MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1008

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"Take pictures and take pictures. Come, come, call mom." The Herrscher of Knowledge hurriedly got up from the bed, then squatted next to Xiao Huiye, and said while holding the mobile phone in video recording mode.

This is the real girlfriend!

"...Wow!" Penglai Shanhuiye cried even harder!

"Although Penglai Shan Huiye's mentality has fallen to the level of a child, a child is not stupid. How can anyone just call him mother?" Chen Luo said angrily.

"Ah..." The Herrscher of Knowledge felt a little lost.

After hearing Chen Luo's voice, Penglai Shan Huiye looked at Chen Luo, and then seemed to be attracted by something, and couldn't take his eyes off again.

"Father..." Standing up from the floor, Penglai Shanhui walked unsteadily in front of Chen Luo and hugged Chen Luo's thigh.

"..." by Chen Luo.

"You..." The Lawrence of Knowledge hesitated to speak.

Didn't you say that Xiao Huiye is not so stupid? Then why do I call you Dad?

"Don't ask, it's because it's easier for me to please children." Chen Luo reached out and hugged Penglai Shan Huiye who was full of dependence on him by hugging his thigh.

There are indeed many achievements about children in Chen Luo.

[Loli Wang], [Teacher], [Kid Wang] and the new [Kindergarten Principal]

Among them, the kindergarten principal is the only 5-star achievement, the teacher is a three-star achievement, and the remaining two are all 4-star achievements.

In addition, Chen Dashan and Inhuman Friends who can take effect on Mount Penglai Huiye...

The buff is almost full

Although the achievements of the head of this kindergarten did not say how old the child will be, but one can probably guess from the name of this [kindergarten] that the child should be relatively young.

The current Penglai Shan Huiye seems to be less than kindergarten and elementary school, and when his mind has become a child, it is natural to get close to a more friendly person.

"Call Mom." Seeing Penglai Shanhuiye voluntarily calling Chen Luo's father without any guidance, but ignoring himself, the law of knowledge was a little depressed and hit Xiaohuiye's brains.

"Don't..." Seeing the actions of the Herrscher of Consciousness, Chen Luo wanted to stop it, but it was too late

"Bang!" Penglai Shan Huiye, who was originally hugged on Chen Luo's lap and was facing Chen Luo, instantly changed back to his original shape after being attacked.

"..." The Herrscher of Knowledge stared blankly at Penglai Shan Huiye who was hugged by Chen Luo and straddled Chen Luo's arms in a very intimate posture.

What happened?

"I forgot to say just now, the target who has become a child will return to its original state after any attack." In order to ease the embarrassment, Chen Luo turned his head and explained to the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"Didn't you say it earlier?" The Herrscher of Knowledge's voice became a little higher.

Fortunately, this room was set up with a silent enchantment, so the sound did not come out.

Ye Yunshang heard the movement just now because of the sound made when Penglai Shan Huiye was kicked out of bed by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

And after Chen Luo gave the reason, the Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly turned out that he was the one who beat him?

"Why does it feel like my body has recovered a lot? The shoulder pain has disappeared?" Penglai Shan Huiye, who was sitting in Chen Luo's arms, calmly came out of Chen Luo's arms and stretched.

"Because you become the target of a sheep, your vitality, energy, and magic power will quickly recover." Chen Luo said.

"That's it... that's all right, you two leave my place quickly, I'm going to kill everyone." Penglai Shan Huiye suddenly nodded, then pulled Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Knowledge, and put them both together. pushed out.

"Ah, ah, don't push..." Herrscher of Knowledge, who was pushed out without wearing shoes, tried to resist, but was forcibly pushed out by Horai Shan Kaguya.

"Don't bother me before dinner. And I want to eat beef rice bowl for dinner." After Penglai Shan Huiye finished speaking, he closed the door and shut Chen Luo and the others out.

After sitting back in front of the computer again, Penglai Shanhuiye stared at the computer screen with dull eyes. Even though the message was constantly flashing in the lower right corner, Penglaishanhuiye didn't seem to notice it, otherwise it would be the normal Penglaishanhuiye, He has already turned into a Zaun mother hunter.

"Why do you feel a little hot?" Penglai Shanhuiye touched his face.

Penglai Shan Huiye didn't feel a little hot because of the intimate action with Chen Luo just now...

It may be unbelievable to say it, but after Penglai Shanhuiye recalled the memory when he became a child just now, he miraculously did not have much rejection.

When he was a child, Penglai Shan Huiye really felt that Chen Luo was very kind, and Chen Luo was gentle enough when he hugged Xiao Huiye.

It is worth mentioning that although Penglai Shan Huiye is old enough and strong enough, he has never felt any maternal love, nor any fatherly love...

It was probably the first time I experienced an emotion that I had never felt before.

"What **** skill, it's really annoying..." Penglai Shan Huiye whispered.

Chapter 1001 Little knowledge: Want to see black silk? Say it earlier!

"Hahahaha, this time Kaguya Ji's **** is finally speechless by me, right? No, I'm going to go online to mock her now!"

As soon as Chen Luo went downstairs, he saw Ye Yunshang laughing out loud, looking very happy.

After hearing Ye Yunshang's words, Chen Luo subconsciously looked up at the room where Penglai Shan Huiye was located on the second floor.

What happened to Mount Penglai Huiye? Why do I feel less aggressive recently?

In addition to being at a disadvantage in the mutual confrontation with Ye Yunshang, the more important thing is that Chen Luo didn't get beaten just now.

Obviously Chen Luo was ready to be [Kidney Shot] by Mount Huiye of Penglai.

Chen Luo's house is different from a bar. The bar has the effect of being immune to each other's damage, but Chen Luo's house does not.

Although this incident is actually the fault of the Herrscher of Knowledge in the final analysis, if it were not for the attack launched by the Herrscher of Knowledge against Mount Penglai Kaguya, the misunderstanding just now would not have happened in that situation, but from an ethical point of view, it is the Chen Luo, it's normal for Chen Luo to be beaten.

Although...Chen Luo wouldn't be so stupid as to run up to Penglai Shan Huiye and ask why you didn't beat me up?

Su Yuan and Bai Zhi looked at Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Knowledge floating beside Chen Luo with strange faces.

The Herrscher of Consciousness is a person with the triple ability of Inner Demon, Nightmare, and Herrscher of Consciousness. It is normal to be able to fly, and it flies lightly.

Chen Luo guessed that Ye Yunshang might have said something when the two showed their expressions, but since their expressions were not very frightening, what they said might not be too much.

"Don't look, let's go, go back to each house and find each mother." Chen Luo waved his hand.

"You still plan to stay at home this afternoon, don't you plan to go out?" Bai Zhi asked.

"How about we go to the shopping mall? Go to the women's clothing store. Speaking of which, I feel that black silk or white silk is quite comfortable to wear recently... Which one do you prefer, Lolo?" Bai Zhi continued to ask tentatively

"...Don't ask me, I don't like any of them." Chen Luo said with a dark face.

"emmm...meaning you like them all?" Bai Zhi was thoughtful

"Let me tell you, can you stop being so obvious?" Su Yuan moved to Bai Zhi's side and said.

"Heh, isn't it obvious that you plan to be a loser?" Bai Zhi became angry when she thought of what the thousand-person law puppet said.

"And you, you heart demon, stay away from Luoluo, don't stick so close." Bai Zhi directly pointed the finger at Herrscher of Consciousness

"Huh?" The Herrscher of Knowledge frowned slightly, and then made a grimace at Bai Zhi.

"Slightly slightly." After sticking out his tongue, the Lawer of Consciousness dived back into Chen Luo's sea of ​​consciousness in front of Bai Zhi.

"Lolo, no matter how much you like to help others, you still have to be on guard against such things as demons. Even if you let her enter the sea of ​​​​consciousness for her to recover quickly, be careful what the demons do. Something too much." Bai Zhi reminded.

"Don't worry, I know there is protection in the sea."

Chen Luo didn't say how much mutual trust he had with the Herrscher of Knowledge, because it was incomprehensible to Bai Zhi.

After all, Bai Zhi only knew the identity information of the Herrscher of Consciousness that Chen Luo forged.

For a demon, it is normal to be on guard, what Bai Zhi said is indeed correct.

Chen Luo didn't lie either. Even if the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum in Chen Luo's sea of ​​consciousness were not in the collapsed world, their protective ability was extremely strong.

Even if the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum cannot give full play to their subjective initiative and take the initiative to hoist the Herrscher of Knowledge and hammer them, the protection is no problem.

But even so, when Chen Luo is under any external mental attack or mental control, the talent panel will still give priority to deducting Chen Luo's rough stone...

Obviously Chen Luo felt that he could resist it with his own strength.

After Bai Zhiqian exhorted Wan Wan, Bai Zhi also left Chen Luo's house and returned to Xiao Ke'er's house.

Ye Yunshang also left with Su Yuan.

After Bai Zhi left, the Herrscher of Consciousness ran out of Chen Luo's sea of ​​consciousness unsteadily.

"Where are you going next?"

"Looking for Long...Wait, where's Heisi?" Chen Luo froze for a moment.

"Can't bear it? Still want to see it?"

"No, I want to say... you wouldn't throw the black silk into my sea of ​​consciousness, would you?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge originally wore knee-high black silk, which was very convenient to put on and take off.

"Uh, hey?"

"Hey, what a big head you are!"

"What's the matter, anyway, I'm the only one who can enter your sea of ​​consciousness. Isn't it normal to throw clothes and quilts on the boat?" the Herrscher of Knowledge muttered.

There is a boat in Chen Luo's sea of ​​consciousness, and it is a boat that can evolve. Now that small boat has been transformed into a large yacht by the Herrscher of Knowledge, and the Herrscher of Knowledge usually sleeps in it.

"…never mind."

Chen Luo found that the Herrscher of Knowledge was right.

Except for the Law of Consciousness, even Chen Luo couldn't enter his own sea of ​​consciousness. Unless Chen Luo condensed his consciousness body, he couldn't enter physically.

After all, strictly speaking, the sea of ​​consciousness is a place that exists in Chen Luo's body.

And it is impossible for the others, Chen Luo, to let them enter...

"Speaking of dragons, are you going to find Favna?"

After hearing the question from the Herrscher of Knowledge, Chen Luo subconsciously watched the live broadcast from Joan of Arc.

Even if Joan of Arc blocked the camera of the communicator, Chen Luo could still know everything that happened to her.

Black Joan was trying to flip through the dictionary, as if she wanted to prove that her IQ was enough to control her own force.

"There is no problem with Favna. There are still a few days to slowly eat up Joan of Arc. Anyway, I don't care. Favna is determined!"

"What I'm going to find now is another dragon... I hope I can become friends with it smoothly."

"How's the situation?" Chen Luo asked while sitting on the little emperor's throne, and Abi sat beside Chen Luo obediently eating melon seeds.

"...Why do you always grab my seat every time you come?" The little emperor whispered.

"Of course it's because you can sit, who wants to stand?" Chen Luoli said confidently.

"Things are progressing quite smoothly. Everyone in the imperial capital saw yesterday's miracle, without exception." The little emperor said while looking at the black feathers that were still pattering in the sky and occasionally drifting by.

Even after a day, these black feathers will occasionally fall.

At the beginning, the people in the imperial capital would be afraid every time they saw a black feather, but as time went by, everyone would find that... being afraid is useless.

Those who are villains are basically all pierced in the first wave, and those who are not villains don’t have to worry about black feathers piercing you.

Now people in the imperial capital are accustomed to black feathers.

Especially after hearing that these feathers will float for three days, everyone can only live while looking at the feathers.

Running is impossible, because now a large number of guard posts have been set up at the gate of the imperial capital.

"Because the miracle that didn't seem man-made was seen by everyone, and Bud sent people to arrest all those with more than three black feathers on their bodies and put them in prison, the atmosphere in the imperial capital seemed to become more relaxed. "The little emperor felt deeply about this.

Yesterday, the little emperor went on tour again in micro-service, and this time was the first tour in the sense of the name of the little emperor. Originally, General Bude did not agree with this matter, but under the little emperor's repeated insistence, General Bude The general protected him secretly, and the little emperor patrolled the entire imperial capital as an ordinary person.

Because the little emperor really has the experience of touring the imperial capital, so after comparing what he saw a few days ago with what he saw today, the little emperor thanked Chen Luo even more deeply.

The current empire truly fits the image of the capital of an empire that has flourished for thousands of years.

Although the order was disrupted when the miracle came, and the shops on the streets were smashed, looted and burned, which did damage the prosperity of some empires. can't hide

"I issued an edict of guilt this morning, to the effect that I have been deceived by Ernest for a long time, so I did some wrong things."

Although the imperial edict of guilt is not common in China, there are also such edicts, but in the thousand-year empire, this kind of thing has never happened.

As soon as the Edict of Guilt came out, it really shocked many people in the empire!

That's okay too?

While the effect is very good, the credibility is also very high, because it is basically the common sense of the imperial capital that the minister is the chief culprit for the corruption of the imperial capital.

"At the same time, there is a tax exemption for a whole year, and an edict to halve the tax within three years." The little emperor reported to Chen Luo in detail as if reporting work.

"Can the financial support of the empire be supported?"

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