MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1343 Mother star

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"Mecha manufacturing technology and existing technology, can you share?" Ouyang asked.


Ouyang Yu did not hide it, he tried to get rid of the ambition of Gaia's control.

If these two key technologies are available, even if there is no Gaia support in the future base, Ouyang Yi can also build a super-luxury team and completely get rid of the achievement value limit.

Ordinary people follow the rules, and emperors are used to subverting rules.

Ouyang is screaming, and the future will be able to make the day of hope for the order of the planet.

Talk to Gaia, don't circle.

Just like now, Gaia knows Ouyang’s ambitions, as long as it is harmless to humans, she will not care.

Gaia follows exactly the rules.

"Free sharing is not acceptable. According to the plan, in the future between the base and the resource star, a set of exchange mechanism will be established. The base uses biological resources to redeem the technology and products of the resource star." Gaia explained.

With superb computing power, Gaia clearly has a set of plans.

Ouyang Yu even speculated that this time the Starfleet docked the resource star, not a temporary intention of Gaia, but a set of alternatives already existed long ago.

Predict the worst possible, and make a good plan, but the strengths of Gaia's top artificial intelligence.

Ouyang Yu’s eyes are condensed. “So, the future base and the Starfleet are not subordinate, but more like a cooperative model.

If this is the case, the base has great autonomy.

As for the equivalent exchange mentioned by Gaia, it is also the cooperation model that Ouyang Yi highly respects. I hope that the free lunch will take advantage of the small and cheap, not the style of Ouyang Yi’s work.

"You can understand this."

After dissolving the federation, Gaia acted as a human guardian and did not seek leadership.

Ouyang Yu looked at Gaia deeply and asked his doubts: "So, if the base is not going to happen, are you not ready to embark on the planet of hope?"

"You are very smart." Gaia finally flashed a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He did not evade Ouyang Yu and said that Ouyang Yu did not say, "The resource star is not suitable for human survival. For Homo sapiens, there is no problem."

Gaia is already preparing to make the resource star a parent star of Homo sapiens.

In that way, human beings settled in the hopeful star, and the wise man settled in the resource star, complementing each other and not interfering with each other, forming a benign symbiotic relationship.

Perhaps this is the way out for Gaia to find a wise man.

Ouyang Yu’s heart sighs. For both sides, perhaps this is the best ending. Not all human beings can treat NPC equally.

The hostility of the population will never be rooted.

"Can you help me a little busy?" Ouyang Yu finally asked, the tone of speech is not a routine, more like a friend's request, with a touch of warmth.

Although the two people are not common, they see each other.

"You said." Gaia smiled and made people fall.

Ouyang Yan smiled and said the request, Gaia did not hesitate, directly agreed.

"That's it!"

Gaia did not have a guest set, turned into a white light, together with the chair, disappeared into the royal study.

Outsiders simply don’t know that Gaia has been here.

This secret conversation was not revealed until two hundred years later. It became an extraordinary historical dialogue between the two planet leaders and was recorded in the annals of history.


December 20th.

Soon after sending Gaia away, Ouyang Yu began to deal with the aftermath of the Battle of Tianzhu.

Due to the destruction of Hope City, Scorpio players' resistance to the big summer was greatly reduced, and the Great Summer Army swept away the enemy and removed the last obstacle.

After the winter, the war basically ended.

A few days ago, the Guards, Dragons, South Xinjiangs, and Western Generals who participated in the war, after replenishing their respective damages, have withdrawn from the front line and returned to their respective places.

Scorpio defense, fully taken over by the South Asian theater.

According to post-war statistics, after the three dynasties of Tianzhu were destroyed, in addition to supplementing the war damage, arranging the wounded to retire and removing the unqualified soldiers, nearly one million prisoners of war remained waiting for reorganization.

Among them, there are 300,000. It is ironic that the peacock dynasty army that surrendered to the Ashoka Dynasty.

These prisoners of war are all elite, and how to deal with them is a tricky thing.

Arranging to retire or change jobs is undoubtedly a waste of greatness, and it is easy to cause security problems. After all, the scale of these prisoners of war is twice that of the South Asian theater.

In view of this, with the approval of Ouyang Yu, a million prisoners of war were temporarily reorganized into four group armies, temporarily granting the number of the South Asian First Army to the Fourth Army.

The four major group forces were temporarily placed under the jurisdiction of the South Asian Theater and led by the Military Aircraft Division.

How to maximize the role of the four major group army, and use it in the cutting edge, the court has already had a preliminary plan, just wait for the spring to be implemented.

What we have to do now is to appease the emotions of the four major group armies and take a good rest.

After the spring, this will be a force to destroy the earth and help the empire achieve new strategic ambitions.


Gaia was on the first day of January, the capital.

Without a routine system update, the arrival of Gaia for ten years seems to be quiet. At the beginning of the new year, the Daxia court issued a personnel appointment.

He ordered the dismissal of the post of bachelor of the Ouyang Bing secrets of the king of Chu, and was transferred to the post of the deputy commander of the Hong Kong Shaoqing and the Gyeonggi Theater.

The experience of the Secret Wenge made Binger have a certain familiarity with the internal affairs of the empire.

There was not much time in sight, and Ouyang Yu couldn't wait. He could only help with a little seedlings and began to let Binger get involved in the two major fields of diplomacy and military, and make final preparations for the upcoming regent.

The identity of Hongjun Shaoqing gives Binger the opportunity to represent the empire, conduct global diplomacy, and enhance personal prestige. The post of deputy commander in the Jing-Jing Theater is even more important.

In the future, Ouyang Yu is preparing to hand over the Jing-Guan battlefield to Binger.

Only by mastering the military power, Binger can be stable in the position of the Regent. Otherwise, Ouyang Yi can't go to the planet of hope.

The last insurance is Gaia’s shelter from Binger.

In addition to the appointment on the face, Binger also served as the deputy commander of Shanhaiwei and began to contact the intelligence network. One person has three positions, involving military, diplomatic, and intelligence. Binger is unprecedented.

Gaia's ten years is a very crucial year for Binger.


In the twinkling of an eye, it is already in the spring of March.

There is only three months left until the deadline given by Gaia.

Under the help of the silver hand and the azure blue badge, Ouyang Yu went to the hope of the planet's pioneering, almost become a matter of nailing, and the wave of public opinion has taken shape.

Just wait for the last blow.

The phase channel Mori dynasty soon expressed its recognition of the big summer, and sent Da Xia to the "Supreme" position.

Prior to this, whether it was the European battlefield or the African battlefield, it was rare that there was no movement, no waves, and it was simply unbelievable.

Under the calm, there are storms that are quietly brewing.

Read The Duke's Passion