MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1344 Persian Good Friday

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Gaia has ten years, March 5th.

Surprisingly, Gaia’s first decade of war was not in Europe but in Asia.

On the same day, Dasha officially declared war on the Persian Empire.

The Persian Empire is a vast territory with a total of 30 million players. After suffering the Western Expedition of the Mongol Empire, the total strength of the Empire remained at 2 million.

Coupled with the Persian Gulf, it was once regarded as an emerging empire in Asia.

In addition to the fight with the Mongol Empire, the Persian Empire rarely participated in foreign operations, internal stability, economic prosperity, and relatively developed industry. It is the last major opponent of Daxia in Asia.

Before attacking Tianzhu, Ouyang Yu had not thought about whether to fight the Persian Empire.

The smooth advancement of the Scorpio War not only won another heavyweight protection zone for Daxia, but also smashed a million elite divisions, so that Ouyang Yu had the confidence to fight against Persia.

The identity of the Asian hegemon has a certain blessing in this war.

In order to win the Persian Empire as soon as possible, Ouyang Yu was not ambiguous at this time, and dispatched a large army of the middle and lower three roads, totaling thirty-one legions and a total of 1.55 million troops.

On the road army, the four regiments of Fengxiang Army, which is affiliated to the North Asian Theater, took up the army from the North Tower of the Western Province. Feng Xiangjun led the general of the Northern Army, Guo Ziyi, and served as the commander of the army.

The Middle Road Army consists of four armies of the Flying Bear Army and the three armies of the West Asian Army, which are affiliated to the West Asian Theater. They are composed of a total of 350,000 troops and marched from the Nanchengguan of Xijiang Province.

God will be Wang Hao, who will serve as the commander of the Middle Road Army.

The People's Liberation Army, composed of the South Asian First Army to the Fourth Army, is a total of one million troops. It is also the main force of the Persian Empire, and it is from the Ayutthaya Province.

God will Li Jing, who is in charge of the expedition.

In addition, the Indian Ocean Fleet will also attack the coastal areas of the Persian Empire from the sea.

Take down an enemy, use the strength of the country, and then attack the next target.

These practices are very similar to the "meat grinder plan" proposed by Jia Wei in the Tubo battlefield. It is also a pioneering mode.

If the situation is going well, the model will continue to operate.

The foundation of the operation, thanks to the success of Da Xia in the battlefield of Tianzhu, was the unconventional tactics of the "Imperial Death", and the Daxia Army was able to easily win.

If I have been hard-hitting with the Ashoka Dynasty, I am afraid that it will only be a tragic victory.

The sudden declaration of war in the Great Summer is undoubtedly an unacceptable disaster for the Persian Empire. Don't look at the Persian Empire with two million troops. In the face of the three-way Great Summer Army, it is difficult to find a chance to win.

The stability within the Persian Empire is an advantage and a great disadvantage.

Among the two million troops, more than half of them are made up of Guards of various countries. They have never experienced any wars, and their actual combat capability is really worrying.

Otherwise, the Western Expedition of the Mongol Empire would not smear the Persian Empire.

Compared with the Mongolian iron ride, the big summer army is stronger than the other.

The 1.5 million Da Xia Army, if it is to do a battle conversion, is at least worth three million in the Persian Empire, and even a larger number of troops.

How can the Persian Empire win?

The only way is to ask for help from allies.

Bordered by the Persian Empire, and affiliated with the silver hand camp, there are three major dynasties, the Arab Empire, the Caesar Dynasty and the Romanov Dynasty.

Both the Caesar dynasty and the Romanov dynasty were trapped in the European battlefield. They also counted on the reinforcements of the Persian Empire. It was impossible to have energy and in turn support the Persian Empire.

In particular, the Romanov dynasty was busy with the Germanic dynasty, the border with the Persian Empire, and the vast and sparsely Far East region, supporting the lack of strength.

Most likely, it is estimated that the Arab Empire.

The two empires have the same source, but because of different beliefs, they have been cut into two empires. The relationship between them was not very friendly at that time. Whether the Arab Empire can lend a helping hand is really unknown.

Needless to say, the Arab Empire will also face the direct threat of the Great Summer African theater.

Counting it, the Persian Empire can only fight alone.


Da Xia declared war on Persia, like a nuclear bomb, which stirred up the calm global situation.

Not only the victims of the Persian Empire, but others did not expect that the summer of the whirlpool of public opinion, even as usual, not forgetting the external expansion, continue to play the hegemony of the world.

It seems that the destruction of the city has not affected the strategic decision of Daxia.

This naturally became a reason for the silver hand to attack the big summer.

The problem is that the silver hand and the blue badge are shaping the image of Ouyang Wei's "Wei Guangzheng". At this time, if you stand up and blame Ouyang Yu, he will not give up until recently.

Therefore, they can only remain silent, knocking down their teeth and swallowing blood.

"I have to doubt that Ouyang Yu is looking at this delicate moment, and this is the unscrupulous war." Jack on the other side of the ocean can not help but send such feelings.

Jack did not know the strategic position of the Persian Empire, nor did he know how valuable the oil and gas resources of the Persian Gulf were, but in the face of the help of the Persian Empire, the Dawson Dynasty was really helpless.

After winning the Scorpio, Daxia’s strategy is terrible and the overall strength is on a new level. It is not the Dawson dynasty that can compete positively.

This is also the hand of silver, eager to send Ouyang Yi this "sacred god" one of the reasons.

Although there are rumors, Ouyang Yu is working hard to train successors, but against Ouyang Bing, the "little girl", Jack is still very confident.

The declaration of the Great Summer also allowed the temporary cooling to be a global battlefield and was activated again.

Ordinary players can't understand the inner mystery of the big summer declaration, but the lords are clear.

In a sense, with the hope of the destruction of the city, the human settlement hopes that the star is blocked, the status of the game world does not fall and rises, becoming a veritable second world.

In the foreseeable future, most humans will continue to live in the game world.

Therefore, the dominance of competing for the game world is actually more important than before, once surpassing the previous competition for three places.

This is a sub-cake action, and the last is not willing to fall behind.

This is exactly the case, Ouyang Yu can ignore the outside world's public opinion, and soon after the battle of Scorpio has subsided, he will declare war on the Persian Empire.

The inner logic comes from this.

If you can lay down the Persian Empire and completely control the oil and gas resources of the Persian Gulf, in the future wave of industrialization competition, Daxia will basically be in an invincible position.

At this time, Ouyang Yu, like a father who is going to travel, always wants to do things as much as possible before leaving, to give his successor Binger, leaving a solid family business.

Otherwise, it is not safe to go.

Read The Duke's Passion