MTL - The Words of the Number One-Chapter 46 Hatred

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Shen Baiwu began to re-study the chess records while teaching me to play chess. His teaching method was exactly the same as Ji Yu's, or it could be said that Ji Yu's teaching method was in line with his, and I adapted quickly. Shen Baiwu was often surprised, he said he knew why Ji Yu liked to teach me how to play chess, and a gifted student like me who progressed so fast also found it a joy to teach.

I smile every time I hear his praise. It's strange to say, obviously Ji Yu often said such things to me, why did I believe Shen Baiwu as soon as he said it, but I didn't believe what Ji Yu said?

Recently, Gu Ling waited patiently for Shen Baiwu to tell him the truth, and when he had nothing to do, he always went out to inquire about the fake luthier. Because of Ji Yu's praise, Qingya luthier became famous in Ling'an all of a sudden, and everyone said he was a late bloomer. Now he is very popular, and various noble families invite him to perform repertoire.

Gu Ling once ran to a state official's house to listen to the corner, and when he came back, he was so angry that he practiced sword in the courtyard all afternoon. He said that most of the pieces played by Qingya were written by Ji Yu. He obviously didn't have the talent to write pieces, and he went around pretending to be really good.

When he was practicing swords in the courtyard, I played chess with Shen Baiwu in the pavilion, and when I heard him scold Qing Ya with righteous indignation, I reluctantly affirmed that Qing Ya's piano skills are really good.

Ji Yu's tunes have always been gorgeous and complex in fingering, and very few luthiers can play them completely without making mistakes. And Qingya's profound skills and superb piano skills can actually bring out the taste of Ji Yu back then.

"They all praised Qingya's piano skills are superb, and he has a pair of dexterous hands. I went to his grandma, they have never seen the real dexterity! My brother said that Ji Yu's hands are the real dexterity, and his overtones are simply amazing. Absolutely, that's the hand that was born to play the piano."

After blurting out Gu Qi's name, Gu Ling's eyes darkened, and he said softly: "Gu Qi likes Ji Yu's music the most, all of them."

I saw that Gu Ling was sad, so I changed the topic and said, "So, this luthier is very proud now?"

Gu Ling's anger returned immediately, and with a flick of his wrist, the sword flew from his hand into the wall, the wall dust fell, and the silver light shone.

"That's right! It's still Bibo Yashikuang, I wish I could beat him sober!"

Shen Baiwu frowned and shook his head. I comforted Gu Ling and said, "Don't worry. According to the situation you said, he will fall soon. Ji Yu definitely knows the way of revenge better than you."

Unknowingly, the deadline of half a month came, and the luthier handed over his newly written Yanfeng piece to Ji Yu and Nan Huai Jun as promised. On the same day, Nan Huai Jun held a banquet and invited many people to taste it together. Shen Baiwu didn't go and I naturally didn't go, but Gu Ling unwillingly sneaked into Nanhuai Jun's mansion to listen to the corner.

When he came back, Gu Ling was in a good mood. He smiled and told me and Shen Baiwu how the luthier finished playing the piece confidently and triumphantly, how the crowd was so quiet that it was a little awkward, and how Ji Yu gently pointed out the difference between his piece and his piece. The gap was too big before, please ask him to change it for another seven days before listening.

"Qing Ya's face, hahahahaha, he is so defeated that he can't even look at it. He was told to pretend to be noble before, and he borrowed Ji Yu's tunes, did he really think he was good? Now he is sober." Gu Ling is simply elated.

Seeing Gu Ling like this, Shen Baiwu laughed, then turned around and continued playing chess with me. These days, he regained the chess game as if he had returned to the past, his eyes gradually brightened and his smile was much more than before, and he was no longer dead.

Seven days later, Gu Ling went to the tasting meeting again. He came back and said that the violinist must have been changing the music without sleep, his face was blue and white, and the dark circles under his eyes were scary. The Ji Yu's tune he copied was so clever and wonderful. Everyone became impatient, and some even asked him on the spot why there was such a big difference in the skill of several songs.

Qingya was sweating profusely in panic, and it was Ji Yu who made a rescue for Qingya and said that he should not jump to conclusions, and gave him three more days to carefully revise.

This time Gu Ling's expression was a bit complicated, he said that he seemed to understand what Ji Yu was doing.

After that, Qingya went through several revisions, and Gu Ling gradually couldn't bear to listen to it. Said that Aoya looked as if he had exhausted all his efforts and energy, and the score was full of traces of revisions. Every time after playing, Qingya looked at Ji Yu tremblingly with bright eyes, and she could see that she sincerely expected to be affirmed. When Ji Yu gave a negative answer, the expectation in her eyes was extinguished with a "poof".

After going out a few times, the eyes were almost desperate.

Shen Baiwu smiled lightly, and said: "I told you, Ji Yu doesn't need anyone to stand up for him."

A beating is nothing, it's just a pain; it's nothing to expose his plagiarism in public, it's just to make him lose face; what's his life, he has nothing at all.

Ji Yu would retaliate thousands of times to anyone, asking him to rise high and then fall hard.

Aoya himself is talented, with superb piano skills and superb fingering, even people who don't know him can see his conceit at a glance. It's just that he lacks the heart to swallow the elephant, he has no creative talent but forcibly pretends, thinking that his superb performance can make up for the gap in the music itself.

Ji Yu wanted Qing Ya to understand that he would never be able to compare with the owner of the song he stole, even if he worked hard all his life, he would never be able to compare. The tunes he composed are unknown and unappreciated, and they are not relics at all, but they are mediocre and extremely mediocre.

The most difficult thing for a conceited person to accept is when he thinks that his fate has finally improved, he suddenly finds out that he is just an ordinary person.

All my life.

Aoya began to face huge doubts. People suspected that the previous song was not his own composition. People said that he was just a liar who stole the song from an unknown genius. He couldn't make a new song that met everyone's expectations, and finally committed suicide amidst the ridicule. It is said that he wrote the song for seven days and seven nights before committing suicide, and then burned it all with a wild laugh.

Another tragedy that seemed to have nothing to do with Ji Yu, but was manipulated by him.

When the news of Qing Ya's suicide came, Gu Ling had nothing to do and was watching me play chess with Shen Baiwu, Shen Baiwu told me that he could try playing chess with Ji Yu. We were all silent for a while when we heard the news, Gu Ling asked Shen Baiwu hesitantly, "Does he deserve it?"

He looked like he was trying to convince himself of something.

Shen Baiwu, who was half lying on the bed, put down the chess record in his hand, his eyes were calm and indifferent: "He is, and he is not."

There are thousands of ways to make a person admit his mistakes, but Ji Yu will always choose the most painful way.

If Ji Yu had pierced and awakened Qing Ya from the beginning, perhaps Qing Ya would not have lost his way on this road, perhaps he would have realized his mistakes and inferior skills in a more gentle way, and he would not have ended up like this. Qing Ya was indeed guilty, but Ji Yu was also too ruthless.

Gu Ling's eyes flickered, as if he felt lingering fear. He was silent for a long time before speaking again, and asked, "Cheng Guang-jun, Ji Yu... has he always been like this?"

Shen Baiwu didn't know what he thought of, he curled his lips and said with some sarcasm: "You know that he is a person who can clearly distinguish between love and hate, and it doesn't matter that everyone else is acting on the spot. Now the person he loves is turning against each other. , and become even more cruel to the enemy."

Gu Ling sighed. I looked at Shen Baiwu in a trance under the candlelight, and I always felt that when he said these words, he did not classify himself under the category of "love", but seemed more inclined to "enemy".

Since Shen Baiwu said that I could try to play against Ji Yu, I went to Wen Er Yuan to find Ji Yu the next day. Just as Xia Wan came with a rectangular box wrapped in cloth, she seemed very happy to see me, and called me kindly: "Ah Zhi."

"Miss Wan."

I complied and asked her what was in the box. Xia Wan's smile just now disappeared again, she frowned and approached me softly, "It's your son's qin, the one that was stolen earlier."

Qing Ya committed suicide, so he kept his qin, and Ji Yu took it back logically. I was thinking this, but Xia Wan stuffed the piano case for me to hug, and said that since I was also looking for Ji Yu, I would help her get the piano to Ji Yu.

"Master, I've been a little bored recently. I must be very happy to see you. You should stay a little longer." Xia Wan seemed very pleased with my arrival, and said after a pause, "You walk very slowly, and so does Bi Ling. These few days As long as you hear the sound of Bi Ling passing the door, you will look at the door, I think you are waiting for you."

I hugged Qin and looked at her suspiciously, thinking that she was there when Ji Yu was arguing with Shen Baiwu, how could I have such an idea?

Xia Wan nodded as if confirming her thoughts, and repeated.

"Young master must be waiting for you. Although he doesn't say it, I can see it."

"Ah Zhi...Actually, I saw you drunk the other day and the son brought you back. You know he hates drunk people the most, but he was not unhappy that day. You disappeared the next morning, and the son was actually a little angry. That's why it was later... Ah Zhi, can you come back to Young Master's side?"

I was silent for a moment, just smiled and said nothing. I carried Qin to Ji Yu's room. Sure enough, as soon as I walked to the door, I saw him look up, a pair of light brown eyes looked at me, blinked twice and then smiled.

"You're here, Ah Zhi."

The tone is as if he really has been waiting for me.

I saluted him and handed him the case. He didn't open the case but just put it on the table casually, as if he didn't care about the lost piano.

Gu Ling once told me that this is a piano made by Ji Yu himself, and Ji Yu cherishes it very much.

"Don't you take a look, sir?" I asked.

Ji Yu propped her chin and smiled lightly, and said: "What are you looking at, it doesn't want to see me, after all, I wanted to burn it with Yan Palace at the time. Unexpectedly, Qing Ya rescued this Qin and those Qins The spectrum, probably because the owner thought he was dead and took it for himself.”

It turned out that the scorched marks on the tail of this piano were burned by his own hands, and he was really good at it.

"I've given up, but it's still coming back." Ji Yu said with a smile, her eyes were so deep that she couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"That's not very good. Most of those who decide to give up will never come back." After I said this lightly, Ji Yu raised her eyes and looked at me, her smile slowly dimming.

I returned to the topic and said, "I'm here to play chess with you, you should still remember our agreement."

Ji Yu didn't seem to be in a hurry to discuss this topic. He raised his eyes and said calmly: "I heard that Shen Baiwu taught you how to play chess personally. After you promised, you will stay by his side and take care of him?"


"Is this a quid pro quo?"

"No, I voluntarily."

Ji Yu opened his eyes slightly, then narrowed them again, rubbing his fingers with a half-smile: "You don't want to come back to me, but you are willing to take care of him? Do you like him so much, or do you pity him? He treats you What is it, another **** period?"

I frowned to meet his provocative gaze, and said, "Cheng Guang-jun is different from you, the matter between me and him has nothing to do with you."


Ji Yu: So jealous

A good news, will be updated tomorrow morning~~

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-13~2020-02-16~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Rong Yi; Jun Zhou, Sunflower;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Aufu; Is there any sugar today; Mint Mitu; 30345275;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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