MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 575 chaos 2

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"Isn't the church's healing potions useless?" Heliah flashed anxiously in her eyes and turned to look at the ‘girly’ behind her. "Cynthia, isn't the guy behind you chasing it?"

"No." Cynthia, who was more feminine than a woman, shook her head. "It’s long gone. You are still worried about the guy on your back. After a few hourglasses, he is estimated to be out of action."

Heliah looked up at the oxcart in the upper stream of the stream, and suddenly remembered the weird man he had met. And what he said can be charged for their treatment.

One of his empty hands touched the lumbar sac and licked, only the poor five silver coins, all dirty, one of which was missing a corner.

"Cough... don't care about me.. Let's go by yourself..." The green-eyed man on his back woke up, hoarse and voiced.

Helia did not pay attention to him, and asked the man's body to make it more secure. He looked firmly and stepped forward along the stream.



Inside the train, a burnt green smoke floated from the back of the green-eyed man.

Angliel held a black cigarette-like thing and gently pressed it against the skin behind the green-eyed man.

Helia and Freila sat on one side and looked at the two nervously.

The green-eyed man let the red-burning cigarette butts burn in the back, and there was no pain in the color, but there was some sweat on his forehead.

"Well, this is the last wound." Angley threw away the black smoke column on his hand and collected a small packet of black smoke on the wooden table.

"This is my special smoldering drug for his injuries. The effect is very obvious. Going back for a few days will be fine."

"Thank you very much!" Heliah folded her hands to Angley, and "Ember is the benefactor who saved my life. If you save him, it will save me! What's in the future..." "remuneration."

Angrid interrupted him with a smile and reached out and spread out in front of him.

Heliah’s voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Angrid with a sly look. The atmosphere suddenly picked up. Even one side of Freila also saw that Hailia had no money to pay.

The green-eyed man also looks a little red, obviously there is no money.

Angley's face is unchanged. "Is there no money? Just right, I need to do a pharmacy experiment. If you take some blood, it will be a treatment fee."


"Don't worry, just smoke a little." Angley handed out a glass syringe from the small box around him. It is as thick as the arm.

Helia swallowed and suddenly felt her throat dry.

"Can you smoke me?" The green-eyed man took the initiative to speak.

"I don't mind if you want to die." Angley shrugged.

After half an hour...

Heliah paled out of the compartment. The green-eyed man followed, patted him on the shoulder. "This time I owe you."

"It's not that you saved me in the hands of the monster woman. I can't live now. What do you say?" Heliah waved her hand. "Let's go. This place can't stay for a long time, or the guy may have to chase it again." Going around from the forest side, going to church the weakest eastern kingdom, not far from the border line."

The green-eyed man, Enbo nodded.

The two walked toward the right side of the creek in tandem. It quickly disappeared into the woods, and the beautiful man Cynthia ran out of the jungle to keep up.

After Cynthia left, there was a dark shadow in the depths of the forest. Some hard to keep up with the three. Gradually fell into the forest.

Angliel picked up the curtain and looked at the figure. Not much to say, just shaking the dark red needle in his hand. The blood inside is faintly purple with the sun shining.

"Andre, what are we doing next?" Freila whispered behind him.

"Just stay here, anyway, this position is not bad." Anglia looked at the authentic wooden door across the creek.

"The one over there. That pattern is a grave?" Freila also saw the wooden door. "In this kind of place, only those who have lost the aristocratic family will have graves. It seems that the tombs should be older, and even the fire has not continued. It is estimated that the family of the tomb is either forgotten or the family has completely disappeared. It is."

"You know a lot." Angley looked at the little guy with a strange look, just to find that she was flipping through a knight novel. Suddenly laughed and laughed.

"The legendary Knight of Barossa is in this grave to get the great epic weapon that accompanied his life, the shield of glory!" Freila said with reverence.

"Well, ready to set up a tent, we will stay by the river." Angley shook his head silently.


The gray spire tent on the side of the creek was quickly set up.

It was also the tent that Anglia had bought from the college when he was an apprentice. He did not expect to be able to use it for hundreds of years.

The tents are not too big or small. Sleeping two people is just right. Furuila is petite and has no sense of prevention between men and women. He likes to sleep in Anglia.

The daily meals of the two people are the seasonings and dry goods they bring, plus some wild game and mushrooms in the forest. Occasionally, two small fish can be forked from the creek for soup.

Every day, Freila ran quietly and ran to the farther to practice swordsmanship, thinking that Anglia did not know.

Angrid was hiding in the carriage to study a tube of blood drawn from Helia.

There is indeed a very strong blood in the blood of Hylia, which is much stronger than the three bloods of Anglia. It is a pity that Anglia can barely separate a slight **** breath from the blood, just a breath.

But this is the breath, so that Angrid is surprised that the realm of the wizard he had already given up has actually grown by leaps and bounds after accidentally breathing into this rate.

This sigh of breath combines with Negri's negative emotions and black mist, forming a weird pure energy, silently infiltrating and transforming Angile's whole body and up, and beginning to promote his fourth spiritual power crystal of the Dawn Wizard. .

After Anglo's horror, using chip analysis and research, but nothing, the condensed fourth mental power crystal only reached one-third, it directly stagnated, apparently that the ancestor's blood is too weak, unable to support.

Anglia was permanently stuck in the third-level wizard because of his qualifications, and he could not advance on the wizarding road, but did not expect an unexpected turnaround here. His mental strength has far exceeded the limits of the dawn wizards, but he has become more and more biased on the path of wizards. Now it is also stuck on the threshold of the realm of Xifan, which is the price.

Now seeing the dawn of hope, Angley’s mind is once again active. Perhaps it is possible to use this weird breakthrough to ascend to the extent of breaking through the realm of Xifan.

It is also the legendary level of the nine-level wizard.


After more than two months...


The curtain of the compartment was suddenly opened, and Heliah was covered in blood, holding a white man, Cynthia, who was a woman who was still a woman than a woman, and slammed into the carriage.

"Save him...." Heliah spit out a word and stunned.

Anglia and Freila were sitting in the carriage and eating dinner. Looking at Helia, who was thrown into the carriage, Angley shook his head silently, and walked over to separate the two, and Fry, who was just 14 years old. Pull together and drag the two on the grass next to the carriage.

Anglia was dragging the worst Cynthia, the beautiful young man who was so beautiful, his stunned brows, his skin white and almost transparent, the silky black shawl with long hair scattered on the grass behind him, a horror The blood mouth, from his left shoulder obliquely to the right thigh, the wound at the stomach is a finger wide, almost can see the internal visceral internal organs.

There is also a berthed blood hole on the right side of the neck that is constantly overflowing with blood.

The most troublesome thing is that Cynthia's left chest heart area has a hint of white light.

Angley frowned.

"This serious injury can still get here, a strong will to survive..." He gently cut off the broken chest clothes, revealing the entire chest.

The skin on the left chest is as translucent, and the white light is projected from the inside of the flesh and blood, and the rhythm of the heart is uncertain.

"Little Rila, knife."

Freila quickly handed over a small silver scalpel.

Anglia took it and gently cut through the skin at the heart of Cynthia, revealing the **** muscles and white ribs inside.

Through the rib gap, you can see the red heart surface inside, actually printed a white rune-like thing. The white light emitted by this rune cannot be seen by ordinary people.

"A little trouble..." Angley's eyes also dignified.

Helia on one side woke up at this moment, and when she heard this sentence, she suddenly looked white.

"He still has a rescue! Absolutely save! Is there any way you can say, I will do it right away!"

Anglia glanced at him and directly passed the sound. "This thing is like an explosive on his heart, as long as certain conditions can be triggered in an instant, and then the whole person bangs into a piece of minced meat."

"Who are you provoked, you will be hurt by this level."

Heliah was chilly, and her lips trembled for a moment, and she couldn’t speak. "He is trying to save save me.."

"There is only one way." Angleyton said, "I need a silkworm with a topaz spider, and it is the freshest. You must bring it back within five days, otherwise I can't cure his injury." He can hold up to six days."

"I will go right away!" Heliah rolled over and was about to leave, but she was in a state of nowhere. "Where is there a topaz spider?"

"Get a lot of things, just the topaz spiders with silk sacs are rare, you can find them around the woods, usually in dark and humid places, go back soon," Angley explained. This is not the material he made indiscriminately. It is to lift the heart's light rune. It really needs this material. His lumbar pocket and space mirror Reid material just lacks the treatment for this kind of injury.