MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1276 8 major theaters

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(PS: For the former ally, add one more...)

On December 25, on the eve of New Year's Day, the Great Summer Army ushered in the biggest adjustment.

Defamation, the establishment of the Jing-Ji Theater, Xia Shen Shenwei, the court female guard, Jin Wuwei, the Guards, Yu Linjun, the City Guard, the Royal Fleet and the South Xinjiang Navy, responsible for the entire Jing-Gyeong area.

Specifically, Shenwuwei is the guardian of Ouyang Yu, the court female guard is responsible for guarding the inner palace of the palace, Jin Wuwei is responsible for arching the imperial treasury, and the Guards Army is responsible for arching the capital.

Ouyang Yu’s guards are naturally also under the name of Shen Wuwei.

Yu Linjun is responsible for the five major provinces of Gongwei, Sichuan, Shonan, Jiangchuan and Weinan. Each province is stationed in a legion. The headquarters of the group army is located in Quanzhou.

In addition, Yizhou County, which faces the south of the province, is also included in the Yulin Military Defense Zone.

The five major provinces form a peripheral defense line across the east and west, and they guard the outer areas of Beijing.

The City Guard is responsible for arching Beihai City, Mulan Fortress, Yunnan, Chuannan and Lingnan three major provinces. The headquarters of the group army is located in Tianjing City, the governor of the southern Sichuan province.

The three major provinces form a central defense line, which guards the core area of ​​Beijing.

The Royal Fleet is responsible for arching the Beibu Gulf and defending the gate of the Jingshi Sea. The headquarters is located in Beihai City. The Nanjiang Navy is responsible for arching the entire Jiangnan River and is headquartered in Poyang Lake.

The Jing-Jing Theater encompasses all the direct corps of the empire, taking into account the sea and land. It is the guarding of the Jing-Gang area, the arch-a-king power, the most strong and reliable military force, and the empire's pinnacle of the sea.

This is exactly the case, Ouyang Yu will personally serve as the honorary commander of the Jing-Ji Theater, and there is no theater commanding department. Usually, the Privy Council will manage daily military affairs.


The Southeast Theater was renamed the Central Plains Theater, and the Xiongbao Leopard Army, Xiangjiang Army, Pazhou Corps and the Coastal Fleet were responsible for defending the entire Central Plains, especially the eastern coastal areas.

The Hu Yujun, led by Sun Wei, withdrew from the combat sequence of the Southeastern theater and had other arrangements.

Specifically, the Leopard Army is responsible for archiving the five coastal provinces of Northern Xinjiang, Kyoto, Ludong, Donghai and Jiangnan. Each province is stationed in a legion. The headquarters of the group army is located in Jianye.

The Xiangjiang Army was renamed the Central Plains Army. It was responsible for arching Guanxi, Hedong, Zhongyuan, Jingchu and the five central inland provinces of southern Fujian. Each province was stationed in a legion. The headquarters of the group army was located in Luoyang.

The Pazhou Bing Corps still defends the Pazhou continent and is responsible for guarding the East Gate of the Imperial Sea.

The Coastal Fleet is responsible for arching the offshore waters such as the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the East Longhai Sea. It is the strongest maritime support force on the empire's coast. The headquarters is transferred from the coastal port to Jiaodong Port.

At the same time, the Coastal Fleet will set up naval bases in seven major ports including Binhai Port, Haijin Port, Jiaodong Port, Haizhou Port, Shencheng Port, Zhoushan Port and Busan Port.

Some bases are newly built, while others are directly upgraded to the naval base of the original Da Zhou Dynasty.

The Central Plains Theater, which has both sea and land, is not only the backbone of the Central Plains, but also a sword for the empire's east. It is a shocking group.

The generals Han Xin, the commander of the Southeast Theater and the Leopard Army commanded two major positions, and were appointed.

The commander of the Leopard Army was taken over by Zhenbei General Yue Fei. As early as the beginning of the Mongolian war, the imperial court lifted the post of Yue Fei’s Northern Xinjiang Army and was promoted by deputy commander Chen Yucheng.

Yue Fei took the lead in the Leopard Army and guarded the empire coast. It can be seen that Ouyang Yu is very important to him.

Sun Wei, the former deputy commander of the Southeastern Theater, was promoted to the commander of the Central Plains Theater. At the same time, according to the usual practice, Sun Hao will remove the position of the Tiger and the Army.

The commander of the Tigers and the Army, very unexpected, was directly promoted by Li Xiucheng, head of the Fifth Army.

Li Xiucheng from the head of a military directly promoted to the command of the group army, can be described as the dragon slam, and became the most dazzling presence among the young generals of the Daxia Army.

This time, Li Xiucheng was the recognition of Li Xiucheng's ability. The background of Li Xiucheng's firearms era is also one of the factors that he can be promoted.

Compared with Chen Yucheng, the Northern Xinjiang Army commander who shines in the Mongolian battlefield, Li Xiucheng is only strong and weak.

Of course, Li Xiucheng’s Hu Jinjun’s background is one of the reasons why he can stand out among the candidates.

Ouyang Yu is also going to use this appointment to awaken the veteran generals of the Daxia Army, especially the veterans, the military highs, from the seniors, but who can keep up with the times and focus on the future war. .

Those who are self-sufficient, only the fate of being eliminated.

There is also a more interesting phenomenon in the Central Plains Theater. That is, the old army of the theater commander Sun Wei’s Hu Jinjun was transferred from the theater sequence. Instead, Han Xin’s old army, the Leopard Army, stayed.

This is certainly not a coincidence, and the results of careful arrangements.

The purpose is to gradually separate the "blood link" between the commander of the theater and the troops of the lower arm, to prevent the ruling power, smuggling, and even the self-respect of the theater.

Although there is no such indication in the current military, Ouyang Yu must be prepared early.

Previously, in the African theater and the southwestern theater, the court had already had similar arrangements. The same was true in the next few theaters, which formed a convention and even a fixed institutional arrangement.


The formation of the North Asian Theater, Xiafeng Fengxiang Army, North Xinjiang Army and Beiyuan Construction Corps, responsible for arching the northern armies of the empire, is responsible for guarding the Mongolian grasslands, but also to defend against the invasion of the Romanov dynasty.

Fengxiang Army is stationed in the North Plains Province. The Northern Xinjiang Army is also stationed in the Liaojinxing Province. It also takes into account the defense of the northern part of the province. After all, the North Plains Province is too vast, and the Fengxiang Army cannot take it seriously.

Named the North Asian Theater, not the Northern Theater, the purpose of the establishment of the theater is obvious. In addition to the short-term suppression of the Northern Territory, the long-term goal is still in the mind of the Romanov dynasty.

Li Mu, deputy commander of the Northwest Theater, was promoted to the commander of the North Asian Theater, and at the same time unloaded the position of the Eagle Army.

Under the leadership of the Ying Yang army, Zuo Zongtang, the general of the Second Town of Erpin Town, who was just led by Fei Xiongjun, took over. The post of the flying bear army that Zuo Zongtang unloaded was taken over by the Tang Dynasty general Li Ji.

As a famous Tang Dynasty with Li Jing, Li Ji is enough to be in this position.

Such cross-employment, one is to avoid the law of the theater commander and the old ministry does not overlap, the second is to avoid Li Jing, Li Ji two Tang Tang, the same as a war zone.

Mainly the latter.

The North Asian Theater and the Northern Territory’s Protected Areas are completely coincident, with one army and one government, and defending the northern border of the Empire.


The formation of the West Asian theater, the Xiongfei Xiongjun, the Hedong Army and the Xijiang Construction Corps, responsible for archiving the empire of the West Xinjiang, is also the main force of the future empire attacking the Persian Empire.

Fei Xiongjun is stationed in the Xijiang province. The Hedong Army is renamed the West Asian Army. It is headquartered in the Xihai Province, and is stationed in the Xihai Province while taking care of the eastern part of the Western Province.

Wang Qin, the famous general of Daqin, was appointed commander of the West Asian Theater and awarded the rank of general.

Wang Xi is obsessed with the pursuit of the escaping of the Persian escaping. This time he took charge of the Western Asian theater and gave Wang Hao a stage to be justified and let him play.


The Northwest Theater was renamed the South Asian Theater, and the Xiongying Yangjun, the South Asian Army, and the Xikang Construction Corps were temporarily responsible for guarding the Xikang Bank's high official far-off plan, which was the main force of the empire's attack on Tianzhu.

General Li Jing, the general of the South Asian theater.

Considering that Xikang Province, in the just-concluded Tubo War, it was almost flattened and needed large-scale reconstruction. The logistics support capability was very limited, and the South Asian Army would be stationed at the border of the depression.

Before the Xikang Construction Corps was on the right track, the supply of the South Asian Army was the responsibility of the province. Fortunately, the land is a famous country of abundance, and the products are rich enough to shoulder this heavy responsibility.


The Southwest Theater was renamed the Nanyang Theater, to better match its positioning. It is still under the command of the Longyan Army, the Hanoi Army, the Heluo Army and the Northern Army. It is responsible for Southeast Asia and Australia defense.

At the same time, the Yashan Fleet was placed under the Nanyang Theater and was responsible for the maritime defense of the entire South Sea. In the future, the Indian Ocean fleet will gradually shift to the Indian Ocean.

According to the plan of the empire, after the eradication of the Javanese state, an adjustment will be made to the Nanyang Theater. After all, with the current stability of Nanyang, it seems that there is no need to station four group army.


The African theater remains unchanged.

In addition to the above seven theaters on the bright side, the empire is still secretly setting up the American War squadron and the South American Army are responsible for the war in the entire America.

In view of the unclear situation in South America, the Tigers and the Army are still stationed in the Central Plains. After the time is ripe, they will be sent to the American battlefield. At that time, it was the time when the American theater was officially unveiled.

The general of the General of the Southeastern War Zone, Han Xin, was the commander of the American theater.

The American continent is the second continent outside the African continent. The future will face the threat of the Dawson Dynasty. The Hanshin will be the commander of the American theater. It is obvious that Ouyang Yu attaches importance to Han Xin.

Only Han Xin, such a great man of merit, can be a heavy responsibility.

Bai Qi, Han Xin and Li Jing, the three generals, are still the three biggest trump cards in the hands of Ouyang Yu, and they are arranged at the forefront of the empire, shouldering the most difficult war mission.

After this major adjustment, the military aircraft also ushered in a round of adjustment.

Prior to this, the Guards, the City Guards, the Yulin Army, and the Dragons, Tigers, Leopards, Eagles, Flying Bears, Greedy Wolfs, Fengxiang Seven Group Army, a total of ten commanders, can walk in the military aircraft.

After this round of adjustment, only the commanders of the eight major theaters can serve as military ministers. In view of the fact that the commander of the Beijing-Guangdong theater is headed by Ouyang Yu, there are only seven theater commanders in the military plane.

That is, the African war zone Baiqi, the American theater Han Xin, the South Asian theater Li Jing, the Central Plains theater Sun Yan, the North Asian theater Li Mu, the West Asian theater Wang Hao and the Nanyang Theater Wu Qi.

Then there is the military minister Du Ruzhen and the naval commander Zheng He.

Huo went to the army, Shi Wansui, Xu Da, Guo Ziyi and Meng Yu and other generals, and then withdrew from the military aircraft.

Even Ouyang’s most trusted Huo’s disease can’t be an exception. Ouyang Yu hopes that the system is the system, and it is not easy to go over and challenge.

Even Ouyang Yi, choose to act with caution.

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