MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1007

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Magical Girl Teriri: Because the capacity of the memory bread is limited, your brain capacity is also limited. If there is too much knowledge recorded on the memory bread, your head will burst, so you can only read and write.

Magical Girl Teriri: In order for us to communicate smoothly, I chose to read.

"What about the writing part? Can you give it to me now?"

Magical Girl Teriri: I'm sorry, the part I wrote is another price. I'm not doing charity work, I'm selling small commodities.

"It's reasonable...but what if I don't want to give money?" Black Jeanne narrowed her eyes

I am a majestic dragon witch, do I have to pay for shopping?

Magical Girl Teriri: Then I won't sell it, can you still hit me along the network cable?


Joan of Arc suddenly realized that this was not a face-to-face transaction, so she couldn't "fish in a dry marsh" or "seek out money".

it's a pity.

"What's the price?"

Magical girl Teriri: a Favna.

"Huh?" Black Joan frowned.

"How do you know I have Favna?"

Magical girl Teriri: Come on, I can send things to you along the network cable, so isn't it normal for me to know more things? Have you ever seen or heard of bread that gives you knowledge after eating it?


Magical Girl Teriri: Then it's over, I'm a magical traveling merchant, as long as you can afford it, I can sell you anything you want.

Magical Girl Teriri: Don't worry that I have plots against you, we are not in a parallel world. Therefore, in addition to commodity transactions, it is probably impossible to interact with each other.

"Commodities...! I remembered that the Chaldeans seemed to have brought out some magical props. Could it be you who sold them?" Black Jeanne opened her eyes slightly.

Black Joan saw with her own eyes that Chaldea and his party tore a scroll in front of her and disappeared instantly.

Magical Girl Teriri: You guessed it. But they seemed to be running away too quickly, so they forgot the communicator here, and the communicator is an indispensable thing for trading with me...

Magical Girl Teriri: Have you heard the story of Aladdin's lamp? Just treat the communicator in front of you as a prop that can make a wish, but it will be paid.

"Oh, make a wish." Black Jeanne sneered

The holy grail that can make wishes come true is in my hands, what more wishes do I need?

Magical Girl Teriri: Don't be so disdainful, if you don't have a wish now, maybe you will have it in the future. So the deal just now...

"I can't do such a stupid thing by exchanging the knowledge I can learn for Favna. It's just reading and writing, won't it be enough after a few hours of learning? On the contrary, this communicator needs to be destroyed quickly..."

Magical girl Teriri: When the communicator is destroyed, a new communicator will appear in the hands of the original owner. Beautiful lady, you don't want Chaldea to get my support again, do you?

"..." Joan of Arc, who was about to destroy the communicator just now, froze.

That's right, if the communicator is in my hands, wouldn't it be able to weaken Chaldea's abilities in a disguised form?

Although Joan of Arc had never cared about the combat power of Chaldea and his party, if they obtained the magical props again, they would cause themselves a lot of trouble.

Magical Girl Teriri: So, Favna, are you selling it or not? I can pay big bucks...

"Goodbye." Black Joan took out a piece of paper and put it on the camera.

Magical Girl Teriri: Wait...

"For such confusing things, I still need to discuss with Jill first." Looking at the communicator, Joan of Arc muttered.

"Failed?" Penglai Shan Huiye asked.

"No, it worked, at least it aroused her interest. Don't worry, I will make her magic girl Teriri want to stop." Chen Luo showed a confident smile on her face.

Isn't it just coaxing children? I know this!

Be sure to trick Favna in her hand!

Chapter 1000 Penglai Shanhui Ye: I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to be my father?

"You actually talked about the body of a greedy girl so openly... I really misread you." Penglai Shan Huiye shook his head

"Nonsense, am I a dragon who is greedy for her? In terms of body, if I want to, I can make an identical doll." Chen Luo retorted.

The overall level of Chen Luo's puppeteer professional skills has reached the master level.

Basically, as long as Chen Luo takes a look at a person's appearance, he can roughly understand the other person's physical parameters.

So Chen Luo can really look at a person roughly for a few seconds, turn around and make a doll that is basically the same.

Besides, the physical parameters of Joan of Arc are not clearly written on the official website?

"Speaking of which, if you use the name of the magical girl Teriri like this, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Teresa? Be careful that she drops you Teriri Teriri." Penglaishan Kaguya reminded.

"You can't use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty. Teresa and I are not in the same world. Besides, don't you come up with things like online names casually? If I'm happy, I can be called Kaguya Ji?"

"Hey, hey, I'm warning you, don't mess around. The name Kaguya Ji has been ruined enough by me myself, if it falls into your hands, wouldn't it be a swindle? Is it a pronoun?" Penglai Shan Huiye said hastily.

Penglaishan Kaguya is still a little self-aware. As he used the name Kaguya Ji on the Internet to act unscrupulously and domineeringly, this name may have become synonymous with poisonous tongue, but Penglaishan Kaguya didn't want to let Kaguya Ji The name plus a label of deception.

"So I can only use the magical girl Teriri. Besides, that guy Merlin uses Magic☆Merry, so I naturally have to take the name of a magical girl." operation on the panel

It's not doing anything else, but creating a separate web interface on Magic☆Merry's website—[Traveling Merchant's Collection]

Chen Luo's associate editor authority can do this kind of thing

This separate interface is shown to Joan of Arc, and Joan of Arc can only see this interface.

For the sake of Roman's privacy and preventing Black Joan from knowing more information, which would disturb fate, Chen Luo will not allow Black Joan to actually log in to the Q&A interface of Magic☆Meili's website.

"Luoluo, come here. Sit here." Penglai Shanhuiye shouted to Chen Luo after swallowing his last mouthful, and then patted the bed next to him.

"Why?" Chen Luo was making a new interface while sitting by the bed.

Chen Luoyou was thinking about what kind of products would be better to hang up?

Chen Luo owns many things, and many magical ones, but not many can be sold to others at a clearly marked price.

"Chen Luo, I didn't realize that your body is so strong before, let me touch your muscles." Penglai Shan Huiye rubbed and rubbed on Chen Luo's body while talking.

Wipe your mouth and rub your hands.

Penglai Shan Huiye, who had just finished eating, was too lazy to go to the computer desk to get a tissue, so he could only make do with Chen Luo's clothes.

This is Penglai Shan Huiye's mouth-wiping route!



Penglai Shanhuiye, who just finished wiping his mouth, only felt a push from his back.

Then, Penglai Shanhuiye was directly kicked out of the bed by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"Do you think I don't exist? Stay away from him." The Herrscher of Knowledge said dissatisfied.

The Herrscher of Knowledge joined the [battle] halfway, but he didn't speak.

"Hiss, that's really ruthless, I thought the two of us were already best friends." Penglai Shan Huiye complained.

"Fire prevention, theft prevention, girlfriend protection, thank you." The law of knowledge said angrily.

It is knowing what kind of person Penglai Shanhui Ye is, so the law of knowledge will be on guard.

Although Penglai Shanhuiye's impression score is average, but Penglaishan Huiye's appearance score is full.

"So when are you going to take your legs back? And when are you wearing black silk?" Penglai Shanhuiye sat cross-legged on the floor, watching the current movements of Herrscher of Knowledge.

Penglai Shan Huiye and Chen Luo were sitting side by side just now, and Penglai Shan Huiye was kicked off the bed by the Herrscher of Knowledge, so now the long legs of the Herrscher of Knowledge are placed at the same level as Chen Luo's shoulders .

What's more, the Herrscher of Knowledge rarely wore black silk above the knees on his legs, and the shoes that were originally full of metallic texture had long since disappeared.

"Oh, Xiaoshi, don't you plan to show off your long legs because you heard what Chen Luo and I had just said about legs?" Penglai Shan Huiye suddenly realized

"Hmph." The Herrscher of Knowledge didn't nod but didn't deny it either.

The long legs that had been stretched out and had nowhere to rest slowly moved towards Chen Luo's shoulder.

"Click!" The sound of the doorknob turning sounded.

"I said, what the **** are you doing upstairs..." Ye Yunshang's impatient voice sounded, which surprised Chen Luo, who was obsessed with programming.

Seeing Ye Yunshang who was about to open the door to enter, Chen Luo backhanded the [Sheep Changing Technique] to Penglai Shan Huiye next to him.

At least Ye Yunshang can't let Ye Yunshang discover Penglai Shan Huiye's body!

Penglai Mountain Huiye is quite famous. At least well-known among nerds and nerds

But when Ye Yunshang really pushed the door and entered, Chen Luo realized—why didn't he pause the time just now?

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Ye Yunshang is relatively good, so it is not difficult to deal with it. Although there is still time to remedy it, it is not necessary.

"Are you two young people playing well?" Seeing the postures of Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Knowledge, Ye Yunshang raised his eyebrows.

Now the long legs of the Herrscher of Knowledge were resting on Chen Luo's shoulders, and Chen Luo was sitting on the edge of the bed watching Ye Yunshang who pushed the door open.

black silk? Foot control?

The young man had a great time playing.

Legs play for years, right? I understand this.

"That... you two play first, I'll go down first, but remember not to make such a big noise next time." Ye Yunshang raised an eyebrow at Chen Luo.

After seeing Ye Yunshang barging in, the Herrscher of Knowledge subconsciously retracted his legs.

Although the Herrscher of Consciousness didn't mind declaring sovereignty in front of Mount Penglai Huiye, but when the elder Ye Yunshang was in front of him, the Herrscher of Consciousness seemed a little restrained.

"By the way, don't kill people... No, wait, can a demon kill people?" Ye Yunshang fell into deep thought.

Is there reproductive isolation?


That's right, can demons kill people?

The Herrscher of Knowledge was also lost in thought.

"What are you two thinking about?" Chen Luo couldn't hold back anymore.

"Ahem, in short, I won't participate in the affairs between you young people... But the movement should be quieter." Ye Yunshang emphasized.

"Sister Yunshang, have you finally admitted that you are an older leftover girl?"

"Your sister is left! My old lady is still magnificent!" Ye Yunshang snorted coldly, and slammed the door away.

But Ye Yunshang could probably tell that things should not be as he said just now.

After all... If you really want to rustle, how can you not lock the door?

But now Xiaonian is playing real flowers.

It was hard for Ye Yunshang to imagine what kind of tricks the heart demon could play.

"..." After Ye Yunshang left, Chen Luo turned to look at the Herrscher of Knowledge sitting on the bed behind him.

"Why? Isn't it good-looking?" The Herrscher of Knowledge said while hugging his long legs.

"Emmm...the problem is not this."

"That's right... what's going on with this little Huiye?" The Herrscher of Knowledge nodded, then changed his position and lay down next to Chen Luo, and then pointed to Xiao Huiye who was sitting slumped on the ground.

Under the influence of the Herrscher of Consciousness ability, Ye Yunshang just didn't realize that there was a child next to him, otherwise Ye Yunshang's character would probably say [Isn't it? You two even have kids? Hold on a second, I'm going to call the police! 】

"You might not believe it, but this is Kaguya and I's illegitimate daughter."

"You might not believe it, but I really don't." The Herrscher of Knowledge gave Chen Luo a blank look.

"Well, in fact, it's a little skill I just acquired, which can turn people into children." Chen Luo explained while scolding the kindergarten principal for not being as useful as he imagined.

Isn't it, Xiaoshi can't be fooled by this? Xiaozhi is really getting harder and harder to deceive now.

"..." The Herrscher of Knowledge always felt that Chen Luo seemed to have misunderstood him.

"Wow!" Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly made a face at Xiao Huiye

"Wow!" And Xiaohui cried out in a very cooperative wow!

"Huh?? Isn't it so frightened to cry so easily?" The Herrscher of Knowledge was a little caught off guard.