there are thousands of different curves that need statistical records in the range of one centimeter. This is a long-term cracking process. Anglia calculated the current progress, only 2% of the progress. It is estimated that it will take a long time to truly break the penetrating power into the microscopic world.

Slowly open your eyes, it is already in the afternoon, the sun on your head is slightly golden red, and it is slanting from behind, and the shadow of the cart and Anglia is drawn on the grass.

‘It takes 8 hours. During the pause, the 'chip feedback sound slowly sounded.

Angrid took a deep breath and looked around. The tall trees are straight and tall, and the brownish-brown and gray-black trunks are faintly moist. The leaves on the upper end of the tree are dark green, and some are covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

Some thin black cows have stopped unconsciously, and the tail is uneasy.

It was quiet around, without the sound of the slightest animal.

Anglia glanced around the eyes, turned over the cow cart, picked up the curtain and looked in the car, and Freila was falling asleep with a saw sword.

He circled the car and quickly stopped in front of a sparse cluster of gray-black bushes. Slowly reach out and sneak in, slamming hard.

I screamed.

A small black-eyed leopard was picked up by his neck.

Hey. Hey! !

The little leopard screamed in the hands of Angri, and made a threatening cry. The little claws were caught on the skin of Anglia like a dagger, but there was no scratch.

"The territory of the black-spotted leopard? Just can find it with it." Angliel gently dropped the little leopard and let himself fall on the thick fallen mud.

The little leopard stood up and stood up immediately.

Anglia followed the little leopard and walked for about two minutes. There was a silver creek in front of the creek. On the **** of the flowing water, there was a round arched gray wooden door embedded in the black soil slope. . Like an authentic entrance, it leads to the bottom of the slope.

The wooden door is made up of pale yellow vertical stripes, which are closed and have a stone-white border on the edges. There is a slender black torch on each side of the door. The flame on the top does not know how long it has been extinguished. There are only two black ash.

Angley's footsteps slowed down and looked around the creek. The stream ran down from the heights and squatted down the whitish river ditch until it could not see the depths of the end of the woods.

The width of the creek is only two meters, and a cluster of green water plants is slightly shaken by the water.

"It's here."

Anglia didn't manage the little leopard that had run away without a trace, but turned back and took the oxcart. It took more than ten minutes for the black cow to drink water by the news. Angrid returned. In the compartment, close your eyes and wait.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and downstream of the stream, there are two gray figures faintly coming.

The two of them were Helia, who was in a wolf, with a few blood marks on his face. He was carrying a thin gray man with difficulty, and he was moving forward step by step.

Behind Hailia is the beautiful ‘girl’ in white, still with a cold face followed by Helia, white clothes like snow, and Hailia's dirty gray cloth clothes in stark contrast.

Heliah looked up at the front of the creek and saw the gray cow car compartment of Anglia.


The green net on his back would not work, and he coughed up a smear of blood, and some even splashed on the shoulders of Helia.

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