MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 609 Missing and understanding 2

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"If you didn't guess wrong, shouldn't you be my mother's student?" Linna suddenly spoke from behind.

Angliel’s footsteps stopped. He did not say anything, waiting for the other's below.

"Although I don't know what relationship you have with my mother," Linna didn't say anything, just sighed softly and turned and left.

When Angley first saw this old woman near the life limit, she knew why she could still live for seven or eight hundred years. Linna seems to have some special blood. A bit like the siren atmosphere, this type of Hai nationality has always been known for its longevity. Like him now, most of the powerful blood has a horrible life limit.

Entering the yard, Anglerton smelled a faint cold aroma, which is similar to a woman's body fragrance. He immediately recalled the scene of going out with the sea with Lisper, when she had this breath.

Walk into the courtyard's only lodge with a set of tables and chairs, several bookshelves, and a black single wooden bed. There is also a witchcraft oil painting on the wall, which is photocopied by witchcraft.

In the painting, on the azure sea, a pair of men and women stood on the deck of a large brown ship. The man’s black robe is familiar to the eyebrows, while the female is Lisper, a young man, wearing a white robe with a smile. She is reaching for her hair. The sea breeze blows both of their hair.

Angliel recognized the man on the painting at a glance, and the painting did not know that the guy had copied it from a distance with witchcraft. There was a circle of gold on the side and quietly hanging on the wall.

Angliel noticed that there was a line of messages in the lower right corner of the painting. He reached out and touched the line.

‘Raymond. March 4, 1726. ’

Angrid had a smile on his face. "Remember that when I was still in Lennon City, it was a few years and five years. I didn't expect this painting to be painted two hundred years later. It was still Raymond."

I remembered the beautiful British girl who had snatched Resper, and Angrid still remembers it.

Going back, turning around in the room, Anglia began to feel the nerves. After all, for a wizard, death is not necessarily the end of everything. If there are conditions, it may turn into a ghost wizard.

It is a pity that after a long time in and out of the house, I could not find the soul of Reese Pere. Since then, Angrid knew that Resper had completely left.

With regret and nostalgia, he finally watched the oil painting for a while before chasing the oil painting of the girl. I finally walked from the door.

*****************************嘭! !

The woman in black was smashed and flew, and the body made a mud pit in the woods. She coughed, and there was a rush of blood in her mouth, struggling to get up again, but her legs were directly interrupted and she could not stand up again. I can only watch the people in the distance and slowly walk towards myself.

"You are also a wizard who wants something? I have already handed it over to the family. The ancestors can immediately exchange the healing agents. You have no chance to cough!"

Awkwardly, the woman’s chest was stepped on by an ankle.

The one who stepped on her was a tall man with a translucent body. There was a gray cockroach in his back, and the shadow pointer on the upper side pointed to the right side.

"Do you have the breath of that person, is it a slower step?" The man frowned slightly, looking down at the woman under her body. "Tell me, how he looks"

"唔" The woman's eyes widened, but she couldn't speak for a long time. The blood in her mouth was getting more and more, and her pupils became more and more tight.


The woman's chest collapsed in an instant, and the beach floor was separated by a thin paper.

The man stood on the body and looked far away from the direction in which Angliel left.

"Is this speed already discovered? I will never let you escape again."

"Kill!! Kill everyone you meet!!"

"No one can stop us from moving forward! The key to the shadow is ours!!"

There was another face on his face and he began to scream. But he was immediately pressed by his hand and resumed.

With a bang, he instantly disappeared into blue light and disappeared into place. Only the body of a woman in black was left in the woodland.

*************************** In the following time, Angley directly pointed to the direction and went straight to the ruins of the kingdom of Ram. The entire kingdom of Ram’s answer has been destroyed for hundreds of years, and the rest is only the ancient city of ruins standing in the desert.

Angrid successively checked a lot of ruins, and found no signs of surviving human activities. Finally, he decided to temporarily let go and go directly to the ruins of the desert city of Ram.

In accordance with the azimuth area marked on the map, Angrid quickly returned to the jungle tree in front of the college. Flying straight toward the destination.

After spending a lot of time, he really found the right direction.

A few days after moving on, Anglia met two gray apprentices who collected herbs in the woods.

"What? After the college was relocated, it moved away from the location? Isn't it the original ruins of the ancient city?" Angley frowned and looked at the two gray robe teenagers standing in front of him.

"Yes adult, now the college is in the north of the original location, adjacent to the witch hut." One of the brown-haired teenagers respectfully answered. “It’s just the college’s giant Charlie wizarding promotion event. It’s open to all outside wizards. If you are interested, you can check it out.”

"Know it." Angley nodded. "But is the remains of Shacheng still in place?"

"of course."

"That's good."

Anglia threw out a fine magic crystal and fell into the arms of the young robes.

"This is a reward for you." The voice did not fall, he instantly disappeared in the same place, leaving two gray robe apprentices face each other, still not responding...

After the count.

Angrid slowly walked out of the dark jungle, staring at the huge loess sand city in the distance, the khaki stone bridge still quietly on the dry moat bed. The top is full of yellow sand.

Under the scorching sun, the entire Tucheng reflects a golden glare.

Anglia took out the map and carefully identified it. Finally, a smile appeared on his face.

His body floated gently, flew straight across the stone bridge, flew deep inside the Tucheng, wandered around the city, turned more than a dozen bends, and quickly circled the middle and back of the Tucheng.

After turning a stone statue of a yellow-faced bird, Angley suddenly became a wide golden square.

The smile on Angley’s face suddenly disappeared. He stared up and stared quietly at a translucent man standing in the middle of the square. He noticed the huge and strange smell of the other person, and a gray cockroach floating behind him.

"Who are you?" Angley asked quietly. He has clearly sensed that the ground behind this person is the entrance to the underground world of the night elves. The other side is quietly standing here, apparently not boring to play here.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The man's face was stunned. "Hand over the shadows. I can guarantee not to eat you."

"The key to the shadow?" Angley stunned. He almost forgot about it. The key that was obtained from the axis of time was almost thrown into the memory corner and he never thought of it. If this man suddenly appeared, he estimated May have been so forgotten. After all, his space mirror is too big, and there are too many things inside.

At this time, in the distant wind, there was a faint burst of lively music, and it seemed that there was a celebration. A red, blue and white salute flew up and exploded into countless spots of light, and even the glaring sun could not cover up such extreme beauty.

Anglia and the man were quietly squatting, and both of them slowly escaped a dangerous atmosphere.

Suddenly, Angliel smiled slightly, groping from the space mirror and directly throwing out the same thing and throwing it away. "Isn't that a key? Give it back to you."

A black key flew directly from the left to the man, and he slammed him firmly. It also allowed the man to let go of the station that blocked the entrance to the passage.

Angley shook his head and went straight to the unobstructed passage.

"I said let you go?" The man's voice came from the side again.

When Anglerton was at a glance, the softness of his face suddenly cooled down.

"What did you just say? Please repeat it, I didn't hear it clearly."

He felt that he might have problems with his ears. With his strength, he would not provoke others. Others should be thankful. I didn’t expect anyone to actually provoke him to take the initiative.

He stopped and stared at the strange man, and the pupil slowly emerged with a red ring of three flames.

The man did not answer, just put away the key, and the right hand slowly extended a large blue tentacle. The end of the tentacle hangs down to the ground, waving a lot of blue tentacles.

"Time will prove everything." He said inexplicable words in his mouth and walked closer to Angrid. At the same time, the tentacles in his hands began to grow thick and thick, and grew numerous branches and branches, and several blinks filled the entire square floor.

A large number of tentacles slipped and greasy and slid in the square, surrounded by strange men in the center.

Anglia sneered a few times, and the air around him began to slowly distort and fluctuate. The rich red blood madness spread out from him. Everything shrouded in red light began to melt slowly and blackened. Some tentacles were When the red light is shining, it is also instantly blackened and gasified, giving a sharp scream.

"This is your own death." Angrid slowly took the veil, and the numerous purple eyes on his face kept moving, and countless sights were concentrated on the opposite man.

The man only felt that his heart was cold, and he looked at the red light that had spread wildly. The first time his face changed slightly.

Hey! !

The sky crossed a thunder and lightning, blood red lightning. Thunder roared, and for a time, the sky quickly filled with countless clouds, covering all the hot sun.

The red light of the thunderbolt illuminates the face of Angri, and the accident shows a few minutes.

(To be continued)