MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 608 Missing and understanding 1

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Among the coconut trees in the sea, between the tall black coconut trees, the guards of the two black and white costumes are in chaos.

The screams of the slamming weapons and the bows and arrows are endless, and the people on the side of the white clothes have the upper hand. The number of people has obvious advantages. From time to time, one can see that some people in the black clothes have fallen.

But what is surprising is that the side of the black dress is extremely tough, even if it is in chaos, it will also protect a red-haired man. One after another guards were cut down to the ground.

A black man in a black suit with a white shimmer and a roaring shield with a machete shield.

"Go! Mike!!" He didn't look at it for a while, and his back was scratched. The flesh of the wound turned up, and the blue color appeared faintly. It was obviously poisonous.

"There are people in front of you! Go away!"

The protected red-haired man bit his lip and finally looked at him with a deep look. He turned and ran. This situation has been repeated many times. He escaped from the distant secret disc college to protect the safety of the thing in his arms. Only when he brought it safely, it is possible for the family to exchange enough. Drug treatment of the ancestor's injury.

For this secret treasure, their family has sacrificed a full five knights along the way. This is the best friend of his life, from small to big, the best!

The red-haired man resisted the tears that were about to burst out, clung to the black bag in his arms, and rushed to the depths of the woods.

"Block him!!"

The white man was squatting behind him.

The red-haired man, regardless of his disregard, runs desperately, and the green light acceleration that was originally flashing on his leg has become more and more dim.

"For the sake of this action, all the apprentices have been dispatched. Even the Cavaliers have died so many, absolutely! Always bring things back!" There is only one thought in his mind.

The woods on both sides flew backwards and turned back. The woman in the forest loomingly saw a black tights waiting to stand still. The woman's hands clasped the double-knife, the skin was white, and the silver hair with the shawl was left. Her eyes were faintly faintly blue, which was traced by witchcraft.

The red-haired man finally breathed a sigh of relief. He threw the baggage in his arms to the woman, and the whole person could no longer support it and fell to the ground.

"Working hard." The woman caught the baggage, faintly returned to the sentence, turned and was about to leave. The footsteps she had lifted suddenly fell, and the whole person froze. Staring at the woods behind him.

On the edge of a coconut tree, there was a man standing in a purple and black robes. He was wearing a veil and a hood. He was only ten meters away from the two, and he was vaguely faintly dissipated.

The woman didn't know when this person appeared. She was also a third-class apprentice. With the official knight, there would be no omissions in the surrounding sense, but the man appeared so silently, as if from the beginning. Standing there is the same.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

"I want to ask a way." The beautiful red eyes of the other side were slightly curved and the voice was clear. "Do you know how to get to the kingdom of Ram?"

"Lam answered? Here is the six-ring tower. You want to go to Ram to answer the southeast along the coastline." The woman's voice was cold, and no one was chasing after the anxiety.

"Thank you so much." The man nodded and turned to the depths of the woods.

Suddenly he stepped back and looked back at the woman in black. "This breath"

The woman in black also changed her face. She was still alert to the positive movements. She turned suddenly and looked sideways. There is a rapid rush of a large number of white chasing soldiers.

“Hurry! Find them!” “Notify Finnish adults right away!”

The white man rushed over and surrounded the area. Together with the purple-black robe man is also surrounded.

"The people of the secret disk college? It was also so long for me." The purple black robe suddenly turned to cold. "Alright, since I have asked the way, I will help you solve these small problems."

He extended his right hand and pressed his palm to the next.

boom! !

All the soil under the feet of the white man collapsed in an instant, and the earth was like a life, forming a black tentacle that wraps around the feet of all white people. For a time, the exclamation sounded into a piece.

The woman in black was shocked and looked around. All the white people were gradually dragged into the ground by the earth tentacles and buried directly, leaving only her and the red-haired man on the ground.

She was reading the direction of the man in purple black robe, and the other party had disappeared deep in the forest.

Angley asked about the position, and after thinking a little, he decided to go to the six-ring tower to see how Lisper was.

Slightly changed a little direction, he flicked directly toward the depths of the land.

***********************A few weeks later, in the gray rainy days of the six-ring tower protection area, between the rolling plains, one by one Over the irregular lakes, large and small, a red light descended from the sky, hovering around and slowly falling to the shore of the lake. The red light faded, and there was a tall man standing in a purple and black robe. It is Angley who has been on the road without any stop.

He looked up and looked at the white spire that towered into the sky in the distance. From the top of the tower, there were black spots left by the wizards.

"After so many years, the original defense system here was shaking." Angrid took back his sight and walked along the lake.

There is a faint black metal fence in the depths of the forest. There is an iron gate between the fences and a black sign on the side. The word "Pell" is engraved on the top.

Angrid took a deep breath and the cool breath in the rain made him feel refreshed. Step forward and walk in front of the iron gate and gently tap a few times.


The iron gate is strangely sounding like a wood. A circle of blue light lit up on the facade, and the voice of the young woman came out.

"This is the permanent residence of the Pell family. Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, is Ms. Grenina Pell? I am a student of her mother, come to visit the teacher." Angrily had a little investigation before.

When Lisper was separated from the family, the seafaring war broke out immediately. Most of the major wizarding organizations at that time suffered heavy casualties. Pell’s grandmother was directly killed and the family faced collapse. Later, Lisper returned in time to rebuild the family. After hundreds of years, after the family name removed a long list of names, she simply used her name suffix as the family name.

In the later days, she collected apprentices and contributed greatly to the family. Later she died with the female lover of the White Tooth Castle, leaving only a prostitute as a family heir.

This time Angley came to the door to see where Resper finally left.

"Ms. Pell's student, presumably you are also an adult? Please wait a moment, I will immediately inform Ms. Linna." The blue ring on the door hesitated, and soon went silent.

Anglia is not in a hurry, just standing quietly waiting at the door.

In a short while, an unspeakable vibration ripple swept across his body, and soon the iron door opened. Inside, a white-haired old woman stood in the door with a black wooden cane trembling, and looked at him carefully.

"I am sorry that most of the current students have seen me, but your impression." The old woman was confused.

"Is it a bit familiar, but I can't name it?" Angrid smiled, his eyebrows faintly exuding invisible ripples, affecting all humanoids around him.

"Really, I am really sorry, my mother has too many students. I can't remember it for a while. Now I am too old. I live here alone, and my family name is getting worse. Please come in." The old woman let go Body, let Ange go in.

"You don't worry that I am a liar?" Angrid smiled and asked.

"There is nothing here, there is nothing to lie. Moreover, I can smell the smell of young people from you, and the spirit of a formal wizard. If you think about it, there is absolutely no need to go to the door in this way." Visiting." The old woman was assisted by another maid with a black and white collocation. She walked slowly and walked along the Baishi Trail to several small white stone buildings not far away.

The rain was faint, and it fell to the old woman but could not be soaked.

Anglia followed closely, and the iron gate automatically closed behind him.

“Can you let me see where Ms. Pell’s last departure?” He whispered directly. "I have been wandering outside these years. I have not been able to come back to see her last side. It is one of my biggest regrets. I am coming back to make up for this."

"Of course, there are already many students who have been here. If you are not wrong, you are almost hundreds of years old? Just call me Grenina." The old woman smiled.

"Then I will call you Linna directly. Did the teacher say the unfulfilled wish when he died?" Angley asked as he walked.

"Mothers have few friends during their lifetime, and one of the best friends has gone overseas. Her only regret is that she failed to see her good friend. Since her father died, this incident has become her only wish, but regrettable. Yes, until the end, we don’t know where her friend is.” Linna shook her head and said regretfully.

Anglia was silent, and he understood that Lisper would want to see him before he died. It should be himself.

With a long sigh, he stopped talking, just quietly behind Linna's main servant, along the White Rock Trail, curved to the back of a small yard.

The wall of the yard is black, and a gray-black lodge stands quietly. There is a pure white flower bud on the right side, which is full of dense white flowers and aroma.

On the left side, there is a vine frame with green vines on the top and a bunch of green grapes.

"This yard is the last place where my mother lived before I was alive. You can see it yourself." Linna opened the lock on the yard and sideways to let the entrance.

Anglia glanced at her, nodded and strode into the courtyard.

(To be continued)

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