MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1275 Side

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At the moment of unification of Huaxia, Ouyang Yu’s state of mind seems to have once again ushered in a sharp change, becoming more distant and unpredictable. His gaze seems to be able to penetrate the fog and see the distant distance.

Ouyang’s strategic vision can be seen farther than others without the help of rebirth.

Dealing with the imperial affairs, Ouyang Yu has become more calm and unrestrained. It seems that he has reached a realm of “not moving like a mountain”. The whole person’s spirits are integrated into one body and introverted.

At this moment, his "Five Emperor Jingjing" finally broke through to the tenth floor, and the body once again broke through the limitations of the day after tomorrow, and was promoted to the innate first order, ushered in a qualitative leap.

In order to cultivate to the tenth floor, Ouyang Yu spent two years and regained his body.

It can be imagined that the more the "Five Emperor Jingjing" goes to the back, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and even the promotion of each layer in the future is calculated on a yearly basis.

If you encounter a level, you can't realize it, even a card is a few years old.

Just like the promotion from the ninth floor to the tenth floor, it takes almost nine months to go to Ouyangyu, which is almost equivalent to the sum of the first eight layers of cultivation time.

If it is not this state of mind, it may not be possible to get promoted.

Opportunity, sometimes it is really elusive.


By the rest of the seven years of Gaia, the last half of the month, the Daxia court quickly set a plan for the disposal of the Mongol Empire, setting the tone for the court to govern the Mongolian prairie.

The court decided to divide the territory of the Mongolian Empire into two. The headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established as the North Plains Province; the Wokutai Khanate region, which is also the former West Turkic region, was established as the Western Territory Province.

The two major provinces cover a wide area, especially in the North Plains province. They span the east and west, have grasslands in the territory, have highlands, and have deserts in the Gobi. Both vertical and horizontal distances are the largest in the province.

The provinces of western Xinjiang are also not too many. There are Gobi in the territory, mountains and basins.

The Governor of the Northern Plains Province, Ouyang Yu unexpectedly delineated the former Mongolian Empire, one of the top ten names of China, Yelu Chucai.

Ouyang Yu did this and thought it carefully.

A Yelu Chucai is not a Mongolian, and there is no **** hatred for the big summer. During the coma of Genghis Khan, it was the case that Yeluchu came out to stabilize the situation, and did not let Hara and Lin completely fall into chaos.

For Yelu Chucai, in addition to loyalty to the empire, there is no other choice.

The second is that Yelu Chucai has long assisted Khan in governing Mongolia. He is experienced and has a high prestige among the Mongols. It is very helpful for Yelu Chucai to be the Governor of Beiyuan.

Based on this, Ouyang Yu was appointed as the Governor of Beiyuan.

The governor of the province of Xijiang is delineated as the Shouwu County Shoujing County. Jingjian is also an empire's veteran. He once served as the supervisor of the post, and he was removed from Shaowu County for avoiding the defending.

This time he was promoted to the governor of Xijiang.

No matter whether it is the North Plains Province or the Western Province, it is a province with borders, a vast territory, and a complex ethnic composition. The Governor must choose a strong man with strength.

Yelu Chucai and Jingjian are undoubtedly in line with this trait.

By setting up two major provinces, the imperial court also made an adjustment to the northern Xinjiang Dufu and the jurisdiction of the Xijiang Dufu government, in order to adapt to the imperial strategy, making the two major capitals more authentic.

A few days ago, the court decided to separate the northern provinces and the provinces of Weizhou from the Northern Territory, and re-arranged them to the court. At the same time, the northern provinces were transferred to the northern government.

In this way, the Northern Xinjiang Dufu government will go down to the two major provinces of the North and the Liao and Jin, and integrate the northern part of the empire. The Dufu House will also be moved from Kyoto to Hara and Lin to better guard the North.

This is a new challenge for the northern lions to protect the city lions.

It is a test of Ouyang Yu’s attack on the city lion for the imperial town’s good defense of the northern realm. The governance is good, and the siege lion can take it to the next level. If the governance is not good, don’t blame Ouyang’s disregard. Read the old feelings.

On the basis of the Xikang Province and the Xihai Province, Xijiang Dufu was incorporated into the newly established Xijiang Province and integrated the Empire West.

This means that the burden on the guards of Xijiang is even heavier.

The three major provinces of the Xijiang Duhu government are corresponding to the Yi, Tubo and Mongolian, and the geographical location is special, the development is lagging behind, and it is not easy to manage well.


Disposal of the Mongol Empire, placed in front of Ouyang Yu, is a bigger problem, that is, how to house 1.2 million "consumer troops" and nearly 600,000 Mongolian cavalry prisoners of war.

The easiest way, of course, is to abolish.

But this is also the most stupid, and the most expensive way, not at all.

In particular, the 600,000 Mongolian cavalry, although surrendered, can still be unruly. If they are allowed to go home, the future will surely become a big worry for the imperial governance of the northern Xinjiang.

Therefore, in any case, we must find a way to restrain it to get rid of its sharpness.

For this matter, Ouyang Yu and the Zizhengge, the Privy Council and the Military Aircraft Division have been brewing repeatedly. Starting from the overall strategic situation of the Empire and combining regional development needs, a combination plan has finally been finalized.

First, make up the South American Corps.

The South American Corps, led by the Wolf, is currently only two legions. Ouyang Yu decided to select the elite from the 1.2 million surviving "consumption army" and add it to the South American Corps.

Of course, the South American Corps was promoted to the South American Army, and it was still led by the War Wolf.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the strength of the South American army, Ouyang Yu also deliberately transferred the Tang Dynasty to the South American Army and became the head of the Third Army Corps.

Second, the formation of the South Asian Army.

The South Asian Army is a newly formed group army and the first new group army added after the empire has thrown out its disarmament program. It can be known from the name that the South Asian Army is prepared for the future empire to fight the Scorpio.

No accident, the empire will not expand again for a long time in the future.

The commander of the South Asian Army was promoted by the commander of the Fourth Army of the Guards, the peerless general, and the general of Wu Wei. In view of the scarcity of the position of the group army, this is also the compensation of Ouyang Yu’s veteran who is evil.

The post of the head of the army, which was vacant by the evil, was promoted by the head of the division of the armored armored division of the armored beast. In this round of disarmament, the Guards will no longer retain the independent production of the Iron Armored Cavalry Division.

The mountain pillar was "released" and was just promoted to the head of the army to complete a replacement within the Guards.

In addition, Datang Meng will be transferred to the South Asian Army and become the head of the First Army Corps.

Third, the formation of the three major construction corps.

In the future, if the empire wants to attack the Romanov dynasty in the north, it must base itself on the northern plains and want to attack the Persian empire in the west. It must be based in the western province.

In the same way, if you want to overcome the Scorpio in the southwest, you must base yourself on the Xikang province.

If these three major frontier provinces are unable to provide strong food and grass support for the army alone, it is basically impossible to win by relying on the long-distance transportation of grain and grass from the Central Plains.

I really want to go to war, I am afraid that I will be humiliated because of the lack of food and grass.

If you iron your heart and transport the grain from the Central Plains, then a big battle may drag the empire.

This is precisely the case. It is more important to increase the development of the three major provinces, and to build a large group of troops. It is also a prerequisite for the future expansion of the empire in Asia.

Without the support of food and grass, it is futile to station more troops at the border.

Or to say that before the grain production of the three major provinces could not reach a new level, the empire could not station a large-scale army in the frontier.

Don't say anything else, it's just the daily logistics support of the army. In that case, let’s not take the initiative to attack other dynasties. It is good to be able to defend the frontier.

It’s a sigh of relief.

Based on such strategic judgments, the three major construction corps of Beiyuan, Xijiang and Xikang emerged as the times require.

China has always had a tradition of squatting, especially in the Western Regions, starting from the Western Han Dynasty, and it has experienced the Eastern Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing.

It has been inherited to the modern society, and the tradition of the border has not been cut off.

Ouyang Yu was inspired by this, and decided to set up three major construction corps in one breath, while accumulating grain and grass materials at the same time, laying a material foundation for the expansion of the empire.

After the preliminary accounting of the Privy Council, after the South American Army was replenished, the South Asian Army was formed, and some wounded were removed, a total of 1.2 million soldiers remained waiting for resettlement.

In this way, the three major construction corps, each corps drew 400,000 people, not only beyond the general corps, but even the group army can not match.

This is not only the case, in order to stabilize the military, after the conditions are ripe, the imperial court also allowed the families of the soldiers to move to Putian District to participate in production and construction.

In this way, the size of the construction corps will at least double.

This is also a must. With the current technical level of the empire, such a scale is not exaggerated. If there is a chance in the future, Ouyang Yi will further expand the scale of the construction corps.

Only in this way can the three frontier provinces be revitalized.

With reference to the ancient system, the construction corps will be placed under the dual leadership of the imperial court and the capital of the government. In wartime, the construction corps will also be temporarily placed under the jurisdiction of the theater. When necessary, the theater may recruit the corps to fight on the front line.

In this way, the candidates for the heads of the three major construction corps are very important and have rigid requirements.

First of all, if this person is a military martial art, otherwise, he will not be able to hold on to such a group of unruly soldiers. Secondly, this person must understand some internal affairs and have certain management skills.

After all, the main task of the construction corps is to squat, not to fight.

With such a screening, there are very few people to choose from.

Ouyang Yu first delineated, is the most important of the three major construction corps, and is also the corps of the Xijiang Construction Corps, the most corps of history. This person is not someone else. It is the former great Zhou Jiangjun, the former Danyang Army. Leading the field.

In history, Tian Dan will be worshipped, and naturally he can take this responsibility.

Followed by Ouyang Yu, the head of the Third Army Corps of the City Guards, veteran Ma Teng, served as the head of the Corps of the Beiyuan Construction Corps.

In history, Ma Teng managed to cool down the West and protect the people and the people. If you want to come, you can take this responsibility.

In the end, the head of the Xikang Construction Corps, the head of the Second Army of the Xiongjun Xiongjun, was also a veteran, and he was the son of the civil and military.

Compared with the young generals, the veteran's advantage in this respect is very obvious.

It’s not too much to talk about.

At this point, the resettlement of the 1.8 million army has come to an end.

Next, Da Xia will thoroughly align the affiliation relationship between the theater and the group army, and clarify the empire strategy to lay the foundation of the future empire.

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